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Pet Thread (could not find one)

Yukon Cornelius

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I thought I'd start a pet thread as I could not find one in the search tool. I used to own dogs but now have a cat. A male that is about 8 years old and long haired. He has been throwing up every other day or so for over a month, when I stopped Fancy Feast, small portion in the morninig to go with his dry, he hasn't got sick in two days. But he is going to the vet tomorrow. Getting him in the cage is like wrestling an alligator. I was wondering if any cat owners here may have an idea of what might be wrong with him? If this thread doesn't belong here I apologize.

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Hi all,

Have had 3 cats,3 dogs,loved them all,all gone except one.Cats puke alot(hairballs),feed it dry,give it a treat once and awhile,.......pets cost big $$$.But at the end of the day,.......when a dog is glad your home,no matter what,or a cat jumps in your lap and purrrrrs,.....nothing better than that.Also the vet is not cool,change,...

KB(Pea soup?)

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Well I guess there are no cat lover's on here tonight? I just wanted some opinions on why this cat is sick all the time? I expect the vet will cost me plenty. I don't care if they can get to the bottom of it.

Might want to look around where the cat wanders, if he goes outside he may have got a hold of some ethylene glycol.

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We have an elderly lab mix and a 3 year old cat. Our cat throws up occasionally; usually because he's eaten something he shouldn't, or because he has a hairball. He likes to eat Polly Pocket pieces, Easter grass, ribbon, stuff like that, so we have to be really careful about putting things away and restricting his access to that stuff.

He is a total baby and a spaz; he was originally a farm cat, but hasn't been outside since we got him.

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Our Golden Retriever puppy is becoming more and more persistent about eating things in the yard, particularly rocks. Neither long walks nor playtime is distracting her from this habit, and I've spent countless hours trying to remove every harmful item in the yard and street. Sometimes, throwing up doesn't help get the rocks out - it cost $2000 to get the rocks removed from her stomach a few weeks ago. A muzzle has been suggested, which is not what I want my pet to have to wear. We're going to try a professional trainer, after she recovers from the spaying procedure. You'd think there would be some instinct or learning from mistakes that an animal would have, to prevent hurting themselves?

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Our Golden Retriever puppy is becoming more and more persistent about eating things in the yard, particularly rocks. Neither long walks nor playtime is distracting her from this habit, and I've spent countless hours trying to remove every harmful item in the yard and street. Sometimes, throwing up doesn't help get the rocks out - it cost $2000 to get the rocks removed from her stomach a few weeks ago. A muzzle has been suggested, which is not what I want my pet to have to wear. We're going to try a professional trainer, after she recovers from the spaying procedure. You'd think there would be some instinct or learning from mistakes that an animal would have, to prevent hurting themselves?

try giving her a few 2x4's to chew on...worked for our lab...

regardless, she will calm down in about six years... :)

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Let us know what the vet says.

I have 3 cats and keep them all inside. Had to take one to the vet a few weeks ago as he had all these scabs around his neck. He gave him a shot and in a week it all cleared up. Only cost me 50 bucks.

Now my one female has licked a bald spot on her back right at the tail. Sheesh!!

I love cats.


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Hi all,

Have had 3 cats,3 dogs,loved them all,all gone except one.Cats puke alot(hairballs),feed it dry,give it a treat once and awhile,.......pets cost big $$$.But at the end of the day,.......when a dog is glad your home,no matter what,or a cat jumps in your lap and purrrrrs,.....nothing better than that.Also the vet is not cool,change,...

KB(Pea soup?)

I'll drink to that Kev. :beer:

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try giving her a few 2x4's to chew on...worked for our lab...

regardless, she will calm down in about six years... :)

Then I'd have to worry about the splinters? One thing that does kep the dog occupied chewing on is called a "bully stick" - it's a dried bull's penis. Yucky...

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The vet had me change the cat's diet. Trying more expensive foods like Royal Canin, Science Diet and some differant soft foods. Could find no fleas on the cat this time but to play it safe we applied Advantage which is the best flea cure for dogs and cats I have ever seen. You apply it topically behind the neck and it works. They gave me a tube of hairball medicine, you give the cat the gel every 3 days and if after a while things don't improve, then they will do a blood test. The cat is hiding as shaking his treats is no longer a sound he likes. Instead of getting a treat he thinks he is going in the cage and back to the vet or groomer.

Yeah, you really have to be sneaky to get them into the carrier. My one was howling at the moon as I transported him. :D But we were in and out of the vet in no time. It's gotten to where I can't afford the flea medicine. Mine have fleas but at least there's not a million of them ever since I got rid of the carpet and just have wooden floors now. The fleas don't bite me either. B)

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I have a kitty. He's odd, but we like him. I've always had a cat, but haven't had a dog since I was a kid. I love pugs, too. They crack me up.

I like to geek out on funny cat clips on youtube. I laugh until my daughter tells me to shut up.

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I have a kitty. He's odd, but we like him. I've always had a cat, but haven't had a dog since I was a kid. I love pugs, too. They crack me up.

I like to geek out on funny cat clips on youtube. I laugh until my daughter tells me to shut up.

Nevermind... I forgot what I was gonna say

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We started obedience class last night. It's done as a group, with about a dozen other dogs, in a tiny room. A sneaky chow chow dog kept nipping our dog on the nose, but the instructor kept telling me to keep my dog under control. It's like the 5th grade all over again...

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  • 6 months later...

I had a Norwegian Forest Cat that looked exactly like this. His name was 'Tubbers' and he weighed 20 lbs. I took him in after his low-life owner abandoned him. He was one of the best cats I ever had and he died about 3 years ago. I wish I could afford to get another one. B)


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