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Everything posted by kipper

  1. Today I gave the sweatshirt back to her. I walked up to her in the breakroom and told her I was disapointed that she stole from me and I did it front of other people. Then I said I guess you need this more than i do, and since you "ruined it" by stretching it out, you might as well keep it. And then I told her if you decide you don't want to keep it at least donate to it to a shelter because maybe there is a fat homeless person it will fit now who won't notice the bad smell you left on it.
  2. Austria where they filmed the Sound of music Hawaii Paris San Francisco Blokskine House
  3. Peggy Sue has died Peggy Sue Gerron
  4. I wasn't laughing after I got it back and it smelled like BO and her cheap purfume. I was afraid it would be stretched too because she is very fat.
  5. I found my lost sweatshirt today at work. I guess somebody just decided they were cold and took it. It was on someone's chair in the break room. The woman who had said it was hers, I said look at my name on the tag and tell me it's still yours? some people. sheesh
  6. he should do one with Ozzy. that would be funny
  7. "Led Zeppelin Tour Announced Today"
  8. "you may feel a pinch" while the dentist sticks a 3 inch metal spike into your gum
  9. I would go back in time and tell columbus that he was not in India.
  10. news said she doesn't have a doctor license she just teaches stuff at a college
  11. Fox News. A lot of hysteria over some 36 year old first beer and teenage romping.
  12. John Lennon was full of shit mostly. Good songwriter, but he was a total dick head in a lot of ways. He broke up the beatles by being such a dick head. I dont know why people think he was a great person. The way he delighted in making homophobic comments about his FRIEND Brian Epstien, and the comments about Mick Jagger's "fag dancing" when in fact Lennon was bisexual himself what an asshole he was. He is the most celebrated Beatle but the biggest jerk of all.
  13. there are no space aliens. People believe in stupid stuff because the are stupid
  14. I think his point was about the philosophy not about race. Unless you think their philosophy didnt have anything to do with the motiviation to kill thousands of innocent people. Sheesh.
  15. Chrissie is so sexy even I want to fuck her
  16. Deliverance scared me so bad when I was a kid I was afraid to go camping and when I did I was afraid to be alone. BTW Strider, is it a new thing to spell words the english way now? I see that on wikipedia . Are you from England? Kind of bug me since the English didnt even trust us to know how to say "lead", so why pander to them?
  17. Burt Reynolds has died. I always liked his movies
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