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Filler Zeppelin


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On each recording. What do you consider filler to your listening ears.

LZ 1 no filler.

LZ2 Thank you

LZ3 No filler

LZ4 No filler

HOTO Dyer maker

PG No filler

P I only like ALS/FYL the rest is big time filler for me.

ITTOD I only like ITE/C/FITR


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On each recording. What do you consider filler to your listening ears.

LZ 1 no filler.

LZ2 Thank you

LZ3 No filler

LZ4 No filler

HOTO Dyer maker

PG No filler

P I only like ALS/FYL the rest is big time filler for me.

ITTOD I only like ITE/C/FITR


None of it, particularly Thank You - not sure what about that song you think makes it filler.

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"Thank You" is filler????!!!! blink.gif

To me, filler is something that is thrown together at the last second to quickly get an album finished for release.

I don't think that a beautiful song that Robert wrote for his wife really qualifies as filler, but of course that is only my opinion & and if you feel differently I respect that. beer.gif

I used to think that "Hats Off to Harper" was filler, but after I heard recordings from Son House & Robert Johnson I have changed my mind & have a new respect for that song.

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I'm sure a lot of people love Thank You, but I also think a lot of people would cite it as one they don't prefer, if they have one they don't prefer.

Well, every song will have people who like and dislike it, of course. But Thank You has always been a very popular song which many people want to hear and regard as an early Zeppelin classic, which is why Page and Plant did it, and Robert did it in his solo career, until recently anyway. Presumably if it wasn't popular they'd have dropped it.

Nothing wrong with not liking it, of course!

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Led Zeppelin filler to me is songs that don't have a striking feeling for me. I guess I don't like Thank-you. Its not because I don't like acoustic music. Its because It just feels light weight. For me its missing the ZEp kink in the song.

Ramble on has it. Also Hey Hey What Can I do, that has some kick to it. I would have rather had that on. Then again. I am not Led Zeppelin.

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I like "Thank You" a lot. I don't know if Zeppelin ever had "filler" music. I think every song was a representation of what they were about musically at that time and it would be tough to say that they just threw something together for the heck of it. I would go more along the lines of saying maybe "songs you don't care for" or "songs that maybe don't seem to fit a certain album." I'm just throwing out suggestions because everyone is entitled to their own opinion obviously.

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I respect what other people like and don't like... and with that said I would just add that I love Thank You. I can't imagine any die-hard Zeppelin fan not liking it... but there ya go. This topic reminds me of an argument I got into... rather heatedly... back in 1996 when someone called The Rover filler. I came close to committing a crime of passion that day! :D

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"Thank You" is filler????!!!! blink.gif

To me, filler is something that is thrown together at the last second to quickly get an album finished for release.

I don't think that a beautiful song that Robert wrote for his wife really qualifies as filler, but of course that is only my opinion & and if you feel differently I respect that. beer.gif

I used to think that "Hats Off to Harper" was filler, but after I heard recordings from Son House & Robert Johnson I have changed my mind & have a new respect for that song.

thank you is awesome exactly! its a great song

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I respect what other people like and don't like... and with that said I would just add that I love Thank You. I can't imagine any die-hard Zeppelin fan not liking it... but there ya go. This topic reminds me of an argument I got into... rather heatedly... back in 1996 when someone called The Rover filler. I came close to committing a crime of passion that day! biggrin.gif

thats pretty much a sin to say thats a filler.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No, I like it too. :D

After al the trouble they went to putting those albums together, holding tracks over till the next album if they didn't fit (like HOTH), etc., it seems pretty clear that the band themselves didn't regard any of the tracks that way, and I have to say I agree with them.

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I think you'll find lots of people disagreeing with you about Thank You.

Nice one Aqua and Thank You, so Led Zeppelin do a nice soft song and its classed as Filler hey? :o

Not by this Fanatic its not. :thumbsup:

Regards, Danny

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Thank You has the best acoustic guitar solo I've ever heard.

What a silly topic.

To be honest, it's only silly to people who think that an opinion about a song that is contrary to their own can't exist.

I love reading the responses from people who think it's downright inconceivable that someone might think a song Led Zeppelin did wasn't in their opinion, that good.

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To be honest, it's only silly to people who think that an opinion about a song that is contrary to their own can't exist.

I love reading the responses from people who think it's downright inconceivable that someone might think a song Led Zeppelin did wasn't in their opinion, that good.

The topic is about which songs were put on an album just to make up the numbers.

Whether someone likes, dislikes or has a preference for a song is a different matter altogether and is as you said, an opinion.

Led Zeppelin were very economical with their music and pretty much released (on album) everything they recorded with a few exceptions, most of which appeared posthumously on Coda except HHWCID and TRB.

Would you anyone consider Coda, all filler?

Perhaps, but I tend to think it was just about putting it out for the fans and saying thank you and that's all folks!

And I still think this topic is silly.

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  • 3 months later...

Hope I don't offend anyone with my reply but this is my opinion

LZ: I Can't Quit You Baby, Black Mountain Side

LZ2: None

LZ3: Celebration Day, That's The Way

Untitled: None

HOTH: None

PG: Black Country Woman, Sick Again

P: All but Achilles Last Stand and Nobody's Fault But Mine

ITTOD: South Bound Suarez, Hot Dog

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