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lack of headline news coverage

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how many countless hours have I heard about the beatles on TV since I was a kid, no wonder they sold so many records....

where is the headline news coverage tonight about the show? what is zeppelin? some bastard child they try to hide?

I mean, this is the biggest reunion in rock history!!!!!!!!!

the only reunion that could be bigger WOULD be the beatles, and that's not possible since 2 of the members are dead.

anyways, it seems like the same old same old with the media and zeppelin

yeah, the song remains the same.

seriously, I thought it was gonna be mentioned in the first few minutes on the 11:00 news.

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There was no live feed and it was in another country, so it was hardly an event that the US media could go ape shit over. I was in an early afternoon Art class while it was happening, so I could hardly go ape shit over it.

No ape shitting to be found today.

btw, if all 4 Beatles had reunited, world peace would have been declared and Martians would have landed to give us the cure for cancer. After all, they (the beatles) were bigger than Jesus.

Edited by Crablegs
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I too echo the sentiments of the above poster. It wasn't aired on TV/PPV/internet, it was a 5 hour time difference from the east coast, and there's no talk of it even being released on DVD. Why SHOULD CNN or other news networks devote coverage to an event people here won't see unless they had tickets?

Now, if the show was in New York, or if it was being broadcast or something, then I would understand being upset at the lack of coverage.

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The press was actually not that bad. It was on CNN, AP, New York Times, MTV, NME, etc...all with great reviews! It took over ABC news tonight, they were talking about how the weather tonight isnt going to be any stairway to heaven. They've graced the cover of Rolling Stone, and Pagey graced Guitar World. The media has been good to us. it should be the largest thing in the news, i dont debate that, im just saying it could be worse.

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A Live Feed! That would have been really THE DECENT thing to do wouldn't it? WHY oh WHY? Firstly..there almost certainly WILL be a DVD of this show. It seems likely they will tour now too. But even so...just ini the spirit of the thing...why is it that they couldn't just be totally generous and say well...20 million applicants...let's post it live and let everyone watch. I mean we HAVE the technology to be able to let all those fans watch..do we have the will? The genorosity? ....screw it let's do it! Let's GIVE it away...after all it IS Music! But no....that would just be too much to give wouldn't it? I mean what's in it for us?

Today, a slightly poorer world for that gesture not being made. I mean good manners don't cost nothing do they?

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A Live Feed! That would have been really THE DECENT thing to do wouldn't it? WHY oh WHY? Firstly..there almost certainly WILL be a DVD of this show. It seems likely they will tour now too. But even so...just ini the spirit of the thing...why is it that they couldn't just be totally generous and say well...20 million applicants...let's post it live and let everyone watch. I mean we HAVE the technology to be able to let all those fans watch..do we have the will? The genorosity? ....screw it let's do it! Let's GIVE it away...after all it IS Music! But no....that would just be too much to give wouldn't it? I mean what's in it for us?

Today, a slightly poorer world for that gesture not being made. I mean good manners don't cost nothing do they?

Don't you think you're overreacting? "A slightly poorer world"? Brother.

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It was all over the news in England. BBC, ITV, SKY, the radio and in the newspapers.

Still, I'm amazed that in America it didn't get as much coverage.

Which is very weird because in England you HARDLY EVER hear about Zep!

we are so obssesed with shitty chart music here.

It was nice for a change.

For example: Queen (my husbands favourite band)

I'm not trying to nock them I think they are a great band but.......

to listen to the British press sometimes you'd think they were the ONLY English rock band ever to have existed & that they were the first to do everything.

It was GREAT to hear about LED ZEPPELIN for a change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay:

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Which is very weird because in England you HARDLY EVER hear about Zep!

we are so obssesed with shitty chart music here.............It was GREAT to hear about LED ZEPPELIN for a change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay:

Amen. It was great.........which I'm why I'm really surprised it wasn't the same level of mania in America. They were the biggest band there ever, after the Beatles. What does it matter that the concert was in London? It was Led feckin' Zeppelin. :D

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Amen. It was great.........which I'm why I'm really surprised it wasn't the same level of mania in America. They were the biggest band there ever, after the Beatles. What does it matter that the concert was in London? It was Led feckin' Zeppelin. :D

I just hope that IF they do any more concerts we get a few here before they buggar off to America!

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"lack of headline news coverage, if it was the beatles it would be on CNN"

I hear you, what is up with the lack of coverage on a concert that 20 million people tried to get tickets for?

VH-1 did play TSRTS continually, that was cool, but yeah the news just didn't cover it much at all. And the whole ticket issue/fiasco you think would have been big news too. But we all know what Brittney Spears is up to :rolleyes:

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