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Plant Krauss In Toronto


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Just Got home from the AK/RP Toronto show.

I am a Zeppelin fan. I have seen Robert perform solo and with the Strange sensation and, of course with Jimmy Page. I was also lucky enough to go to he O2 on December 10. Accordingy, it was with some trepidation that I bought my ticket to see Robert and Allison Krauss perform. I admit that I had never heard of Allison Krauss before this unlikely duo pared up.

A few weeks pre-concert I bought the album. Well, in fairness, I bought it the day it came out, but after listening to it once I put it aside. So what I really did was dust it off a few weeks pre-concert. I told you this would be an honest review.

As I listened to it more and more I began to appreciate it more and more. I won't tell you that I love it cover to cover, but I found myself humming and singing Gone, Gone Gone, Fortune Teller, Please Read the Letter (the new version) and a few other tracks. Thus, by the night of the concert I was ready.

Our seats were incredible. They were called 4th row, but because of the configuration at the venue They were essentially front row, but off to the side a bit. We had a perfect, unobstructed view of the stage. The venue was not sold out, but I think it seats about 15,000 including the lawn, which I suspect holds 5000-7000. 90% of the seats were occupied. The lawn sat empty.

Plant and Krauss came on at about 8:45 and played until about 10:30.

The band was tight. I mean really tight. Allison's voice is incredible and Robert was, as usual, great. He didn't sound like 1969, but the music wasn't suited to that and he is not in his 20's anymore. That said, the setlist was perfect for his voice a this stage. Over the course of the night he sang melodically, he sang hard, he did some signature yells and he even sang back up.

The biggest roars of the night were surely for the Zeppelin songs. Battle of Evermore brought the house down. It was clear that a large portion of the audience were there to see the Zeppelin frontman. BOE was the song that most closely matched its Zeppelin original. Black Country Woman was a close second. Black Dog, which has been totally revamped, was a little too mellow, I think, for those who came to see Zeppelin material.

As for the other songs, much like the album, I liked some and was indifferent about others. Please Read the Letter and Gone Gone Gone were excellent, and the fact that they were played right after BOE really pumped up the crowd and even got some of the non-believers to believe.

Other non-zep highlights for me were Fortune Teller and In the Mood (yes I realize this is Plant's song). Also, during Please Read the Letter, Allison raised her violin bow and assumed a Jimmy Page-esque pose. Robert started laughing (while singing!) and the crowd cheered. I also liked Allison a lot on Through the Morning Through the Night.

Probably the nicest thing about this show was how accessible it was. It felt very intimate and not just because I was so close, but because the crowd was the most gentle group of people you would ever expect to see at a show involving Zeppelin's lead singer. This was really nice. People were seated, nobody was jockeying for position and other than when the crowd was cheering during a song, you could hear a pin drop.

As for the debate about "cracks beginning to show" posted elsewhere on this forum, I saw both sides. Overall, I thought Plant looked really happy. He was very into the music and was smiling and laughing the whole night. Allison was smiling and laughing too, but was much more reserved than Robert. I am not sure if this is usual, having never seen her perform before. One interesting thing was what Robert said when he introduced T-Bone. He talked about how T-bone "steered the ship [the band] through unwelcoming waters". I am not sure what he meant by this and I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

My girlfriend's view of the show was that Plant looked so happy to be moving forward into new territory and must be so disappointed when the loudest cheers are reserved for the Zeppelin material, almost like he is being forced to go backward by the fans. I don't totally share that view. I think he was happy with the mix and wanted to acknowledge where he came from and where he is going. I think, having watched this show, that he really loves what he is doing, but he still has a soft spot for the Zeppelin material and we may well see him on stage again with his old mates...but not for a while.

For selfish reasons, as a die hard zep fan, I want to see "Zeppelin" together again, but as a human being, I can see that he loves this stuff and he is not done with it quite yet. In fact, I think he announced new dates prior to the show. Who am I to demand that he stop doing what he enjoys right now, to sing with zep. If my girlfriend is right, it would be the worst thing to do, it would be treating him like a trained monkey who has to get up and perform the same tricks over and over. I think he will find his way back to Zeppelin if he is allowed to do it on his terms. Perhaps that is what Jimmy Page meant in his MOJO awards interview where he said he doesn't want to persuade anyone to do anything. It has to come from the heart. And, if and when it comes from the heart, it will be awesome.

If you are trying to decide whether or not to go to this concert, let me say this. If you are a Zeppelin fan and not willing to accept the fact that Robert is doing something else, you will be disappointed (save for BOE and maybe Black Country Woman). But, if you have the slightest bit of an open mind, you will really enjoy yourself. I, for one, am very glad that I went.

After the show was over we were lucky enough to get one f T-Bone's pics and a copy of the setlist. Pictures of them along with pics of the concert are below. Please note that although the setlist includes When the Levee Breaks, it was not played.






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SO let's get this straight Robert Plant is Too Busy playing a tour with some Country Music Violinist and Part time Acoustic Guitar strummer who can't sell out a 15,000 seat stadium to play with Jimmy and John who obviously have been gushing all over themselves at every opportunity with their sincere desire to play together again as a group.

Yeah that makes perfect sense... Listen Robert Plant never has to play a Led Zeppelin song again in his life if he doesn't want to do so..

But don't tell me some oddball compilation that can't sell out a 15,000 seat venue in TORONTO For god's sake....

Is really all that important.

Hey it's what he wants to do ... ..... Who cares at this point .. the Guy's obviously being silly... but that's what he wants.

" it would be the worst thing to do, it would be treating him like a trained monkey who has to get up and perform the same tricks over and over. I think he will find his way back to Zeppelin if he is allowed to do it on his terms. Perhaps that is what Jimmy Page meant in his MOJO awards interview where he said he doesn't want to persuade anyone to do anything. It has to come from the heart. And, if and when it comes from the heart, it will be awesome."

EH NOBODY Has Asked the Monkey to perform any tricks for the Past 30 years.... so where this comes from ... God only knows... If he doesn't want to play he doesn't want to play.

Who cares .. it's his loss.

Edited by Buddhak0n
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EH NOBODY Has Asked the Monkey to perform any tricks for the Past 30 years.... so where this comes from ... God only knows... If he doesn't want to play he doesn't want to play.

I am not a "Plant Appologist" but I think you are dead wrong when you say that nobody has asked him to play Zeppelin material in 30 years.

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One interesting thing was what Robert said when he introduced T-Bone. He talked about how T-bone "steered the ship [the band] through unwelcoming waters". I am not sure what he meant by this and I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

Initially their collaboration was met with skepticism in the Nashville music community.

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I was there, front row center. :D A good show, with some funny moments. During "Please Read The Letter", Robert & Alison were joking around doing "rock stance" poses, and Robert started laughing while he was singing... pretty funny. I also noticed they were filming the entire show.

Edited: Just noticed the Please Read The Letter part was already mentioned. I need to learn how to read first before I post. ;)

Edited by Roxie
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I was there, front row center. :D A good show, with some funny moments. During "Please Read The Letter", Robert & Alison were joking around doing "rock stance" poses, and Robert started laughing while he was singing... pretty funny. I also noticed they were filming the entire show.

Roxie, front row center :wub:

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I also noticed they were filming the entire show.

I assumed that those cameras were only there to broadcast on the large screens for the fans at the back. I would love it if there was some other plan for the footage.

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Anyone know the date of this quote?

I was there, front row center. :D A good show, with some funny moments. During "Please Read The Letter", Robert & Alison were joking around doing "rock stance" poses, and Robert started laughing while he was singing... pretty funny. I also noticed they were filming the entire show.

Edited: Just noticed the Please Read The Letter part was already mentioned. I need to learn how to read first before I post. ;)

I assumed that those cameras were only there to broadcast on the large screens for the fans at the back. I would love it if there was some other plan for the footage.

There was mention the other night in Atlanta by some others down front, that there would be a future DVD release of this tour.

We'll wait and see if/when this is released. Perhaps the Toronto show was filmed for DVD??? Atlanta was not filmed (other than a single camera on side video screens) from back near/behind the soundboard.

R B)

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Great review and photos Dandu. I have often said how I am not much of a fan of the Plant/Krauss collaboration on record, but I am sure I would have enjoyed them in concert. I bypassed as I couldn't afford to go with having been to London, so a DVD is something I'm looking forward to.

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I assumed that those cameras were only there to broadcast on the large screens for the fans at the back. I would love it if there was some other plan for the footage.

Aahh.. you're right, I forgot about that. Wishful thinking on my part. :)

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Just Got home from the AK/RP Toronto show.

I am a Zeppelin fan. I have seen Robert perform solo and with the Strange sensation and, of course with Jimmy Page. I was also lucky enough to go to he O2 on December 10. Accordingy, it was with some trepidation that I bought my ticket to see Robert and Allison Krauss perform. I admit that I had never heard of Allison Krauss before this unlikely duo pared up.

A few weeks pre-concert I bought the album. Well, in fairness, I bought it the day it came out, but after listening to it once I put it aside. So what I really did was dust it off a few weeks pre-concert. I told you this would be an honest review.

As I listened to it more and more I began to appreciate it more and more. I won't tell you that I love it cover to cover, but I found myself humming and singing Gone, Gone Gone, Fortune Teller, Please Read the Letter (the new version) and a few other tracks. Thus, by the night of the concert I was ready.

Our seats were incredible. They were called 4th row, but because of the configuration at the venue They were essentially front row, but off to the side a bit. We had a perfect, unobstructed view of the stage. The venue was not sold out, but I think it seats about 15,000 including the lawn, which I suspect holds 5000-7000. 90% of the seats were occupied. The lawn sat empty.

Plant and Krauss came on at about 8:45 and played until about 10:30.

The band was tight. I mean really tight. Allison's voice is incredible and Robert was, as usual, great. He didn't sound like 1969, but the music wasn't suited to that and he is not in his 20's anymore. That said, the setlist was perfect for his voice a this stage. Over the course of the night he sang melodically, he sang hard, he did some signature yells and he even sang back up.

The biggest roars of the night were surely for the Zeppelin songs. Battle of Evermore brought the house down. It was clear that a large portion of the audience were there to see the Zeppelin frontman. BOE was the song that most closely matched its Zeppelin original. Black Country Woman was a close second. Black Dog, which has been totally revamped, was a little too mellow, I think, for those who came to see Zeppelin material.

As for the other songs, much like the album, I liked some and was indifferent about others. Please Read the Letter and Gone Gone Gone were excellent, and the fact that they were played right after BOE really pumped up the crowd and even got some of the non-believers to believe.

Other non-zep highlights for me were Fortune Teller and In the Mood (yes I realize this is Plant's song). Also, during Please Read the Letter, Allison raised her violin bow and assumed a Jimmy Page-esque pose. Robert started laughing (while singing!) and the crowd cheered. I also liked Allison a lot on Through the Morning Through the Night.

Probably the nicest thing about this show was how accessible it was. It felt very intimate and not just because I was so close, but because the crowd was the most gentle group of people you would ever expect to see at a show involving Zeppelin's lead singer. This was really nice. People were seated, nobody was jockeying for position and other than when the crowd was cheering during a song, you could hear a pin drop.

As for the debate about "cracks beginning to show" posted elsewhere on this forum, I saw both sides. Overall, I thought Plant looked really happy. He was very into the music and was smiling and laughing the whole night. Allison was smiling and laughing too, but was much more reserved than Robert. I am not sure if this is usual, having never seen her perform before. One interesting thing was what Robert said when he introduced T-Bone. He talked about how T-bone "steered the ship [the band] through unwelcoming waters". I am not sure what he meant by this and I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

My girlfriend's view of the show was that Plant looked so happy to be moving forward into new territory and must be so disappointed when the loudest cheers are reserved for the Zeppelin material, almost like he is being forced to go backward by the fans. I don't totally share that view. I think he was happy with the mix and wanted to acknowledge where he came from and where he is going. I think, having watched this show, that he really loves what he is doing, but he still has a soft spot for the Zeppelin material and we may well see him on stage again with his old mates...but not for a while.

For selfish reasons, as a die hard zep fan, I want to see "Zeppelin" together again, but as a human being, I can see that he loves this stuff and he is not done with it quite yet. In fact, I think he announced new dates prior to the show. Who am I to demand that he stop doing what he enjoys right now, to sing with zep. If my girlfriend is right, it would be the worst thing to do, it would be treating him like a trained monkey who has to get up and perform the same tricks over and over. I think he will find his way back to Zeppelin if he is allowed to do it on his terms. Perhaps that is what Jimmy Page meant in his MOJO awards interview where he said he doesn't want to persuade anyone to do anything. It has to come from the heart. And, if and when it comes from the heart, it will be awesome.

If you are trying to decide whether or not to go to this concert, let me say this. If you are a Zeppelin fan and not willing to accept the fact that Robert is doing something else, you will be disappointed (save for BOE and maybe Black Country Woman). But, if you have the slightest bit of an open mind, you will really enjoy yourself. I, for one, am very glad that I went.

After the show was over we were lucky enough to get one f T-Bone's pics and a copy of the setlist. Pictures of them along with pics of the concert are below. Please note that although the setlist includes When the Levee Breaks, it was not played.






Great review Dandu!! Thanks so much!!! :)

I saw the show in Lake Tahoe & thoroughly enjoyed it. The zep material moved me but I was just as moved by the raising sand songs as well. One of the highlights of the show I attended was his performance of "In the Mood" blended with an Allison Krause tune (which name escapes me at the moment-sorry). Allison performed 2 of my many favorite tracks from that album: Sister Rosetta & Trampled Rose. Through The Morning, Through the Night is becoming my favorite duet on that album.

Edited by myledzep
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After watching Robert (and Alison) last night and seeing how much he is enjoying himself on this project/tour, I again realize that as much as a Zeppelin reunion would be great, we as Zep fans are just lucky that Robert is doing something and not just in hiding like so many other past rockers.

There were the usual fools who came expecting to hear a Zeppelin show and for them, I would have to guess it wasn't the greatest. But for everyone else who were prepared and knew what to expect, it was a show unlike any I've seen before. Their vocals were great, the band was on fire and the setlist was interesting. I'm all for hearing the Zep tunes but I wasn't feeling the rearranged 'Black Dog.' However, 'Black Country Woman' and especially 'Battle Of Evermore' worked much better. In fact the latter should be recorded if they do a second album together.

As mentioned above one of the highlights was Alison raising her bow in the air (Jimmy Page style) and Robert cracking up during the first opening lines of 'Please Read The Letter.' And speaking of Alison she is super talented and sings like an angel. Before this project my knowledge of Alison Krauss was very limited and now I know why she's won 21 Grammy's. Overall, it was a really good show and it would have been better if they had played 'When The Levee Breaks' because I would have loved to see what they would have done with it.

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One of the highlights of the show I attended was his performance of "In the Mood" blended with an Allison Krause tune (which name escapes me at the moment-sorry).

I think you are thinking of Matty Groves.

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SO let's get this straight Robert Plant is Too Busy playing a tour with some Country Music Violinist and Part time Acoustic Guitar strummer who can't sell out a 15,000 seat stadium to play with Jimmy and John who obviously have been gushing all over themselves at every opportunity with their sincere desire to play together again as a group.

Yeah that makes perfect sense... Listen Robert Plant never has to play a Led Zeppelin song again in his life if he doesn't want to do so..

But don't tell me some oddball compilation that can't sell out a 15,000 seat venue in TORONTO For god's sake....

Is really all that important.

Hey it's what he wants to do ... ..... Who cares at this point .. the Guy's obviously being silly... but that's what he wants.

" it would be the worst thing to do, it would be treating him like a trained monkey who has to get up and perform the same tricks over and over. I think he will find his way back to Zeppelin if he is allowed to do it on his terms. Perhaps that is what Jimmy Page meant in his MOJO awards interview where he said he doesn't want to persuade anyone to do anything. It has to come from the heart. And, if and when it comes from the heart, it will be awesome."

EH NOBODY Has Asked the Monkey to perform any tricks for the Past 30 years.... so where this comes from ... God only knows... If he doesn't want to play he doesn't want to play.

Who cares .. it's his loss.

oh scs how we have enjoyed and endured your total unconditional objectivity about this tour :blink:

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Thanks for the post! I would have liked to have gone to this show but unfortunately I had to work. I am a bit surprised that it did not sell out, especially in a Zeppelin hotbed like Toronto.

it's ok you didn't miss much.......


12 rows from stage, the closest to robert plant my tardiness took me! haha!

well with the help of my distance lenses i got a good view of his dimples, hair, eyes, smile, arms, long hands (no i didn't scan search for any bulge). his attire just so well, simple tone on tone, shirt open just enough so you don't wonder if he's actually choking. oh man this man is still as ever the epitome of good looking. who says he's aged. nothing's changed, his move, physique, his gait still the golden god of rock. only he's doing something diff. and yes even the some dorky moves still there. ok so his facial skin is a little saggy and his back a little more slouch now than back when, but man this is still the golden god he is. sooooo damn good-looking! who says he won't tour led zep cuz of his voice. the guy still has his trademark voice.

imho, i know why this duo worked, allison's haunting voice and robert's wailing haunting voice they blend so well together. this duo really make good music together. allison krauss i said before and i say it once more, one fine lady. with talent so enormous. being not a country fan i've heard so little of her and seen her on only one cmt video (ho-hum remake of just when i needed you most with dolly parton) pre-raising sand. even so robert plant could not have picked a better match with an artist like her. onstage you can just see where the awards and more awards come from. can i say it? the lady is not a tramp.

i didn't like black dog too much. (ok don't stone me now lol). for a second i wasn't even sure if it was "sting" after "gonna make you burn, gonna make you" with the beat it's taken. i thought he might actually change the lyrics any moment now!

their raising sand numbers were actually very good. through the morning something was it, it's a good one. isn't allison voice a cross between dolly parton and enya? a little bit country a little bit celtic. one of her solo numbers really took you away.

i never took my eyes off robert. who knows when i'm gonna him onstage or ever again. with my voice gone gone gone i hollered a lame love you roBURT.....if he does another material and the venue's close enough.....if it becomes a zep show i'm almost afraid the big wigs might make it a lottery type of thing which i have no patience for. i like to see robert plant even without led zep, even if he doesn't sing lol. but music and robert plant really go well together, rock, bluegrass whatever kind. him discovering and rediscovering himself through his passion for music is some journey to watch for. he's one true artist who's obviously had his share of commercial success who is in constant search of his artistic conquest and he's having the time of his life.

and oh, non-zep bring it on home was played while the stage was being prepped. damn right these two brought it on home.

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PS I bought The Toronto Sun to see if there are any pics..and there are!! They are great!!!! I feel better now...I was upset I couldn't go but the pics of Robert and Alison cheered me up...

Read Jason MacNeils's review http://www.torontosun.com/

Thanks for that. I'm curious how many people were there. Honestly, there was more people than I thought. Very happy about that!

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Thanks for that. I'm curious how many people were there. Honestly, there was more people than I thought. Very happy about that!

On the way into the show, I had a pretty good conversation with Richard from Live Nation. Live Nation actually owns the Molson Amphitheatre. And Live Nation's head office is based in the Molson Amphitheatre. He told me, just under 8,000 tickets were sold for this concert.

My seat was within section 201, just little to the right of centre stage. Excellent seats. I paid $45 for my ticket, face value was $109. Bought it off craigslist a few hours before the show. A few of the folks selling tickets told me they were taking a hit. I spoke to one guy from the USA, who was a ticket broker and was trying to unload 4th row to the far right of the stage for $100 each. I told him, I'd let him know. He called me back at 6:30pm as I was heading out the door, telling me I was the only one who showed interest hours before the show and offered me the tickets for $40/each. But I already made commitments to another individual.

A couple of things I noticed about the Toronto show. Alison Krauss really has hardly any stage presence at all. For someone who has been in the live entertainment business for so many years, she really shows little emotion. This struck me. She basically holds her hands behind her back and then takes a few steps back and just watches. She doesn't dance or jump up down, or side to side. She just stands there and moves her head back and forth a whole inch at a time. Odd imo. I found myself checking my watch when Alison sang her solo stuff. She really did sound like Dolly Parton. Truthfully I really didn't care for it at all. Will leave it at that.

To the guy in the first row, wearing the yellow rugby jersey with blue strips on the upper arms, why dont you post a few of the pictures you took? I think you were close enough to get a detailed picture of Plants teeth. Chill out. Taking +200 pictures at 12 ft away with your flush in over drive has to annoy the musicians, I'm thinking Plant must have been blinded a few times.

When they played Black Dog ... during the "ah yeah, ah yeah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah yeah,....ahhh" the entire audience was silent and motionless! I didn't see one single person in the first few rows stand up. Everyone just sat there. I thought, ok either everyone is in awe over this rendition of song or are so stunned and dont like this version, that they should sat there in shock, not knowing what to do now? Once the song finished, the audience erupted in applause. BOE was really nice. Kudos on this song, I thought it was very well done. Audience as expected exploded once it finished.

T Bone Burnett really is amazing. He is solid. And the entire band is very very tight too. Obviously these guys are pros. The banded sounded like they've been playing together for a many years.

Now for the man himself; Robert Plant. The guy who sat next to me at the concert said, "He looks like The Lion from the movie The Wizard of Oz", what can one say about Plant live. I found his Plantation moves typical of his past. At 59 years old, he still has the energy when I first saw him live in the early '80's. He plays the role of a rock star to perfection. I found him doing more Zeppelinisc poses ... maybe it was just me? His voice is still strong and vibrant. Though, during the corus of Black Dog I thought he could have attempted a long note at the end of the corus, but he basically kept it low and toned down. I'd be curious how many would show up to see him live again if he played zero Zeppelin songs or played any of his prior solo songs? That's the cynic in me asking.

Before the concert last night, Plant and Krauss had a mini press conference and were presented with a gold album (CD) for selling 100,000 copies of their cd in Canada. A reporter asked about a possible Zeppelin reunion tour. Plant in typical fashion dosed off and pretended to fall asleep upon her question. Basically ruling out a possible Zeppelin tour reunion, at least for now. The cynic in me has to ask "Ok Robert, if your musical collaboration is so strong, then don't play any Zeppelin songs and draw at least half of the audience to these show who just want to hear you sing Zeppelin songs!!" Anyway, that's for another thread here.

I found the encores, kinda lifeless. Thought they could ended the show on a higher more energetic note. Oh well. It is what it is.

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