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I've Been Going to the...MOOOOvies


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My friend Billy (born and bred in Worcester, Ma) finally saw 'American Hustle'...

We had a blast talking about all the landmarks we recognized in various scenes...ie, he used to get his 'shag' haircut at Dellaria's salon in the 70's. That location is inside the 'Midtown Mall'. The scene in the movie is when Bradley Cooper's character asks Amy Adams' character out to go dancing..


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Watched this last night on Netflix.

Very intense and eye-opening.

It makes you look more closely at what you previously accepted at face value.

Simultaneously disturbing and heart-breaking.


I will add maddening.

It's time for change.

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Watched this last night on Netflix.

Very intense and eye-opening.

It makes you look more closely at what you previously accepted at face value.

Simultaneously disturbing and heart-breaking.


I don't cry very often but this had me in tears. Places like the zoo and Sea World always gave me the heebie-jeebies, anyway, and this movie just clinched it for me...I'll never go to Sea World. By the way, if you can stomach it, you should check out a documentary called "The Cove" about the slaughter of dolphins in Japan.

My friend Billy (born and bred in Worcester, Ma) finally saw 'American Hustle'...

We had a blast talking about all the landmarks we recognized in various scenes...ie, he used to get his 'shag' haircut at Dellaria's salon in the 70's. That location is inside the 'Midtown Mall'. The scene in the movie is when Bradley Cooper's character asks Amy Adams' character out to go dancing..


"American Hustle" is fabulous! By the way, what is the name of that club where they go dancing? Have you ever been there? Congrats to Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence for winning their respective actress categories in last night's Golden Globes for their roles in "American Hustle". Both of them are the bee's knees in the movie.

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^^some zoos/aquariums do a lot of good ie, give money to foundations that protect and preserve natural habitats..

Circuses are terrible!!

I admit I did take my kids to Seaworld about 12 years ago...but I didn't know any better. Now I get it.

How in the hell did they get this footage?!?

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I realize this type of movie isn't for everyone, and to be honest, I wasn't sure it was for me. Until I saw it and witnessed the bravery and sacrifice these men make everyday, often without notice.

Politics aside. Go see it. Im not sure who first uttered this question, but I will pose it rhetorically...

Where do we find such men?


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Virginia, I saw Llewyn Davis recently too and want to see it again.

Other movies I've seen at the cinema lately, maybe I'll mention DVD rental standouts another time.

The Great Beauty - was not as good as the reviews for me, but a nice movie.

The Wolf of Wall Street. Ridiculous, hilarious at times. Some have protested this movie as "glorifying" the protagonists and their lifestyle, I didn't see it that way. I was disgusted by them frankly.

Her - liked it more than I thought I would. Sometimes creepy, but thought provoking.

Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious - hadn't seen it in ages. Excellent with the beautiful Bergman and charming Grant.

Blue Jasmine - little bit of a twist at the end. Blanchett and Hawkins deserve their nominations in my opinion.

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^^ jb126, I told my friend as we left the theater that I thought I'd need to see it again too. My son saw The Wolf of Wall Street last night and enjoyed it. I'm hoping to catch American Hustle soon; I've especially wanted to see that.

Last weekend my son and I watched The Untouchables and the first Dirty Harry movie. My whole family also watched the 1940s Phantom of the Opera a few days before that. I was really struck by the difference in civility between the latter 2 films (and the madmen therein; it was totally random that we watched both so close together); and by how non-PC things still were in 1971. And surprised by how riveted we all were by "Phantom".

Edited by Virginia
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Last weekend my son and I watched The Untouchables and the first Dirty Harry movie. My whole family also watched the 1940s Phantom of the Opera a few days before that. I was really struck by the difference in civility between the latter 2 films (and the madmen therein; it was totally random that we watched both so close together); and by how non-PC things still were in 1971. And surprised by how riveted we all were by "Phantom".

Yes, things have changed quite a bit since the 70s...even since the 90s. The most amazing to me is the speed of technological advances.

Although it is a bit tired, and the music overused (especially in things like figure skating programs), I still love the Andrew Lloyd Webber "Phantom" theater productions. The old movie is indeed riveting.

Last night I saw "Prisoners". I thought Jackman was a little over the top in his performance, but Dano, Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis were terrific. Upsetting themes and certain scenes that might be difficult for some to watch. I thought it was good and may watch it again to see if I missed some clues along the way.

I'll be watching for your thoughts about "Hustle" and "Wolf" if you get to see them. Cheers.

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Yes, things have changed quite a bit since the 70s...even since the 90s. The most amazing to me is the speed of technological advances.

We also just watched the first Lethal Weapon the other night and Danny Glover had one of those old Motorola bag phones with the buttons on the outside :) The kids couldn't believe it! :)

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Went to see August: Osage County with a gal pal..

Great cast! I could watch Ms Streep all day, and Julia Roberts is like nothing I've seen her in since Erin Brokovitch. Outstanding performance. If you belong to a family, go see this movie. Every member is represented, and it even offers a few really dark surprises. Yikes.

And Olive from "Little Miss Sunshine" is all grown up! When did that happen?!?

The theatre was empty which was a pity, really.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have a lot of catching up to do. From memory -

Lone Survivor - glad I saw it, but another film where I wanted more of the soldiers' personal stories.

Nebraska - pretty good. Dern and Forte were good, but June Squibb stole the show.

Philomena - a pleasant surprise. Much better than I expected. Sad but plenty of laughs too.

The compilation of 2014 Oscar Nominated Live Action Short Films. I'd never seen something like this in a cinema before. Very enjoyable.

Only Lovers Left Alive - when I read the brief summary I thought "ugh another vampire movie", but this was no Twilight. It was beautiful, moody, a good cast, excellent music. May not be appealing to the masses - some comments I've read "Boring movie, nothing happens".

Some recent films I've seen on DVD:

The Fighter - good but not as good as Russell's American Hustle in my opinion - with the exception of Christian Bale, he seems to be good in everything he does.

The Master - one word - weird. Unfortunate we won't get to experience any future brilliant performances by Philip Seymour Hoffman.

I'm on a Bale bender - Recently watched The Machinist, The Prestige, American Psycho. Bale great in each one and I liked all of the films as well.

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