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A Rockstar you dislike?


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Led Tiki - I have already made my point now in several different ways,all of which you have chosen to ignore. I know that forum members will have understood it completely and I don't need to keep explaining it repeatedly, so I'm not going to.

I've read some of your many arguments elsewhere on the forum and I know how important it is to you to have the last word, so please, go ahead and have it in this discussion, as I have absolutely nothing more to add to it.

On topic, a rockstar I dislike would probably be Liam Gallagher, I've no idea how he treats his wife though, so I won't comment on it.

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Although do I hate U2 and their ilk (Coldplay, REM, Florence And the Machine etc), I don't particularly dislike Bono himself. But I do wish he'd pay his full taxes. Why on earth a gazillionaire needs to pay dodgy accountants to reduce his taxes, even if it is legit, is beyond me.

Just pay your taxes in full like a normal citizen has to, Bono. If you did, you could probably singlehandedly revive the Irish economy.

I agree with you about the taxes part, completely. Though I noticed Jahfin posted a link in the U2 thread where Edge defends it - I can't accept it, sadly.

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Don't think RP likes him either...

British rocker Robert Plant was unimpressed when Oasis star Liam Gallagher visited his dressing room unannounced - and sent him on his way. The "Live Forever" hitmaker made a surprise visit to Plant's dressing room as he took a break from Led Zeppelin's reunion gig last year.

But as Gallagher handed Plant a series of compliments, Plant ordered the star out of his dressing room.

He says, "The Gallaghers came by the dressing room and leaned against the door. And Liam said, 'You're the f---ing business you are, aren't you? You're the one.' And I said, 'Of course I am, I always knew that. It's just that you never switched on. You need the next door - down there on the left.'"

That's if you believe everything you read...

Edited by Fool In The Rain 60
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Don't think RP likes him either...

British rocker Robert Plant was unimpressed when Oasis star Liam Gallagher visited his dressing room unannounced - and sent him on his way. The "Live Forever" hitmaker made a surprise visit to Plant's dressing room as he took a break from Led Zeppelin's reunion gig last year.

But as Gallagher handed Plant a series of compliments, Plant ordered the star out of his dressing room.

He says, "The Gallaghers came by the dressing room and leaned against the door. And Liam said, 'You're the f---ing business you are, aren't you? You're the one.' And I said, 'Of course I am, I always knew that. It's just that you never switched on. You need the next door - down there on the left.'"

That's if you believe everything you read...

Ha! He had the entire backstage of the local venue cleared when he arrived earlier this year - all the staff who work there every day and didn't give two hoots about him had to go elsewhere whilst he was ushered into his dressing room. Idiot.

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Edge is another dickhead rockstar. Anybody else fast forward past his boring guitar demonstrations on It Might Get Loud besides me?

I love his playing so I thoroughly enjoyed it on IMGL - so did Jimmy. I'm less of a Jack White fan though.
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I'm not expecting you to change your mind, and the emoticon at the end of my sentence was meant to show that my comment was light-hearted. I've really had enough of heavy discussion in this thread so I'm quite happy to say like what you like and I'll like what I like - and we'll all be happy :)

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I have no idea why Jimmy even agreed to have that hack in that movie. It was a great concept, but why this no talent moron was a mystery to me. Maybe he just wanted to have a contrast between the good and the bad and the completly freaking dickhead?

I thought the contrast in styles worked really well.... You have Jack White who wouldn't use The Edge's effects rack if you put a gun to his head, He'd rather play a 20 dollar guitar he found at a Flea Market over the nicest Les Paul.... Then you have The Edge whose sound is completely processed and lives for effects ... and makes no bones about it. ... and Jimmy Page who is somewhere in the middle... the Jack of all trades.

Mutual respect for what they have in common ..... and their differences..

The Edge sounded very out of place on IMTOD though....

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Jimmy's a fan of U2 and the Edge, as is Robert.

I'm glad to hear that! Jimmy spoke very fondly and admiringly about Jack White (understandably) after the IMGL experience, and I wondered if he wasn't so enamored of poor Edge.

Anyway! Lemme get my hostilities out for a mo'. Rock stars that cause me varying degrees of irritation: Gene Simmons, John Mellencamp, Dave Grohl when in the context of Foo Fighters (but I really admire him in respect to Nirvana). Not rock but still don't like 'im: Eminem. That kid with the buck teeth and huge ego, whatshisname - Kanye West. That's it I guess. Wow, I would have thought there would be more.

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Oh goody - goody, and you are a fan of all of them. So whatever they like is what you are going to like?

I love it when I meet fans who's lives are just like an old faithful dog who sits under the table and begs for scraps. They wag their tail and keep the floor clean.

But of course Robert and Jimmy like him, so he's really cool.

You are an absolute tosser.

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tosser [ˈtɒsə]


Brit slang a stupid or despicable person

[probably from toss off (to masturbate)]

Really classy lady you are. You must be British, but not the cultured and classy kind that have manners.

I don't know what it is about you that really bothers me the most. The way you feel that you are entitled to instruct people on how they need to act, or the sheer hypocricy in your double standards. Or maybe it's that I don't like groupie fangirls who just because they met some rockstar one time, and he put up with her annoying questions and overt idol worship, that she is God's gift to rock and roll.

You mistake me for someone who cares.

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I have no idea why Jimmy even agreed to have that hack in that movie.

I seriously doubt that Page was asked to "agree" to who else was in the movie, at least no more than Jack White and The Edge were asked to agree to who else was in it. After all, the movie was directed by David Guggenheim, not Jimmy Page so it was his premise, not that of it's stars.

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I am extremely startled by the bashing that a couple of you are aiming at Knebby!! This is just ridiculous. She has tried to respond IMO with class and knowledge. She has NEVER stated that ANYONE should like Bono or any other Rock Star....and she has had to state this over and over but for some reason a couple of you just cannot except her response. Grow up.

For the record I think U2 has a tremendous fan base as they still sell out stadiums, I just saw them this past summer again and the concert was amazing IMO. I think any person be it a "Rock Star" or not that tries to help people is a good thing.

Like I stated earlier, Knebby contributes a lot to this forum and I have always enjoyed her thoughts as she has ALWAYS been respectful..but like any of us you can only take so much. I think the point about who does not like U2 or Bono has been clearly made, so to continue in this manner is just flat out uncalled for.

Music is a matter of taste and to each his own and excuse me for this but the few of you on here that want to constantly argue..if you think it's cute or funny, IT IS NOT!!! I am embarrassed at some of this nonsense. We are fans who represent Led Zeppelin as well as other music and bands so show some class.

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I am extremely startled by the bashing that a couple of you are aiming at Knebby!! This is just ridiculous. She has tried to respond IMO with class and knowledge. She has NEVER stated that ANYONE should like Bono or any other Rock Star....and she has had to state this over and over but for some reason a couple of you just cannot except her response. Grow up.

For the record I think U2 has a tremendous fan base as they still sell out stadiums, I just saw them this past summer again and the concert was amazing IMO. I think any person be it a "Rock Star" or not that tries to help people is a good thing.

Like I stated earlier, Knebby contributes a lot to this forum and I have always enjoyed her thoughts as she has ALWAYS been respectful..but like any of us you can only take so much. I think the point about who does not like U2 or Bono has been clearly made, so to continue in this manner is just flat out uncalled for.

Music is a matter of taste and to each his own and excuse me for this but the few of you on here that want to constantly argue..if you think it's cute or funny, IT IS NOT!!! I am embarrassed at some of this nonsense. We are fans who represent Led Zeppelin as well as other music and bands so show some class.

:goodpost: Gee Deb, (my N'awlin's buddy) I wonder who you could be referring too....? His pic wouldn't symbolize a Polynesian figure, would it....? HHmmmmm

( Who Dat, Who Dat..Who dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints....Who Dat, Who Dat )

Edited by Rock Historian
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OK, I am actually going to risk replying to this thread, eventhough it officially resembles a battle field at this point (just like the "Random Thoughts" thread :blink:). I agree with the person who mentioned Kylie Minogue and Meatloaf. I also agree with the people who mentioned Axl Rose and Gene Simmons. I am neutral to the whole "I dislike Bono" agrument. I am not prepared to comment on that because I am not at all sure why people find the man so annoying. Oh and I was reading a very similar discussion on amazon.com. Apart from Axl Rose, Gene Simmons and Bono topping the list of "The Most Annoying Rock Stars", people also seemed to gladly add the likes of Roger Waters to their list. Hmmm...interesting.

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OK, I am actually going to risk replying to this thread, eventhough it officially resembles a battle field at this point (just like the "Random Thoughts" thread :blink:). I agree with the person who mentioned Kylie Minogue and Meatloaf. I also agree with the people who mentioned Axl Rose and Gene Simmons. I am neutral to the whole "I dislike Bono" agrument. I am not prepared to comment on that because I am not at all sure why people find the man so annoying. Oh and I was reading a very similar discussion on amazon.com. Apart from Axl Rose, Gene Simmons and Bono topping the list of "The Most Annoying Rock Stars", people also seemed to gladly add the likes of Roger Waters to their list. Hmmm...interesting.


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