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Zep w/o Robert?

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Since this thread started I have been told to: F off, Talk to a wall

I have been called: a AS#, a Ars#, a Dorko, a Whiny child, a Troll and many hope that I die

I can't repeat what has been personal messaged.

All this over a disagreement over the lead singer of a rock and roll band. Is Plant really the high point in your lives? If so, its not me that needs to get a life.........its you. Sorry that your lives are so boring that you will take personal shots at somebody over a rock and roll singer. There are many more important people out there then the members of Led Zeppelin, hopefully members of your own family might come to mind. Hey, I think Plant is selfish, plain and simple.......you get over it. Now go find some REAL HEROS. I will give you a hint, they do not play in Led Zeppelin. If LZ had never happened, while your LITTLE world may be different, the REAL WORLD would be the same.

As far as the misspelling of Yallah..............that song is so insignificant in the world of music that only a LZ fan like myself and you even knows that it exists, let alone know how to spell it.

Edited by steve51
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Since this thread started I have been told to: F off, Talk to a wall

I have been called: a AS#, a Ars#, a Dorko, a Whiny child, a Troll and many hope that I die

I can't repeat what has been personal messaged.

All this over a disagreement over the lead singer of a rock and roll band. Is Plant really the high point in your lives? If so, its not me that needs to get a life.........its you. Sorry that your lives are so boring that you will take personal shots at somebody over a rock and roll singer. There are many more important people out there then the members of Led Zeppelin, hopefully members of your own family might come to mind. Hey, I think Plant is selfish, plain and simple.......you get over it. Now go find some REAL HEROS. I will give you a hint, they do not play in Led Zeppelin. If LZ had never happened, while your LITTLE world may be different, the REAL WORLD would be the same.

As far as the misspelling of Yallah..............that song is so insignificant in the world of music that only a LZ fan like myself and you even knows that it exists, let alone know how to spell it.

OOOOOOhh Get him :blink::banana:

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Since this thread started I have been told to: F off, Talk to a wall

I have been called: a AS#, a Ars#, a Dorko, a Whiny child, a Troll and many hope that I die

I can't repeat what has been personal messaged.

All this over a disagreement over the lead singer of a rock and roll band. Is Plant really the high point in your lives? If so, its not me that needs to get a life.........its you. Sorry that your lives are so boring that you will take personal shots at somebody over a rock and roll singer. There are many more important people out there then the members of Led Zeppelin, hopefully members of your own family might come to mind. Hey, I think Plant is selfish, plain and simple.......you get over it. Now go find some REAL HEROS. I will give you a hint, they do not play in Led Zeppelin. If LZ had never happened, while your LITTLE world may be different, the REAL WORLD would be the same.

As far as the misspelling of Yallah..............that song is so insignificant in the world of music that only a LZ fan like myself and you even knows that it exists, let alone know how to spell it.


Now...you're leaving the board, right? :)

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As far as the misspelling of Yallah..............that song is so insignificant in the world of music that only a LZ fan like myself and you even knows that it exists, let alone know how to spell it.

I guess all the milions of Muslims don't know how to spell it then?? :wtf:

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Looks like Plant is going to hang him out again like he did back in Dec. 1998. I can't remember the details from then. Mr. Jones, do you have any more info on what Plant did?

I do, and I'm sure I've posted them already. Perhaps in the Zeppelin Mysteries thread.

Bottom line is he decided after the Amnesty International Concert in Paris that he did

not want to continue in the Page/Plant construct. The Japanese leg of their tour was

cancelled. When pressed for details, he said "There are only so many springtimes". I

happen to know he spent the Spring of '99 traveling with his girlfriend. I happen to

believe he should have fulfilled his commitments with Jimmy first.

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OOOOOOhh Get him

Dont feel so good, my feelings are not hurt, trashing me over your "Idol" could never do that. Just pointing out how rediculous many of you are.


Now...you're leaving the board, right?

Not hardly. Im very comfortable here.

Edited by steve51
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I do, and I'm sure I've posted them already. Perhaps in the Zeppelin Mysteries thread.

Bottom line is he decided after the Amnesty International Concert in Paris that he did

not want to continue in the Page/Plant construct. The Japanese leg of their tour was

cancelled. When pressed for details, he said "There are only so many springtimes". I

happen to know he spent the Spring of '99 traveling with his girlfriend. I happen to

believe he should have fulfilled his commitments with Jimmy first.

I happen to believe it was a two-way street.

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not wanting to tour at all and bailing mid-tour are two very different things. bailing out on a friend and fans whom you've promised to play for is kind of selfish. not wanting to tour with a band that's not even touring, because you've already promised to tour with someone else is called "keeping your word." you thought it was selfish for Plant to bail on Page during the Page & Plant tour, but it's quite alright if he bails on Krauss to tour with Led Zeppelin just for you.

Edited by Zephyrus
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Watching this go on from the outside looking in, this whole "Robert is selfish" thing is so ill thought out, so narrowminded and so well, selfish in itself I cannot even find the words. He does what moves him when it moves him. That's selfish? Then call me selfish and everyone else who's ever decided to enjoy their life as they please. All this blaming and accusing is just so assinine. Blame Robert. Blame Jimmy. I'd sooner blame the selfish fans who badger him so constantly just like this that the idea of Zeppelin performing again gags and smothers. If I were Robert and I read such things as have been said in this thread Steve51, I wouldn't feel like giving fans like you anything but a faxed scan of my ass.

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Watching this go on from the outside looking in, this whole "Robert is selfish" thing is so ill thought out, so narrowminded and so well, selfish in itself I cannot even find the words. He does what moves him when it moves him. That's selfish? Then call me selfish and everyone else who's ever decided to enjoy their life as they please. All this blaming and accusing is just so assinine. Blame Robert. Blame Jimmy. I'd sooner blame the selfish fans who badger him so constantly just like this that the idea of Zeppelin performing again gags and smothers. If I were Robert and I read such things as have been said in this thread Steve51, I wouldn't feel like giving fans like you anything but a faxed scan of my ass.


Furthermore, I have a real problem with this dillhole who keeps saying that we have "blind loyalty" to our "hero/idol" and that's why the rest of us aren't acting like petulant children, stamping our feet and calling him selfish.

I have blind loyalty to no one, and Robert Plant is not an idol nor a hero to me. He's a great rock singer who fronted a band I love a lot, but that's where it ends. I'm sure for most people here, the same thing applies. Just because we're sick of your bullshit doesn't mean we think the sun shines out of the crack of his ass. If he doesn't want to play with the other members of Led Zeppelin anymore, that's his choice and he's entitled to make it. You, me and everyone else have absolutely no say in what he does, nor should we. He's a grown man, he can do whatever he pleases, so long as it pleases him. If it pleases us too, that's a bonus. You need to accept this and get off this "Robert Plant is selfish" kick, because it's making you look like a Grade A douche.

Edited by Electrophile
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Mr. Jones, over in another thread you used a F bomb in regards to what Plant did to Page. You sure were negative the way you talked about Plant, but thats OK when you do it.........Right?

I was arguably negative concerning the choice he made in that specific instance, but not towards the man himself as you so often are. Emphasis on "so often are" -- you've

been reposting the same point for a month. I am what I am, but when a gal like brspled

suggests you kill yourself, you know you've worn out your welcome. No need to reply

to my post, because until you find something else to discuss your opinions are simply


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