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Spats' Loveblahblahblah Thread

Lake of Shadows

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Let me know when you pay over 50 bucks on at date at the movies. That's expensive.

I don't think i am defined by the looks of a girl i date at all. The looks i like in a woman are just my personal taste. If i think a girl is hot no once can convince me otherwise. But it goes without saying that if people see a guy with a beautiful woman they think he has his sh*t together.

What if she doesn't chip on the second date. Tell her to take a walk?

What risks do you think the women should take?

Actually Spats, if you are dating out of your class, people don't think you have your shit together, they think you either have a lot of money or you are well endowed.

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Many people making suggestions to you are in or have been in serious relationships. Real advice.

You are making too much out of this. If the first date goes well, a normal girl would probably let you know she is interested in getting to know you better. Maybe the second date will be one you both plan, and maybe she will even chip in or feel it's her turn to pay. How about you get past the first date that is going somewhere and then worry about how much "work" you will have to continue to do. The job may be shared as i have found it to be in my past relationships. In fact, i like to be included in deciding what we do on a date. I also think the financial burden should be shared most of the time. As for your above examples, i don't see what you are talking about as being work. That is why i question your desire to find someone in the first place

Okay a bit off the wall, but has been done many times. Ask her out (work for you), pay for the date (more work) and then run off and elope! No need to plan a second date, lol. Seriously...if the two people are right for each other it won't feel like work. For my last "date" which was also a first date, i had to drive to the airport (1hr), wait for the flight (2hrs), fly to my destination (2hrs.) and drive some more (1hr). Was entirely worth every minute!

You don't see it as work because you are a woman. You are not doing all of that. The guy is. You don't go through it.

I do want someone but i want the woman to contribute a lot more then is being suggested. Not just me.

I agree with you that the financial burden should be shared. And i would think a cool girl would offer to pay her share.

You actually flew somehere for for a date???? :o:o:o i would never do all that to have a date with a woman. Unless it was a beautiful movie star like Eva Mendes, etc.

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Because he really doesn't want a girl. If you truly want something, you make an effort to obtain it. The more you want something, the more you make an effort to get that something-most humans function this way.

Say I am sitting in the living room, and there is a piece of pie on the kitchen counter that I want. I'm not going to sit there and wait for the pie to float it's way into my mouth. I am going to stand up, walk over, and get it.

I really do want a girlfriend. It's been about 2 years since i had one.

It's really not true that most people go after what they want. Women don't usually go after guys they want.

You can't make the pie comparison because the pie has no say in the matter. The pie is not going to reject you or tell you it isn't interested in your mouth.

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I really do want a girlfriend. It's been about 2 years since i had one.

Maybe you should buy an inflatable woman.....you can talk here all day bout women, relationships etc. until you turn blue in the face.

In the meantime you miss the best things in life.

Better go out in the sunshine and ENJOY un-virtual reality

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Only spats would have a problem with being surrounded by 4 good-looking women. Most men would think "SCORE!".

Not all four are good looking. The girl i like is of course and one of her girlfriends was good looking. The other 2 were nothing to write home about though. Why would i think "score"? There is no way in hell i am going to be successful with all four. Things don't work like then when women are in groups. Ask any guy.

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Not all four are good looking. The girl i like is of course and one of her girlfriends was good looking. The other 2 were nothing to write home about though. Why would i think "score"? There is no way in hell i am going to be successful with all four. Things don't work like then when women are in groups. Ask any guy.

Just stop complaining and go for it.....respect your cock for crying out loud....even nuns have more fun than you.....jeez!

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These are my thoughts Spatas:

You think too much...and if you really wanted it this wouldn't seem like 'work' to you...You've paralyzed yourself in your own little protective cocoon with every reason in the book to protect yourself from rejection.

So, living by your rules...the girl asks you out for dinner and then pays her half of the tab. That's not unheard of but since you aren't attracting those kinds of girls you may need to loosen up your rules a bit.

I wouldn't suggest on a first date taking the check and saying "OK, you owe this much"...MAYBE you could say "I'll get it this time".....indicating that you are open to her paying for the next time.

Here's an idea...how about going to an amusement park?! Yes, you should shell out the money for both tix.....eating would be a challenge for you I know but you could buy her a carmel covered apple or cotton candy B) You'd both have fun and standing in line waiting for the ride is a great chance to just chat...

Maybe? Maybe?

You are right. I do think too much and over analyze situations. I can't help it. I have been like that for most of my life. Since i was a teenager. When you are that age and you get rejected by girls or face other disappointments in life you are a lot more cautious in the steps you take.

The only amusement park anywhere near me is the Canadian National Exhibition. That's this month. But it's expensive. And i am not a big rollercoaster person. The last time i went on one i puked afterwards. That would not be a good thing on a date.

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Exactly! I think every guy I know would think of this as a chance to charm 4 women at the same time. And hey, if the one you were initially interested in doesn't want you, there are 3 more that you have a shot with.

Do you go out with girlfriends when you go to clubs or wherever? If you do then you know what women are like in groups. It's not easy to go up against four women at the same time. It's pretty imtimidating. I would not know where to begin in trying to charm 4 women at the same time. Hell, i am having a hard time getting 1 woman to find me hot. Nevermind four. :o

That's what you need your buddies for. So they can keep the other women occupied. Otherwise the spotlight would be all on me. There is no way you can try and hook up with one girl with her girlfriends right there. The other girlfriends will make sure it does not happen. even asking her to exchange numbers would be really awkward with her friends there.

The last time i approached a group of females was at a school dance. I asked this girl i liked to dance. She said no and all her girlfriends laughed. :o That was one of the low points of my life. :o I don't think i went to many more school dances after that. And the ones i did go to, i never asked anyone to dance again.

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It's really not true that most people go after what they want. Women don't usually go after guys they want.

Yes they do;just not in the same bufoonish way that some guys do.

If they didn't;I would've never met my wife.

Things don't work like then when women are in groups. Ask any guy.


Yes;I'm a guy,and I'm also a man-yes there's a difference.They work like that as often as they don't.I've seen both examples plenty of times.

Don't try to speak for an entire fucking gender,male or female.You're acting as though you actually know these things,when it's whiskey-chuggingly obvious that you don't,and what's even worse is the fact that you're not willing to listen.

This is the second greatest bullshit I've read here today.

Day ain't over yet..... B)

You know Spats, just because they don't go after you doesn't mean that don't go after what they want...


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Not all four are good looking. The girl i like is of course and one of her girlfriends was good looking. The other 2 were nothing to write home about though. Why would i think "score"? There is no way in hell i am going to be successful with all four. Things don't work like then when women are in groups. Ask any guy.

B) Ahem! You don't get around too much do you, ofcourse this isn't the 70's so I'll give you a pass on this one.

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You don't see it as work because you are a woman. You are not doing all of that. The guy is. You don't go through it.

I do want someone but i want the woman to contribute a lot more then is being suggested. Not just me.

I agree with you that the financial burden should be shared. And i would think a cool girl would offer to pay her share.

You actually flew somehere for for a date???? :o:o:o i would never do all that to have a date with a woman. Unless it was a beautiful movie star like Eva Mendes, etc.

Yes, it was a 5 day date, lol, but i did and it was wonderful. Now, having told you about my last date, who did all the work? I did! I made the arrangements, i did the traveling, and i had to also be sweet and charming when i arrived :)...none of it seemed like work because i'm very into the guy i met... (and can't wait to see him again, soon)...

I have often done the "work". I have made the first move since i was a teenager, on many occasions. That meant i asked for the guy's phone number (with the fear of possible rejection in my mind). If a guy accepted a date, he then usually made the plans, obviously not considering it work. If it was "work" to him, he would have likely left that up to me, since i made the first move. I wasn't going to wait for someone (who may have been afraid to make a move on me) and risk never knowing if it could have been a nice time. I had many guys wanting to date me, yet i still made moves when i was interested in someone. Maybe if you try it, you will get over your fears.

I believe you are letting your insecurity keep you from making moves when you find a girl you are interested in. I have a theory. Maybe you are making the requirements so far out of your reach (she has to be a goddess for you to want to date her, etc.) because you are too afraid to find someone.

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Do you go out with girlfriends when you go to clubs or wherever? If you do then you know what women are like in groups. It's not easy to go up against four women at the same time. It's pretty imtimidating. I would not know where to begin in trying to charm 4 women at the same time. Hell, i am having a hard time getting 1 woman to find me hot. Nevermind four. :o

That's what you need your buddies for. So they can keep the other women occupied. Otherwise the spotlight would be all on me. There is no way you can try and hook up with one girl with her girlfriends right there. The other girlfriends will make sure it does not happen. even asking her to exchange numbers would be really awkward with her friends there.

The last time i approached a group of females was at a school dance. I asked this girl i liked to dance. She said no and all her girlfriends laughed. :o That was one of the low points of my life. :o I don't think i went to many more school dances after that. And the ones i did go to, i never asked anyone to dance again.

Not usually. Honestly, it's not as fun to go out with others because they hold you back, and you don't get to do things you otherwise would. And besides, I'm not a big "people" person. But I have gone out in groups before, and usually if the other girls in the group know you like the one girl, they try to help out. At least, that's how my friends are.

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Yes, it was a 5 day date, lol, but i did and it was wonderful. Now, having told you about my last date, who did all the work? I did! I made the arrangements, i did the traveling, and i had to also be sweet and charming when i arrived :)...none of it seemed like work because i'm very into the guy i met... (and can't wait to see him again, soon)...

I have often done the "work". I have made the first move since i was a teenager, on many occasions. That meant i asked for the guy's phone number (with the fear of possible rejection in my mind). If a guy accepted a date, he then usually made the plans, obviously not considering it work. If it was "work" to him, he would have likely left that up to me, since i made the first move. I wasn't going to wait for someone (who may have been afraid to make a move on me) and risk never knowing if it could have been a nice time. I had many guys wanting to date me, yet i still made moves when i was interested in someone. Maybe if you try it, you will get over your fears.

I believe you are letting your insecurity keep you from making moves when you find a girl you are interested in. I have a theory. Maybe you are making the requirements so far out of your reach (she has to be a goddess for you to want to date her, etc.) because you are too afraid to find someone.


On your next rendezvous,use your atlas for directions.Driving offers an up close view of the scenery compared to flying.Just my opinion,which you didn't ask for.

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You are right. I do think too much and over analyze situations. I can't help it. I have been like that for most of my life. Since i was a teenager.

Librans are driven to analyze and balance. It's their nature.

Do you go out with girlfriends when you go to clubs or wherever? If you do then you know what women are like in groups. It's not easy to go up against four women at the same time. It's pretty imtimidating. I would not know where to begin in trying to charm 4 women at the same time. Hell, i am having a hard time getting 1 woman to find me hot. Nevermind four.

That's what you need your buddies for. So they can keep the other women occupied. Otherwise the spotlight would be all on me. There is no way you can try and hook up with one girl with her girlfriends right there. The other girlfriends will make sure it does not happen. even asking her to exchange numbers would be really awkward with her friends there.

The last time i approached a group of females was at a school dance. I asked this girl i liked to dance. She said no and all her girlfriends laughed. That was one of the low points of my life. I don't think i went to many more school dances after that. And the ones i did go to, i never asked anyone to dance again.

Librans also have a strong drive to mate one on one, even though they are sometimes ladies' men. So you are perfectly normal for a Libran. More down-to-earth zodiac members will think you are crazy though.

Edited by eternal light
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