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Robert Plant


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Overlooked by Robert Plant when the mtv unplugged call came. Jimmy was just as guilty, but it was Robert in the drivers seat this time.

Forgive me, but you're mistaken, IMO. Robert and Jimmy took a trip to Morrocco. Something they've done from time to time since the early 70s. Also something Jones was never inclined to participate in. He was always happier spending the off time with his family. They just wanted to record and maybe jam with some street musicians. Then the bug caught them and they started expanding on the project. When they went to record, it seemed logical enough to call Plant's touring band into the studio. To call Jonesy would be pointless as he had nothing to do with the songwriting. Then came MTV and the guys decided to flesh out the project with some Zeppelin. Now what? Call Jones to play on only half the performance? Send Charlie Jones home and have Jones re-learn his parts? It wouldn't make sense. At least it didn't to them. Jones needn't felt left out. I heard him complain about them doing No Quarter. Why? They played completely different music. Nothing of Jones' was used. And it's Plant's lyrics and Plant's title.

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I don't really understand how Robert can sing old bluegrass songs with Allison and think think it's moving forward.

It's creating something new out of something old and putting your own stamp on it - very much like Zeppelin did with another form of roots music. Robert has latterly been saying that he'd like to compose with Alison too, not just perform the works of others.

Anyway, to answer the question; what should Robert do? Whatever he damn well wants too!

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Forgive me, but you're mistaken, IMO. Robert and Jimmy took a trip to Morrocco. Something they've done from time to time since the early 70s. Also something Jones was never inclined to participate in. He was always happier spending the off time with his family. They just wanted to record and maybe jam with some street musicians. Then the bug caught them and they started expanding on the project. When they went to record, it seemed logical enough to call Plant's touring band into the studio. To call Jonesy would be pointless as he had nothing to do with the songwriting. Then came MTV and the guys decided to flesh out the project with some Zeppelin. Now what? Call Jones to play on only half the performance? Send Charlie Jones home and have Jones re-learn his parts? It wouldn't make sense. At least it didn't to them. Jones needn't felt left out. I heard him complain about them doing No Quarter. Why? They played completely different music. Nothing of Jones' was used. And it's Plant's lyrics and Plant's title.

I may be wrong, but I think Robert got a call from mtv about doing unplugged as a solo artist. Knowing that he would be expected to perform Zeppelin songs he thought he would try to get Jimmy involved as well. Around this time Jimmy and JPJ had hopes to revive Zeppelin much like they were trying in 90/91 and JPJ was left waiting after they decided to go ahead with Robert's unplugged project in which Jimmy received equal billing with Robert. I believe it was then that they went to Morrocco with a film crew to record their parts. They overlooked JPJ more on a personal level by not letting him know they were doing the project without him, especially when he waiting on word from Jimmy about his attempts to persuade Robert to rejoin Zeppelin.

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It's creating something new out of something old and putting your own stamp on it - very much like Zeppelin did with another form of roots music. Robert has latterly been saying that he'd like to compose with Alison too, not just perform the works of others.

Anyway, to answer the question; what should Robert do? Whatever he damn well wants too!

Your right,Robert should do whatever he wants and whatever makes him happy and I will always support him in his right to do so and enjoy whatever music he chooses to make.

If he makes original music with Allison or The Strange Sensation I will be thrilled.

While very true that Zeppelin put their own stamp on alot of other artists songs they still made some incredible original material. Going back to unledded It just seems Robert is more comfortable in redoing whole songs with a little different slant on them. He has only made two albums since 93' of all new music. I from a fans perspective would rather hear him do more totally new songs and why not look to his own past for a way forward?

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The one thing that bothers me is Plant may not want to do a Zeppelin tour because he wants to move on and not do songs from 20 - 30 years ago, yet he keeps playing them whenever he tours, although he alters them. Slowing down Black Dog so it sounds like blue grass or country is a crock of shit, IMO...Either play it the way it was recorded or don't play it all.

Sorry just venting while i read this thread ....

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It's my understanding that Jimmy was flying to LA to team up with Coverdale but stopped in NY to see Robert, got the MTV Unplugged offer abd never finished his journey to LA. Plant was then adament that he didn't want JPJ involved because he was still running scared of the LZ name and didn't want it to be LZ unplugged. Even though it's what it almost became.

He was still running scared of LZ when he ran out half way through the 2nd world tour. Actually, he's probably still doing it.

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The one thing that bothers me is Plant may not want to do a Zeppelin tour because he wants to move on and not do songs from 20 - 30 years ago, yet he keeps playing them whenever he tours, although he alters them. Slowing down Black Dog so it sounds like blue grass or country is a crock of shit, IMO...Either play it the way it was recorded or don't play it all.

Sorry just venting while i read this thread ....

And if Robert played it as Zep did live, he'd be lambasted for trying to sound like Zep and then everyone would accuse him of wanting to be with JP and JPJ and why won't he just do that blah blah blah.

Personally I like the fact he takes the old songs and adapts them to fit what he's doing at the present time.

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Personally I like the fact he takes the old songs and adapts them to fit what he's doing at the present time.

Yes... I think he knows he'll always be expected to represent his past in some ways (live on stage), but he least he's doing it on his own terms. Some of my fave moments in this show was the big smile he had when the crowd cheered for the Zep songs and ITM.

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The one thing that bothers me is Plant may not want to do a Zeppelin tour because he wants to move on and not do songs from 20 - 30 years ago, yet he keeps playing them whenever he tours, although he alters them. Slowing down Black Dog so it sounds like blue grass or country is a crock of shit, IMO...Either play it the way it was recorded or don't play it all.

Sorry just venting while i read this thread ....

but the RP&SS version is absolutely kick-arse! :wub: as is their version of Whole Lotta Love.

(like said) Zeppelin didn't play the songs the way they were recorded. :P if I remember correctly mr. Page has said that he never plays the songs the same way.

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Has anyone taken a careful look at Robert's official website? It's all about his solo work, Raising Sand, but nothing of his career with Led Zeppelin. No photos, albums- nothing. His bio briefly talks about his collaboration with Jimmy but NOTHING with the name Led Zeppelin except when they received the Polar Award, and that's in the last paragraph. His bio goes from "...the four created and created" and skipped 12 years of his life with Zeppelin to the next paragraph, "Since Bonham’s untimely death in 1980...."

This blows my mind. What's that tell us?


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Has anyone taken a careful look at Robert's official website? It's all about his solo work, Raising Sand, but nothing of his career with Led Zeppelin. No photos, albums- nothing. His bio briefly talks about his collaboration with Jimmy but NOTHING with the name Led Zeppelin except when they received the Polar Award, and that's in the last paragraph. His bio goes from "...the four created and created" and skipped 12 years of his life with Zeppelin to the next paragraph, "Since Bonham’s untimely death in 1980...."

This blows my mind. What's that tell us?


that tells us that at his 'other' official site (pssst...the one you're standing in) mentions led zeppelin every other word.

mind still blown?

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I think Robert should fly a kite Ahahahah! (sorry, inside joke)

Actually, since Robert enjoys taking old songs and dusting them off maybe one of these days some old Zep tunes will intrigue him :D

"I have a dream, ewwew, crazy dream"

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What should Robert Plant do about what? I think he's doing exactly what he wants to do and more power to him for that. As for those that keep referring to Raising Sand as a "bluegrass" album, exactly what songs on there are bluegrass? If you look at the origins of those tunes they come from a wide variety of sources. For instance, when was Townes Van Zandt ever bluegrass? Fact is, he wasn't. I believe people categorizing that record as bluegrass is looking no further than Alison Krauss' background and not taking the time to actually pay attention to what she, Plant and T Bone created with Raising Sand. There's much more at work on that album than simply bluegrass. Also, good point about how Zep always reworked songs live. This was true all the way up through the Page/Plant tours and is extremely notable throughout Unledded. It's nothing new. The rearrangements don't always work but at least it shows Plant isn't afraid to try something new.

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What does one expect to find at a site devoted to Plant's current solo career? Personally I would expect to find info about, well, his current solo career, not Led Zeppelin. Same thing if I visited sites for the respective solo careers of Page and Jones. If I was seeking info on their past with Led Zeppelin, well, I would go to a Led Zeppelin site.

I'm curious as to how Plant has "slighted" Led Zeppelin? The recording and tour for Raising Sand were in place long before the reunion at the 02. By recording and touring with Alison Krauss he's only fulfilling a previous commitment, how is that "slighting" anybody, especially when there aren't even any plans for a Led Zeppelin tour? The surviving members did a concert in memory of Ahmet and that's all they ever committed to. No tour, no album, just a one-off show in memory of their dear friend, that's all.

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Has anyone taken a careful look at Robert's official website? It's all about his solo work, Raising Sand, but nothing of his career with Led Zeppelin. No photos, albums- nothing. His bio briefly talks about his collaboration with Jimmy but NOTHING with the name Led Zeppelin except when they received the Polar Award, and that's in the last paragraph. His bio goes from "...the four created and created" and skipped 12 years of his life with Zeppelin to the next paragraph, "Since Bonham’s untimely death in 1980...."

This blows my mind. What's that tell us?


I do know that I found this website last year through a link from Robert Plant's homepage.

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What should Robert Plant do about what? I think he's doing exactly what he wants to do and more power to him for that. As for those that keep referring to Raising Sand as a "bluegrass" album, exactly what songs on there are bluegrass? If you look at the origins of those tunes they come from a wide variety of sources. For instance, when was Townes Van Zandt ever bluegrass? Fact is, he wasn't. I believe people categorizing that record as bluegrass is looking no further than Alison Krauss' background and not taking the time to actually pay attention to what she, Plant and T Bone created with Raising Sand. There's much more at work on that album than simply bluegrass. Also, good point about how Zep always reworked songs live. This was true all the way up through the Page/Plant tours and is extremely notable throughout Unledded. It's nothing new. The rearrangements don't always work but at least it shows Plant isn't afraid to try something new.

Jahfin, no disrespect intended, I actually enjoy some of the music they have made together and positively LOVE Allison with Bonnie Raitt, however, if you listen to any of the many interviews Allison and Robert have done together the word 'bluegrass' is repeated ad nauseum....so I don't think it's unfair to use that word to describe the music they are performing. And what difference does it make what genre people put it in if you enjoy it? You can call Led Zeppelin rap if you want, I don't care...I hate rap but loooove Led Zeppelin...

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Jahfin, no disrespect intended, I actually enjoy some of the music they have made together and positively LOVE Allison with Bonnie Raitt, however, if you listen to any of the many interviews Allison and Robert have done together the word 'bluegrass' is repeated ad nauseum....so I don't think it's unfair to use that word to describe the music they are performing. And what difference does it make what genre people put it in if you enjoy it? You can call Led Zeppelin rap if you want, I don't care...I hate rap but loooove Led Zeppelin...

I'm not sure what Bonnie Raitt has to do with anything, I was merely referring to how so many knock Plant's latest project with Alison Krauss and use the word "bluegrass" to do so because they don't like that kind of music. When I think of bluegrass I think of Ralph Stanley, Flatt and Scruggs, Bill Monroe, etc. I don't hear any of that type of music on Raising Sand. There are elements of bluegrass at work on Raising Sand, sure but not straight traditional bluegrass, same for the other genres of music they draw on such as country, folk and rockabilly. The album isn't a straight reading of any of those various styles. When I listen to Raising Sand I hear a forging of many types of music, not just one.

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What does one expect to find at a site devoted to Plant's current solo career? Personally I would expect to find info about, well, his current solo career, not Led Zeppelin. Same thing if I visited sites for the respective solo careers of Page and Jones. If I was seeking info on their past with Led Zeppelin, well, I would go to a Led Zeppelin site.

Okay you're not getting the point. John Paul Jones has proudly discussed his career with Led Zeppelin all OVER his official site, see here: johnpauljones.com There's even a picture of Jimmy and him on the front page! What's Robert's problem with not mentioning the fact he was a member of "Led Zeppelin" in his bio? This tells me he doesn't want to be associated with "Led Zeppelin" to the point of denial. That makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

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I'm not sure what Bonnie Raitt has to do with anything, I was merely referring to how so many knock Plant's latest project with Alison Krauss and use the word "bluegrass" to do so because they don't like that kind of music. When I think of bluegrass I think of Ralph Stanley, Flatt and Scruggs, Bill Monroe, etc. I don't hear any of that type of music on Raising Sand. There are elements of bluegrass at work on Raising Sand, sure but not straight traditional bluegrass, same for the other genres of music they draw on such as country, folk and rockabilly. The album isn't a straight reading of any of those various styles. When I listen to Raising Sand I hear a forging of many types of music, not just one.

Of course you are correct. But it's almost the same argument as what to call the O2 concert. Since Allison and Robert both use bluegrass multiple times in interviews that's probably just the easiest way to refer to it as most. My point about Bonnie and Allison was to indicate that I have no grudges against her as the Yoko of Led Zeppelin. I'm quite happy for both of them that they are finding so much pleasure in this endeavor. And if you haven't heard any of Allisons other work you really should take a look on YouTube...she hasn't won all those awards for nothing but....I positively LOVE this song and she adds so much to it:

Let's see if I can embedd this thing...

OK, I can't figure it out...is it possible here? Advice please...but if anyone is interested..check out this link. Two Angels:


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Okay you're not getting the point. John Paul Jones has proudly discussed his career with Led Zeppelin all OVER his official site, see here: johnpauljones.com There's even a picture of Jimmy and him on the front page! What's Robert's problem with not mentioning the fact he was a member of "Led Zeppelin" in his bio? This tells me he doesn't want to be associated with "Led Zeppelin" to the point of denial. That makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

What makes no fucking sense whatsoever is looking for references to Led Zeppelin on a site devoted to Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. Apparently you know enough about Plant's career to be aware of his past in Led Zeppelin. I wouldn't take it as a personal affront that you didn't find much info about his past career in Zep on a Plant/Krauss site.

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