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I think George Carlin said it best when he said Americans like their bullshit right up front where they can see it. He explained how Bill Clinton spelled it out for them - "Howdy folks, I'm completely full of shit and whaddaya think about that?" - and they loved Clinton for it because hey, at least he's honest. This Weiner weasel committed political suicide when he chose to repeatedly lie his ass off instead of just coming clean about doing something stupid.

Edited by SteveAJones
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This is the only thing I have to say on the matter and then I shan't return to this thread.


Seriously, how screwed up has this country( the U.S. ) become when our huge sex-scandal of the day involves a guy who didn't even get any sex? All he got was his right hand. Oh, HE LIED you say. So what, EVERYBODY lies about their sex life. And everybody masturbates at one time or another. Or they become like Glenn Beck.

Christ, along with cars, televisions and soccer, Americans can't even do sex-scandals right anymore. Here's how the quality has sunk over the years:

John F. Kennedy = Marilyn Monroe

Bill Clinton = Monica Lewinsky

Anthony Weiner = his hand

No wonder the rest of the world laughs at us. For THIS we make him resign?

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Christ, along with cars, televisions and soccer, Americans can't even do sex-scandals right anymore. Here's how the quality has sunk over the years:

John F. Kennedy = Marilyn Monroe

Bill Clinton = Monica Lewinsky

Anthony Weiner = his hand

No wonder the rest of the world laughs at us. For THIS we make him resign?

Nice, I can't add a thing.

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This is the only thing I have to say on the matter and then I shan't return to this thread.


Seriously, how screwed up has this country( the U.S. ) become when our huge sex-scandal of the day involves a guy who didn't even get any sex? All he got was his right hand. Oh, HE LIED you say. So what, EVERYBODY lies about their sex life. And everybody masturbates at one time or another. Or they become like Glenn Beck.

Christ, along with cars, televisions and soccer, Americans can't even do sex-scandals right anymore. Here's how the quality has sunk over the years:

John F. Kennedy = Marilyn Monroe

Bill Clinton = Monica Lewinsky

Anthony Weiner = his hand

No wonder the rest of the world laughs at us. For THIS we make him resign?

Clinton's gotta be laughing his ass off!

Weiner lies about sending lewd photos and racy texts... Clinton lies about streaming his seed on a White House intern in the Oval Office.

Weiner peters out. Clinton comes out smelling like a Rose Garden, with a few blemished petals.

Sex, drugs, rock and roll, and politics.


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  • 2 years later...

Someone can be a great employee but a damaged human, not sure the two are connected. In fact sometimes, one can become a greater employee because it's a release from the perceived failures of ones private life.

I can barely concede being a great employee, but perhaps.

But Mayor of a city the size of New York, that requires leadership.

And someone as flawed as he is would be a miserable failure as a leader.

How can he be expected to make good decisions as a leader when he can't even make good decisions in his personal life?

And it's not that they're just "not good" decisions, they are catastrophically bad decisions, showing little foresight or consideration of consequences.

He is a victim and slave of his own bizarre sexuality.

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Headline prediction:

"Weiner withdrawals under stiff accusations"

The only thing I appreciate about him is what he's done for headline writers; "Weiner withdraws...", "Weiner pulls out...", "Weiner's Poll Soft...", etc.

Other than that, the fact that he was even LEADING in the polls two weeks ago says a lot about the self-loathing and uninformed nature of NY voters. Not that the other candidates are that much better. Following Giuliani and Bloomberg with this crop of candidates is like replacing Jimmy Page with Justin Timberlake on lead guitar.

And as for Weiner himself, the saddest thing is at this career politician doesn't realize that the honorable thing to do, for his sake and ours, is to crawl under a rock and stay there. We're not responsible for his personal redemption. That goes for Spitzer too.

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