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4th of July


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That's what you get for Great Britain having been an empire... All those colonials that Britain belted into submission have all decided to move to the Mother Country.

I tell you what, if you just want to be surrounded by good, decent hard-working English people, why don't you move to Spain?

Because its only the criminals that moved to Spain, aint you seen the movies?

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That's what you get for Great Britain having been an empire... All those colonials that Britain belted into submission have all decided to move to the Mother Country.

I tell you what, if you just want to be surrounded by good, decent hard-working English people, why don't you move to Spain?

So, so wrong Gains. The majority of immigrants into the UK now have sod all to do with any colonial activity.

Anyway - this is a thread for American's to celebrate July 4th - can't we let them have it without all this crap?

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Speak for yourself, please. I am ashamed that a fellow countryman would make a post like this.

Oh and BTW - Guy Fawkes night is basically an excuse for big bonfires to cook bangers on, lots of fireworks, and FUN. It is not taken as a serious national celebration by any Brit now - I would say most could not give a s**t about the history behind it - it's just fun.

Happy Fourth of July. :beer:

What inner city borough do you live in then?

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I live in London, according to the news today another seven people knifed to death this week in this Great city of ours, by black immigrants!!! Do i wish I lived in a safe free country, like where? You bet.

Put that into statistics...

7,355,400 people live in London (which is nearly double the population of Ireland), and lets say 7 people a week in London get knifed to death, so that's 364 people a year,

That means 0.0049% of London's population get knifed to death each year, and 99.9951% don't...

The thing is would you be making a comment like that about New York? With its crime rate, its huge immigrant population? No, because everyone knows that's what New York is, everyone knows it's a bit of a jungle, and it's been like that for more than 40 years, everyone knows that New York is the rough with the smooth, and irrespective of how many immigrants live there, New York is still the glittering jewel of Americana, no city in the world symbolises America and American culture more than New York does, and it's the same for London...

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Happy Fourth of July. :beer:


Thanks Kneb!

It's a funny thing about being American. While on one hand we celebrate our Independence from Britian on one day of the year... We also continue to appreciate our English heritage and continued friendship with Britain for every other day in the year.


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Sorry Knebby.

Sorry Electrophile.

Sorry to all you Yanks.

Sorry to you all for this rant and for spoiling this thread.

I'll leave it at that, Regards, Danny

I never wanted to argue with you Dan, I don't know you - (and I don't truly think you wanted to argue with me either) - I just wanted to make the point that you don't speak for all of GB. I appreciate the apology though. Very honourable, so :beer:

Happy Fourth of July - to ALL who want to celebrate it - genuinely.

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I never wanted to argue with you Dan, I don't know you - (and I don't truly think you wanted to argue with me either) - I just wanted to make the point that you don't speak for all of GB. I appreciate the apology though. Very honourable, so :beer:

Happy Fourth of July - to ALL who want to celebrate it - genuinely.

Happy Fourth of July to you to, :beer:

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Anybody celebrating? .....wha?

I am, but my dog is deathly afraid of fireworks, so i'm hanging out here with the windows shut, ac on and music going to drown out the noise. probably will walk over to the neighbors party, or a bar later on.

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Anybody celebrating? .....wha?

I am, but my dog is deathly afraid of fireworks, so i'm hanging out here with the windows shut, ac on and music going to drown out the noise. probably will walk over to the neighbors party, or a bar later on.

Sounds very cool though. Have a drink for me and Dan there! :beer:

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We had one monster thunderstorm mid-picnic today; torrential downpour, wind, thunder/lightning and we were under a small picnic shelter. It was kind of an adventure :unsure: Lost power for a while too. Now there's another cell moving in, so I think we are going to skip the fireworks and go to Blockbuster here in a minute instead.

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Yesterday was probably one of the best fourth of Julys I'll ever have and I hope I still remember it by next week. The fireworks were great and so was my company, I can't wait to do it all over again!

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Of course I am celebrating...as should all Americans.

Whether you agree or disagree with the present administration

deosn't change the fact that July 4, 1776 was a landmark day

in our country's, and the world's, history and should always be


And celebrate the fact that we live in a country where I have the

right to disagree with my government and can say so without

worrying about having the police come for me in the middle of the


Where a woman isn't ordered to be raped by a judge for the

sake of some family's honour, as happens in Pakistan and

other middle eastern countries.

Where for over 200 years, there has been an orderly and peaceful

transfer of power ever four years...no coups, nobody sent to exile,

no military juntas.

So, whether you are conservative, liberal, progressive, centrist, libertarian,

green, whatever...if you are an American, you have much to be thankful

for that our forefathers declared independance from England on July 4,


So get out and celebrate...have some hot dogs and beer and coca-cola and

light up some fireworks...or catch a baseball game.

But, also save some time to read over the Declaration of Independance(every

home should have a copy) and the Constitution with your family...it is never

too early for our kids to learn the foundation of the United States of America.

And far from being boring, reading the Declaration is stirring stuff...those words

written long, long ago by Thomas Jefferson still matter. Oh, how they matter.

Great job!

Hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th! :thanku:

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