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Mary J. Blige Covers 'Stairway to Heaven'


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Awsome. Rock music should be covered by rock bands. Not someone who is so full of themselves she thinks shes Queen Theshit. And if she really was a huge fan of the song and loved it so much, she should know it word for word like we all do.

This is the kind of arrogance that all musical fan bases can do without.

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This is the kind of arrogance that all musical fan bases can do without.

So I'm arrogant because I don't think someone whos basicly doing this for a money grab and really doesn't give 2 shits about the band should do covers of their songs?

Common dude.

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Its not a list, you have to personally call the writer of the song and ask permission, its called, in the music bussiness, a PCWSAP slip. There are certain formalities, you have to sing a few bars, at least three but no more than four, the original writer grades the performance, this can be done over the phone, then the PCWSAP is sent back to the publisher, in this case SUPERHYPE TECHNOLOGIES, and then they make copies and submit it to the copyright office in each corrisponding country song to be released. Then when the recording proscess has been completed a panel made up record excutives from each major branch from within the industry, Dist, A&R, Radio, MTV and the Grannies pass, what is called, judjment upon said master.

You can't just go and record any song you want, they take into account, when sitting in judjment, how popular the original song was to begin with, it can get very complicated if the song has been sung by more than one artist, like You Really Got Me, by the Kinks because some on the Panel might think Van Halen's version is better, so in a case like that you need 2 PCWSAP slips,

Even more complicated is what is called Derivitive Works, such as in this case, with STH, you have TAURUS and the guy is dead, also Satin actully wrote the words, Robert Plant had to sign off on that one years ago.

However, most on the panel will recognize that Jimmy Page put in what is called, The Most Work, on said composition, so an end run TMW form is all thjat is needed in a case like this one, in most cases.

You can also hire a guy who has a reputation in the industry to produce the said master recording, of having hits and he can speed the prosccess up alot, but these days just because said producer has had hit doesn't mean that he is a good producer, he can hire all the best musicians in the world and still turn out crappy work because he doesn't understand music on an emotional level, music to said producer of said master recording is only about making money, therefor it can be said that it is guys like that who have done a great deal to further the cause of ruination of said (popular) musics.

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^ magical Kool Aid anyone?

...good thing it really isn't done that way...get the permission, pay the fees and all is golden ;)

sounded like it was about to :unsure:

Simply put, she oversang and her phrasing in some places just didn't work.

The original was so tastefully done (this just seemed contrived).

Great musicianship (with Vai, Orianthi, Randy Jackson, Barker and keyboard player), but it just didn't work.

R B)

This is right along with the way Mary J. Blige sings and I think that she put her style onto the song and while the original has a slower tempo Mary's version fits with the R&B church like vibe. Also, When Mary performs she does so in a big way and it's easy to envision how this song and performance would look with all those musicians.

On another note...I do think it's low to take a verbal punch at a performer and calling her names is sad and I doubt many on here know her personally. Also, saying that she didn't care about the song or the band is low too and claiming that it was done to make money seems out since the song was released in Europe first on a UK Version...It's been admitted that Mary isn't a “Led fanatic” but I don't think that should keep her from stepping out of a comfort zone and trying something new. Also, I noticed no one mentions the royalties that comes from these songs.

I'd like to see how the Mary J. Blige fans receive the song since it is a little different from her normal selections of songs to cover. Mary is no stranger to taking on other artist songs and putting her stamp on them.

I'm glad she took the songs on and it'll be interesting to see what the former members of Led Zeppelin think...because we know now how 'dramatic and unkind' some Led Zeppelin fans can be....

Wonder if those blues and other performers thought the same of Led Zeppelin when they tried on other songs by other artists

again at this point it is all about personal taste--did the earth just move?

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It's disappointing to read things like this from Led Zeppelin fans. It is a very narrow way of thinking since music is universal and there are no lines that pen point what type of music a musician, a band or artist should or can sing. Music is deeper than that and Led Zeppelin is a band that had broken so many of those types of beliefs.

Also, I don't believe knowing every song lyric or what album each song is on or when Jimmy did this or Robert said that proves that someone is a true fan...that's only useful in a game of Led Zeppelin trivia. A fan is someone who feels the music and understands the meaning and message and she's honoring a great band and in doing so opens the door for others to take a peek since we already know how amazing the gods of rock are.

Plus she was around when that song was played over and over on the radio--not many who grew up in the 70's could escape the power of "Stairway to Heaven" lol ;)

Agree 100%! You can bet there were old blues fans who were sickened by what Zeppelin and others were doing to their favorite old Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf, etc. songs. They were wrong to feel that way and so are Zeppelin fans who freak out when someone from outside the Zeppelin "demographic" covers a Zep song.

I'll put it this way; the members of Zeppelin, especially Jimmy, listened to everything. If they were as musically closed minded as some here there never would have been a Led Zeppelin!

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Agree 100%! You can bet there were old blues fans who were sickened by what Zeppelin and others were doing to their favorite old Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf, etc. songs. They were wrong to feel that way and so are Zeppelin fans who freak out when someone from outside the Zeppelin "demographic" covers a Zep song.

I'll put it this way; the members of Zeppelin, especially Jimmy, listened to everything. If they were as musically closed minded as some here there never would have been a Led Zeppelin!

Amen and this time around giving them credit ;)

It does seem like the members of Led Zeppelin then and now are very open minded to different types of music B)

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So I'm arrogant because I don't think someone whos basicly doing this for a money grab and really doesn't give 2 shits about the band should do covers of their songs?

Common dude.

One, I'm not a dude. Two, it's arrogant to claim that certain artists are allowed to cover certain songs and other artists aren't. Pink Floyd is to me what Led Zeppelin is to most of you. Did I like the Scissor Sister's cover of Comfortably Numb? God no, it was horrible. Does that mean I think they shouldn't have been able to do it in the first place? No. They can embarrass themselves if they want, because I'm positive more people will choose to listen to the original.

Who cares if Mary J. Blige covered these songs? I sure as hell don't. And neither should you. You don't own them, you don't get dictate who does what with their catalog.

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One, I'm not a dude. Two, it's arrogant to claim that certain artists are allowed to cover certain songs and other artists aren't. Pink Floyd is to me what Led Zeppelin is to most of you. Did I like the Scissor Sister's cover of Comfortably Numb? God no, it was horrible. Does that mean I think they shouldn't have been able to do it in the first place? No. They can embarrass themselves if they want, because I'm positive more people will choose to listen to the original.

Who cares if Mary J. Blige covered these songs? I sure as hell don't. And neither should you. You don't own them, you don't get dictate who does what with their catalog.

Well this is getting nowhere. Personaly I don't think it should have been done. And I'm not sure what Pink Floyd meens to you (although I do aggree with you on the Scissor Sisters cover of Comfortably Numb being horrible), But Zeppelin meens absolutely everything to me. They're sacred and should not be touched. I know its a weird fanboy mentality, but their music has done so much for me in my life, and for someone who doesn't know or care to know anything about the band besides their 2 biggest radio hits, then ya it ticks me off. Either way, I don't think she should have done it, you couldn't care less if she did. To each their own.

Edit: By the way I found this post from you in the Led Zeppelin Master Forum > Best Led Zeppelin covers

Posted 19 December 2007 - 04:11 PM

There are good covers? Interesting. Led Zeppelin to me is one of those bands who I would prefer not have their catalogue covered. Something about not being able to come close to the original, so don't even try.

Edited by JoshZoso
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See here's the thing about covers. If even ONE person hears it and thinks "hmmm, wonder what the original sounds like?" and gets into Zep, it's worth it. Likewise, if even ONE Zep fan now listens to it and thinks "hmm,, I like this, I'm going to check out the rest of her catalog", it's been worth it.

I'm no fan of hers, she destroyed U2's 'One', and I wouldn't spend one second illegally downloading any of her material or one cent on buying any of her stuff; but if Tool hadn't covered "No Quarter" I may never have paid them a minutes notice and discovered how awesome they are.

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I'll put it this way; the members of Zeppelin, especially Jimmy, listened to everything. If they were as musically closed minded as some here there never would have been a Led Zeppelin!

I would quote this again and again and again if I could. Bloody well said!!!!

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Agree 100%! You can bet there were old blues fans who were sickened by what Zeppelin and others were doing to their favorite old Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf, etc. songs. They were wrong to feel that way and so are Zeppelin fans who freak out when someone from outside the Zeppelin "demographic" covers a Zep song.

I'll put it this way; the members of Zeppelin, especially Jimmy, listened to everything. If they were as musically closed minded as some here there never would have been a Led Zeppelin!

As a singer/songwriter myself, I do listen to pretty much anything as well (jazz, blues, rock, classical, electronica and even some early rap (when it wasn't sampled/stolen or re-hashed like much of the past 20 or so years of cookie cutter gold chain formulized product that record companies release calling it art/music). To each their own.

I make the decision for myself what I like and what I don't like. I strive to listen to others opinions

This is a forum and we are allowed to give our opinions (but there are some in the opinion police on here, who try to decide what you can or cannot listen to. If you don't completely agree with their opinion, then you are placed on their list and they call you names like ninny or something stupid.

Open Minded is allowing people to have their opinions and not calling them names.

I'm sure Mary J. Blige and/or any of the musicians who performed on the track(s) is/are not losing any sleep if someone doesn't like the cover version(s) she did.

They're being paid pretty well.

R B)

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Her voice sounds great on this. Huge risk to cover this song because its so uniquely Zeppelin... but why hate on the people who try? Geez, Zeppelin fans can be SO protective over "their" band. For one of the greatest bands of all time, seems they have some of the most immature fans of all time! Its a song people, get over it...

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  • 3 weeks later...

She performs Stairway on today's Oprah Winfrey show, (taped on Sunday).

Hi Sam,

Will Steve Vai, Orianthi, Randy Jackson and the others who were in the studio be performing it with her (or is it just her with the backing track)?

R B)

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Not as horrible as I thought it would be. She sounded pretty good and actually sang the song (no screaming/rapping/etc). I'm not familiar with Mary J Blige, so I din't know what to expect. I thought the bridge section before the solo was a little off and the solo was very "sterile". The ending was a little much, but whatever.

All in all, I'd say not bad. But I don't want to hear it again.

Edited by hf21
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I think the debate about whether she should do it or not is stupid!! If she decides so and if Zep alowed it, then who cares!!???

The only reasonable debate is whether somebody likes the cover or not!! It's not like Zeppelin should not be covered, because the originals are all so great!! I mean in my opinion the originals are the greatest and i'm shure every Zep fan will agrre, but that doesn't mean that it should not be covered and some Zep fans might still like it and there might even be people that will like such a song more then the original!!

And Joshzoso said she only knows two Zeps biggest hits?? How the heck do you know that?? She said she is a fan, so i'm shure she knows a lot more!! And who cares if she knows nothing about the band?? As long as she knows the music, it's ok!! Is knowing all the Zep trivia really so super cool, that you can't cover their songs, unless you know the name of Plant's dead dog(Stryder, by the waytongue.gif )??!!

And remember that Zep partially covered Sprit's Taurus when writing Stairway!!!ohmy.gifcool.gif

C'mon Zep fans, let's show some intelligence and not go into silly teen age arguing about Zep being to cool to be covered!!!

Edited by Matjaz1
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I hate to hear anyone else of any stature do this piece because we can still get it from its original creators. As sad as it makes me feel to hear Mary do the piece, I guess it is inevitable like Mozart and Vivaldi that it will continue to be redone by various artists through time. She does it well in her own way, but for some reason, I dislike the idea.....for her, she covers it well enough ( and uniquely enough) that I think people will buy the single and it completely broadens her audience..In fact in some ways-- there are some core fans that appreciate Blige's soulfulness so, I suppose there is some continuity in that respect. I just don't like it just yet....cool.gif

Edited by helena64
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Mary J. just sang STH on Oprah. She did a good job!

Oh wow! I wish I could have seen that. Perhaps they have it on the Oprah website...must check that out.

I was pondering if we'll get to hear what the former members of Led Zeppelin thought of the cover...

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