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  1. PlanetPage


    Dynamite J.J., from Good Times - I miss the entire family/cast........
  2. ......Beautifully captured feelings of internal universe of the heart, fueled by cosmic energy radiant from Plant Zep........ I have come to awaken the melodies, sleeping in your thoughts
  3. Agreed totally. MSG' 77... being from Canada and holding a foreign passport (No Canadian Citizenship yet and I had never been to U.S. before either), I noticed lots of students were going to concerts to U.S. but my parents were in a difficult position to travel to U.S. at that time..This was the only opportunity for me to see ZEP, but at such a delicate time.........
  4. .....You have covered every possible reason......When Jimmy Page and Robert Plant met for the very first time, it was a meeting of minds and hearts to explore the world as in culture, music, art, fashion, and most importantly people/humanity....They both had passionate desire to bring East/West countries together, Jimmy and Robert for instance wanted to travel "in to the minds of eastern musicians" when they first visited India... Why I love Led Zeppelin? Led Zeppelin is a beautiful garden of music with colorful songs created by expert cultivators...... Jimmy and Robert.........
  5. Inspiration for eternal youth.... Dazed and Confused is inspirational song for me, very moving, energetic. Blues, so beautifully interwoven both by Robert's vocals and Jimmy's exceptional talent, equally matched by Bonzo and John Paul Jones........ http://ledzeppelin.com/video/dazed-and-con...-supershow-1969 ......This life 4 days moonlight, 100 days of darkness, but eternal youth forever......
  6. Fsmith9095.... Thank you and........ :D
  7. ...loved all the pictures you posted C4Plant, ...He is looking healthy and "inviting" in bed for now, but Just in Case: He is so very fine here........
  8. .......Jimmy Page is one of the rarest musicians who have the above capability mastered to perfection. Foremost, he is not just a master of instrument as in technique (He has indicated that in his interviews). Jimmy Page's understanding/interpretation of lyrics/poetry is in a class by itself....(and that is the reason why I was naturally attracted to his music many many moons ago (Not really knowing who Led Zeppelin were) STH was the first song I ever heard of Led Zeppelin, and it was like no others as if his guitar is the 5th musician...... Kable-E-Tariff-Benazir, Benazir........"Worthy of Praise, Incomparable, Incomparable, Beautiful.....
  9. PlanetPage

    New photos.

    don't know about "sad"...but I like him to be described that he certainly isn't "Sexy" as Jimmy :D
  10. ....very interesting, I adored Freddie Mercury in the 70's...and I still do, but Freddie remained very mysterious about himself. I was always in search of my own I.D. in East/West culture, and Freddie never mentioned in print who he truly was, later when I found out who he was, he confirmed my worst fears, that it is not O.K. to be yourself....you must be embarrassed? somehow about who you are....I deeply love his vocal chords...anyhow, I also like to give Freddie the benefit of doubt, maybe he never felt the need to reveal himself...but I don't think that is how he was viewed, certainly not by me when I was becoming an adult....... http://www.monstersandcritics.com/people/a...cury/biography/ http://www.monstersandcritics.com/people/a...0FKr0oEQT&B' alt='a>'>
  11. ...Thanks for posting....all beautiful...but this one, I don't remember it lately...but more importantly : ....after all these years........ ;)
  12. .......I have read all the stories to date, and I would congratulate you for a Most Beautiful Post of all, You have gained so much and nothing to loose....well, Led Zep...it is a Cherry on the Top.... :D
  13. ......It is one of their Masterpieces, I purchased Presence in '77 (with my allowance + babysitting $$ :D). The mood/feelings of Page's Guitar is just magical...never fails to explore depth each and every time for so many years..... just listened to it 3 days ago ...Oh well, if you don't like this Tea...perhaps I should post a recipe for Perfect Darjeeling Tea in Recipes Thread :D Take care....
  14. No they don't....."Some" talent?......Jimmy Page is a Perfectionist....Led Zeppelin's Legacy is far too important...in reality, they need someone who could match the Originality the very least, but to surpass it...well, this would be a dream of dreams, and another +++++ for Page....and OH, I wish.... :D
  15. ....absolutely, TSRTS sets the mood for the "festivities" to come....Page must play his Guitar, for that matter any other number, to set the mood......... ....With deepest respect to the Band, Led Zeppelin is Page's greatest Creation, The Honor to strike a chord belongs to Him to open any show..... :D
  16. .....I see, you went shopping last night.... :D "Trading Licks Perhaps the most spontaneous part of the Zep Stage show was when Page and Plant would trade off guitar and vocal licks. This usually occurred during "Dazed and Confused" or "Whole Lotta Love." Guitar World 1986...
  17. ..... ....I hear you Jahfin....it's very hard to take this decision from Jimmy Page, one of the most brilliant, creative musician of our time....I hope to see some new magazine articles/interviews where Jimmy "might" explain the "Unexplainable".......(I thought He was lined up for some interviews after the Hall of Fame Ceremonies)....
  18. .....Since I was the last poster of the "pictures" set, now I am wondering if new thread should be commenced for discussion.... in Photos Section or Newbies Section,??? ....... so fans don't derail pictures thread here.... The Incomparable Rock Icons.....here it goes :D :wub:
  19. ....agreed, it was the U.K. Press...that is what I meant......
  20. ....and few from their Honeymoon.......
  21. .....all of your views are right....By reading various ZEP books, it can be seen that U.K. was not too happy with ZEP's success worldwide right from the beginning....initially, I don't think Jimmy was too happy with censorship issues in the U.K...... As for your comments for so little news back then in the 70's...yes, so true.....it was ZEP'S music and charisma that made them popular to date, back then I could easily compare ZEP's Stairway to Heaven, and no question about it, it was a extra-ordinary musical journey commenced by some fine artists...(I was a teen in mid 70's/new immigrants. ..not familiar with music/culture/Language in Canada back then....still, Stairway to Heaven stood out in mind more than others, and Jimmy's Charisma in Pictures......incomparable...... ....and I also remember Jimmy not saying too much to the media....(yes, it did appear as if ZEP were too arrogant,but I could only assess/understand so much)....
  22. .....Got to include Roger Taylor too....I remember his song blasting out of the Juke Box "I am in Love with my Car....", this is not my fav. song of Queen...but Roger sure is.....(But James Patrick Page is always #1, you knew that, right.......) ....I should dust my Live Killers one of these days.....
  23. ...Nobody, I discovered them myself through magazine covers and pictures from '75 on......
  24. DOB 1958 http://www.geocities.com/sablethestarr/bio.html
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