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Oil now $144 a barrel


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I just think this guy is hilarious. He apparently thinks calling me "non Lady Elizabeth blah blah blah" means something. He actually thinks he is accomplishing something by doing it. I can't get over the hilarity of it.

Rather miniscule on the importance scale, indeed.

Oh well. Back to the Zep section...

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Gosh, where has ~*NON Lady Elizabeth of the Pagette's*~ gone? Has she finally been put in her place? I bet she will come "roaring" back.

I don't always agree with Liz,.. in fact, we quite frequently disagree on things.. but I can confidently say this much about her: she's far more thoughtful, insightful, and witty than you are, muh-man. When it comes to intellectual debate, she has the capacity to be a worthy opponent; whereas you.. all you have going for you is.. well.. your magic wand and and your cute little tutu. :P

You gonna wave your wand, Pee-man, and make expanding

offshore drilling bring the cost of gas down at the pump? :whistling:



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There are no left-wing nut jobs? :lol:

There are no dems in the pockets of Big Oil? :lol:

I've never made either claim, KB.

But you may,agree,that are repubs deeeeep in

the wells, erm, the pockets of Big Oil ,correct? :whistling:

FYI KB,.. it's called "crude oil", butt it isn't the kind of oil you

use for lubing yer ramrod,.. you closet right-wing nutjob you. :rolleyes:


The oil industry will not lose in this election. They've covered they're asses quite well.

Party affiliation means nothing to them or big buisness period. They own it all.

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I don't always agree with Liz,.. in fact, we quite frequently disagree on things.. but I can confidently say this much about her: she's far more thoughtful, insightful, and witty than you are, muh-man. When it comes to intellectual debate, she has the capacity to be a worthy opponent; whereas you.. all you have going for you is.. well.. your magic wand and and your cute little tutu. :P

Aww, thanks Hermit. Aren't you sweet. Now what do you want? :D

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The oil industry will not lose in this election. They've covered they're asses quite well.

Party affiliation means nothing to them or big buisness period. They own it all.

Big Oil will "lose" if a candidate is elected who will make an "energy revolution" a top priority for our nation... a candidate who will do for the American energy revolution what JFK did for the mission to land a man on the moon: provide both the inspiration and the funding to get it done.

John McCain is quite obviously not that candidate. His plan is more domestic drilling, more nuclear reactors, and.. he'll [ :hysterical: ] offer a $300 million prize for whoever is the first to develop a "better" car battery. slapface.gif

Barack Obama will, *among other things*,..

* Invest $150 Billion over 10 Years in Clean Energy: Obama will invest $150 billion over 10 years to advance the next generation of biofuels and fuel infrastructure, accelerate the commercialization of plug-in hybrids, promote development of commercial-scale renewable energy, invest in low-emissions coal plants, and begin the transition to a new digital electricity grid. A principal focus of this fund will be devoted to ensuring that technologies that are developed in the U.S. are rapidly commercialized in the U.S. and deployed around the globe.

* Double Energy Research and Development Funding: Obama will double science and research funding for clean energy projects including those that make use of our biomass, solar and wind resources.

* Clean Technologies Deployment Venture Capital Fund: Obama will create a Clean Technologies Venture Capital Fund to fill a critical gap in U.S. technology development. Obama will invest $10 billion per year into this fund for five years. The fund will partner with existing investment funds and our National Laboratories to ensure that promising technologies move beyond the lab and are commercialized in the U.S.


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What I said was that I do not understand how self deffense can not be used for a reason to own a firearm. I still don't.

Same reason why self defence is not a reason to own hand grenades or rocket launchers here. Or big pits with booby traps in your front garden.:)

Can we just agree to dissagree and be done with it. You are not going to change my mind nor will I your's.

Fair enough. :)

Edited by Mangani
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Was that nessesary? <_<


It was merely a "crude" play on words, my friend. I didn't mean

to offend you, but apparently I did,.. so I apologize. Sorry KB. :blush:


[Fwiw.. if it had been WhiningBlueRain that I offended,.. I wouldn't care. :P]


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Hi all,

Hermit,accepted.Let's at lest try to keep it civil,ok? I said 'try' that's all.I have tried not to swear,personally attack anyone,make my point as best I can.

KB(I never promised you a rose garden! ;) )

It was merely a "crude" play on words, my friend. I didn't mean

to offend you, but apparently I did,.. so I apologize. Sorry KB. :blush:


[Fwiw.. if it had been WhiningBlueRain that I offended,.. I wouldn't care. :P ]


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It was merely a "crude" play on words, my friend. I didn't mean

to offend you, but apparently I did,.. so I apologize. Sorry KB. :blush:


[Fwiw.. if it had been WhiningBlueRain that I offended,.. I wouldn't care. :P]


I got the joke......when did this board get so prudish? :rolleyes:

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I watched -charlie rose last night and there was a guest saying: that along with the increase of oil and everything..., that the cost of exploring for and drilling for oil has increased dramatically as well. it wouldnt be a quick fix and would be extremely expensive.

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I watched -charlie rose last night and there was a guest saying: that along with the increase of oil and everything..., that the cost of exploring for and drilling for oil has increased dramatically as well. it wouldnt be a quick fix and would be extremely expensive.

Repubs aren't inclined to let pesky little facts.. you know, reality..

stop them from having their pipe (line) dreams, middlezep. :wacko:

Republican wet dream.. at moment of climax:



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Hi all,

Just for a second,drop the politcal party(s) lines,ok? When the heck,if ever, are we going to stop the use of oil?To heat our homes and gas our autos?When?


Repubs aren't inclined to let pesky little facts.. you know, reality..

stop them from having their pipe (line) dreams, middlezep. :wacko:

Republican wet dream.. at moment of climax:



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