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I knew the Raiders would get CLOBBERED by the Green Bay Packers...I was more concerned that our QB Carson Palmer would get clobbered out of the season by fellow Trojan Clay Mathews, and we'd be without a QB once again.

Carson ended the game in one piece, though the Raiders playoff chances are in pieces. The season looks to be over for Oakland...especially if other teams continue to have BRAIN-LOCK against the Denver Tebows!!! :wacko:

Yeah, forget the Raider game; let's talk about the two crazy games that happened yesterday: Denver vs. Chicago and Dallas vs. NY Giants.

First was the Chicago CHOKE against Denver. Yes, I said "choke". Marion Barber shouldn't have been allowed back on Chicago's plane after the game...I would have made him walk back to Chicago. Hell, I would have cut him on the spot!!!

WTF! Stay in bounds you fucking idiot...go down in bounds and Denver doesn't get the ball back with any time on the clock. Then, the fumble in Overtime...cut him, cut him now!

And while they're at it, Chicago should fire their dopey coach and GM. Fucking PATHETIC!!!

Then, later that night we had Dallas gagging against the Giants, just like the Cowboys gagged against Arizona last week.

Look, I have no rooting interest in any team other than the Raiders. Unless I have a bet going, I watch purely for the fun of watching the game. So it is fascinating to watch so-called "professional" teams make silly mistakes time after time.

And some of the coaching decisions were just as abhorrent as the player mistakes. Lovie Smith is a boob, a joke. He played that game "not to lose" instead of "to win", and that allowed Denver to be within striking distance. If Chicago is up 20-0, instead of 10-0, in the 4th qtr, then Jesus Tebow doesn't bring the Broncos back.

As for Dallas, the Tony Romo-Jason Garrett era should end...they ain't taking Dallas to the Super Bowl. Especially with that Rob Ryan defense. Terrible.

It was mind-boggling watching those two games. Absolutely mind-boggling.

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I went to yesterday's Lions vs. Vikings game, and had some nice seats 10 rows up. We thought we were watching a blowout, but it almost turned into another Lion debacle. However we won, and we helped ourselves big time as far as the playoffs. At least we'll be playing for something until the last game, which we haven't done in 12 years. That used to be us on the other side of these games. We've lost every game we were supposed to....Green Bay, New Orleans, Chicago (split), San Fran, and Atlanta....and that's exactly where we are at in our development as a team.

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Not to rain on your parade, Redrum, for what the 49ers have done is remarkable compared to last year. Harbaugh was a genius hire, and the fact that he resuscitated both Stanford AND the 49ers seemingly overnight shows the likes of Norv Turner to be the overrated boobs they are.

But, and this is a big BUT, if the 49ers have to go on the road for either GB or NO, they are doomed. They can't survive in the frigid cold of Lambeau and are not built for a track-meet shootout on the artificial turf of the Superdome.

They need to finish ahead of the Saints, at least. Bon chance.

Well, for one thing, I don't know why they kept showing the Raider blow-out yesterday up here in the northwest and the broadcasters didn't switch to the Niner game in AZ. But it would have only pissed me off anyway. :mad: There's always a letdown after winning the division it seems. Getting lacadasical and cocky will kill you every time.

As for the cold being a 'factor' I remember when they played the Bears in the playoffs in Chicago and it was frikkin' freezing, but the 'fair weather' Niners rolled over them no problem. The Niners also won their first Super Bowl in Detroit on astro-turf. It's all like trying to predict an election. :^)

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Well, for one thing, I don't know why they kept showing the Raider blow-out yesterday up here in the northwest and the broadcasters didn't switch to the Niner game in AZ. But it would have only pissed me off anyway. :mad: There's always a letdown after winning the division it seems. Getting lacadasical and cocky will kill you every time.

As for the cold being a 'factor' I remember when they played the Bears in the playoffs in Chicago and it was frikkin' freezing, but the 'fair weather' Niners rolled over them no problem. The Niners also won their first Super Bowl in Detroit on astro-turf. It's all like trying to predict an election. :^)

I can tell you why they didn't switch the games, redrum. The Raiders @ Packers game was a 1pm CBS game(they carry the AFC games...if an AFC team is on the road at a NFC venue, then it's a CBS game, if the NFC team is on the road at an AFC venue, then Fox gets it), while the 49ers @ Cardinals was a Fox game.

Since Fox was broadcasting the Bears @ Broncos game at the same time, there was no way Fox was going to switch from that to the 49ers game.

As for the rest of your comment, surely you are not comparing these 49ers to the Bill Walsh-Joe Montana-era 49ers? That was like two lifetimes ago. Yes, those 49ers teams were built for speed and power and could handle their business in the cold or on artificial turf.

But today's 49ers aren't even remotely in their league.

As for this week, the Raiders season is pretty much toast, so I am turning my attention to a different game...New England at Denver!

Never in my life have I rooted for New England the way I am this weekend! C'mon Belichick, you evil genius...I know you've got something cooked up for Tim Tebow.

GO PATRIOTS!!! :cheer:

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With all the Tebow hype, what's lost along the way is how great the Bronco's defense has been. This won't be easy for the Patriots but I can't see Denver beating them this weekend.

The Pats can't stop anybody but if they don't do something stupid defensively late in the game they've got enough to stop Tebow.

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The Pats can't stop anybody but if they don't do something stupid defensively late in the game they've got enough to stop Tebow.

You wouldn't be referring to my stupid Cowboys with that statement would you?!? :blink:

ANOTHER December flop by them is almost too much to take! We are going to the Cowboys/Bucs game tomorrow night - looking forward to it!! I picked up a couple of end zone seats, only 4 rows off the field, for the wife and I. Great weather and Tampa is always a fun place to party at. Last time the Cowboys played there, the majority of the crowd were Dallas fans. At least we shouldn't have to worry about getting jumped in the parking lot like these other cities!

Yes my DB comment was for Big Ben - I tend to call him Big Douche Bag. He is tough as nails, you've got to give him that.

Strider your Raiders HAVE to pull one out against the Lions and then hope for help against "God's Team"! :lol:

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Hi all,


Hell just froze over! :hysterical:


That's ok, KB...I felt like ice skating anyway. :)

Seriously though, I want your Patriots to DESTROY Denver! The game is in Denver, so it will be slightly in Denver's favour, what with the altitude and crowd noise and all.

You wouldn't be referring to my stupid Cowboys with that statement would you?!? :blink:

ANOTHER December flop by them is almost too much to take! We are going to the Cowboys/Bucs game tomorrow night - looking forward to it!! I picked up a couple of end zone seats, only 4 rows off the field, for the wife and I. Great weather and Tampa is always a fun place to party at. Last time the Cowboys played there, the majority of the crowd were Dallas fans. At least we shouldn't have to worry about getting jumped in the parking lot like these other cities!

Yes my DB comment was for Big Ben - I tend to call him Big Douche Bag. He is tough as nails, you've got to give him that.

Strider your Raiders HAVE to pull one out against the Lions and then hope for help against "God's Team"! :lol:

Wait a minute...isn't the United States supposed to be God's country? Isn't God a patriot? The Patriots should be God's team, ferchrissakes. :rolleyes:

Walter, I think dazedcat was referring to CHICAGO'S DEFENSIVE COLLAPSE against the Broncos last week...but I could be wrong. But, yes, Dallas choked just as bad as Chicago. Still shaking my head at what transpired in those games.

Watching the news right now, and they're showing clips from last night's GOP circus and Perry...or was it Romney?...invoked the name of Tebow. Oh boy, here we go...

It's gonna be a long, loooong, election year. :bagoverhead:

Edited by Strider
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Just as I suspected...god IS a PATRIOT! Haha!

Had a feeling once the Broncos went up against a REAL team...a team that could score more than 20 points...they would have trouble keeping up.

Meanwhile, with Denver losing, the Raiders still couldn't take advantage as they gave me a few more grey hairs choking against the Detroit Lions. Bah! Humbug!

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Just as I suspected...god IS a PATRIOT! Haha!

Had a feeling once the Broncos went up against a REAL team...a team that could score more than 20 points...they would have trouble keeping up.

Meanwhile, with Denver losing, the Raiders still couldn't take advantage as they gave me a few more grey hairs choking against the Detroit Lions. Bah! Humbug!

It's spelled M-E-G-A-T-R-O-N !! :)

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I never saw KC beating the Packers yesterday and I never quite saw the Giants rolling over like dogs at home against Washington either. I did get New England right though but I'm so happy I no longer bet on NFL games.

DC, what happened to dem Packers brah? I was surprised that the Colts pulled it off too. What a day for football...As much as I dislike the Steelers, I hope they beat SF just for the sake of helping the Saints get a bye-week. We shall see tonight.

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It's spelled M-E-G-A-T-R-O-N !! :)

It's spelled C-O-L-L-A-P-S-E !!! It's spelled N-O-H-E-A-R-T! It's spelled S-E-A-S-O-N-O-V-E-R !!!

When does the NBA start? :bagoverhead:

Yes, dazed and RH, another wacky day in the NFL. I'm kind of bummed...not just because of the Raiders...but also because I wanted the Packers to go 16-0 and the Colts to go 0-16 in the SAME season, which would be a first.

Titans losing on the road to Indy isn't such a shock, as Tennessee is mediocre at best, and mediocre teams tend to lose on the road.

But Kansas City beating Green Bay?!?! And holding Aaron Rodgers and co. under 20 points? That is "once-in-a-blue-moon" stuff...Las Vegas should demand an investigation, haha!

I've seen KC play several times this year and they are an atrocious team to watch and especially inept on offense. Never in a million years would I have thought Green Bay could lose to KC. Not unless they were resting the entire starting team.


I'm with you, dazed...I'm glad I don't bet the NFL regularly anymore. I still dabble in a football pool occasionally...it's maddening sometimes.

On the positive side, one of my brothers won his suicide pool at work before the season was halfway over.

Green Bay's loss and the way New Orleans continues to roll might open some eyes and cause some concern among Packers fans. Drew Brees is going to shatter Marino's record barring an injury.

I want the Steelers to win tonight, too, as I want New Orleans to get a bye. I want to see New Orleans and Green Bay in the NFC Title game, not the 49ers and certainly not losers like the Bears, Giants and Cowboys.

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It's spelled C-O-L-L-A-P-S-E !!! It's spelled N-O-H-E-A-R-T! It's spelled S-E-A-S-O-N-O-V-E-R !!!

When does the NBA start? :bagoverhead:

Yes, dazed and RH, another wacky day in the NFL. I'm kind of bummed...not just because of the Raiders...but also because I wanted the Packers to go 16-0 and the Colts to go 0-16 in the SAME season, which would be a first.

Titans losing on the road to Indy isn't such a shock, as Tennessee is mediocre at best, and mediocre teams tend to lose on the road.

But Kansas City beating Green Bay?!?! And holding Aaron Rodgers and co. under 20 points? That is "once-in-a-blue-moon" stuff...Las Vegas should demand an investigation, haha!

I've seen KC play several times this year and they are an atrocious team to watch and especially inept on offense. Never in a million years would I have thought Green Bay could lose to KC. Not unless they were resting the entire starting team.


I'm with you, dazed...I'm glad I don't bet the NFL regularly anymore. I still dabble in a football pool occasionally...it's maddening sometimes.

On the positive side, one of my brothers won his suicide pool at work before the season was halfway over.

Green Bay's loss and the way New Orleans continues to roll might open some eyes and cause some concern among Packers fans. Drew Brees is going to shatter Marino's record barring an injury.

I want the Steelers to win tonight, too, as I want New Orleans to get a bye. I want to see New Orleans and Green Bay in the NFC Title game, not the 49ers and certainly not losers like the Bears, Giants and Cowboys.

I'm with ya Strider.....I love Drew Brees. He's a great player on and off the field. A special guy with a big heart who does alot for the community, kids and schools. I just saw on ESPN that he may be in "free agent" mode during the season next year, but I caught the tail end of it, so I can't really elaborate too much on it. But trust me, they will pay him what he's worth- he ain't goin no where. Anyway, the Saints are tough and they've been that way for a few years now. I'm a little nervous of how they opened up against The Vikings (they had three turnovers). They can't play like that if they are to win it all.....At this point-you gotta bring the A game.

Speaking of the Bears, the fans there (the ones I heard about) are some of the worst humans on earth (as far as football fans go). If you remember in 2006, the Saints went there to play for the superbowl spot in the NFC. The Bears fans were total, total assholes...well, at least some of em'. They were telling Saints fans that the Bears were gonna finish what Katrina started and shit like that. Holding up signs with Katrina related comments...just rude, uncalled for gestures. What kinda low-life says shit like that? I'm glad I wasn't there to witness it. That goes way beyond a football game- that's just plain ignorant and no compassion for people who lost everything they owned. That's just the stories I heard from people who went there for the game. I'm sure not every Bears fan conducts themselves that way.

Anyway, should be a good one tonight..I'll be watching.

Edited by Rock Historian
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I can tell you why they didn't switch the games, redrum. The Raiders @ Packers game was a 1pm CBS game(they carry the AFC games...if an AFC team is on the road at a NFC venue, then it's a CBS game, if the NFC team is on the road at an AFC venue, then Fox gets it), while the 49ers @ Cardinals was a Fox game.

Since Fox was broadcasting the Bears @ Broncos game at the same time, there was no way Fox was going to switch from that to the 49ers game.

As for the rest of your comment, surely you are not comparing these 49ers to the Bill Walsh-Joe Montana-era 49ers? That was like two lifetimes ago. Yes, those 49ers teams were built for speed and power and could handle their business in the cold or on artificial turf.

But today's 49ers aren't even remotely in their league.

TV sucks!

I'll still go with the Niners stingy defense. :^)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Debs it is Rick, although he usually admits it! Anyway, he will flame out like the other 5 or so times he has already! It is a reunion around here lately.....of sorts! :blink:

I'm sure you're excited at your Saints prospects in the playoffs! Me, not so much - with my team that is!

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