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A big project?


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I think the main thing keeping Jimmy from releasing new material was the Zep reunion and everything connected to it!! I know he still had time between 1998 when Walking into Clarksdale was released and 2007 when reunion happened!! But I guess he needed some time off.

I also think that the whole idea of getting a new singer when Robert didn't want to work on new material and go on tour was, to try and get Robert change his mind. I think that just like at the time when Jimmy worked with Coverdale and Robert didn't like it, Jimmy probably thought Robert wouldn't like the idea of a new singer and would join Zep. So i don't think the idea of getting a new singer was ever done to actually get a new singer, but to make Robert change his mind!!!

So when Jimmy realised, Robert is definately not going to join, the whole idea of playing new material and going on tour ended.I think it would not be a good idea to go on tour with a new singer. It just wouldn't be Zeppelin anymore and looking from that perspective, even Jason playing the drums would start to look different, even if he is Bonzo's son, because it would just become more and more obvious, that Zeppelin is going further and further form it's original lineup!!

So if they would play with a new singer, Jimmy would already release new material, but the band certainly couldn't be called Led Zeppelin, even if they would play old material. Fans would mainly come to concerts and buy new material, because they would enjoy that Jonesy and Jimmy are working together again, making great music and not because, they would be very interested in the new band as a whole. So the whole legend would basicaly continue, because the great Jimmy and great Jonesy would be playing together again and not because people would see it as Zep with a new singer, even if the singer would sing fantasticaly and would be a great songwriter!!

But anyway, Jimmy now has all this new material from Zep reunion rehersals in his vaults and now he just needs to get totally new musicians together and I think it's better not to work with Jonesy and Jason, so that he can leave the reunion totally behind him and just concentrate on a Jimmy Page solo project!! I think this time it is for real!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Matjaz1
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Sigh, I guess an "autobiographical photobook" is a really ambitious project...

This doesn't preclude him from making music and performing, he already said he'd be doing that. But when Ross talked about doing a project with Page I was pretty sure that was something separate from any musical endeavors.

I look forward to seeing it...

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I think the main thing keeping Jimmy from releasing new material was the Zep reunion and everything connected to it!! I know he still had time between 1998 when Walking into Clarksdale was released and 2007 when reunion happened!! But I guess he needed some time off.

I also think that the whole idea of getting a new singer when Robert didn't want to work on new material and go on tour was, to try and get Robert change his mind. I think that just like at the time when Jimmy worked with Coverdale and Robert didn't like it, Jimmy probably thought Robert wouldn't like the idea of a new singer and would join Zep. So i don't think the idea of getting a new singer was ever done to actually get a new singer, but to make Robert change his mind!!!

So when Jimmy realised, Robert is definately not going to join, the whole idea of playing new material and going on tour ended.I think it would not be a good idea to go on tour with a new singer. It just wouldn't be Zeppelin anymore and looking from that perspective, even Jason playing the drums would start to look different, even if he is Bonzo's son, because it would just become more and more obvious, that Zeppelin is going further and further form it's original lineup!!

So if they would play with a new singer, Jimmy would already release new material, but the band certainly couldn't be called Led Zeppelin, even if they would play old material. Fans would mainly come to concerts and buy new material, because they would enjoy that Jonesy and Jimmy are working together again, making great music and not because, they would be very interested in the new band as a whole. So the whole legend would basicaly continue, because the great Jimmy and great Jonesy would be playing together again and not because people would see it as Zep with a new singer, even if the singer would sing fantasticaly and would be a great songwriter!!

But anyway, Jimmy now has all this new material from Zep reunion rehersals in his vaults and now he just needs to get totally new musicians together and I think it's better not to work with Jonesy and Jason, so that he can leave the reunion totally behind him and just concentrate on a Jimmy Page solo project!! I think this time it is for real!!!!!!!!!!

Quite a few opinions presented here, to which you are entitled, as well as a few assumptions - those I would like to respond to.

Page/Plant did not regroup in '94 because of David Coverdale, they regrouped because Robert was offered the opportunity to perform on MTV Unplugged and he extended the opportunity to Jimmy, which led to two world

tours and an album of new material. Prior to that, Jimmy had already been working with David for just over two

and a half years. Were it not for the MTV offer, it's quite conceiveable Page/Plant would never have reformed.

Jimmy did not regroup with JPJ & Jason in an attempt to coerce Robert Plant back into the fold. I hear that all too often, but it's simply absurd. Jimmy, JPJ & Jason regrouped in an effort to launch a new band with new material.

Myles was brought into rehearsals through Jason, but ultimately it was decided to disband altogether. Exactly how much new material was written - and more to the point how much may appear on future Page endeavors - remains to be seen, as does his intentions, if any, to work with others or take a solo intrumental approach.

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Quite a few opinions presented here, to which you are entitled, as well as a few assumptions - those I would like to respond to.

Page/Plant did not regroup in '94 because of David Coverdale, they regrouped because Robert was offered the opportunity to perform on MTV Unplugged and he extended the opportunity to Jimmy, which led to two world

tours and an album of new material. Prior to that, Jimmy had already been working with David for just over two

and a half years. Were it not for the MTV offer, it's quite conceiveable Page/Plant would never have reformed.

Jimmy did not regroup with JPJ & Jason in an attempt to coerce Robert Plant back into the fold. I hear that all too often, but it's simply absurd. Jimmy, JPJ & Jason regrouped in an effort to launch a new band with new material.

Myles was brought into rehearsals through Jason, but ultimately it was decided to disband altogether. Exactly how much new material was written - and more to the point how much may appear on future Page endeavors - remains to be seen, as does his intentions, if any, to work with others or take a solo intrumental approach.

I know Page and Plant regrouped because of MTV offer!! I didn't specifically say they did because Jimmy played with Coverdale, but i know Robert didn't like it and so i speculated, that perhaps they tried to get Robert into the band, because he just wouldn't want to see anyone else as the singer and would eventually change his mind, even if he was saying all the time, that he doesn't want to work with them and that he wishes them a lot of success!!

And i do believe that they were rehersing with Myles to start a new band, i just thought that perhaps they were also trying to get Robert in the band, but that was just my opinion.

I just though that might be true, because the project fell appart!!! If they decided to work with a new singer(Keneddy) then why didn't they get on with it!!?? There might just be the possibility, they couldn't agrre whether Robert is the only option or not and so when Robert didn't change his mind, they dropped the whole thing!!So i think there is certainly a small possibilty, that they were perhaps also trying to change Robert's mind!!

It's also questionable how much new material Jimmy has, but i do hope he has got a lot and that's he is going to release whole new album!!

Edited by Matjaz1
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Jimmy did not regroup with JPJ & Jason in an attempt to coerce Robert Plant back into the fold. I hear that all too often, but it's simply absurd.

I don't think it's nearly absurd as you may think.

I wouldn't necessarily say that was the sole reason to to coerce Robert but the fact that they were unable to, or simply called it quits without Robert speaks volumes.

Jimmy, JPJ & Jason regrouped in an effort to launch a new band with new material.

Which once again they were unable to, or called it off it without Robert. He's Jimmy Page. I would dare say he could have his pick of any singer he wanted....except Robert. If he really and truly wanted to just launch a band with new material he could already be on his second album by now since O2. He could've easily done that without Robert if he really wanted. Heck, look how long it took Jonesy with TCV.

IMO the entire thing came to a screeching halt several months ago when he realized that there is no way that any band or material he comes up with on his own would be the same as it would be with Robert involved. Plain and simple. And that's is not a knock on Jimmy (because the reverse holds true for Robert I say) but this is the same sentiment the overwhelming majority of fans feel - we would love and embrace any new material from Jimmy or Jonesy however, our ultimate wish would be to see the three of them together again (with Jason of course).

But it doesn't look like it's happening anytime soon. Jimmy realizes it as well and is moving on.


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He's Jimmy Page. I would dare say he could have his pick of any singer he wanted....except Robert. If he really and truly wanted to just launch a band with new material he could already be on his second album by now since O2. He could've easily done that without Robert if he really wanted. Heck, look how long it took Jonesy with TCV.


I do think this is worthy of further examination and is in keeping with the context of the thread.

Peter Mensch said they called it off when they were unable to find a "suitable" singer. We know more than one auditioned, and given it went nowhere it begs the question what were they looking for? I'd say chemistry, as opposed to any specific vocalist or style, and how frustrating it would be for him to find it so elusive - even with JPJ and Jason in the lineup - that they would call it off. Even with his pick of singers, bassists, drummers, etc. it's a daunting task for Jimmy to attempt new material without chemistry. Embryo 1 & Embryo 2 are merely guitar instrumentals, and it will be interesting to see if he elects to stay in that vein or seek involvement of others. One thing about TCV - great chemistry and a hell of a lot less baggage!

"I'm not gonna persuade Robert to do anything. You come together through the goodness of your heart"

-- Jimmy Page, June 2008.

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I do think this is worthy of further examination and is in keeping with the context of the thread.

Peter Mensch said they called it off when they were unable to find a "suitable" singer. We know more than one auditioned, and given it went nowhere it begs the question what were they looking for? I'd say chemistry, as opposed to any specific vocalist or style, and how frustrating it would be for him to find it so elusive - even with JPJ and Jason in the lineup - that they would call it off. Even with his pick of singers, bassists, drummers, etc. it's a daunting task for Jimmy to attempt new material without chemistry. Embryo 1 & Embryo 2 are merely guitar instrumentals, and it will be interesting to see if he elects to stay in that vein or seek involvement of others. One thing about TCV - great chemistry and a hell of a lot less baggage!

"I'm not gonna persuade Robert to do anything. You come together through the goodness of your heart"

-- Jimmy Page, June 2008.

Well primarily they wanted Robert, so when no other singer worked out and Robert didn't change his mind, the whole thing feel apart. Unless someone from the band tells us, we will never really know, whether they were trying to lure Robert in, by auditioning new singers.

The question is, why didn't a new singer work out and they quited, unless they were just trying to get Robert change his mind. I must agrre with Steve that it might be chemistry.

But the thing is, they could get any singer they wanted and there are some great singers out there, that can also write great melodies and lyrics. The chemistry that they were looking for, would have to be a new kind of chemistry, because they were basicaly a new band and chemistry basicaly means creating great new music and i'm shure they could find a singer with whom they could create fantastic new music, that really wouldn't have to be that much Zep like.

So there is quite a chance, that Jimmy desperately wanted Zeppelin at that point, to be able to play a lot of old music with Robert and also create new songs!!But perhaps it was also an honest attempt to start a new band with a new singer.

But anyway, let's get back on topic!!

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Well, we know very little about the 3Js project, how they started, how they worked how the whole thing fell apart. Both you and Steve are just posting your opinions and assumptions.

"Firstly, one thing that needs to be clear is that we were trying to start a new band. We weren't trying to do Led Zeppelin without Robert Plant as was widely reported at the time. We were writing new material and we did plan to go on the road and we realised if we went out, we would need to do some Led Zeppelin songs and we were trying to get a vocalist to fit what we required. A singer who probably could handle some Zeppelin songs but had his own style. We tried a few people out but basically we could not agree on a way forward."

- John Paul Jones interview with Dave Lewis, December 2009

Edited by SteveAJones
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Yes, that's exactly the problem we have here. We know they tried to start a new band, they worked together and the thing fell apart at the end. Still We don't know a lot about "how".

But as I said, it doesn't matter anymore.

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Anyone listened to the "Jimmy Page and BBC Sessions" on BBC too? Have I misheard it or did he really say he wanted to go out and be seen in year 2011?

I listened to part one, didn't hear him say that. But it was 6 a.m. so I might have missed it...

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Anyone listened to the "Jimmy Page and BBC Sessions" on BBC too? Have I misheard it or did he really say he wanted to go out and be seen in year 2011?

I listened to Parts 1 and 2; pretty cool, and funny in parts. :) I think he said something to the effect that in 2011 he didn't want to look back at 2010 having not made/played music in 2010, like he wanted to go out and do so in 2009, but will take more steps to do it in 2010 because that's what he's about. :D

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I listened to Parts 1 and 2; pretty cool, and funny in parts. :) I think he said something to the effect that in 2011 he didn't want to look back at 2010 having not made/played music in 2010, like he wanted to go out and do so in 2009, but will take more steps to do it in 2010 because that's what he's about. :D

...tks. for the update, I so wish there are transcripts or repeats?...anyway, I think he is beginning to "reazlize"...please share more details if you can tks. lot...

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...tks. for the update, I so wish there are transcripts or repeats?...anyway, I think he is beginning to "reazlize"...please share more details if you can tks. lot...

yw, no problem... What I did is just go to the News part of this site (ledzeppelin.com) and then click on the "Read More" link at the bottom of the news item about this BBC thing, then click on the link there that says "Jimmy Page and the BBC Sessions" and then that should open a new browser and then click "Listen Now", and you should be able to hear it... looks like it will be playing for the next 7 days... that's Part 1, and then to the right of that is a thing to click on that says Part 2. I don't remember all that was said, but there were interesting tidbits about the sessions and how they all had the vibe and energy and fearlessness and communication, and how the songs (and albums) evolved, etc. And interspersed with the interview they played various songs from the sessions back then, and near the end they talked about how during the interview they all (including Jimmy) were playing air guitar/air drums while listening to those tunes. Fun interview! :)

Edited by leding lady
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I listened to Parts 1 and 2; pretty cool, and funny in parts. :) I think he said something to the effect that in 2011 he didn't want to look back at 2010 having not made/played music in 2010, like he wanted to go out and do so in 2009, but will take more steps to do it in 2010 because that's what he's about. :D

Thanks so much for clear this up. This happened when a non-native speaker listened to english Radio while watching TV. :ph34r:

But I'm very happy that I misheard!

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...tks. for the update, I so wish there are transcripts or repeats?...anyway, I think he is beginning to "reazlize"...please share more details if you can tks. lot...

If you scroll down the link below.

There are three more play dates listed.

The last one is New Year's Day.


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If you scroll down the link below.

There are three more play dates listed.

The last one is New Year's Day.


....Kiss of Fire, thank you ever so much for bringing this to my attention...I got it together now :):)


Fri 25 Dec 2009


BBC 6 Music


Sat 26 Dec 2009


BBC 6 Music


Sun 27 Dec 2009


BBC 6 Music


Mon 28 Dec 2009


BBC 6 Music


Fri 1 Jan 2010


BBC 6 Music

...listening now...

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hmmm could be a book?

either an autobiography ( yes, i know he has said he wouldn't write one, but ....)

or maybe a photographic history of jimmy's career?either/both would be great!

hey! looks like my prediction was right? hope so!

has jimmy said when it will be released? thanks.

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