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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Obviously Chad was joking...the "live version" remark is a giveaway that he was kidding around. The Chili Peppers don't matter to me as much as they did in the 80s or when John Frusciante was still with them, but I'll still check out their halftime show...it can't be as bad as some of the others have been.
  2. WOW. I mean, just absolutely WOW!!!!! Simply stupendous, Hue & Eye, and an incredibly important and valuable addition to the Visual Documentary of Led Zeppelin. Man, even though these photos are from a different venue, they take me back to those 1975 and 1977 shows at the Forum. You've captured some fantastic poses and great emotions in your striking photographs. We are all so fortunate that you had the stamina and good sense to stick it out for the whole concert, instead of leaving after only a few songs as so many photographers do. Unbelievable images.
  3. Thanks Chuck. As you live in a desirable traveller's destination yourself, I'm sure you know how fun it can be to play tour-guide to friends and family visiting from out-of-town. It forces you to think outside-the-box and get away from the routine. The thing about Los Angeles is that it is so gigantic and encompasses so many types of activities that you never exhaust the possibilities. I have had to come up with three itineraries for three different people visiting recently, and each one was entirely different. The only activities that were repeated were breakfast at Figaro Cafe, a shopping at Amoeba Records, a drive along Mulholland Dr., and hiking in Griffith Park and up to the Hollywood Sign and Mt. Lee. The only thing that could have improved the past week was if New England had won and Pamela Des Barres hadn't postponed her event...I was looking forward to introducing my friend to Miss Pamela.
  4. Seven nights and six solid days of constant fun and companionship with a good friend...and not a lick of work or family drama to interrrupt. Got to show off my city and renew and reacquaint myself with some of the glories of my fair town. Had delicious food and wine, hiked heaps of miles on some great trails with astonishing vistas, saw the mountains and the sea, went ice skating...yes, ice skating, laughed ourselves silly at Doug Benson's show, and got my friend out of the cold and snow for a week of blue skies and sunshine. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
  5. Because he's Jimmy Page and he likes doing impish things like that that make people wonder? And it really makes me wonder.... Look at the Orange amps on the Celebration Day video and what word comes to mind...Orgy? Or perhaps Ogre? In other words, don't put too much thought into why...it's just Jimmy's way of being different and having fun.
  6. "Celebration Day" is also killer from this show!!! As were most 1971 "Celebration Day"s. This, Berkeley, and the Orlando show are my essential listens from the 1971 North American Tour...and a prelude to the "Hammer of the Gods" delights of the '71 Japanese tour.
  7. Oooops...screwed that post up. I'll try again.
  8. I probably won't watch, but I wouldn't mind "Kashmir" and "Celebration Day" winning their respective categories. What I find fascinating is that the Rock Performance and Rock Album categories are the two most competitive awards of the entire night. Certainly more than the showcase awards of Record of the Year and Song of the Year, of which Daft Punk and Lorde are the only two nominees I can stomach. How did Justin Timberlake, whose "Suit & Tie" crushes most of the Song and Record nominees, not get a nomination? Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Tame Impala, Jack White, Alabama Shakes, Queens of the Stone Age...in the long run, most of these artists' nominated albums will be remembered and still listened to years from now, while the majority of the mainstream nominations will be forgotten and their creators doing time on some dismal reality show. Imagine Dragons is the only one that sticks out like a sore thumb in the Rock category...they're like Fun., here today, gone tomorrow. Regarding the question of eligibility, we go through this every year it seems, so here are the eligibility dates for the major awards. Only the Oscars adhere to the calendar year. GRAMMY AWARDS: Oct. 1 - Sept. 30. As in Oct. 1 2012 - Sept. 30 2013 for this year's awards. ACADEMY AWARDS "OSCARS": Jan 1 - Dec. 31. PRIMETIME EMMY AWARDS: June 1 - May 31 TONY AWARDS: This is the most arbitrary of the four major awards, as a different cut-off date is established every year by the Management Committee. For the 2014 awards, the cut-off date was April 25, 2013, so any play that opened on Broadway during the 2012-2013 season by April 25, 2013 was eligible.
  9. Best. Week. Ever. Well, at least one of the best weeks of my life. Definitely Top 10.
  10. Happy birthday jb126! Glad that you made it home safe and sound amidst the snow and cold, hehe. Have a great day!
  11. If I move to one of Obama's insipid "Promise Zones", will he promise to stop spying on me?
  12. We welcome your whole family...welcome aboard, Walters family! I will wait until next week before making my Super Bowl pick...I'm assuming Percy Harvin will be able to play?...but who I want to win the Super Bowl just became a whole lot easier to choose. You see, I have friends who are passionate Patriots fans and friends who are Seahawks lovers. If it had been New England vs. Seattle, I would have been torn. But Denver vs. Seattle? No problem...Seattle all the way. Of course, picking them is another matter. Taking the Seahawks out of Seattle is like taking 10 points off their offense. Peyton Manning won't have to worry about crowd noise interfering with his "OMAHA!" chants. Will Richard Sherman talk his way into a suspension or ejection from the game? It's Hall of Famer Peyton Manning vs. 2nd year QB Russell Wilson! And the line from Vegas shows it. Rick, I told you last week that Vegas would make the AFC team the favourite. Manning and Brady are rarely underdogs...except when one is facing the other. Pete Carroll for Coach of the Year? I think it's highly possible.
  13. This is rich. You pop in on a thread that you haven't even participated in to brag about being the first to mention a joke that actually people have been joking about ALL WEEK before you even brought it up? Yours aren't even as good as the ones that Bill Simmons and other writers have bandied about...The Doobie Bowl being one of my favourites. So, no...we didn't hear it first from you. Maybe you could actually offer us your pick for the game?
  14. ^^^ Didn't know that about Miller...hmmm. Can't wait for Sunday!
  15. LeGarrette Blount. Knowshon Moreno. Remember those names. For I think it will be those two running backs who will have a large say in whether the more famous names of Tom Brady or Peyton Manning win on Sunday. History has shown that both quarterbacks have struggled in the playoffs when faced against physical defenses that were able to ignore the run and apply pressure and throw the quarterbacks around like rag dolls. If Brady and Manning are going to have any success at all, they are going to need their running backs to have an impact on the game. Run for positive yardage, consistently pick up those 3rd and twos, 3rd and ones. If they can do that, that sets up the play-action to be so much more effective. Instead of Belichick and Del Rio being able to dial up a multitude of blitzes to storm the quarterback, every play-action fake will freeze the linebackers just enough to allow Brady and Manning that extra second or two to find the open receiver. So when you're watching the game Sunday, pay special attention to Blount and Moreno. Whoever is having the better game, chances are his quarterback and team are doing better, too. The Denver-New England game is so hard to call...I know I picked New England but I've been thinking about changing my pick to Denver all week. The Mile High altitude advantage, the Manning revenge factor, the endless injuries on the Patriot's defensive side...no Vince Wolfork, no Brandon Spikes, no etc., etc. Either way, it should be a helluva game.
  16. At last the big day has come! Both rooms look FAB! Wishing all of you involved in this new venture the utmost success!
  17. A little over 24 hours from now a friend is arriving in Los Angeles for a week. Which means I get to play tour guide. The weather for the week is a solid week of sun and temps around 78-82 F. It'll be a blast. On top of that, next week "The Book of Mormon" arrives back in town at the Pantages for an extended run. The first great musical of the 21st Century.
  18. The shows were in June, so the sun was still out at 7:30pm...or 1930 hr, as it most likely said on German tickets. At least, all the concerts I went to in Europe had the European style of time printed on the tickets.
  19. FANTASTIC!!!! What in Great Odin's Beard does Richard Cole have in his beard? By the way, I'm sure most of you already know, but that is Lisa Robinson standing next to Cole in that photo. Lisa has a book forthcoming which should be a fun read as she was there for large chunks of the tours, covering them for Creem and Hit Parader, among other magazines. Mick Jagger borrowed a pair of her panties when his underwear broke during the 1972 tour. Also, what happened to Ahmet Ertegun's neck? The guy next to Ahmet (not Mick, the other guy to the right of Ahmet) looks vaguely familiar. I wanna say Albert Brooks, but it's not quite right. Anybody have any ideas?
  20. Who is the attractive woman behind Simon Kirke?
  21. What an awesome Christmas gift you have given us Zeppelin fans Hue & Eye! There can never be enough Led Zeppelin images as far as I am concerned, especially for the 1977 Tour, which as immense as it was often seems underrepresented with usually the same few images getting reproduced over and over. You have done us great favour and honour by treating us to the fruits of your labour. What a treasure trove...my eyes are alight with delight. I especially love how, unlike so many photographers who only focused on getting close-ups, that you took the time to get shots that have all four group members in the frame. It ties in to a piece I am working on, and it is a way of looking at the band that we seldom get to see from professional photographers. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Hue & Eye! Now, a question...are these from the 1977 Madison Square Garden shows? Because it appears Jimmy's pants are lacking the dragons, etc. that I thought he had added to his outfit by the end of April. That's what I meant by my comment above, PlanetPage. The title and OP of this thread mentioned that these photos Hue & Eye were posting were from the 1975 and 1977 MSG shows. When he posted the first black and white one from 1977 and I saw that Jimmy's pants were bare, it struck me as odd, given what we know about the timeline about the evolution of the White Dragon suit of the 1977 tour. So, either these 1977 photos are not from MSG...or Jimmy alternated different pants during the MSG run?
  22. Seven years. $215 million. No, not Robinson Cano. Clayton Kershaw of the Dodgers. And the Dodgers aren't done yet. http://m.espn.go.com/mlb/story?storyId=10311310 Meanwhile, the Angels twiddle their thumbs.
  23. Say hello to Yvonne De Carlo fellas. Yes, that Yvonne De Carlo...Mrs. Munster!
  24. It's a double dose of death. Two icons of our '70s childhood, Reuben Kincaid (Dave Madden)and The Professor (Russell Johnson), have shuffled off this mortal coil. The Professor has finally made it off the island and Reuben is at last free of Danny Partridge's shenanigans. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/17/arts/television/russell-johnson-the-professor-on-gilligans-island-dies-at-89.html?_r=0 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/17/arts/television/dave-madden-of-the-partridge-family-dies-at-82.html If you are a Generation X'er or a Millenial, you probably can't imagine how ingrained "Gilligan's Island" and "The Partridge Family" is inside us kids who watched that show growing up, both in prime time and on endless afternoon reruns when it was syndicated. Rest in peace, indeed, Dave Madden and Russell Johnson.
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