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What is there to elaborate on. It's a pretty direct statement. If you don't know what I mean by "sheepish" and you don't know what "peer pressure" is, do some research.

Anyone that I know, who fits well within those meanings, is voting for Obama.

It may sound like a crude remark, but I think it is an interesting phenomenon.

May I ask what industry you work in where 'peer pressure' to vote a particular way would be tolerated? Seems odd in this day and age. And you have people succumbing to that peer pressure? Hm...you must really be outnumber or else unable to command any respect at all from your peers if you can't make a good argument and apply your own pressure... :rolleyes:

Funny, it doesn't seem that any of us on this board who are pro-Obama are sheep types....or people likely to succumb to peer pressure. If anything it seems the opposite in our little microcosim...

Or....perhaps you're exagerating? Just a tad maybe? B)

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The Palin/Couric interview was very simple. Couric is a softball interviewer. She's not Brokaw, she's not Schieffer, she's not even Dan Rather. 2 months prior to that interview, Palin was very vocal about being angered at the Exxon v. Baker ruling, as it lowered the compensation for the people involved in the Exxon Valdez oil spill. When asked what other Supreme Court cases she disagreed with, aside from Roe v. Wade, she couldn't name that one. Is her memory that shoddy?

Then she was asked a very simple question; what magazines/newspapers do you read to help form your world view. She could have lied, and said Time or Newsweek or the New York Times or the Chicago Tribune or the Washington Post or USA Today or SOMETHING. She didn't.

There was nothing to take out of context in that interview. Nothing. She wasn't asked difficult questions meant to embarrass her lack of knowledge. It's not like Couric asked her for the chemical formula of photosynthesis. These were the same questions Couric asked Joe Biden as well.......he had no problems answering them.

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Jesus Christ, you're such a flaming embarrassment to Republicans. Not that there's many respectable Republicans left, but those that are.....shit. Just stop.

Lets see you use words such as:

Jesus Christ

flaming embarrassment




Lighten up Baby, Obama's in love with you

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I think when you don't understand something, you are quick to assume whatever you want it to mean. Sort of like the Palin/Couric interview.

Huh. So we didn't 'understand' the Palin/Couric interview? I didn't think it was so intricate as to require a deep level of 'understanding'. Maybe only republicans could understand it? Was she sending special signals to republicans? Do republicans have a special de-coder ring or something that allow them to understand gobblety gook?

I want one of those decoder rings!!! Then, I too, can clearly see the light!! :banana:

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Jesus Christ, you're such a flaming embarrassment to Republicans. Not that there's many respectable Republicans left, but those that are.....shit. Just stop.

Maybe we shouldn't be so hard on Midnight....if we're nice to him maybe he'll get us one of those special decoder rings that enables us to make sense of Sarah Palin!!

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Jesus Christ, you're such a flaming embarrassment to Republicans. Not that there's many respectable Republicans left, but those that are.....shit. Just stop.

You have the most ugly personality and foul mouth of anyone on these boards Elizabeth. You are hateful, spiteful and disrespectful all of the time. You lack even the most basic virtues, and in terms of politics, you are equally despised by liberals... they tell me so all of the time.

So who are you to accuse anyone else as being an embarrrassment?



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Maybe we shouldn't be so hard on Midnight....if we're nice to him maybe he'll get us one of those special decoder rings that enables us to make sense of Sarah Palin!!

That post wasn't directed to Midnight, it was directed at THE FIRST LEDZEP. Midnight Rambler is at least coherent.

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Maybe we shouldn't be so hard on Midnight....if we're nice to him maybe he'll get us one of those special decoder rings that enables us to make sense of Sarah Palin!!

We may need those decoder rings for when she declares speaking in tongues as part of her foreign policy experience.

Hey look, I can see the moon - I'm an astronaut! I can see a building - I'm an architect!

What a wrecking ball to the campaign! They're just imploding with desperation before our eyes.

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We may need those decoder rings for when she declares speaking in tongues as part of her foreign policy experience.

Hey look, I can see the moon - I'm an astronaut! I can see a building - I'm an architect!

What a wrecking ball to the campaign! They're just imploding with desperation before our eyes.


Thanks for the laugh Patrycja, always enjoy your posts!

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Um....probably doesn't matter to you since you're not voting for either Obama or McCain but I feel a need to correct your statement above. The proposal McCain unveiled during the debate this week is way more lenient to the irresponsable lenders and borrowers and will most likely cost the taxpayer more money than what is currently on the table.

McCains mortgage bailout package

You're right about McCain's proposal regarding borrowers, but not lenders, Congress already covered that!

I still wouldn't vote for anyone who bails out irresponsible people with my money.

You'd better catch up on the latest news...the Dems are hatching a plan that will nearly DOUBLE the bailout plan!! It's your peeps, Sweetie! A glimpse into the future..... :D

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SNL Mock Debate

For anyone who missed Thursday night's rare live SNL show, here's the opening sketch rightfully mocking this week's debate. B)

aaaarrrrgggghh! It really bugs me that this is only available in the US... :rant:

You're thinking of the Bradley Effect. However Nate Silver over at FiveThirtyEight (who also runs PECOTA for Baseball Prospectus) has done a significant amount of math work on this and he doesn't feel there is a Bradley Effect in this campaign.

And I'm sorry, but McCain's "attempt" to dissuade the Klan rally he was speaking to was pure political acting, nothing more. He did that because it makes for good TV. "Oh look, John McCain is trying to defend Barack Obama. What a maverick." Bullshit. McCain started this garbage because it's all he's got left to run on for the next 3 weeks. He can't tuck tail and run away from it, he's waist deep in it.

Yeah that's the one, thanks. Ok so I had to go and do some reading (I guess you're a baseball fan?). It seems I've misunderstood how the Bradley Effect works, and overestimated its impact (hopefully) in this election. I thought it was about the votes themselves, rather than people lying about who they would and did vote for in pre-election polls and exit polls because they didn't want to expose themselves for the tools they really were.

I read three of Silver's blogs and appreciate the precision and balance of his points. Statistics are not neutral as he shows, and numbers can and have been manipulated. He's very fair and comprehensive, and this reassures me (pleasantly) that my concern for the Bradley Effect being a silently significant contributor to actual poll results is largely unfounded. I say largely unfounded because this is, after all, an unprecedented vote what with BO being the first black potential president. One can argue (as Silver addresses) that if this were a problem then he likely would have lost against Clinton in the Dem race. There the polling stats stood up to his estimations; no Bradley Effect. Hopefully this trend will hold up, but my only hesitation is that this race is precedent setting, and it's clearly making some 'nice' people very aggressive towards BO. It'll be very interesting to see what the final numbers will be, whether they'll hold or whether people will change their minds. It's not only making history for BO, it's a litmus test for the American people as to how far they've come as a nation.

As to the second point, absolutely it was political, I mean, what was he supposed to do, start a lynching chant? Might as well have resigned and given BO the victory if he hadn't tried to dissuade them. But however much I disagree with McCain's politics and tactics in this election (you rightly pointed out that his smear campaign is culpable in inciting aggression against BO that rally), I have a hard time believing that it was all just for show, that he secretly agrees with them. Maybe I'm being naive, but I don't know that his verbal gaffes ('That one' still glares like a neon sign above a cheap brothel) and his blatantly disrespectful body language can be attributed to thinly veiled intolerance in the final analysis. He looks terribly pissed off knowing the wheels are coming off; we are seeing a man visibly uncomfortable with the knowledge that he is inching closer to defeat one debate and rally at a time. And this was his last shot.

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You're right about McCain's proposal regarding borrowers, but not lenders, Congress already covered that!

I still wouldn't vote for anyone who bails out irresponsible people with my money.

You'd better catch up on the latest news...the Dems are hatching a plan that will nearly DOUBLE the bailout plan!! It's your peeps, Sweetie! A glimpse into the future..... :D

Really? Where is that plan hatching and when is it supposed to be public? Do you have any links to share?

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Watch CNN...it's all over it

Hm. I just went to CNN.com and the biggest new is that an Alaskan panel found Palin guilty of abusing power.

I see some economic plans by the current administration but nothing about Obama's plan. I like what Obama said in the debate about how all of these big wigs rolling in money from abusing the system should be jailed and have to return the money to the taxpayers.

Yeah, I think that would be fair.

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I was dumb and then 4 hours later, I wasn't. I'm ignorant? If you think that Obama has all of the answers, then I would say that you are the ignorant one. I don't think that McCain has the answers either. I will say one thing: Throwing money at the current economic problem will only make things worse and the Democrats are planning to do just that. We will be forced into Socialism if we continue down this path, because we are following the socialist doctrine: Let government control everything and do away with private enterprise. My prediction is that Republicans will take over both houses of Congress and create another "lame duck President" situation before Obama can get reelected (if he can get elected this time). Regulation is good to a point, because lack of it allowed corporate greed and intertwining socialist agenda into lending practices, get us into this situation. Obama's "plan" will eliminate the middle class completely if allowed to run too long. We're in big trouble. I'm voting for the Libertarian ticket. At least I'll be able to live with my vote. I know that it won't have any impact, but I believe in the plan that they have.

It's not ignorance, it's called principles..... something that NEITHER of the major party candidates seem to have.

After assessing your posts, I came to that conclusion.

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Town hall with 2 McCain supporter's...

1. The guy mentions he was scared of Obama because of his ties to domestic terrorist Ayers...

McCain says Barack is "a decent person, a person that you don't need to be scared as President of the United States" (crowd boos)

2. Another McCain supporter says... "I can't trust Obama, I-I have read about him and he's not, he's not, he's... he's an Arab."

My question to you all is, do you think these were scripted, screened, or completely random people being chosen with these questions/comments?

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No offence but I find the "rightious anger" of those on the left rather hypocritical considering they've enguaged in character assasination almost constantly for the last 8 years. A large part of why the republicians have been so resilient is IMHO down to the lazy mutual back slapping in the democrat friendly parts of the media/society/politics etc thats allowed more legitimate criticism to be overlooked aswell(and outlets like fox news to prosper). Reminds me alot of what we saw in the UK in the late 80's/early 90's and cost Labour power in 92.

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