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I'm a member of this board but where would anyone get the idea that Led Zeppelin is my favorite band? I also post on several other music boards and e-mail lists. Does that mean the artists those forums and lists are devoted to are also my favorite artists? For the record, my favorite band is the Beatles but I don't belong to a Beatles messageboard or e-mail list.

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I'm a member of this board but where would anyone get the idea that Led Zeppelin is my favorite band? I also post on several other music boards and e-mail lists. Does that mean the artists those forums and lists are devoted to are also my favorite artists? For the record, my favorite band is the Beatles but I don't belong to a Beatles messageboard or e-mail list.

I understand what you are saying, I am just confused as to why you are saying it. Your point has nothing to do with the previous posts.

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I am not into it, but we are all entitled to our own opinion.

Please don't lynch me now.... :)

I'm not really into it at all either. Bought the album but found it boring. I'm sure they do come off better live but I'm not that interested in seeing this combo

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I understand what you are saying, I am just confused as to why you are saying it. Your point has nothing to do with the previous posts.

Yes, it does. Unless you didn't read your own post:

Talk about twisting a post. No where does it say it is outrageous to post an opinion. It is kind of surprising with all the die hard Led heads we have here, no one rebutted the comment in a moment of defence for there favorite band. Then again, who else was there to form an opinion otherwise, and can compare the two. No one on Gods green earth can perform a Led Zeppelin song better then Led Zeppelin itself. That is my opinion.
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I understand what you are saying, I am just confused as to why you are saying it. Your point has nothing to do with the previous posts.

MrZoSo- trust me, don't even try to explain your point of view to this Jahfin guy. :thumbdown: He gave me all kinds of shit over Robert Plant's solo site, even name droping (like that's impressive), and for nothing- a real time waster. Ironic how he admits Zeppelin isn't his favorite band and yet he has the nerve to criticize ZEPPELIN MEMBER'S opinions on all things LED ZEPPELIN. Keep away from his posts, it'll do you good.

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I think that it is sad that Plant has to fall back on his ZEP tunes with Allison. I do understand why though. He is up there with a 20+ time grammy winner that is also an incredible fiddle player. It's kind'a hard for him to keep up with all of that.

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I think that it is sad that Plant has to fall back on his ZEP tunes with Allison. I do understand why though. He is up there with a 20+ time grammy winner that is also an incredible fiddle player. It's kind'a hard for him to keep up with all of that.

how do you know? you haven't seen it.

rick=no valid opinion

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I read that interview at the time - (in fact I think I even scanned it in for the forum) - it is clear as day that he is NOT saying he was embarrassed to be singing with Zeppelin.

Okay now hang on a 'mo... He says: "Now it was more like the 68th wonder of the world rather than a gig. So I felt a bit embarrassed." So if he's on stage with the band, and he's "embarassed" at some point, then what's the "it" he's implying? I read the "it" as implying the experience of being there at the O2 show. That night. Doing his job. And what was he doing there? Singing! And where was he? On stage! So was he embarassed on stage or in the loo? :rolleyes: I need a drink.

Unfortunately Robert's made himself an easy target because his enthusiam for a reunion tour is clearly not as strong as the other's. But now Jimmy isn't even trying to convince him so hell's bells!

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Okay now hang on a 'mo... He says: "Now it was more like the 68th wonder of the world rather than a gig. So I felt a bit embarrassed." So if he's on stage with the band, and he's "embarassed" at some point, then what's the "it" he's implying? I read the "it" as implying the experience of being there at the O2 show. That night. Doing his job. And what was he doing there? Singing! And where was he? On stage! So was he embarassed on stage or in the loo? :rolleyes: I need a drink.

Unfortunately Robert's made himself an easy target because his enthusiam for a reunion tour is clearly not as strong as the other's. But now Jimmy isn't even trying to convince him so hell's bells!

buddy, put down that joint when you post this bunk. even a squid can see that he is calling the gig "the 68th wonder of the world" instead of just a concert. what would a normal two-hemisphere brain make of this? if you are doing a gig, your job, singing, ONSTAGE, and it felt like the "68th wonder of the world"instead wouldn't YOU be embarrassed?

(beatbo pulls zeptang aside and whispers: "he's talking about the difference of what he was there to do and the audiences expectations of the evening...okay?")

and the loo? where did that come from?

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now, joel....

are we talking privately or are you threatening me on the board? so whats with the PMS about you and rick?

about time for a new name, huh?

this time, pick a movie that's been made in this century....

love, beatbo

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What do you know about Led Zeppelin you troll???

c'mon now, joelmon....

you've gotta second chance, what with your new name and such. don't blow it for you and rick. rick's PM'ing you right now, telling you to shut up, isn't he?

how do i know that?

c'mon....back to zep, now

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sometimes these topics go round and round but aside from my opinion I would think that Roberts opinion should be respected. He wants to do other prodjects so I don't see how fans can really have a problem with that. Its not like he didn't do the 02 gig and he hasen't ruled out future engagements. Personally if I had the choice between playing with Zeppelin or playing with AK I would go for Zeppelin but Robert has done Zeppelin since the 60's. It might suck for Jimmy because now he wants to get out there one last time for a tour but that is just life and Robert gave him some great years.

Its actually just like the Beatles, why did they have to break up? sometimes people feel the need to move on. I am totally impressed with what Robert has done with AK, it actually seems cool to be sipping tea between songs and to play a supportive role.

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MrZoSo- trust me, don't even try to explain your point of view to this Jahfin guy. :thumbdown: He gave me all kinds of shit over Robert Plant's solo site, even name droping (like that's impressive), and for nothing- a real time waster. Ironic how he admits Zeppelin isn't his favorite band and yet he has the nerve to criticize ZEPPELIN MEMBER'S opinions on all things LED ZEPPELIN. Keep away from his posts, it'll do you good.

I didn't give you or anyone else "shit", I merely tried to explain that the Plant/Krauss site is just that, a site set up for Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. Do you know Plant was in Led Zeppelin? Then that's all you need to know. He doesn't have to state it in bold letters on a Plant/Krauss website. I'm not the only member of this board that's pointed that out to you so get off of my fucking back already. In regards to "namedropping" exactly who's name did I drop? I completely missed that.

As for Zeppelin not being my favorite band what in the hell does that have to do with me criticizing anyone? No artist (even Led Zeppelin) is sacred to me. If they do something I don't care for I say something about it. By the same token, if an artist does something I like I have no problem heaping praise on them. Just because Led Zeppelin isn't my favorite band doesn't mean I hate them.

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Whether Robert does or doesn't tour with the boys will be known soon enough. For me, I like to refer back to that original rumor of a year ago that stated Led Zeppelin were secretly rehearsing for a one off, and if the show went well (It did), and they didn't all fall out ( Don't think they have), that they were in agreement for a possible tour. Everybody wants this thing to happen so bad, but Robert needs to be given his space and let the Krauss project run its course. When it does, I believe Robert will come back into the fold. Their brilliant performance and chemistry on the night of the O2 has to have Robert wondering.......

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Think what you want, it's your opinion, but I find it outrageous to post that ak/Plant is better at doing Zep songs then Zep is, and no one here has the balls to say a word about it. What a joke.

I think you replied to the wrong post, bud. I never said such a thing. Personally I'd rather not hear ANY Zep songs live unless it's being played by Zep.

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I think you replied to the wrong post, bud. I never said such a thing. Personally I'd rather not hear ANY Zep songs live unless it's being played by Zep.

Even if a band calling themselves "Led Zeppelin" doesn't include John Bonham?

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Thanks, as usual you've been a big help. Don't quit your day job.


whad'ya expect? your postulation has no basis in fact. you're right,i'm sorry, i could have been nicer, but you weren't being very nice to the poster you were responding to.

you don't STILL honestly believe robert was embarrassed to sing, do you? i mean, really, all kidding aside, you do see that he was meaning the size, adulation, and expectations of the reunion, not the band itself.

please tell me you've reconsidered this, so my faith in humanity will be restored.

remember, what doesn't kill you only makes you die later!

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Think what you want, it's your opinion, but I find it outrageous to post that ak/Plant is better at doing Zep songs then Zep is, and no one here has the balls to say a word about it. What a joke.

I do. Well, the ovaries, anyway.

The Raising Sand Revue are not better at Zep than Zep. I say this having seen RPAK this Saturday, and enjoying it very much.

Thought the drummer was indeed stellar. Not Bonzo, but damned entertaining, and playing his heart out.

Thought Stuart Duncan was the best substitute for Jimmy Robert's managed to unearth yet, albiet on fiddle rather than guitar, and on one song, not just about every time he picked up his instrument. But I certainly heard why he's Alison's favorite musician on the planet.

Thought Allison Kruass was outstanding, awesome and amazing, and will look for her again.

Hate that quaalude version of Black Dog. HATE IT. I know guys, how about next time you go whole hog and throw in someone on washboard, too?

It's a goddam ROCK song. I about fell asleep to their version of it. Never have I felt more strongly that Plant needs to stop fucking with Zeppelin songs than while listening to that.

Thought BOE worked well, because of Alison's voice. After all, it was written for a female vocalist and comes from that Celtic tradition, so it was in the vein. Better than Jones/Bonzo/Page/Plant and Denny? Only the Denny part, and given Kruass's voice, that is not a put down. (Thank goodness, they didn't replace the mandolin with a kazoo and the drums with a couple of jugs. ;) )

I do love Please Read the Letter. Again, Alison's contribution is outstanding, vocally and on violin. (Hmmm, what do you know, yet more Page inspired music... it simply made me miss the man himself.)

Levee Breaks was excellent; of course, it's not original to Zeppelin, so it worked well with the Raising Sand concept. But better than Zep? I guess, if you forget Bonzo, like country music better than rock, and enjoy T-Bone Burnett's guitar playing more than Jimmy Page's. :blink: Personally, I never missed Jimmy's singular talents more than during that. T-Bone was just... boring. Good, but not mind blowing, life changing, great...

No doubt at all that Burnett and Plant have taken notes on what is powerful and gets the crowd going from Led Zeppelin performances. Lots of light and shade, powerful then restrained, very impressive musicianship and outstanding vocals. Tight, but not necessarily loose. If I hadn't heard live Zeppelin, I'd have been really blown away. But I know the genuine article is still out there.

The only part that had my jaw hanging open in the way evoked by Zep was Alison's voice. That's the real deal - the hair stood up on my arms listening to her.

In the end, oh horrors, here comes the Plant Brigade, I'm sure - I thought the whole show would have been equally as good without Robert Plant in it. Not that he was bad, he was very good. He held his own against someone 20 + years younger, at 6,000 feet elevation, in front of a great band. But - someone else would've probably have fit the role equally well, although not as uniquely.

One hardly needs Robert Plant as a back up singer, you know?

Even if a band calling themselves "Led Zeppelin" doesn't include John Bonham?

Jason Bonham is good enough for me. Unless you have a trick to resurrect his dad.

Edited by SunChild
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Jason Bonham is good enough for me. Unless you have a trick to resurrect his dad.

No tricks, just making the point there is no Led Zeppelin without John Bonham but no one's more aware of that than Plant, Page and Jones themselves.

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No tricks, just making the point there is no Led Zeppelin without John Bonham but no one's more aware of that than Plant, Page and Jones themselves.

I simply disagree. I would dearly love it if the senior Bonham had never left us, and he is irreplaceable, but the survivors sure sounded like Led Zeppelin to me in December.

What would you call the guys who played all those Zep tunes at the O2 show?

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What would you call the guys who played all those Zep tunes at the O2 show?

Certainly not Led Zeppelin. There is no Led Zeppelin without John Bonham. Lynyrd Skynyrd, Little Feat, the Who, the Allman Brothers Band and tons of other groups continue to play despite having lost key members over the years but there's no confusing them with the real thing. I feel the same way about Led Zeppelin. If McCartney and Ringo were to regroup with Dhani Harrison and Sean (or Julian) Lennon would you call that "the Beatles"?

Edited by Jahfin
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What would you call the guys who played all those Zep tunes at the O2 show?

It doesn't matter what I, for example, would call them because it's Jimmy's band and he

was receptive to billing them as Led Zeppelin.

Having said all that, it does, once again, raise the issue of "Jason Bonham: Full partner

or one-off replacement?". Unless they perform or record together again the point is moot, but should they then it becomes interesting. Some will cite Robert's comment that night of having brought Jason "in" as evidence they consider him a full partner. I'm not quite convinced of that as Jimmy hasn't necessarily said John's been replaced. Even so, I can see how Jason could be brought "in" for the "long term" without replacing his

father. It's a question of context...intent...evolution. It's a delicate subject for certain.

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