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Spoiled brats


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My life was no bed of roses growing up. We weren't poor, but we weren't rich either. My sister and I got maybe 1/4 of the stuff my friends and especially my cousins got growing up. No birthday parties until we were 13, and even then they were very small and included only family and maybe one or two friends.

During H.S., I worked over the summers to get spending money and when I was in college, I worked between semesters. Not during the semester, because I didn't have time. My classes started at 9 in the morning and ended at 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Then I'd have to study/do homework. Thankfully I had money saved up from working so that I had pocket money. And I had to put myself through school, to the tune of $50,000 in student loans I am paying off as we speak.

And right now, I pay half the utilities, my own bills (credit card, cell phone and student loans) plus gas for the cars that I use. My parents are allowing me to live at home right now so I can keep saving up more money to move out (I'm 2/3 of the way there right now), but I told them I wouldn't stay if they didn't let me contribute to the household finances, and I wouldn't take no for an answer. When my dad was out of work last year, if it wasn't for me working along with my mom to pay the bills, we would have been in dire trouble. She said she was thankful I was there.

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That's a really good work ethic and your parents should be proud. If I have to live at home while I'm in college or making my own money I'll help pay for my own things and things around the help. I don't expect my parents to pay for the extras, but sometimes they do.

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Waaaaaahhhhhhh, I need to be hugged.
hey guy, no offense, but it had to be said. There is nothing more in this world that I would like to give my childeren other than more that I had. If I can help them get ahead in life then that is great, and I know they appreciate what ever I can do for them. It is what you teach them in life that really matters. Home Training! Edited by rosiegirl
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My mom liked to give us some things, but we weren't exactly spoiled. We wore a lot of garage sale clothes and hand me downs, had the same Halloween costumes year after year, and we almost never got candies, soda, or treats, and stuff like that. But we got a Nintendo for Christmas the year that they first came out, and stuff like that too. My first car was as old as me, and the only reason Mom even bought me one was so I could drive to school and to work. And we got plenty of discipline in the form of a Hot Wheels racetrack to the bare behind.

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I know a few of them. The ones who really rip my bag are the ones who have been so spoiled all their lives they carry it in to adult life and think everyone including their parents have to tow the line for them.

Grow up. Be an adult and treat people like others besides your parents.

I'm not your daddy.

I'm not your mommy.

Want a spanky? Only if you behave.

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stay away from people you don't like. unless they are a relative or co worker. it's harder to do in that case. try to help them first, give them a chance to deserve the space they take up. if they refuse to recieve it. use evil spells on them.

Edited by zero
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stay away from people you don't like. unless they are a relative or co worker. it's harder to do in that case. try to help them first, give them a chance to deserve the space they take up. if they refuse to recieve it. use evil spells on them.

Now theres an idea. A bit of hocus pocus :)

Thats funny.

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My mom broke plenty of wooden spoons over my ass.

...and I'm not 100% sure, but I'm sure that belt that was threatened hit my butt too.

The sound of that kitchen drawer openning used to send me heading for cover. I remember the one time she just reached in and grabbed the first thing that she could get her hands on. A freakin' rolling pin. I'm still running :D

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I'm thanking BOTH my parents right now for being dirt poor.

Because my mom and dad couldn't afford to give me things I wanted (and needed sometimes), I learned the value of working hard.

:o Screw that! this working crap is cramping my lifestyle :lol:

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Back in high school a good friend of mine was what I would call a spoiled brat. His daddy gave him a brand new muscle car our senior year in school. He ended up attending the local college (a glorified high school) with the understanding he would work in daddy's business upon graduation. Me on the other hand paid my father $600.00 for a 6 year old car. Thanks for the lesson dad!! NOT. I also used a $2000.00 gift from my grandmother to pay a good portion of my college tuition. Thanks again mom and dad. One day after we graduated college I went to his fathers business and there was my friend sweeping the garage floor. I suspect he was getting oodles of money for that chore. When we started buying our first homes, guess who received help in the form of a down payment from his family.

Needless to say there was always tension between me and my buddy. We recently reconnected and quite frankly, I've had enough. He's too good to return phone calls or emails.

I wouldn't return them either.

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I wouldn't return them either.

LOL. Very funny...

I don't associate with people like that. Where i live and grew up everyone is middle to upper middle class, but not "rich". I can't think of any "spoiled brats" i have known, and if i did i would have just ignored them anyway.

Now my daughter has been called a "spoiled brat" a time or two, but really she is just a fun loving, energetic, highly intelligent and curious little being. She will grow up to be a wonderful adult. Her mom with never have the kind of money i would like to have to "spoil her"...but she will always be well cared for.

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LOL. Very funny...

Nothing funny about it... If your parents sell you a six year old car for 600.00, that should be looked at as a taste of the real world, of course you would never get a six year old car for less than two grand in the real world, so his parents were still trying to be nice. Then complaining that they didn't give him money for college.... I'd like to hear the parents side of that story, something tells me I'd side with them. Then again I'm a parent and know that as much as you would like to pave the way for your kid, it's not always a possibility. I f the parents were busy spending his college money in other places then fine, you have a legitimate gripe. If there just wasn't money to be had, i would be pissed at my kid for bitching about it on the net. Makes him sound more spoiled than the rich kid.

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Nothing funny about it... If your parents sell you a six year old car for 600.00, that should be looked at as a taste of the real world, of course you would never get a six year old car for less than two grand in the real world, so his parents were still trying to be nice. Then complaining that they didn't give him money for college.... I'd like to hear the parents side of that story, something tells me I'd side with them. Then again I'm a parent and know that as much as you would like to pave the way for your kid, it's not always a possibility. I f the parents were busy spending his college money in other places then fine, you have a legitimate gripe. If there just wasn't money to be had, i would be pissed at my kid for bitching about it on the net. Makes him sound more spoiled than the rich kid.

I took your response as being facetious towards Jethro Tull, but now i understand you were serious. Well i agree, if his parents did their best, he should not be crying about it. As a single mom, i know exactly how expensive and difficult it is to raise a child. Actually, that's an understatement...

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Satisfied Mind

How many times have you heard someone say

If I had his money I could do things my way

But little they know that it's so hard to find one rich man in ten with a satisfied mind

Once I was waiting in fortune and fame

Everything that I dreamed for to get a start in life's game

Then suddenly it happened I lost every dime

But I'm richer by far with a satisfied mind

Money can't buy back your youth when you're old

Or a friend when you're lonely or a love that's grown cold

The wealthiest person is a pauper at times compared to the man with a satisfied mind

When life has ended and my time has run out

My friends and my loved ones I'll leave them no doubt

But there's one thing for certain when it comes my time

I'll leave this old world with a satisfied mind

-Porter Wagoner

Edited by eternal light
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Nothing funny about it... If your parents sell you a six year old car for 600.00, that should be looked at as a taste of the real world, of course you would never get a six year old car for less than two grand in the real world, so his parents were still trying to be nice. Then complaining that they didn't give him money for college.... I'd like to hear the parents side of that story, something tells me I'd side with them. Then again I'm a parent and know that as much as you would like to pave the way for your kid, it's not always a possibility. I f the parents were busy spending his college money in other places then fine, you have a legitimate gripe. If there just wasn't money to be had, i would be pissed at my kid for bitching about it on the net. Makes him sound more spoiled than the rich kid.

First of all, I paid the $600.00 for a 1967 auto in 1973. This was a car my father used for his job, which was driving around to various business's in order to sell product. So it ALREADY had some miles on it. My sister also owned the car before me. I need to ask her if she paid for the priviledge of using that car.

Second, my parents had the money to pay my college. Maybe, they were too busy paying for the trouble my three older sisters were getting into. My grandmother died in 1967, a few years later my aunt gave me and my three sisters a passbook bank account containing about $2000.00 each which my grandmother had funded. Mine was spent on college. Two of my sisters didn't go to college. My oldest sister dropped out after a semester in 1967(Lord knows what she was doing) . So I wonder what my sisters spent their $2000.00 on, it sure wasn't college.

Oh I forgot, my buddy also scored some hot chicks with his sparkling new vehicle. (Plus he was good looking and STILL is).

Sometimes I feel like the boy named Sue.

Edited by JethroTull
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Back in high school a good friend of mine was what I would call a spoiled brat. His daddy gave him a brand new muscle car our senior year in school. He ended up attending the local college (a glorified high school) with the understanding he would work in daddy's business upon graduation. Me on the other hand paid my father $600.00 for a 6 year old car. Thanks for the lesson dad!! NOT. I also used a $2000.00 gift from my grandmother to pay a good portion of my college tuition. Thanks again mom and dad. One day after we graduated college I went to his fathers business and there was my friend sweeping the garage floor. I suspect he was getting oodles of money for that chore. When we started buying our first homes, guess who received help in the form of a down payment from his family.

Needless to say there was always tension between me and my buddy. We recently reconnected and quite frankly, I've had enough. He's too good to return phone calls or emails.

I don't know why I have a feeling that this not really about any spoiled brat (and I must assure you that your description didn't convince me that you good friend of yours was necessarily a spoiled brat), but rather about your own frustrations. It sounds like you wouldn't mind being as spoiled as he was.

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Kids growing up nowadays seem especially spoiled.

My son may drive me nuts every once in a while, but going anywhere with him almost always results in my thanking him for being so good, and not doing whatever it was I just saw someone else's kid do. He gets a lot of treats and candy this way. :D Case-in-point: At mother's house for the 4th. One of my brothers was there, with his youngest boy, who is about 13 or so, and one of my sisters was there with her six kids, the oldest boy about the same age as my brother's kid. My son, age 7, and the two boys were playing video games, and my sister's boy asked my son to ask me for money to go swimming. So I gave him money, and off they went, along with one of my sister's littler kids. Well, my sister's two little boys, ages 5 and 3, started screaming and crying because they wanted to go. This continues for about 30 minutes. And the whole time, my sister was telling them it was ok, their brother should have known better than to take someone other than his little brothers. I couldn't believe it! My child would never have acted like that, even when he was younger, due to the fact that he learned early-on that sort of behavior would earn him an immediate nap.

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My mother always tells me and my sister how grateful she was when we were younger that she could take us anywhere and we were never disrespectful and hard to handle. We could go to McDonalds or an expensive restaurant and we were always perfectly behaved.

I see mothers today letting their kids run wild all over the place and they don't give a shit and I just want to smack them. The mothers, not the kids. They're too busy talking on cell phones to pay attention to the trouble their kids are getting into.

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The sound of that kitchen drawer openning used to send me heading for cover. I remember the one time she just reached in and grabbed the first thing that she could get her hands on. A freakin' rolling pin. I'm still running :D

Mands and Ally....oh yeah, the wooden spoon was my mothers weapon of choice too! But it beat my dads! We didn't get it often...a look sufficed usually! And I was a 'difficult' child :lol:

I had to buy my own 10 speed bike, my first car (which I put more oil than gas into) and live by the rules. The rules were so stringent I moved out on my own when I was 17. My father would not pay for our college education, we had to 'earn' everything. And guess what?! As we can see...the 3 of us turned out great! (IMHO Ahahahha!) I learned to be responsible for myself. I learned if I wanted something badly enough I was the one that had to make it happen. I learned to be self reliant and that I can make anything happen if I want it badly enough. I learned to be a free thinker and temper my wild side just enough to fit into a society that I used to loathe.

End result. The people who work in the mail room at my firm are higher educated than I am. I get payed handsomely for my sharp mind and people skills. I've learned to save money, and have a good 401k plan, I own my own home in a highly desirable area, I've never asked to borrow a penny from my father but since he was so stingy with a dime when I was growing up he now has an excess and frequently gifts us with money, and he's even set up trust funds for all of his children.

I wouldn't give up a thing to have been a spoiled brat. I'm a little nervous about this new generation that has been coddled and comforted. The parents that do this aren't teaching their children anything about responsibility and working hard for what they want. EGADS! I'm glad I'm child free :D

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My mother always tells me and my sister how grateful she was when we were younger that she could take us anywhere and we were never disrespectful and hard to handle. We could go to McDonalds or an expensive restaurant and we were always perfectly behaved.

I see mothers today letting their kids run wild all over the place and they don't give a shit and I just want to smack them. The mothers, not the kids. They're too busy talking on cell phones to pay attention to the trouble their kids are getting into.

Oh us too! People used to comment on how well behaved we were in resaurants. In the supermarket, I see these kids being so bratty and I almost feel sorry for the moms though because maybe they would like to give them a sharp knuckle to the head but someone might see and then they'd be reported for child abuse. I usually will say something to the child...like "Wow! What could be so terrible as to cause you to be screaming like that? Don't you know it's not polite to scream loudly in public"? Never had a mother yet get mad at me for saying that :)

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I was at Publix one afternoon and this mother was in the frozen dessert aisle with her 5 kids. Now, she was trying to explain to them that they were getting one carton of ice cream and that's it. Big problem. My mother never explained anything to us. She said it was one carton of ice cream and that was it. No discussion. You discussed, you got nothing. This mother didn't graduate from that school of thought.

Anyway, the kids are running around, reaching into people's carts, hitting people.....this one brat smacked me in the head with his shoe and the mother is still standing there trying to tell these kids they get one carton of ice cream.

I walked right by her and said "Lady, control your spawn." I hate shit like that.

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My mother always tells me and my sister how grateful she was when we were younger that she could take us anywhere and we were never disrespectful and hard to handle. We could go to McDonalds or an expensive restaurant and we were always perfectly behaved.

I see mothers today letting their kids run wild all over the place and they don't give a shit and I just want to smack them. The mothers, not the kids. They're too busy talking on cell phones to pay attention to the trouble their kids are getting into.

Your absolutely correct about these kids getting away with things. I have to be honest and say that Dad or the lack of Dad has a big role in this as well. My father never hit me...but I alway's thought he might :D . He used a different tactic than my mom but between the two of them, I was quite aware of who was in control and that I wasn't going to be able to get away with being a brat or as I call them today...rude little shits

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