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A Rockstar you dislike?


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^^^ WOW is right. Oh well, the name of this thread is "A Rockstar you Dislike', yes?

That pathetic wife beating drummer from Def Leppard. I remember seeing the VH! Behind the Scenes on them several years ago. He was arrested in an airport for beating his then wife. Because he only has one arm, he was hand cuffed to his foot.

What a jerk.

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I had a childhood friend who was what people called "a whiney fat bitch". That "bitch" (as she was known because of her weight) in order to become a "thin beautiful bitch" and hence overcome all the excessive bullying and abuse in school, dieted to such an extent, that she ultimately died of anorexia at the age 15. Believe it or not, the comments made in this thread about Adele and her weight, reminded me of her and all the pain she went through. IMHO, 15 years is way too young to actually contemplate suicide and take your own life because of a bunch of people who can't see past the way you look. I tried to help her, but I failed but to this day, I always remember her as an example of never giving in to your fears and insecurities and never bowing down to peer pressure, no matter how harsh the circumstances might be. I get that people don't like Adele. That's fine. Each to their own. But describing her as a "whale" and "whiney fat bitch" is just uncalled for.

Now then, while we are on the subject of "a rockstar you dislike", I would like to add a couple of "thin" and "beautiful" "rock stars" (who I do consider part of "the thin and beautiful" club of the music industry) to my list. Those members are Britney Spears (yes, some people in my peer group, unfortunately do consider her to be "rockstar" material. Don't ask me why :huh:), Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus. These are thin, beautiful and hot (according to the masses :rolleyes:) but IMHO, can't sing a fuckin' note.

The world can keep their Britneys, Katys and Mileys. I would rather listen to Adele, thank you very much. BTW, I am a fan of another lady who has got a lot of stick for the way she looks. That my friends, is Susan Boyle. All I can say is fuck the looks. Listen to the voice. Personally, I don't really care whether an artist is "eye candy" :slapface: or a fuckin' eye sore! If your music sounds good to me, then I'll appreciate you and buy your records. If I think your music stinks, then I'll just chuck it and move on.

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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I had a childhood friend who was what people called "a whiney fat bitch". That "bitch" (as she was known because of her weight) in order to become a "thin beautiful bitch" and hence overcome all the excessive bullying and abuse in school, dieted to such an extent, that she ultimately died of anorexia at the age 15. Believe it or not, the comments made in this thread about Adele and her weight, reminded me of her and all the pain she went through. IMHO, 15 years is way too young to actually contemplate suicide and take your own life because of a bunch of people who can't see past the way you look. I tried to help her, but I failed but to this day, I always remember her as an example of never giving in to your fears and insecurities and never bowing down to peer pressure, no matter how harsh the circumstances might be.

Now then, while we are on the subject of "a rockstar you dislike", I would like to add a couple of "thin" and "beautiful" "rock stars" (who I do consider part of "the thin and beautiful" club of the music industry) to my list. Those members are Britney Spears (yes, some people in my peer group, unfortunately do consider her to be "rockstar" material. Don't ask me why :huh:), Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus. These are thin, beautiful and hot (according to the masses :rolleyes:) but IMHO, can't sing a fuckin' note.

The world can keep their Britneys, Katys and Mileys. I would rather listen to Adele, thank you very much. BTW, I am a fan of another lady who has got a lot of stick for the way she looks. That my friends, is Susan Boyle. All I can say is fuck the looks. Listen to the voice.

Follow your own advice.

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^ I do follow it thank you (99% of the time in fact). This one time I had to deviate because of certain factors, if that is OK with you.

Obviously with your crack about the "thin and beautiful" club, you don't?

What factors were they?

BTW, those three CAN sing, thank you very much.

You're welcome.

Edited by Reggie29
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Obviously with your crack about the "thin and beautiful" club, you don't?

What factors were they?

BTW, those three CAN sing, thank you very much.

You're welcom.

I was being sarcastic. I didn't make a list of pop stars in the fat and thin club. And yes, it is true. I don't care. I deviated THIS ONE TIME because I did not like certain comments made on this thread. I do have a right to express myself now, don't I????????????!!!!!!!

And according to YOU and perhaps millions of others, those three who I mentioned in an earlier post can sing. Cool. That is YOUR opinion. BUT, I disagree. Is there a problem? Do I have to agree with everything you say? That does not seem very fair to me. Sorry.

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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I was being sarcastic. I didn't make a list of pop stars in the fat and thin club. And yes, it is true. I don't care. I deviated THIS ONE TIME because I did not like certain comments made on this thread. I do have a right to express myself now, don't I????????????!!!!!!!

And according to YOU and perhaps millions of others, those three who I mentioned in an earlier post can sing. Cool. That is YOUR opinion. BUT, I disagree. Is there a problem? Do I have to agree with everything you say? That does not seem very fair to me. Sorry.

Apology accepted.

You don't seem to agree with anyone!?

Grow up!

Villifying anyone about their looks and / or weight or lack thereof, is wrong and intolerable.

Edited by Reggie29
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I will grow up, when you do. See ya. This is my very last post on this thread because I don't want my day ruined any more by the likes of you or anyone else for that matter. Not worth it.

I hope I don't ever grow up!

Why not you brought it up in the first place?

Go if you feel you must and as for ruining your day that is your choice and certainly not my fault.

My whole gripe was based around your flippant remark about thin people, while you were rightly upset about a post putting down overweight people, two wrongs don't make a right.

Everyone has their own tastes in music and that's what makes it so enjoyable.

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I tried to help her, but I failed but to this day, I always remember her as an example of never giving in to your fears and insecurities and never bowing down to peer pressure, no matter how harsh the circumstances might be.

Hi kiwi, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. A lot of the things my parents taught me as a kid like never judge a book by it's cover, beauty is only skin deep, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder seem lost on many in today's visual oriented world, imo. I feel your friend surely knew what a true friend she had in you, so don't feel you failed. :console:

I get that people don't like Adele. That's fine. Each to their own. But describing her as a "whale" and "whiney fat bitch" is just uncalled for.

Thank-you for putting into words pefectly what I was unable to say myself. I could not agree with you more. Well said.

Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus. These are thin, beautiful and hot (according to the masses :rolleyes:) but IMHO, can't sing a fuckin' note.

I have to agree with you again on all points but will acknowledge there are many that like these artists and they certainly have a right to like the music they want to. Key word being music. I've always felt music is delivered as a listening experience, and the visuals are created in the mind. Not the other way around.

All I can say is fuck the looks. Listen to the voice. Personally, I don't really care whether an artist is "eye candy" :slapface: or a fuckin' eye sore! If your music sounds good to me, then I'll appreciate you and buy your records. If I think your music stinks, then I'll just chuck it and move on.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for the post, kiwi! :)

Back on topic: No rock star springs to mind that I actively dislike, however I had a friend in the 80's who was in to the Talking Heads. I couldn't get into their music then, and when I checked a couple You/tube clips now, I still don't care for their music personally.


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I met Yngwie Malmsteen years ago when I was a teenager. He is probably the only rock star I've met who was a jerk. Just in his attitude, like he was better than everyone. Even watching an interview with him recently on the Metal Evolution doc series, he just came across as such a pompous fool - even without saying a word!

And he's friends with Jimmy! Ah well, maybe he's a good guy at heart.

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Wasn't it YJM who used to claim that he was the reincarnation of Hendrix? This despite the fact that he was born 7 years before Jimi died?

:rolleyes: Wouldn't surprise me... probably Paganini too.

Well, Ross is also a friend of Jimmy's - so you can't go by that! ;)


Well, you learn something new everyday! I had no idea Icky Bumsteen was a friend of Jimmy Page. How did THAT happen? How and where did they meet?

I had no idea either! Curious about that as well.

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That pathetic wife beating drummer from Def Leppard. I remember seeing the VH! Behind the Scenes on them several years ago. He was arrested in an airport for beating his then wife. Because he only has one arm, he was hand cuffed to his foot.

What a jerk.

I've also heard stories from people who have met him that he can be a complete arsehole.

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Wasn't it YJM who used to claim that he was the reincarnation of Hendrix? This despite the fact that he was born 7 years before Jimi died?

Just another widdly-widdly fretwanker who couldn't write a song to save his life, IMO.

I agree, the problem is the wanker owns a fleet of Ferrari's, that just doesn't seem right lol. I never got a thing out of his playing either.

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I agree, the problem is the wanker owns a fleet of Ferrari's, that just doesn't seem right lol. I never got a thing out of his playing either.

I think Rising Force is excellent. I don't listen to much else by him, but I love that album.

He's arrogant as hell, but that's probably the drive that made such an incredible player.. love him or hate him, there's no denying his amazing technical ability.


This bio courtesy www.allmusic.com

Yngwie Malmsteen is arguably the most technically accomplished hard rock guitarist to emerge during the '80s. Combining a dazzling technique honed over years of obsessive practice with a love for such classical composers as Bach, Beethoven, and Paganini, Malmsteen's distinctively Baroque, gothic compositional style and lightning-fast arpeggiated solos rewrote the book on heavy metal guitar. His largely instrumental debut album, Rising Force, immediately upped the ante for aspiring hard rock guitarists and provided the major catalyst for the '80s guitar phenomenon known as "shredding," in which the music's main focus was on impossibly fast, demanding licks rather than songwriting.

Malmsteen released a series of albums over the course of the '80s that, aside from slight differences in approach and execution, were strongly similar to Rising Force, and critics charged him with showing little artistic progression. He was also reviled as an egotist whose emphasis on blazing technique ultimately made for boring, mechanical, masturbatory music with no room for subtlety or emotion. Malmsteen responded by insisting that since he was already playing music he loved, he had no desire to develop any further, and that his love did come through in his playing. He also vehemently insisted that it was his imitators, not him, who reduced songwriting and composition to merely generic vehicles to show off the guitar player's amazing technique.

Toward the end of the decade, Malmsteen fell out of favor with metal audiences, and even some of his musician fan base seemed to tire of him and the incredible amount of practice it would take for them to emulate him. Following a series of personal setbacks, tragedies, and even injuries, Malmsteen eventually resurfaced on small, independent labels and then recorded at a prolific, rapid pace, continuing to play the music he loved in his patented neo-classical style.

Yngwie (pronounced "ING-vay") Malmsteen was born Lars Johann Yngwie Lannerback in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1963, later adopting his mother's maiden name following his parents' divorce. He was an unruly child, and his mother tried without initial success to interest him in music as an outlet. However, when seven-year-old Yngwie saw a television special on the death of Jimi Hendrix featuring live performance footage of Hendrix setting his guitar on fire, he became obsessed with the guitar, learning to play the music of both Hendrix and favorites Deep Purple. Through Purple guitarist Ritchie Blackmore's use of diatonic minor scales over simple blues riffs, Malmsteen was led toward classical music, and his sister exposed him to composers like Bach, Beethoven, Vivaldi, and Mozart. He spent hours practicing obsessively until his fingers bled, and by age ten, his mother allowed him to stay home from school to develop his musical talents, particularly since he was considered a behavioral nightmare.

Also at age ten, Malmsteen became enamored of the music of 19th century violinist/composer Niccolo Paganini, as well as Paganini's flamboyant style and wild-man image; this would provide the blueprint for Malmsteen's synthesis of classical music and rock. By the time he was 18, Malmsteen was playing around Sweden with various bands attempting to find an audience for his technically staggering instrumental explorations, but most listeners preferred more accessible pop music; frustrated, Malmsteen sent demo tapes to record companies overseas. When Mike Varney, president of Shrapnel Records — a label synonymous with the term "shredder" — heard Malmsteen's tape, he invited the guitarist to come to the United States and join the band Steeler in 1981.

Steeler recorded one album with Malmsteen on guitar, but dissatisfied with the band's rather generic style, Malmsteen moved on to the group Alcatrazz, whose Deep Purple and Rainbow influences better suited the guitarist's style. Still not quite satisfied, Malmsteen formed his own band, Rising Force, with longtime friend and keyboardist Jens Johansson. The new band's first album, also called Rising Force, was released in 1984; it was a largely instrumental affair spotlighting Malmsteen's incendiary guitar work and Johansson's nearly equally developed technique. The album was an immediate sensation in guitar circles, winning countless reader's polls in guitar magazines, reaching number 60 on Billboard's album chart (no mean feat for an instrumental album), and receiving a Grammy nomination for Best Rock Instrumental Performance. Malmsteen's subsequent albums, Marching Out and Trilogy, also sold quite well and consolidated his reputation and influence as a composer as well as a soloist.

However, on June 22, 1987, a speeding Malmsteen crashed his Jaguar into a tree; in breaking the steering wheel with his head, he received a blood clot in his brain which nearly killed him and extensively damaged the nerves leading to his picking hand. In the course of recovery, he learned that his mother had died and that his manager had swindled him out of his earnings. Undaunted, Malmsteen regained the use of his hand and recorded Odyssey, his most accessible, radio-friendly collection to date; the single "Heaven Tonight" widened his audience beyond a devoted core of guitar fans and helped push the album into Billboard's Top 40. Following a world tour including the then-Soviet Union, the Rising Force unit disbanded, and Malmsteen formed a new band in his native Sweden for 1990's Eclipse. The album was a success in Europe and Japan, but stiffed in the U.S. without much promotion.

An angry Malmsteen left PolyGram and, prior to the release of 1992's Fire and Ice, he was married to and divorced from a Swedish pop singer. Fire and Ice debuted at number one on the Japanese charts, and Malmsteen toured the world again. However, disaster struck frequently over the next two years. Hurricane Andrew destroyed Malmsteen's Miami property; his manager of four years died of a heart attack; Elektra dropped him from their roster; a freak accident left the guitarist with a broken hand, in addition to frequent bouts of tendinitis caused by his lightning technique; and in August 1993, Malmsteen's future mother-in-law, opposed to his engagement to her daughter, had him falsely arrested for holding the woman hostage with a gun. The charges were quickly dropped, and Malmsteen secured a deal with the Japanese label Pony Canyon after his hand had healed completely.

He returned to recording with a vengeance, releasing The Seventh Sign in 1994, as well as two mini-albums (Power and Glory and I Can't Wait), and then Magnum Opus in 1995 and the all-covers album Inspiration in 1996. After several years in near obscurity, Malmsteen returned to the headlines in 2002, after a fellow airline passenger threw water on Malmsteen after he allegedly made a slanderous comment about homosexuals. This incensed Malmsteen, who had to be escorted away by security, all the while he screamed to the passenger that she had "unleashed the f***king fury". This stint proved to be so popular in revitalizing his career that his come back album in 2005 appropriated the phrases as its title. While his popularity has largely faded in the U.S. due to a backlash against the excesses of '80s shredders, Malmsteen still finds audiences in Europe and is more popular in Japan and Asia than ever.

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kiwi and reggie! so sorry to see you two argue like that!

i think what kiwi was trying to say is how some singers become famous more for their looks or "look", than their singing talents.

and i agree with her there. case in point, kylie minogue ( though she isnt a ROCK star ). and that is always the thin look, not the fat look.

and just in case you didn't know reggie, kiwi is only quite young ( not an oldie like us ) go easy mate!


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^ Agreed! Good voice, but nothing that hasn't been out there before.....not that I
her, just don't find anything all that special about her talent. Plus she apparently can't tour for very long without blowing out her voice anyway.
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The classic rock station my wife and I woke up to for years changed its format to "the vibe" top 40. What a total crock of shit.

Not classified as rockstars per se, but I dislike everyone (their music) I've heard so far. Will have to find better quality music to wake up to before I smash our radio and bury it in my neighbors yard.

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I had no idea Icky Bumsteen was a friend of Jimmy Page. How did THAT happen? How and where did they meet?

Don't all famous people know each other? :) I don't know how they got together; Steve Jones would probably know - Steve said it was Yngwie who encouraged Jimmy to buy a winter home in South Florida in the late 90's. Yngwie & Jimmy also participated in a fundraising event for Jimena's charity in Fort Lauderdale.

P.S. I agree with the last post that nearly all pop music these days is unlistenable, unmusical, soulless dreck. Of course, one sounds like a typical middle-aged crank (which is what I am) when expounding on this topic, but that doesn't mean that it isn't also fecking TRUE.

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Don't all famous people know each other? :) I don't know how they got together; Steve Jones would probably know - Steve said it was Yngwie who encouraged Jimmy to buy a winter home in South Florida in the late 90's. Yngwie & Jimmy also participated in a fundraising event for Jimena's charity in Fort Lauderdale. P.S. I agree with the last post that nearly all pop music these days is unlistenable, unmusical, soulless dreck. Of course, one sounds like a typical middle-aged crank (which is what I am) when expounding on this topic, but that doesn't mean that it isn't also fecking TRUE.

That's very cool, I didn't know they were friends.

I've also seen Yngwie speak very respectfully about Jimmy in interviews ... so he can't be all bad.

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I don't love E.C. either, but that's mostly because I resent the music press kissing his posterior for 40-odd years and rating him far above our J.P. (who as a composer, producer and guitarist is in another league entirely but I digress). I really should get over it.

I have to hand it to Clapton though for writing one of the most honest autobiographies I've ever read. He wasn't afraid to show himself in an unflattering light or to diminish some of the most beloved rock myths - like his great love for Pattie Boyd and his friendship with George Harrison.

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