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Sad to say, that all I could really get was the marquee outside the Paramount Theatre which is exactly like the one already posted by someone else. I did take some inside but they are not great. Too far away. I'll see if I can't salvage something and if I can, I'll post them :)

That's all right, the experience is the thing! I was going to get a souvenir but all they had was a t-shirt -- a single, lonely T hanging there on the display :lol: Also, that young man deserves nephew of the year award!

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That's all right, the experience is the thing! I was going to get a souvenir but all they had was a t-shirt -- a single, lonely T hanging there on the display :lol: Also, that young man deserves nephew of the year award!

he does and I shall not forget.

There were t-shirts but, no programs :( . Too big a line up to bother getting one. Great bar in the theatre though :)

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Portland Newpaper...

Them Crooked Vultures and Mini Mansions

When: Sun., Nov. 22, 8 p.m. 2009

Phone: 503-224-2038

Price: $44.50

One side of my brain is whispering, "Queens of the Stone Age… Zeppelin… The Colour and the Shape…" The other's whispering, "Damn Yankees… Velvet Revolver… Zwan…." Whichever is closer to the truth, why not see new supergroup Them Crooked Vultures? If you've already got a ticket, that isthe group's Portland debut is already sold out.


Northwest 8 NW 6th

phone.gif 503-224-2038

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No One Loves Me & Neither Do Im, Mind Eraser, No Chaser,New Fang ,Dead End Friends,Elephants ,Scumbag Blues all stormers man, forget the hype and this supergroup bullshit, like Jimmy would say, let the music speak, and it does, Caligulove its straight outta some dark 80s club man, and does anyone here a massive resembelence between Reptiles and Carouselambra? still bloody rocks man, shame im gonna miss the gig, Flying to LA the day they play London! im hoping for some spur of the moment LA gig, nice,,,nice!

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reply to my own post:

the more i listen to the tracks, the more i LOVE them! i had to let them grow on me and keep my mind open, and it worked.

that's the attitude I've taken as well. I'm not familiar with QOTSA or FFighters or any modern rock for that matter. On first listen much of the record was outside my familiar zone but I knew the musicianship I was hearing was outstanding. For me as a reference point Hommes vocals were reminding me of Jack Bruce on scumbag blues and talking heads and David Bowie on other songs. This is exciting and original music. Way to go JPJ, DG and JH. In my humble opinion this record is a masterpiece.

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does anyone here a massive resembelence between Reptiles and Carouselambra?

Absolutely! I thought that the first time I heard it - just don't have the musical background to prove it. But, my ears completly agree with that assessment.


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Supergroup Them Crooked Vultures land at the Paramount

Them Crooked Vultures - lead singer/guitarist Josh Homme (of Queens of the Stone Age and Eagles of Death Metal), drummer Dave Grohl (of Foo Fighters and formerly Nirvana), and bassist John Paul Jones (formerly of Led Zeppelin)- played a strong set at The Paramount Nov. 21.

By Jonathan Zwickel

Special to The Seattle Times

November 22, 2009

Concert review

The music at times suffered from a sameness of cadence — all mid-tempo, heavy-duty, lumbering rock.

This was the only issue I had at the Roseland, NY show. Although each song has it's own flavor, they did tend to blur together at times. Far less contrast than a Zeppelin concert for instance.

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This was the only issue I had at the Roseland, NY show. Although each song has it's own flavor, they did tend to blur together at times. Far less contrast than a Zeppelin concert for instance.

Yeah, I thought the same but I see this band as a work in progress and I expect that any future material will contain much more contrast. Also, Can't remember what tune it was during the gig but I could swear they kicked into a little bit of Wearing And Tearing.

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Monsters of rock: Them Crooked Vultures @ the Paramount 11.21.09

Posted by Travis Hay on November 23, 2009 1:51 p.m.

Saettle Post-Intelligencer Reader's Blogs

Them Crooked Vultures should consider billing themselves as the second coming of the Monsters of Rock.

Sure Monsters of Rock was a long-running festival that featured several groups and TCV are just one band, but this one band features John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin on bass, Dave Grohl of Nirvana and the Foo Fighters behind the drum kit and Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age on vocals and lead guitar. And this one band delivered a monstrously epic set of rock to a capacity crowd at the Paramount Theatre Saturday night. On record TCV sounds like a glorified Queens of the Stone Age thanks to Homme helming the vocals, but in concert Them Crooked Vultures comes across like an unstoppable monster of a supergroup.

Homme's fuzzy stoner-rock guitar sound soared through the venue. His frontman duties were also admirable, especially when he took the microphone off the stand and gallivanted all over the stage during "Interludes With Ludes." Jones' bass held down the low end during the 90-minute show but it wasn't until the third song of the set, "Scumbag Blues," where he really made himself heard and from then on it was all JPJ all the time. Grohl's presence was felt the entire night, from the opening drum hits of "No One Loves Me & Neither Do I," which was the first song of the set, to show closer "Warsaw or the First Breath You Take After You Give Up." He should consider giving up his day job fighting foos because it's clear he belongs behind a drum kit. And touring guitarist Alain Johannes made his presence known by adding slight flourishes to Homme's distinctive style while the band played through its entire self-titled debut. As an added treat an unreleased song, "Highway One," made the set.

Almost every face in the crowd was wearing a smile as concertgoers reveled in the pure joy of watching these titans of rock together. But the faces in the crowd weren't the only ones having fun. Homme, Grohl and Jones flashed smiles at one another throughout the show, making the concert almost feel like a mutual admiration society of rock. I walked into the show thinking it would be a one-off performance considering Homme, Grohl and Jones have other obligations involving other bands (Hey JPJ when are we going to get that Zeppelin reunion?) and although there was no encore, their smiles combined with the performance of "Highway One" hinted that Saturday may not have been the last fans will see of Them Crooked Vultures.

Them Crooked Vultures set list:

No One Loves Me & Neither Do I

Dead End Friends

Scumbag Blues


Highway One

New Fang



Mind Eraser, No Chaser


Interlude with Ludes

Spinning in Daffodils


Warsaw or the First Breath You Take After You Give Up

Photo link:


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Live review: Them Crooked Vultures

By Ryan White, The Oregonian

November 23, 2009, 12:11PM

Dave Grohl strolled on stage, and hundreds of fists thrust in the air. John Paul Jones strolled on stage, and a thousand teenage memories bubbled into middle-aged shouts of joy, because John Paul Jones was in Led freakin' Zeppelin. Josh Homme watched this all, strapped on his guitar and said, "How you guys doing? Let's have a good time."

Ok. Great. Let's. Let's have a blast. One problem: Them Crooked Vultures don't exactly play good time tunes. They play long songs, complex songs, songs that are at times stunning. They jam. They shred. The pound. But they aren't necessarily fun.

Then Crooked Vultures are actually kind of like Phish -- shot up with testosterone, dipped in steroids and powered by a monster truck.

It's a lot of fun to see Dave Grohl back behind a drum kit.

Alain Johannes filled out the sound with whatever needed to be played to fill out the sound.

Jones, aside from bass, added piano and keytar. Nice touch.

The sold-out Roseland was thrilled to see and hear the three. There was at least one request shouted, to which Homme said, "This isn't a cover band."

They're not. They're a jam band.


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that's the attitude I've taken as well. I'm not familiar with QOTSA or FFighters or any modern rock for that matter. On first listen much of the record was outside my familiar zone but I knew the musicianship I was hearing was outstanding. For me as a reference point Hommes vocals were reminding me of Jack Bruce on scumbag blues and talking heads and David Bowie on other songs. This is exciting and original music. Way to go JPJ, DG and JH. In my humble opinion this record is a masterpiece.

Personally the more I listen to Them Crooked Vultures debut, the more I like it. At first, I wasn't sure what to think, but it's very deep and they put alot of thought into this. Listen to all the time changes in just about every song. I've read alot of reviews on other sites from people who say this album is a let down. They should just be happy with listening to Nickleback if that's how they feel. Maybe it's over their head but i give it 4.5 out of 5 stars...it's excellent. Jones is a monster!

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'Them Crooked Vultures' debut CD and Fox Oakland performance

by Allison Boring

Sacramento Photojournalist Examiner

November 23, 6:15 AM

Them Crooked Vultures, the latest modern rock and roll band to be anointed the title of "supergroup" released their first self-titled album this Tuesday. This new band is comprised of Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters, Nirvana), Josh Homme (Queens of the Stone Age, Eagles of Death Metal, Desert Sessions, Kyuss), John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin), and Alain Johannes (Eleven, Chris Cornell, Desert Sessions). The new group performed at the Fox in Oakland on Thursday night to a sold out crowd.

Opening the set with the fourth track Dead End Friends from their CD the crowd erupted as Homme announced the band. To say the rhythm section is tight is an understatement, Jones and Grohl proving they were born to play together, Jones is effortless in his fluid bass playing. Grohl, Jones and Johannes providing backing vocals and keyboards along with their primary instruments.

The crowd was really getting into the show by the time TCV kicked off Scumbag Blues, with Homme's falsetto vocals reminiscent of Cream. One highlight of the evening was an ending piano solo by Jones where the band faded out and he took the spotlight and received a standing ovation from the audience.

Midway through their set, Gunman erupted with crowd was pulsing, dancing and jumping to the throbbing beat. Homme's performance throughout the set was strong and yet seems humbled by this group, often stepping back from the mic giving the other musicians the spotlight, standing behind Johannes while he sings a lead vocal. No night and party would be complete without vodka flowing on stage. Homme partying, partook in the libations and passed his Ketel One bottle onto the crowd.

Them Crooked Vultures is definitely the tour to catch this year and in the coming year, as the band is already working on their second album! They depart for their European tour in December and hopefully will make it back to the states soon to cover more US cities. I predict this album will be nominated for a Grammy.


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Them Crooked Vultures: a storming Seattle show

by Gillian G. Gaar

Seattle Pop Culture Examiner

November 23, 2009

Them Crooked Vultures, the new John Paul Jones-Dave Grohl-Josh Homme supergroup that spans both generation lines and the classic-alternative rock divide, stormed into Seattle Saturday night (November 21) in a powerhouse show at the Paramount Theatre that had the audience on its feet throughout, from the moshers down front to the very last row of the upper balcony.The band (with additional rhythm guitarist Alain Johannes) played every song on their newly released self-titled debut album, along with the non-album track "Highway One." With a musical pedigree that encompasses Led Zeppelin to Queens of the Stone Age to Nirvana, it's no surprise to find that the band embraces the hard rock end of the spectrum with a vengeance. And particularly so since the lineup has Grohl back in the drummer's seat; with all due respect to his other musical accomplishments, this is where he truly belongs. Grohl pounded his kit with an intensity that provided a rock-bottom foundation for the other musicians to build on, and appeared to be delighted at sharing the stage with one of his childhood heroes (Jones) as well as working with Homme again (Grohl also serving as drummer for Homme's QotSA on occasion).

And coming from such an inventive crew, the music easily avoided being one-dimensional. It's a heavy sound, to be sure (nothing gets the crowd more excited than a touch of wah-wah), but there are elements of blues, psychedelic swirls of sound, and even Eastern influences. Homme, who handled all vocals, often conjured up Jim Morrison's ethereal wailing, as parts of the closing song, "Warsaw," also echoed the Doors. This is a group that's come together for the sheer pleasure of making music, with the intention of making it just as much fun to play as for the audience to groove to.

Homme had the most fun with audience, batting back the balloons that the crowd tossed among themselves. But Jones got the biggest ovation, both when he first walked out, and when he set aside his bass to deliver a nice keyboard solo (at one point he even played a MIDI "keytar"). There was much body surfing and, judging by the aroma, discreet pot smoking in what's ostensibly a "non-smoking" venue. The only disappointment was that there was no encore. But it was clear from their excited responses that the audience nonetheless left satisfied.

The band heads for UK and Europe in December, Australia and New Zealand in January.


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Them Crooked Vultures Are (a) Super (Group)

Posted by Mark Lore on Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 2:27 PM

Portland Mercury Music Blog

We've been hearing about Them Crooked Vulturesthe rock 'n' roll wet dream project featuring Dave Grohl, Josh Homme and John Paul Jonesfor months. Well, it's finally here, and it sounds like what you'd expectlots of dirty blues riffs and Grohl beating his drum kit like it was a critic who reviewed the last four Foo Fighters records.

It's actually better than I thought it would be... of course, I went into it with zero expectations. So there ya go. The song "Scumbag Blues" is pretty goodI love Homme's falsetto, Jones' basslines are Zeppelin-esque, and Grohl kindly gets his Bonham on.

So what's next? A tour, of course. The Vultures will swoop into the Roseland Theater on Sunday to indulge in the bluesy jams inspired by that one band Jones used to play.


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Them Crooked Vultures Sell Out

Posted by Mark Lore on Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:17 PM

Portland Mercury Music Blog


I haven't been to any big rock shows in years. Yet over the course of a week, I found myself in the photo pit for both Kiss and Them Crooked Vultures. I rarely get star-struck these days, but I'm not going to lieit was kind of intense seeing Gene and Paul and John Paul up close.

Them Crooked Vultures are a machine. I want to know if Dave Grohl went on some sort of a regimen before embarking on this tour... because that guy went absolutely ape-shit on the drums for two hours. There were no encores, just 120 minutes of chugging stoner blues, which pulled directly from the members' own bands. There were the hooks from Grohl's Foo Fighters, the drop-D riffs of Queens of the Stone Age, and the psychedelic blues (dirty word alert) jams that embodied those Zeppelin performances.

Now this kind of music is difficult to get excited about... it's been done to death. But most of the songs were surprisingly memorable. Josh Homme has one of the great rock voices, his falsetto sounding eerily like Cream's Jack Bruce on "Scumbag Blues." Jones pulled out an arsenal of instrumentsbass, mandolin, keytar, some slide bass thingy. And it was nice to see Grohl's mop of hair whipping behind the drums again.

I guess I was taken mostly by how powerful and relentless the whole thing wasmade even more intense by the sweaty, sold-out crowd. In the end Dave Grohl stole the showI would have had a heart-attack by the second song.


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Them Crooked Vultures is a supergroup worth talking about

By Dustin Schoof


November 24, 2009

There are supergroups and there are SUPER GROUPS.

Them Crooked Vultures falls into the latter.

The band -- consisting of Foo Fighters frontman/former Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl, Queens of the Stone Age singer/guitarist Josh Homme and Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones -- is hands-down one of the most potent lineups ever concocted.

Equal parts thunderous, hammer-of-the-gods drumming, squealing guitars and punchy bass, Them Crooked Vultures' debut contains all the firepower one would expect from three of the greatest musicians of the past 30 years.

Today we discuss the band's first single, "New Fang."

Marcia: I just heard this song for the first time this week but the official YouTube version already has more than a half million views. That's just incredible for a band that hasn't been really hyped.

Dustin: I remember hearing rumblings about Grohl's new group earlier this year, but when I found out who the other members were, I could not wait until the album came out. This is about as aggressive and in-your-face blues rock can get, no offense to Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath.

Marcia: Obviously this sound was born from that and because of JPJ being in the band. Dave Grohl must be a really fun and genius guy to be around to bring together a lineup like this then step back behind the drum kit.

Dustin: That's a good point, Marcia. Hearing Grohl pounding away is a welcome and familiar sound that has been missing in rock for some time. Grohl was born to drum and though I dig the Foo Fighters, I feel he really flexes his musical muscles when he is drumming. Of course having Jones as the other half of the rhythm section is an added boost.

Marcia: Homme also has a really unique way of taking a vocal and making it strong and interesting without shouting it. I love Queens of the Stone Age but my favorite album was the one they did with Grohl. So there's definitely something to that pairing.

Dustin: All three work so well together you would think they have been doing this for decades. You really couldn't ask for a more dynamic than these three musical geniuses. "New Fang" is a much-needed throwback to the era when loud guitars and a thumping rhythm section were the norm in rock.

Marcia: Amen, man. I'm going out to buy this album and it will be the first time I have been really excited to do that in a while. I also plan to buy Adam Lambert's new CD this coming week. I never said musical taste makes sense.

Dustin: I'm not sure how to properly respond to that, but OK then. Um, glam on?

Marcia: Hey, Dave Grohl and Adam Lambert could make beautiful music together. And you know it. Grohl makes beautiful music whenever he collaborates.


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'Them Crooked Vultures' debut CD and Fox Oakland performance

by Allison Boring

Sacramento Photojournalist Examiner

November 23, 6:15 AM

Them Crooked Vultures, the latest modern rock and roll band to be anointed the title of "supergroup" released their first self-titled album this Tuesday. This new band is comprised of Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters, Nirvana), Josh Homme (Queens of the Stone Age, Eagles of Death Metal, Desert Sessions, Kyuss), John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin), and Alain Johannes (Eleven, Chris Cornell, Desert Sessions). The new group performed at the Fox in Oakland on Thursday night to a sold out crowd.

Opening the set with the fourth track Dead End Friends from their CD the crowd erupted as Homme announced the band. To say the rhythm section is tight is an understatement, Jones and Grohl proving they were born to play together, Jones is effortless in his fluid bass playing. Grohl, Jones and Johannes providing backing vocals and keyboards along with their primary instruments.

The crowd was really getting into the show by the time TCV kicked off Scumbag Blues, with Homme's falsetto vocals reminiscent of Cream. One highlight of the evening was an ending piano solo by Jones where the band faded out and he took the spotlight and received a standing ovation from the audience.

Midway through their set, Gunman erupted with crowd was pulsing, dancing and jumping to the throbbing beat. Homme's performance throughout the set was strong and yet seems humbled by this group, often stepping back from the mic giving the other musicians the spotlight, standing behind Johannes while he sings a lead vocal. No night and party would be complete without vodka flowing on stage. Homme partying, partook in the libations and passed his Ketel One bottle onto the crowd.

Them Crooked Vultures is definitely the tour to catch this year and in the coming year, as the band is already working on their second album! They depart for their European tour in December and hopefully will make it back to the states soon to cover more US cities. I predict this album will be nominated for a Grammy.


Since Robert just won a few Grammy's with Allison, if John Paul should get one for TCV, do you think Jimmy will be feeling any pressure?

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My lady was kind enough to allow me to share her Roseland pix, my reward for advancing and maintaining our position.

Roseland Theater - Portland Oregon - Sunday November 22nd - showtime aproxx 10:00 - 11:15 pm

Them Crooked Vultures onstage is almost exactly the same band as the one on the record, everything was reproduced quite accurately, and it frikkan ROCKED. The band radiated wave after wave of solar energy which finally, by the last number, thawed the frigid Portland souls. A grand time was had by all.

Jonesy was happy and appeared to have a lot of freedom to express himself. He looked the way the rock sounded, radiant!







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