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Jimmy to tour in 2011

Led Zep Girl

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Ninelives - In an interview on World Cafe with David Dye, Robert told him that the follow up to Raising Sand was more like "Raising Hell" (his words exactly). He said he brought in more of what HE wanted to record in HIS particular style and Alison would say: "I don't want to do this, and I don't want to do that" (again Robert's words). To me, what he did on Raising Sand as far as singing style, not song choice, was to accommodate HER style of singing. In another interview, he said something to the effect that when they did try to do songs together for the second album, her input sometimes just wasn't working out I guess to what he expected her to do vocally? I think what it came down to was that she wanted the particular songs chosen to be more in the style of what she likes to do and this time, Robert wasn't going to give in. Hence, it all got put on hold and Band of Joy was born. I kinda think though hat Robert may have been planning on such an album with all his interest in Buddy Miller and how much they musically had in common. They had gotten really close during Raising Sand. And you do know that he and the Band of Joy will be writing new music starting in January so it's not going to end. I'm not feeling any Raising Sand II happening any time soon.

Also, yeah, Band of Joy IS very different from Raising Sand but it does kinda have that folksy bluegrass feel to some of the songs, no? I love Band of Joy and 'm hearing it all morph from what I'm seeing/hearing on the live web shows. More of that North African/Moroccan style is starting to show though that Robert loves. Robert even said that by February, the songs are going to sound a lot different than the originals. And, I would really love to hear more stuff similar to the Low songs. I can't wait to hear the new music.

Also, can I say on here that I think Buddy Miller is way better than Jimmy Page??? It seems there's no style that man can't play. I am VERY impressed with him.

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As long time fans who consider Jimmy one of the greatest musicians in the world, my friends and I believe that whatever he wishes to do and however he chooses to live his life, as long as it brings him happiness and peace of mind, we are content. My friends and I don't believe he needs to announce or "admit" anything to anyone other than himself or those within his circle of family and close friends. Jimmy Page long ago gave us more than we ever could have wished for or dreamed of. A lovely and very special man to whom we wish love and light and good health, always.

God Bless You Jimmy.

Well said !

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Oh, i don't know .....they're both incredibly dull.......

To each their own but it depends on how you define "dull". While Raising Sand is definitely a subdued album that can't be said of the Band of Joy record, at least it's not to my ears. Again, it depends upon how you choose to define the term. To me, "subdued" (if that's what you're getting at) doesn't equal "dull" in my book. Band of Joy sounds more like the direction Plant was following with The Mighty Rearranger record but with a strong hint of the musical stylings that informed Raising Sand. I find them both to be very exciting, intriguing albums that keep me coming back for more. If someone found III or Zeppelin's other forays into acoustic territory "dull", I could possibly see where they might reach the same conclusion about the Raising Sand and Band of Joy albums but that would be the last word to pop into my mind to describe any of them. Maybe you have a low tolerance for experimentation. If that's the case, I'd have to question your Zeppelin fandom as that is what their entire ideal was based on whether it be blues, country, folk, reggae or any of the other diverse musical paths they journeyed down.

Edited by Jahfin
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LOL. Fair enough mstork but you gotta give Buddy his props. I think he sounds amazing even on the Zep stuff. Not trying to copy Jimmy but bringing in his own style and still making it sound hot. Not an easy thing to do.

Just teasing, you, I think Buddy is a great player. But when it comes to versatility, who else played on Petula Clark's "Downtown" and "Achilles Last Stand"? :D

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To each their own but it depends on how you define "dull". While Raising Sand is definitely a subdued album that can't be said of the Band of Joy record, at least it's not to my ears. Again, it depends upon how you choose to define the term. To me, "subdued" (if that's what you're getting at) doesn't equal "dull" in my book. Band of Joy sounds more like the direction Plant was following with The Mighty Rearranger record but with a strong hint of the musical stylings that informed Raising Sand. I find them both to be very exciting, intriguing albums that keep me coming back for more. If someone found III or Zeppelin's other forays into acoustic territory "dull", I could possibly see where they might reach the same conclusion about the Raising Sand and Band of Joy albums but that would be the last word to pop into my mind to describe any of them. Maybe you have a low tolerance for experimentation. If that's the case, I'd have to question your Zeppelin fandom as that is what their entire ideal was based on whether it be blues, country, folk, reggae or any of the other diverse musical paths they journeyed down.

I love experimentation. I've loved a lot of RP's solo stuff. I love the acoutic stuff, i love the 'out there' stuff, i like the 'subdued' stuff i love all kinds of music.

I just find these two albums dull. You don't. In which case i have to question your hearing.

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mstork - Jimmy played on "Downtown"??? Interesting. Hey, I think Jimmy's amazing, don't get me wrong. I just have to say this Buddy Miller. Now he's someone I would have NEVER EVER discovered without him playing for Robert. I really love Robert. Where do you live? Have you gone to any of the shows yet?

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mstork - Jimmy played on "Downtown"??? Interesting. Hey, I think Jimmy's amazing, don't get me wrong. I just have to say this Buddy Miller. Now he's someone I would have NEVER EVER discovered without him playing for Robert. I really love Robert. Where do you live? Have you gone to any of the shows yet?

I live in NJ, haven't seen him yet on this tour but hope to next year. Did see him front row with Alison 2 years ago, that was awesome. I've seen him a bunch of times through the years.

More on topic for this thread, I've seen Jimmy a bunch of times too and I just hope I get another chance before too long!

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I love experimentation. I've loved a lot of RP's solo stuff. I love the acoutic stuff, i love the 'out there' stuff, i like the 'subdued' stuff i love all kinds of music.

I just find these two albums dull. You don't. In which case i have to question your hearing.

No need to question my hearing (or mine yours), it's actually a difference of opinions.

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I just have to say this Buddy Miller. Now he's someone I would have NEVER EVER discovered without him playing for Robert. I really love Robert. W


Buddy Miller is very well known in his own right and was named Artist of the Decade for the 00s by No Depression magazine. I first heard of him via Spyboy, Emmylou Harris' backing band for a number of years. His solo records are well worth seeking out as are the albums he's recorded with his wife, Julie.

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  • 3 months later...

Sadly, I believe that if we don't start hearing any "noise" (rumours, comments etc. from people in the know) in the next few months about Jimmy recording and/or touring, I doubt that anything will happen this year. If this is the case, especially after his comments about doing something in '10 & '11, you have to wonder if in fact he is retired.

You would think that Roberts ambitious schedule would inspire Jimmy to do something but I think that Jimmy's ego has taken a hit from his lack of commercial success post Zep. Seems like if he can't play in large arenas, he doesn't want to bother to tour.

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Seems like if he can't play in large arenas, he doesn't want to bother to tour.

I don't know about that. I saw 5 of his shows with the Crowes in smaller venues and he looked like he was having the time of his life. I've never seen him look more loose onstage than he did on that tour...

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Oh I get what you are saying Jahfin--it's just when I see the Jimmy to tour in 2011 thread up at the top of the news forum, I cannot click that mouse fast enough.

It is just depressing that it always seems to be someone updating us that nothing is happening. My hope is strong.

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