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Presidential Debate


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Lol......Turns out "Joe the Plumber" isn't even registered to vote.


Joe confirmed to Diane Sawyer that he is registered.

Joe also doesn't seem to get the tax system here in the states. His views are that "If you are successful, then why should you be penalized?"

Well Joe, when you make a certain amount of money, you are put into a certain bracket. Someone making millions, is going to lose a higher percentage.

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Joe confirmed to Diane Sawyer that he is registered.

Joe also doesn't seem to get the tax system here in the states. His views are that "If you are successful, then why should you be penalized?"

Well Joe, when you make a certain amount of money, you are put into a certain bracket. Someone making millions, is going to lose a higher percentage.

Joe the Plumber should get a license for plumbing before he thinks about opening his own business. Just saying.

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As I watched the final debate last night I was reminded this election is really coming down to a very simple question.

Do we want Osama bin Laden and Joe Bin Laden's liberal hurt America agenda or John McCain and Sarah Palin’s HELP AMERICA conservative agenda?

Have you figured out how you're going to kill yourself if McCain doesn't win?

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As I watched the final debate last night I was reminded this election is really coming down to a very simple question.

Do we want Osama bin Laden and Joe Bin Laden's liberal hurt America agenda or John McCain and Sarah Palin’s HELP AMERICA conservative agenda?

For your ignorant information, Joe Biden is an Irish Catholic :) and John McCain is a beady eyed angry spoiled brat/old man. I don't know how Obama kept so cool watching the snickering McCain when he wasn't ranting like a senile old man on a tirade...got to give Obama lots of credit for having so much self control. If i were in the audience i would have decked McCain myself...lol.

Anyway, Obama is in the lead, YAY!

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And? It's better than dead air. I've seen too many debates where a candidate is asked a question and rather than say "uhh" or "umm", they just stand there staring into the abyss like they're on a Thorazine drip. And every time they need to formulate their answer and make sure that they hit all the necessary points, they continue to say absolutely nothing.

That hurts in couple ways. One, it gives the appearance of not paying attention or what the kids like to say "zoning out". Two, it makes it look like you don't have an answer and are therefore compiling some bullshit to spew out. Three, it makes you look ill-prepared and poorly coached. No one will call Sarah Palin a great intellect, but at least when she was asked a question, she started responding immediately, whether the answer was even relevant to the question or not.

When people use this as a valid "criticism" of Barack Obama, that tells me there's not much there to criticize him about. I think most Presidents of my lifetime have "uhh"d and "umm"d during debates/speeches.....I don't recall anyone really commenting on it. Pick a new poorly thought-out GOP talking point, please.

Dead air is exactly what he spews,

Now for a more AMERICAN enlightenment of what your candidate is all about.

http://www.gunbanobama.com that in itself is enough for this American to not vote for him, but let me throw another out there for your dissection.


Take a few minuets of your superior democratic/liberal day to WATCH that video, it's only 13 mins or so.

Looks like this forum needs a boost of conservatism, and I bleed it.


Edited by Literally Speaking
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As I watched the final debate last night I was reminded this election is really coming down to a very simple question.

Do we want Osama bin Laden and Joe Bin Laden's liberal hurt America agenda or John McCain and Sarah Palin’s HELP AMERICA conservative agenda?

*snerk* In your hurry to make the same tired 'Obama =terrorist' nonsense, you forgot to get even part of Obama's name in there. It's a good thing you believe the election is coming down to a very simple question, because I get the distinct impression that any question that isn't very simple would be too difficult for you. You might want to head to your nearest Dollar General store... I hear they're having a sale on clues.

Eloquence is as eloquence does... and you sir, are an idiot.


Edited by Lake of Shadows
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Dead air is exactly what he spews,

Now for a more AMERICAN enlightenment of what your candidate is all about.

http://www.gunbanobama.com that in itself is enough for this American to not vote for him, but let me throw another out there for your dissection.


Take a few minuets of your superior democratic/liberal day to WATCH that video, it's only 13 mins or so.

Looks like this forum needs a boost of conservatism, and I bleed it.


You'd be incorrect. BTW, I get a kick that you're calling your opinion "American" as if those who disagree somehow are not American. What a nice introduction to this board. :rolleyes:

I hope you have your tin foil hat at the ready.

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You'd be incorrect. BTW, I get a kick that you're calling your opinion "American" as if those who disagree somehow are not American. What a nice introduction to this board. :rolleyes:

I hope you have your tin foil hat at the ready.

I'm respecting the fact that Led Zeppelin is NOT an American band and may attract a multinational audience within it's forums. I'm sure you can understand that.

Tin foil has not been used in umm about 20 years, Aluminum Foil is reserved for my BBQ grill but thank you for suggesting alternate uses however useless they may seem to me, I'm certain it holds some relevance to you.

Have a nice day.


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Dead air is exactly what he spews,

Now for a more AMERICAN enlightenment of what your candidate is all about.

http://www.gunbanobama.com that in itself is enough for this American to not vote for him, but let me throw another out there for your dissection.


Take a few minuets of your superior democratic/liberal day to WATCH that video, it's only 13 mins or so.

Looks like this forum needs a boost of conservatism, and I bleed it.


We need more and easier access to guns. So our kids can take them and kill other kids.

You bleed stupidity.

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I agree. He doesn't understand the tax system under Obama either. He's just a stupid guy, representing my state.

Makes all Ohioans look like morons.

Joe The Plumber sounds like a gay porn star to me. Probably laid more pipe than Tracy Lords.

What about Maurice Clarett? What ever happened to that guy?


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Joe also doesn't seem to get the tax system here in the states. His views are that "If you are successful, then why should you be penalized?"

Well Joe, when you make a certain amount of money, you are put into a certain bracket.

I think Joe the plumber knows the tax system, and how to get around it, quite well. Plumbing is more involved than just clearing toilet clogs - it takes years of training and is hard work. No one goes into this type of trade, just to earn a garbageman's salary. If he claims $40,000 a year income, he's probably really pulling in double that. How else is he prepared financially to consider starting his own business? Most tradesmen that work in the field do sidework, get unreported overtime pay, etc... And most of us homeowners have experience with being presented a lower job estimate for cash instead of a check or credit card. Nothing against the guy, but I'm sure he wants to go back to being an unknown - before they really start investigating him.

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I think Joe the plumber knows the tax system, and how to get around it, quite well. Plumbing is more involved than just clearing toilet clogs - it takes years of training and is hard work. No one goes into this type of trade, just to earn a garbageman's salary. If he claims $40,000 a year income, he's probably really pulling in double that. How else is he prepared financially to consider starting his own business? Most tradesmen that work in the field do sidework, get unreported overtime pay, etc... And most of us homeowners have experience with being presented a lower job estimate for cash instead of a check or credit card. Nothing against the guy, but I'm sure he wants to go back to being an unknown - before they really start investigating him.

I don't think he knows the system at all, or he was a plant for McCain. The press has checked his income. They've checked everything. Even his voting record... last time I checked, 40,000 x 2= 80,000. Still 170,000 shy of making the mark.

He has no license, is not part of the union. And works for a company. He does not own said company. He owes back taxes. He can't pay his taxes. What the fuck gives him the right to comment on a new taxation system?

He isn't going to be able to buy his own company. That is the underlying theme. He lied on national t.v. He's a republican. Registered. Do you really believe he'd vote for Obama, tax issue or not?

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I don't think he knows the system at all, or he was a plant for McCain. The press has checked his income. They've checked everything. Even his voting record... last time I checked, 40,000 x 2= 80,000. Still 170,000 shy of making the mark.

He has no license, is not part of the union. And works for a company. He does not own said company. He owes back taxes. He can't pay his taxes. What the fuck gives him the right to comment on a new taxation system?

He isn't going to be able to buy his own company. That is the underlying theme. He lied on national t.v. He's a republican. Registered. Do you really believe he'd vote for Obama, tax issue or not?

Of course it doesn't add up. If you supposedly can't pay your back taxes, how do you consider starting your own company? It's not just politicians that are dishonest, but guys like this normally fly under the radar. Many just do it to make ends meet, and feel they're entitled to it for their efforts.

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We need more and easier access to guns. So our kids can take them and kill other kids.

You bleed stupidity.

Stupidity is not teaching your kids to respect guns and not teaching them proper use and leaving them around where they can get their hands on them. If you are that kind of parent, please see a doctor soon and reverse your procreation ability.


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