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Although I tend to look at alot of things in a reversed way as spats, and most here can't help but bust his chops, I can't really recall the guy ever lashing out at anyone in a personal way? Some others come here and lash out, even though they were never personally provoked. That's more distasteful, to me...

I totally agree and hope I haven't been guilty of that :(

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I totally agree and hope I haven't been guilty of that :(

Nope - just commenting on his demeanor, after you pointed out how much his chops get busted. Actually, I don't even have anyone in mind right now - it's not worth dwelling on...

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Although I tend to look at alot of things in a reversed way as spats, and most here can't help but bust his chops, I can't really recall the guy ever lashing out at anyone in a personal way? Some others come here and lash out, even though they were never personally provoked. That's more distasteful, to me...

I have been guilty of this and I don't think it is distasteful at all! Spats keeps asking for it, with his naive quistions and never ending quest for answers that he does not heed. Even though the people try to help him out with their insightful suggestions. He is like a kid always asking, "why"!

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Yes it does indeed....trolleyed, lashed, pissed, leathered, hammered etc etc.

So....ok let me get this straight. Is it ALL states in America that require you to be 21 to drink?

That must be just awful, and it's completely ridiculous.

You can drive a potentially lethal metal box of powe at 16 and not have a drink till you're 21. Madness.

I'll go to America one day but my goodness me not till I 'come of age'.

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Yes it does indeed....trolleyed, lashed, pissed, leathered, hammered etc etc.

So....ok let me get this straight. Is it ALL states in America that require you to be 21 to drink?

That must be just awful, and it's completely ridiculous.

You can drive a potentially lethal metal box of powe at 16 and not have a drink till you're 21. Madness.

I'll go to America one day but my goodness me not till I 'come of age'.

As far as I know that is correct. My son went to America when he was 20 but turning 21 in just a couple months but that never stopped him. It never stopped me when I was a teenager either. You can always get someone to buy you what you want.

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I have been guilty of this and I don't think it is distasteful at all! Spats keeps asking for it, with his naive quistions and never ending quest for answers that he does not heed. Even though the people try to help him out with their insightful suggestions. He is like a kid always asking, "why"!

I said that I find it more distasteful to just come on the forum and lash out at people without being personally provoked (no one in particular), than to bust spats chops (which he seems to enjoy, or at least tolerate). That's all, no big deal...

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So....ok let me get this straight. Is it ALL states in America that require you to be 21 to drink?

That must be just awful, and it's completely ridiculous.

At one time, about 25 years ago, some states had different drinking ages. So when I was 20, and used to being legal to drink in NY since 18, I couldn't be served on a plane - because it might be flying over a state that had 21 as the legal age (or so I was told by the stewardess)!

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At one time, about 25 years ago, some states had different drinking ages. So when I was 20, and used to being legal to drink in NY since 18, I couldn't be served on a plane - because it might be flying over a state that had 21 as the legal age (or so I was told by the stewardess)!

I'm pretty sure my parents were allowed to drink by age 18...and they were teens in the 70s. I'm from Ohio, US. The requirement is 21 now though. I'm not sure about the statistics for the country as a whole.. but almost every teen around here drinks before they come of age. It's pretty bad. I actually think my county has one of the highest drinking rates in Ohio.

I personally was only involved with that scene for a while as a teen, and then my horizons widened, and I saw what a waste of my time it was, and how risky it was, with most of my peers driving around carelessly under the influence, etc. I have wondered at times if it's the 'you're not allowed to have this' restriction that tempts teens to drink more around here...for the sake of being rebellious.

But enough of my rambling... I think I'll sit down with my guitar tonight and listen to some good music :)

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Yes it does indeed....trolleyed, lashed, pissed, leathered, hammered etc etc.

So....ok let me get this straight. Is it ALL states in America that require you to be 21 to drink?

That must be just awful, and it's completely ridiculous.

You can drive a potentially lethal metal box of powe at 16 and not have a drink till you're 21. Madness.

I'll go to America one day but my goodness me not till I 'come of age'.

In Virginia you have to be 21 for all alcohol, including beer. I thought it was the same in all states, but someone told me recently that some states may still have different ages for beer vs. liquor, so I'm not sure. Virginia used to have different ages for beer vs liquor until the mid 80s. It was 18 for beer/21 for wine and liquor, and then they upped the beer age to 19 for 2 years to grandfather those folks in, and it became 21 for everything.

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In Virginia you have to be 21 for all alcohol, including beer. I thought it was the same in all states, but someone told me recently that some states may still have different ages for beer vs. liquor, so I'm not sure. Virginia used to have different ages for beer vs liquor until the mid 80s. It was 18 for beer/21 for wine and liquor, and then they upped the beer age to 19 for 2 years to grandfather those folks in, and it became 21 for everything.

There are some dry parishes (counties) in Louisiana where alcohol is completely illeagle. :o

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There are some dry parishes (counties) in Louisiana where alcohol is completely illeagle. :o

Wow, that would be different! I was one of the people who was grandfathered in at 19. The whole raising of the age was a huge change. I can remember drinking beer/having keg parties in HS (legally, and with parent participation), and getting into bars in a college town also in HS. That stuff definitely isn't happening now.

I rarely, if ever, drink anymore. But I think it's ridiculous that 18 year olds can vote and join the armed forces, but can't have a beer legally.

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  • 2 months later...
Yes it does indeed....trolleyed, lashed, pissed, leathered, hammered etc etc.

So....ok let me get this straight. Is it ALL states in America that require you to be 21 to drink?

That must be just awful, and it's completely ridiculous.

You can drive a potentially lethal metal box of powe at 16 and not have a drink till you're 21. Madness.

I'll go to America one day but my goodness me not till I 'come of age'.

No, not really.

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