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Put it this way: If you asked yourself, "I wonder what the five LEAST rock n' roll instruments in Westerm music are? Hmmm..."

My instrument would probably be on that list. So I am not going to tell you! :P

Having said that, I was a drummer in my youth, and though I haven't had a drum set for many years, I have always considerd myself a drummer who plays this other instrument, too. But the only drumming I've done recently has been in drum circles (which I really enjoy), and I will be taking an African drumming class in April.

My first boyfriend was a guitarist. Oy vey.

Well spoons is a good guess,French Horn?Xylophone?Tin Whistle?Flute?Banjo? (Nothing to be ashamed of) Hurdy Gurdy?Was JPJ able to play it?He could play pretty much every instrument in the world.I've got it!The rubber band! [i've played this to myself by wrapping it around an ice-cream box and flicking the band,sounds dreadful! :P)

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Well spoons is a good guess,French Horn?Xylophone?Tin Whistle?Flute?Banjo? (Nothing to be ashamed of) Hurdy Gurdy?Was JPJ able to play it?He could play pretty much every instrument in the world.I've got it!The rubber band! [i've played this to myself by wrapping it around an ice-cream box and flicking the band,sounds dreadful! :P)

I've got it. A Jew's harp. Iv'e tried to play this wonderfull instrument. Almost broke my teeth.

C'mon Suz. :D

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Awwww, smushy gush! :P

Hey Spats kid, quit stressin'!!!! When you do what's right for you, in general, the right people will be in your life! And then you can have hot sex! WHEEE!!!!!!

I think i always do what's right for me but the right people (women) aren't in my life.

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I shant be participating in this topic any longer. I'm trying to get you to think out of the box. Change is good. I suspect you are young, make some mistakes. To quote an old friend of mine, "It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all".

I just don't think hooking up with easy women is the best way to go outside the box. It's just not wise these days. And as i said i wouldn't trust any woman that wanted to have sex with me that quickly.

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He can't. He is in a box inside a box inside another box, as far as thinking goes. That is why quite often while reading his posts, I have the urge to shake some sense into him.(And NO, I don't mean that in any sort of sexual way. I am most likely everything he does not like in a woman, and vice versa. LOL!)

What is so frustrating about what i am saying?

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I shant be participating in this topic any longer. I'm trying to get you to think out of the box. Change is good. I suspect you are young, make some mistakes. To quote an old friend of mine, "It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all".

I think the problem is that he needs to get in to one. :whistling:

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That's right----the nookie should come after you get your act together because if you do it beforehand it won't repair your pre -existing problems.

I remember one particularly bad year in my life when I had enough emotional baggage to sink a battleship. When I was finally able to start joking about it and loosening up my thinking that is when things changed for the better. Result: Meaningful interaction with women, a new relationship and eventual nookie.

What do you mean get my act together?

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Ah yes,what is it about the guitar that makes a woman relinquish her loins to the less than fair sex?Forget i asked,it'll probably just jinx it. :P

Maybe that's what i should have done when i was younger. Become a musician. Even the ugliest dudes get action with pretty girls in that profession.

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*Sigh* Spats, this "what, me?" naivete thing you have going is getting old. People have been getting frustrated with you for a year or two now, and you still ask questions like this?

I haven't been around THAT long.

I just don't know what they meant by getting my act together. I am doing the best i can with what i have going for me. I am limited.

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Well spoons is a good guess,French Horn?Xylophone?Tin Whistle?Flute?Banjo? (Nothing to be ashamed of) Hurdy Gurdy?Was JPJ able to play it?He could play pretty much every instrument in the world.I've got it!The rubber band! [i've played this to myself by wrapping it around an ice-cream box and flicking the band,sounds dreadful! :P)

You got it. It's one of those.

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Maybe it's not time, then.

People like to say that you will meet the right girl if you are in this state or mind or that state of mind or if your life is a certiain way or your mood is a certain way but i don't think it's really that simple. I have known from experience and with some friends that that will not make you anymore attractive to women.

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