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Amy Winehouse Found Dead


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For anybody to die at such a young age is a tragedy, although in this instance not a major surprise, unfortunately.

Saw her a couple of times in 2004, and her voice was superb. She was certainly up there with the greats in that department.

For me, however, a lot of her material sounded pretty similar, so in my eyes she became Samey Winehouse, and I didn't really make much of an effort to see her again.

Rather glad I didn't, as I prefer to remember the talented lady she was rather than the cliche the gutter press painted her as.


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If I am saddened by her untimely passing, imagine what those closest to her are feeling. I lost a close friend 2 years ago to an accidental overdose. She was 53. Her son took his own life this past May.

My heart is breaking for those who loved her.


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I think Russell Brand's tribute to Amy is heartfelt and informative (especially what he writes about addiction, as he's been there himself):

Russell Brand's "For Amy"

One of my daughters, who was a fan of Amy's music, sometimes left "Back to Black" in one of our vehicles when she was home for school break - I thought it was a terrific album and I thought Amy's voice was amazing, with a Nina Simone or Dinah Washington sort of vibe to it. Hearing only her voice without knowing the back story of her personal life, one would think her promise and potential were bright.

My friends and I prayed and rooted for Amy - that her last try at rehab would work, that she would find the strength (and the love) to overcome her addition. Reading the updates written for Amy by some my old, old friends who 30 plus years ago had worked in and around the music business and had seen their share of tragedy was poignant: "Rest Peacefully at Last Sweetie", "You left us too young little girl", "RIP Dearest Amy. Spread your angel wings", "May your wounded soul find peace", etc. No judging....only love.

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I liked her singing, but never really wanted to talk about her at all. Her talent was obvious, and I think it's pretty clear that if she had been able to fight off her addiction problems she would only have expanded musically. Unfortunately that never happened.

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I still love hearing most of the doo-wop, r&b and soul singers from the '50s-'60s and I'm convinced what the world needs now is more women wearing beehives. Those days - and now Amy Winehouse too - are sadly gone forever.

I know where you're coming from, and yes, those days are gone.

I'm curious to know your thoughts on Adele. (Sorry if you've posted about her before..)

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At that age we ALL think we are 10 feet tall and bulletproof and sadly we aren't.

Tragedy has no age restrictions.

Normally I would agree Reg and I certainly know where your coming from BUT, I think the young lady felt like she was 6ft under for quite some time...just my two cents .

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For me, however, a lot of her material sounded pretty similar, so in my eyes she became Samey Winehouse, and I didn't really make much of an effort to see her again.

Odd, because for me, her material seemed extremely different.

Frank was like the 40s torch song singer, while Back To Black was 60s doo-wop/girl band.

But that's just me.

Still sad to hear she's gone.

I think the most annoying thing I've seen repeatedly are the comments that are some variation of "she should have went to rehab, after all".

I mean, way to reveal how little you really know of her.

/end rant.

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Terribly sad to hear of this great talent leaving us...she was really something.

After seeing her disastrous performance in Belgrade last month, it broke my heart to see that she clearly just didn't care anymore. She didn't want to be on that stage, didn't want to sing, didn't want any part of it at all. This video from Belgrade exemplifies the old Zombies song, "She's Not There."

Well let me tell you 'bout the way she looked

The way she'd act and the colour of her hair

Her voice was soft and cool

Her eyes were clear and bright

But she's not there


Yikes. What kind of bonehead manager let her anywhere near a stage in this condition?

And now sadly, it is this final trainwreck of a performance the world will remember her by.


Had it not been for all of the sycophants around her who depend on her for their living, she most likely would have taken a lengthy hiatus from music...which could have saved her life. She needed to get away from all the outside influences and the party crowd to find her muse again.

Ah well, woulda, couldla, shoulda....it's too late now. Dammit. Another one too soon gone. RIP Amy.

Edited by SinceIveBeenLovingU
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quite tragic..........i know the face............not so much the music

we've all heard the stories............and yet

what to do

you really can't stop the children running through the rye from falling off that cliff

or can you?.............i don't wish it on anyone

welcome to the jungle

i guess

me?......i'll be fine thnx....................................;)



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Had it not been for all of the sycophants around her who depend on her for their living, she most likely would have taken a lengthy hiatus from music...which could have saved her life. She needed to get away from all the outside influences and the party crowd to find her muse again.

Whilst I agree with most of what you say, she actually did this - she went to St Lucia at Xmas 2008 and stayed for a year and a half. She cleaned herself up from drugs then,(albeit temporarily) but turned to alcohol - which, it has been rightly pointed out, is also a deadly drug.

I don't think that we can lay much blame with those who worked with her. It has been almost 5 years since her last album, she wan't exactly being nagged into the follow-up, despite its obvious lucrative potential for the record company. In fact, what she had recorded was shelved as the company wanted her to live up to her potential - she was such a sweet soul that the people around her really did want to look after her. I totally agree that she shouldn't have been allowed onstage in the state she was in in Belgrade, but she was known for drinking vodka at an alarming speed, for all we know she could have downed a massive amount in the seconds before she went on and no-one would have appreciated the state she was in until it was clearly too late.

Amy was, much of the time, lots of things - indulgent, stubborn, grubby, undignified, insecure, selfish, needy - none of which she ever tried to hide. But her talent is unquestionable and everyone from Carole King to Irma Thomas to Tony Bennett to Glenn Hughes has been talking about the sad loss to the music world that her death will be. Mark Ronson has been among those speaking up, and would be the first to laugh at the idea that she was nothing without him. She was a deeply flawed, self-harming, addicted human-being (we should never forget that addiction is an illness)but an incredible talent that we are all lucky to have witnessed.

Edited by Knebby
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Excellent observations and insight, Knebby. Thanks for sharing.

Been reading up on the details of Amy's final days and I see now that many of the people around her were indeed desperately trying to keep her clean. Removing all alcohol from the hotel room wet bar, etc...like many addicts, she likely felt she had to drink or score drugs in secret. I'd rather not speculate further until the toxicology reports are available, but a sad loss nevertheless.:(

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If you don't listen to her, how do you know she has some good songs?

I've listened to her and some of her songs, I didn't say I had never listened to her or her songs. What I meant is that I don't generally listen to her. I hope this will clear this up.

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