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Making The World A Better Place

Deborah J

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I hug people and share smiles and positive energy with anyone, there are still too many sour faces....

That's nice, people always need a hug and/or a smile:-) I always try to be nice to people (sometimes they don't give you the option so I ignore and move on). But I try to show compassion for people as well. I do think if we pay it forward it comes back to you...maybe not in financial ways but in ways that we didn't even know we needed.

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That's nice, people always need a hug and/or a smile:-) I always try to be nice to people (sometimes they don't give you the option so I ignore and move on). But I try to show compassion for people as well. I do think if we pay it forward it comes back to you...maybe not in financial ways but in ways that we didn't even know we needed.

That's a nice thing to say Deb's! I try and be as friendly as I can, it's hard when I'm in a new place or with people I don't know. But I usually end up finding one or more that I can hang with no matter where I go.

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Please put personal stories and /or things you are doing....for this world -the earth- the one we live on:-)

Funny! I'm not sure where Del is from.... i hear talk about wanting to explore Mars on the news. (being facetious)

Like Spats, i feed the neighborhood animals (squirrels and birds mostly). I often leave them fruit/bread/nuts out on the lawn. I used to leave out cat food for a stray who i haven't seen in a while, and remember doing that all the way back to when i was about five. I have donated to many charities over the years (World Wildlife Fund/ American Wildlife Federation/ and Children's charities).

I am doing my best (and a pretty good job of it) raising my child to be a well rounded, responsible and productive person. With the way many children are raised today, i feel this is my number one priority. Too many lost kids.

On a professional level, i work with people everyday and make a positive impact on many lives. When i am warmly thanked for helping someone, that makes me feel good as a human being. It's something i take seriously and not something i would ever brag about.

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Funny! I'm not sure where Del is from.... i hear talk about wanting to explore Mars on the news. (being facetious)

Like Spats, i feed the neighborhood animals (squirrels and birds mostly). I often leave them fruit/bread/nuts out on the lawn. I used to leave out cat food for a stray who i haven't seen in a while, and remember doing that all the way back to when i was about five. I have donated to many charities over the years (World Wildlife Fund/ American Wildlife Federation/ and Children's charities).

I am doing my best (and a pretty good job of it) raising my child to be a well rounded, responsible and productive person. With the way many children are raised today, i feel this is my number one priority. Too many lost kids.

On a professional level, i work with people everyday and make a positive impact on many lives. When i am warmly thanked for helping someone, that makes me feel good as a human being. It's something i take seriously and not something i would ever brag about.

Like you I have raised my son to be a respectful, loving human being as this is the most important thing. I started this to we could share ideas on making this a better world. Thanks for sharing your way of paying it forward:-)

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Please put personal stories and /or things you are doing....for this world -the earth- the one we live on:-)

If this is about enviromental hysteria, I don't buy into that stuff. The resources of this planet exist for us humans to consume, and we do. Talking about how recycling newspaper and a few plastic bottles is going to "save the planet" just seems silly to me.

Do you have any idea how much waste is generated by your computer? Any idea where most of those circuit boards and other junk end up?


Unless you are living in a grass hut someplace, I'd say that you are probably just as much of a contributor to whatever you think is harming the planet as anyone else.

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If this is about enviromental hysteria, I don't buy into that stuff. The resources of this planet exist for us humans to consume, and we do. Talking about how recycling newspaper and a few plastic bottles is going to "save the planet" just seems silly to me.

Do you have any idea how much waste is generated by your computer? Any idea where most of those circuit boards and other junk end up?


Unless you are living in a grass hut someplace, I'd say that you are probably just as much of a contributor to whatever you think is harming the planet as anyone else.

Hello Del Zeppnile..Did you read this thread, because this is about sharing ideas (imagine that people can actually come up with ideas!). What cave are you in, because yes, this earth has resources for us but they are being abused. Have you looked at the devastation that an oil spill does or what we are losing medically by destroying the rain forest, the overbuilding while we have plenty of empty stores, malls, buildings- yet we build more.

Yes I do know that my computer generates waste and I hope that someday we are able to design these to prevent most of this.

While I do not live in a straw hut I am trying to help as much as I can (not just recycling newspapers and a few plasic bottles as you stated.)

Look--this is about sharing ideas and if you have none then so be it. I want to be part of the solution not someone who gives up on humanity.

Please understand this is not personal as I don't know you and have no right to judge you..we all have to do what we think is right!

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I might know a way to fix this so-called "global warming". I was watching the History channel (don't know why, I always hate the programs about the end of the world) and they were talking about global warming. The show after that was a documentary on something about a weather controller called "H.A.A.R.P." (I don't know what it stands for, wasn't listening). It was talking about how it can be used as weapons against terrorists and other threats. They said that it can make any weather anywhere in the world. Why don't they use "H.A.A.R.P." to freeze the ice caps back up? I might be right, or I might be completely naive about something on this.


PS: The whole time I typed this, I felt SO SMART! :D

Edited by Heartbreaker_Girl
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I might know a way to fix this so-called "global warming". I was watching the History channel (don't know why, I always hate the programs about the end of the world) and they were talking about global warming. The show after that was a documentary on something about a weather controller called "H.A.A.R.P." (I don't know what it stands for, wasn't listening). It was talking about how it can be used as weapons against terrorists and other threats. They said that it can make any weather anywhere in the world. Why don't they use "H.A.A.R.P." to freeze the ice caps back up? I might be right, or I might be completely naive about something on this.


PS: The whole time I typed this, I felt SO SMART! :D


OK I'll bite, suppose some one did invent a machine that could start a massive weather system and they went to use it to refreeze the north pole. How would you be sure it would stop where you want it to stop? Maybe if you started this thing up and stated freezing it would never stop freezing and the whole world would freeze over! Now that our world is in a ice age we would be in a great big pile of crap!

Like some one once said ...."The possibility of a total paradox would rule out the need for time travel".

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OK I'll bite, suppose some one did invent a machine that could start a massive weather system and they went to use it to refreeze the north pole. How would you be sure it would stop where you want it to stop? Maybe if you started this thing up and stated freezing it would never stop freezing and the whole world would freeze over! Now that our world is in a ice age we would be in a great big pile of crap!

Like some one once said ...."The possibility of a total paradox would rule out the need for time travel".

Funny... i saw this episode of "The Smurfs" when my daughter liked the show. Just like having nukes, a weather machine would be just as potentially lethal in the hands of mankind :)


On a more realistic note, saw this story on Nightline Tuesday night. The kind of story that breaks my heart. Destruction of the environment and yet another living species that can't defend itself against the evil of, once again, mankind.



Adorable but Endangered: Lemurs Face Possible Extinction

Political Instability and Illegal Logging Threaten Madagascar's Cute Critters


Twitter: @danbharris

July 21, 2009

If there were a contest for cutest animal on the planet, the lemur would be a strong contender. But cuteness alone can't save the creatures from the political forces threatening their existence, especially not the illegal loggers destroying the lemurs' precious rainforest habitat.

Go to Madagascar to see the rare lemur in its natural habitat.

Lemurs are small primates that are endemic to Madagascar and are not found living in nature outside the island nation in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa.

There are nearly 100 different species of lemurs, including the black and white lemur, the ring-tail lemur, the tiny mouse lemur and even the mischievous dancing lemur.

"Nightline's" Dan Harris visited a lemur park about 15 miles outside Antananarivo, the capital city, where he got to know these impish little animals and saw, firsthand, the emerging threats to their survival.

A recent military coup in the impoverished, unstable country left a power vacuum that has allowed heavily armed illegal loggers, known as the "timber mafia," to pillage the lemur's natural habitat.

One of the forests is the Marojejy National Park, a towering, dauntingly beautiful landscape reminiscent of a set from "Jurassic Park." A few weeks ago, the forest in northeastern Madagascar had largely been taken over by looters and had to be shut down.

Marojejy is also home to one of the most rare and beautiful lemurs of all, the silky sifaka. Between 100 to 1,000 of these animals are left on earth.

White as snow, the sifakas look like cotton balls with tails. Humans who want to see the sifakas in the wild must make a long, slippery trek through humid, leech-infested forests.

Their remote forest habitat keeps them safe from natural predators, but it offers little protection from the more dire threat of human encroachment.

Niall O'Connor, who works for The World Wildlife Fund, which has been on red alert for the lemurs since the coup in March, said lemurs' survival is completely dependent on the survival of the forest. If the forests disappear, he said, "That's it, they're gone. And that's why we have to protect them."

And it's not just the silky sifakas that are in danger. The coup also created an opening for what has been described as "open and organized plundering" of other animals, including Madagascar's endangered tortoises, which have been poached and illegally sold into the pet trade.

There are 11,000 species of animals and plants that exist only in Madagascar, and could be in danger if their habitats are depleted. Madagascar broke off of continental Africa about 160 million years ago, and the geographic isolation has led to extraordinary wildlife, from rare tree frogs to huge millipedes to brilliantly camouflaged lizards.

"It is just simply one of those unique places on earth," O'Connor said. "It's at risk every day."

After the coup in March, the timber mafia, long influential in Madagascar, went into overdrive, exacerbating the long-running problem of illegal logging. Conservation groups say that gangs of organized criminals intimidated forest guards, burned down government offices and built roads deep into national parks to extract rosewood trees. This wood is used to make expensive furniture and musical instruments, and conservationists suspect much of it is going to China.

The poaching got so bad that the looters actually solicited workers on the radio.

"They were saying that we'll be in such and such a place, in such and such a time and if you have timber we'll buy it, or if you know where there's more timber, let us know. ... It was very brazen," O'Connor said. Sources in the conservation and diplomatic communities say they suspect that government officials may actually be taking bribes to help the timber mafia.

The government denies this claim, saying it has sent in troops to crack down on illegal loggers.

In recent weeks, the pace of the illegal logging has slowed somewhat, but as long as the political situation remains uncertain, so does the future of the lemurs.

Among conservationists, there's still real fear that this most rare and beautiful primate will disappear in the not too distant future ... another victim of the most dangerous primate on earth: man.


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Hello Del Zeppnile..Did you read this thread, because this is about sharing ideas (imagine that people can actually come up with ideas!). What cave are you in...

I am in no cave, I live in a house, made out of trees that were cut down from the forrest and other material that came out of the earth. Although I suppose if we all still lived in caves, then maybe the Earth would be in better shape according to you. But we all know that isn't going to happen, so why not let's get real about things.

I have no personal bone to pick with you or anyone else. But do you really think that a few hundred people sharing ideas about how we sort our trash and which model of cars we should buy will help when there are over a billion Chinese and Indians looking to climb out of their third world living conditions and own a car and a refridgerator? Even if every man, woman and child living in Europe and North America all "moved into caves" tomorrow; we wouldn't be able to make a dent with ten thousand of the ideas we could come up in a rock and roll forum.

... yes, this earth has resources for us but they are being abused. Have you looked at the devastation that an oil spill does or what we are losing medically by destroying the rain forest...

Oil comes out of the Earth, explain to me how even when some of it spills that it could "devestate" the earth? Fact is that there are many millions of gallons of oil and tar that seep out of the ground naturally all over the world for millions of years and everything is still fine. Besides, do you drive a car? Do you travel in buses and airplanes? Because I have four cars and as far as I can tell non of the runs on hugs and kisses. They run on petroleum, and that comes from oil.

Unless you are saying you don't use any modern conveniences for your personal life or for your job, how are YOU not part of this so called "devestation"?

And what about deforestation? You going to convince people in third world nations who are on subsistance livings to not cut down trees and plant crops or raise animals when we westerners deforested nearly all of Europe and North America in our quest for a better life? How you going to convince these folks to stop what they are doing? It's going to happen from the comfort of your air conditioned house, the one made out of trees, while you come up with ideas on your computer?

Please explain to me how you reconcile the glaring hypocricy of this picture?

... the overbuilding while we have plenty of empty stores, malls, buildings- yet we build more.

What about the people who work in those stores? Should they take up 'hunting and gathering'?

What about the people who build those stores and other buildings? What are your ideas for all the construction workers, miners, manufacterers, loggers, fishermen, ranchers and steel workers? Please give me some really BIG IDEAS that will solve this. Not just what are you doing in your backyard to save the world. Do you really think that those poor people in China making everything from cheap tennis shoes to plastic lawn chairs and metal cooking pots, are going to be happy to be unemployed if we stop building retail stores and continue in our cosumerism way of life?

Yes I do know that my computer generates waste and I hope that someday we are able to design these to prevent most of this.

While I do not live in a straw hut I am trying to help as much as I can (not just recycling newspapers and a few plasic bottles as you stated.)

Look--this is about sharing ideas and if you have none then so be it. I want to be part of the solution not someone who gives up on humanity.

It's not that I have given up on humanity, it's just that I understand humanity, and people are never going to go backwards. So maybe I can stop burning trash in my backyard, or making an effort to recycle every bit of plastic; but given some of the things I have mentioned, do you think it's really going to make much difference in the big picture?. If humanity itself is headed for the "recycle bin" then maybe that is the way the "system" is supposed to work. Just like plate tectonics and cosmic bombardment; maybe we should just sit back and enjoy the fireworks and stop trying to fool ourselves that there is much we can do to change it. But if I don't share your hysteria over the way things are, don't take it personally. I am just too honest to lie about sentimental "feelings" over things that are not going to make any difference.

Please understand this is not personal as I don't know you and have no right to judge you..we all have to do what we think is right!

Fair enough. And I believe that we should continue drilling for more oil in order to become more energy independent. And we should also continue to COMPETE with the rest of the world for the resources that give us here a better life. But what I really hate hearing is bullshit. It's like what George Carlin said about the people who want to save the planet: "people don't care about the planet, they just want a safe enviroment for their Volvos." [from George Carlin, The Planet Is Fine]

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I am in no cave, I live in a house, made out of trees that were cut down from the forrest and other material that came out of the earth. Although I suppose if we all still lived in caves, then maybe the Earth would be in better shape according to you. But we all know that isn't going to happen, so why not let's get real about things.

I have no personal bone to pick with you or anyone else. But do you really think that a few hundred people sharing ideas about how we sort our trash and which model of cars we should buy will help when there are over a billion Chinese and Indians looking to climb out of their third world living conditions and own a car and a refridgerator? Even if every man, woman and child living in Europe and North America all "moved into caves" tomorrow; we wouldn't be able to make a dent with ten thousand of the ideas we could come up in a rock and roll forum.

Oil comes out of the Earth, explain to me how even when some of it spills that it could "devestate" the earth? Fact is that there are many millions of gallons of oil and tar that seep out of the ground naturally all over the world for millions of years and everything is still fine. Besides, do you drive a car? Do you travel in buses and airplanes? Because I have four cars and as far as I can tell non of the runs on hugs and kisses. They run on petroleum, and that comes from oil.

Unless you are saying you don't use any modern conveniences for your personal life or for your job, how are YOU not part of this so called "devestation"?

And what about deforestation? You going to convince people in third world nations who are on subsistance livings to not cut down trees and plant crops or raise animals when we westerners deforested nearly all of Europe and North America in our quest for a better life? How you going to convince these folks to stop what they are doing? It's going to happen from the comfort of your air conditioned house, the one made out of trees, while you come up with ideas on your computer?

Please explain to me how you reconcile the glaring hypocricy of this picture?

What about the people who work in those stores? Should they take up 'hunting and gathering'?

What about the people who build those stores and other buildings? What are your ideas for all the construction workers, miners, manufacterers, loggers, fishermen, ranchers and steel workers? Please give me some really BIG IDEAS that will solve this. Not just what are you doing in your backyard to save the world. Do you really think that those poor people in China making everything from cheap tennis shoes to plastic lawn chairs and metal cooking pots, are going to be happy to be unemployed if we stop building retail stores and continue in our cosumerism way of life?

It's not that I have given up on humanity, it's just that I understand humanity, and people are never going to go backwards. So maybe I can stop burning trash in my backyard, or making an effort to recycle every bit of plastic; but given some of the things I have mentioned, do you think it's really going to make much difference in the big picture?. If humanity itself is headed for the "recycle bin" then maybe that is the way the "system" is supposed to work. Just like plate tectonics and cosmic bombardment; maybe we should just sit back and enjoy the fireworks and stop trying to fool ourselves that there is much we can do to change it. But if I don't share your hysteria over the way things are, don't take it personally. I am just too honest to lie about sentimental "feelings" over things that are not going to make any difference.

Fair enough. And I believe that we should continue drilling for more oil in order to become more energy independent. And we should also continue to COMPETE with the rest of the world for the resources that give us here a better life. But what I really hate hearing is bullshit. It's like what George Carlin said about the people who want to save the planet: "people don't care about the planet, they just want a safe enviroment for their Volvos." [from George Carlin, The Planet Is Fine]

Good Morning Del Zeppine!

Thanks for your feedback. I am not a fanatic about this, I just really believe that if each of us made small changes that it will help. I do believe that there are intelligent people in this forum that will have great ideas!!

I am not saying that we need to live in caves, but we can build smarter homes that will provide the same conveniences while not polluting the earth. We have smart people in this world that have already produced solar roofing, tankless water heaters, energy efficient appliances...etc. I have already started to put some of these things in place and I hope I can continue. The cost is high because it is not yet produced for the masses, but hopefully that will be changing.

I am sorry that you view this as hypocracy. But you have to look at the big picture. We need the rain forest as many medicines come from the plants in these forest. These are needed for all of the world. And no I do not have all the answers to help every nation, but I continue to research to see what I can do.

I do drive a car, as there is no massive transit system in my area, but if there was I would be the first to use it. And I do my best to drive smart and not do unneccesary trips. Hopefully we will eventually have vehicles that are more effecient and reduce our dependency on oil. Oil does come from the ground, but the transport of it across our oceans has many times caused devastation...that was my point. We will also continue to be at war if we do not change that dependency!

As far as buildings, those same people could refurbish the exsiting buildings, this would still create jobs. manufacturing, I believe that we can still create jobs by manufacturing better cars, solar products. Nothing wrong in logging as long as they replace the trees being utilized so that we always have our trees.

Do you think new ideas are going backwards? I think not doing anything is not going forward! How do you know that it would not help if we all really thought about what we do and how it impacts the world. This is not just about recycling it is much deeper than that. We can't force anyone to do these things, but if we do keep the discussion going and more people get involved it will make a difference eventually.

Please remember this is also about simply helping other people... and the animals. Just simply doing something nice for a fellow human being as some of us are not rich we can dedicate our time.

This is not hysteria, this was simply started so that we could share ideas.

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I used to volunteer at a summer camp run by the local museum. Because of the over 900 hours of work I accumulated, it lead to me current job as a summer camp assistant and school-year assistant. Teaching kids things from science principles to common manners and behavior at least makes me feel I will have shaped them in some small way that will make them better people. I would like to know that I did shape them, but I can't say that for sure. Teaching is my plan for my career (high school Earth Science, in case anyone cared)

Recycling has been mentioned before and I do recycle bottles and plastics and such. I brown bag my lunch when I work in the summer, but as long as the bag is not ripped or wet, I usually reuse it once or twice more.

My family does have a compost pile in the backyard and veggies and other assorted leftovers from out meals, along with leaves and grass clippings are put in there. I guess you could call it recycling, but our honest and initial intent when we started was to get better soil, and nothing to do with recycling.

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I used to volunteer at a summer camp run by the local museum. Because of the over 900 hours of work I accumulated, it lead to me current job as a summer camp assistant and school-year assistant. Teaching kids things from science principles to common manners and behavior at least makes me feel I will have shaped them in some small way that will make them better people. I would like to know that I did shape them, but I can't say that for sure. Teaching is my plan for my career (high school Earth Science, in case anyone cared)

My daughter has two CIT's that are absolutely wonderful girls. They are 12 and 13 years old. When she arrives at camp they always greet her kindly and even come running over to grab her hand or pick her up! I think your time as a volunteer at summer camp (although i feel you should have been paid something) made a positive impact on many young people. I applaud you on having such enthusiasm and being so caring! :)

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My daughter has two CIT's that are absolutely wonderful girls. They are 12 and 13 years old. When she arrives at camp they always greet her kindly and even come running over to grab her hand or pick her up! I think your time as a volunteer at summer camp (although i feel you should have been paid something) made a positive impact on many young people. I applaud you on having such enthusiasm and being so caring! :)

I am being paid now, so that's always good :) I still work at that same camp and am currently seeing my former campers become paid assistants like me, its pretty special... and makes me feel old too :(:lol:

I was a camper back in 2001 and 2002 and became a volunteer in 2004. You need some volunteer experience before they consider hiring you. So at least the people hired are from within and are familiar and care about the camps.

I know my job is only a part-time job, but I know many college students my age earning the same wage flipping hamburgers at a fast food joint. Working at a museum and science center is pretty damn special, and I am reminded of that when that when I go to work. Things have been rough this year and camps are being canceled due to low enrollment. Most of us are working only 3-4 weeks in summer, rather then the usual 5-6. But I am planning on coming back the next few year (wage increases for each year you work.... :shifty::lol: ) And once I am certified as a teacher, I will likely come back and be an instructor at the camp to help pay off college.

Just one of those things that has come full circle.

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I'm painting my landlady's house for free rent. It's gonna look nice as I'm scraping, bleaching, sanding and priming. I'm also painting the details to give it some contrast. So far she loves it. :D

Today and tomorrow will be too damned hot to do anything though. :o

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It's not that I have given up on humanity, it's just that I understand humanity, and people are never going to go backwards.

I've heard you can meet lots of people at Bonnaroo, Farm Aid or Glastonbury festivals who would LOVE to break free from the "modern world", who would wholeheartedly chuck their current jobs and way-of-life for a saner living and a saner world.

Some of my friends would go crazy if they couldn't escape to a "Shirley Valentine" holiday on a backward, half-deserted Greek isle at least once every few years, and they never look forward to returning to their "modern lifestyles". They hope to retire in such an environment some day (if it still exists).

Our family has just one car, and it's more than enough. I gave up my engineering career and "independence" years ago without regret. My life is much "poorer" and simpler - and MUCH more interesting and fulfilling - than it would have ever been had I kept up with the "rat race".

Now ... if we could just get everybody to join us ... :wave:


Edited by sweetredwine
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And we should also continue to COMPETE with the rest of the world for the resources that give us here a better life. But what I really hate hearing is bullshit.

Me too! So, what we really NEED to examine is:

WHAT EXACTLY IS IT "that gives us here a better life" ?

Does "a better life" mean MORE MORE MORE things to own? Staying eternally BUSY BUSY BUSY?

Or does it mean time to relax and enjoy life, clean air, clean water, wholesome fresh food, good friends, decent shelter, loving family ... ?

What ARE we REALLY "competing" for ... excitement, ease, ill health and an early grave for everybody? :blink:

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