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Fool In The Rain 60

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Things I dislike about my country...? I 'll say things I don't like about my government, because I love the country just not the people running it. never have, never will.

One of the true mysteries is to how some people get to "abuse" the welfare system for 20, 30 years and others gotta bust their ass everyday to have what they have...we definitely live in an unbalanced society here.

I agree. The federal government doesn't give a rats ass about the people it's supposed to serve and neither do the two major political parties. It's about who rules the majority and who gets the most lobbist money. They strap on the feed bag of lobby cash as soon as they get elected to office and it never comes off.

The typical American politican will do whatever he or she can..........to get re-elected.

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I don't like the idea that everybody is allowed to vote. Voting should be restricted to people who actually work. Students, unemployed people and anyone who can't pass a high school level general apptitude exam should be turned away at he voting booths.

Maybe changing America needs to start at the bottom and not at the top.

That may make the unemployment rate a non-issue come election time.

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I agree. The federal government doesn't give a rats ass about the people it's supposed to serve and neither do the two major political parties. It's about who rules the majority and who gets the most lobbist money. They strap on the feed bag of lobby cash as soon as they get elected to office and it never comes off.

The typical American politican will do whatever he or she can..........to get re-elected.

When the citizens of the U.S. really have a say so in this country , it'll be when the ballot for Presidency or any other elected official ballot has a section to check that reads "none of the above".


That might be a good place to start??? As of now, you have the choice of picking who you think are the "lesser of two evils". Isn't that how it seems to be nowadays??? As for Led Tiki, if you are talking about Obama? (I don't know where you live) I think way too many foolish, naive people bought into the whole "making history" thing by having the first black President - as cool as that truly is, without seeing the true colors of the man (no pun intended) and the lack of qualifications and background he had. Also, McCain had no skills on the podium when it came to the debates. Obama ate his lunch everytime. Barack has great speaking skills and I think he fooled alot of people with that single quality. He's not the only one to do that. I simply don't trust any politicians for the most part. He may win again this time because of the same foolish people who don't know anything about him-(not to say everyone who voted for him is foolish), on the flip-side the Republicans have nothing but drama in the news..what a joke that is. That's another story.

Dazedcat, I'm sure your older than me (maybe in your mid/ate 50's?) so you know what I'm talkin about with the welfare system. If you recall-it was set up for those less fortunate to get on their feet (as a support system) for a small period of time, until they were ready to go out and handle society, a job, etc.etc.

So how in the hell does the government allow these people to live in the system for practically a fuckin lifetime????!!!!!???? I really don't understand it. There are so many programs out there for "help the poor", and to a degree I get that. But when are the "poor" (ones that are completly capable of having a job) gonna get off their ass and help THEMSELVES??? You can't really blame them, because they have no incentive to want to live better or get out of the condition they are in- the projects, whatever-because the government takes care of em'. Where I live, the city is now tearing down the old run daow projects and builing brand new houses for the people to live in. I'm talking nicer houses than an average middle class family could afford right now. The houses (complexes) are gorgeous-top notch. Must be nice. The residents might pay approximately $30-$50 per month and the government pays the rest. The same people driving around in a $40,000 Escalade or Tahoe. Does this make sense??? Yet at the same time in my neighborhood (which is an average middle class area) three families have lost their houses on my block because they couldn't pay their mortgage anymore. The working middle class gets screwed everytime. Honestly, I don't see it changing. I often wonder if I live in a period of Revolution.

To sum it all up, I don't trust the government or many poiticians - the Welfare system is a complete joke.

Edited by Rock Historian
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How close-minded and uneducated some people can be. I guess that is anywhere you go though... The healthcare situation in the USA pisses me off the most, the fact that we spend more on healthcare services out of any country YET have the most health disparities related to environmental biohazards, high rates of diabetes, obesity, etc. How does a country that claims to be the "wealthiest" allow this to happen? Money going to the wrong places, in my opinion. Lack of education as well. Also the overabundance of EVERYTHING and nobody is happy. No more simplicity.

But that's a whole other can of worms!

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How close-minded and uneducated some people can be. I guess that is anywhere you go though... The healthcare situation in the USA pisses me off the most, the fact that we spend more on healthcare services out of any country YET have the most health disparities related to environmental biohazards, high rates of diabetes, obesity, etc. How does a country that claims to be the "wealthiest" allow this to happen? Money going to the wrong places, in my opinion. Lack of education as well. Also the overabundance of EVERYTHING and nobody is happy. No more simplicity.

But that's a whole other can of worms!

Just watched a story on the news ( Vancouver BC ) about a local who while on holiday in the USA, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. They told him that he needed immediate treatment when he returned home if he was to have any chance of beating it.. Even though he is classed as a high priority, our free public system can't get him in for a minimum of 6 weeks which for all intents and purposes, will be far too late for this gentleman. He does have the option of paying for his treatment in the USA but the cost will bankrupt he and his family to do so. Our public insurance may agree to pay for his treatment in the States but again, it may be far too late before he finds out. Now, I understand that this story made news to put pressure on both our public system and BCMed Insurance to find a resolution and hopefully one will be found but, I thought I'd throw it out there as an example of how Joe Blow is being screwed by both the free public system and the unaffordable private system. Just to qualify what I'm stating, this is not an isolated story in BC and from what I understand, it seems that not being able to afford surgery or treatment in the USA, isn't an isolated story either. Comparing the two systems is alway's an interesting debate but IMHO, it's been debated to death in both the USA and Canada (as well as this forum :lol: ) with no sign of any reasonable resolution on either side of the 49th parallel. I don't claim to have all the answers but somewhere in this endless debate, it seems to me that the serious medical needs of the average tax and insurance payer are being ignored. End of rant !

Edited by ally
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Dazedcat, I'm sure your older than me (maybe in your mid/ate 50's?) so you know what I'm talkin about with the welfare system. If you recall-it was set up for those less fortunate to get on their feet (as a

support system) for a small period of time, until they were ready to go out and handle society, a job, etc.etc.

So how in the hell does the government allow these people to live in the system for practically a fuckin lifetime????!!!!!????

Yes, it was never meant to be a generational entitlement. It was supposed to be a temporary thing to bridge financial loss due to unemployment or the loss of the breadwinning spouse or any other such setbacks. Politicans pander though and troll endlessly for voters so....................

I'm sure it's much more "complex" than that but I don't want to be called "uneducated" or worse, so I'll just stop now.

Edited by dazedcat
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Yes, it was never meant to be a generational entitlement. It was supposed to be a temporary thing to bridge financial loss due to unemployment or the loss of the breadwinning spouse or any other such setbacks. Politicans pander though and troll endlessly for voters so....................

I'm sure it's much more "complex" than that but I don't want to be called "uneducated" or worse, so I'll just stop now.

I'm with ya..... I don't know what parts of the country some people live in or how it is there, but where I live-it's called "reality" and all you gotta have is common sense to see it.

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  • 1 month later...

From the USA: The war on drugs, the military industrial complex, foreign wars, empire building, statism, corporatism, corporate welfare, big government in cahoots with big business, the Israel lobby, double standards, hypocrisy, political correctness, sexual repression, religious people trying to impose their views on the rest of us, atheists who practice their atheism like it's a religion, neoconservatives, Zionists, Draconian drug and sex laws.

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From the USA: The war on drugs, the military industrial complex, foreign wars, empire building, statism, corporatism, corporate welfare, big government in cahoots with big business, the Israel lobby, double standards, hypocrisy, political correctness, sexual repression, religious people trying to impose their views on the rest of us, atheists who practice their atheism like it's a religion, neoconservatives, Zionists, Draconian drug and sex laws.

You got a solution?

Well.you know,.... :huh:

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This United States of America is not very united at all. Not in many regards. Some asshole from Nebraska just told my wife who had to call him on business from work, "all you new yorkers should be dead and are stupid". That is the kind of division there is here. I told her if she ever talks to him again tell that cow fucker to go shuck some more corn.

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This United States of America is not very united at all. Not in many regards. Some asshole from Nebraska just told my wife who had to call him on business from work, "all you new yorkers should be dead and are stupid". That is the kind of division there is here. I told her if she ever talks to him again tell that cow fucker to go shuck some more corn.

The nerve! I'm sorry. But, I agree. There are far too many "isms" plaguing it. We have racism, sexism, antisemiticism, classism, etc. We could be so much better as a country if we eliminated them.

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