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Zimmerman Charged with Murder in the 2nd Degree. Justice!


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Detroit's City Council has come under fire for spending time this week writing, voting and passing a resolution supporting a federal investigation into George Zimmerman instead of focusing on its own financial blunders and ballooning crime rate.

Zimmerman, a Florida neighborhood watch volunteer, was acquitted July 13 in the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin.

The unanimous vote by the members of the Detroit council on a crime that took place six states and hundreds of miles away came just two days after the Motor City’s latest gun-related death – its 176th homicide of the year.

Tuesday’s resolution called for a federal investigation to see whether civil rights charges are warranted against Zimmerman.

The measure, sponsored by Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, jump-started a discussion in Detroit over what some called the city’s lack of leadership and the need for city officials to first patch up problems in their own backyard.

Yep, have to agree there, pretty stupid to say the least.

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And if you go to a clinic and get an abortion but you can't pay for it, the state will likely pick up the tab. So in the end, cost is not the problem for the individual....

Medicaid only pays for abortions in 15 states. Low income women and girls in the remaining 35 states must scramble to find the money to pay for their abortions. One NGO, National Network of Abortion Funds is doing great work paying for low income women's abortions but they have a limited budget with which to work.

And if you go to a clinic and get an abortion but you can't pay for it, the state will likely pick up the tab. So in the end, cost is not the problem for the individual....

You're making the assumption that only black teenage girls with shiftless, neglectful parents get pregnant. That's just not true. I've known several black girls from good, stable families who had babies out of wedlock. Most were pretty good kids growing up who didn't give their parents a lot of trouble. Or course, girls who are troubled or grow up in dysfunctional families are more likely to become pregnant than girls from stable families but teen pregnancies aren't limited to them; at least not among black Americans.

Edited by Disco Duck
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Me too, this thread is all done now.

Thanks for the proclamation, o ye forum crier.

I don't think I'll ever understand peoples' insistence on controlling what discussions are conducted on this board.

It's as if they have no self-control, and feel obligated to participate in a particular thread, even if they don't care for the topic, simply because it's active.

I'd say easily 4 out of 5 threads here I never even open/read because I have no interest in the topics at hand.

Therefore, I could care less whether they continue at the top of the feed or not.

Yet, some seem to think that because a thread is at the top of the feed, they need to read it / catch up on it / whatever.


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^ Exactly, it's like debate club at school but without the moderator. I like to hear the opinions of Steve, TypeO, Anjin and others who are on the other side of the political fence. I may not agree with what they say but a life lived from a single perspective is a rather boring life. Plus, I am always learning something new and seeing things for another point of view. Win - Win!

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^ Exactly, it's like debate club at school but without the moderator. I like to hear the opinions of Steve, TypeO, Anjin and others who are on the other side of the political fence. I may not agree with what they say but a life lived from a single perspective is a rather boring life. Plus, I am always learning something new and seeing things for another point of view. Win - Win!


Can we have a beer and then beat the crap out of each other? :hurrah:

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How about a donnybrook,a few beers and then more of the same?Beers first of course,....

SYG,was never used in the Zimmerman trail.

Why not? The sports players and fans do it all the time, especially at a Giants/Dodgers game. :black_eye:

I just hope George carries a piece.


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In this trial,STG didn't have to come up and never was.Self defense was the basis.

By the by a steak knife works well.

Personally, I'd be armed to the teeth. Pistol, knife, dagger, sap, taser, etc.

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Here's an article that really ties it all together, from Obama to O'Reilly.


I have worked with many couples in distress. Initially, the work involves preventing conversation until the rhetoric of the relationship can be improved. Happy couples mainly talk about their lives; unhappy couples mainly talk about each other. In doomed relationships, couples use words to humiliate each other. And as the doomed relationship collapses, the partners become more desperate to spew insults and make the other hear them.

Barack Obama and Eric Holder stand their ground together upon a framing of race so false and degrading that it would inevitably tear the American people apart. Attorney General Holder used an utmost humiliating term in calling Americans cowards. He did this with the approval of President Obama, who fully stands by his man each time Holder's wrecking ball takes a swing at the Constitution. Holder's purpose in shaming Americans was to demonstrate his power as untouchable. But Holder's abusive language, and the contempt it shows, bore within it the seeds of doom for blame-and-shame race rhetoric.

Social science research uses a model called frame analysis to understand social movements:

Since the end of legalized racial segregation in the 1960s, the central organizing idea of race relations in America has been that white people are still racist and black people are still victims. This rhetorical frame operates as follows:

1) The problem: the greatest problem in America is that black Americans have lower incomes and poorer health, and are generally less successful than white people.

2) The cause: white racism, which is the primary moral evil in America. All white people enjoy white privilege, and all black people are victims of white racism, regardless of individual circumstances.

3) Moral judgment: black Americans are not morally responsible for their generally lower achievements and drastically higher criminality because these problems can be traced to white racism.

4) The remedies: keep the focus on white racism; maintain permanent special rights, including affirmative action, racial preferences, and lowered performance standards. Accept that white racism causes disproportionately high numbers of black people to depend on the government for basic necessities such as food and medical care. Maintain a "national conversation" about white racism.

The Obama administration exists because of this framing. No one suggests that Barack Obama would have been nominated by the Democratic Party for the presidency based on his record alone if he had been white. But still, the framing of race rhetoric that the government advances is breaking down from the weight of its own falseness.

On February 26, 2012, a wannabe cop and a wannabe gangsta interacted on a sidewalk for a few minutes. The Hispanic wannabe cop suspected the other man as being up to no good and called the police. The wannabe gangsta responded by breaking the other man's nose and smashing his head into the sidewalk. The victim of the beating shot and killed the black teenager, and was subsequently found by a jury not guilty on the basis of self-defense. Nevertheless, President Obama psychologically projected himself into the incident in an emotional manner. He framed the event as a result of white racism, ignoring the assault committed by the black teenager and the teenager's history of violence and drug use.

The president displayed victimization envy when he breathlessly confided to America, "It could have been me." Imagining oneself as the victim of racism is taking on an almost erotic quality. Maybe it will spawn a new genre of fantasy porn, where rich, privileged black people get to dress up as crime victims and be abused by white racist archetypes. (They can hire the videographer who "caused" Benghazi if he ever gets out of jail). In fact, racial profiling brought Barack Obama this world's highest opportunities that he did not earn, honors that he did not deserve, and power that he cannot handle. But the point is that in the president's moral universe, being suspicious of a black stranger in your neighborhood is morally worse than slamming someone's head into concrete.

Now comes the calls for "conversation." For the left wing, conversation serves both practical and philosophical purposes. Liberals virtually never make any personal sacrifices for their causes. They prefer chin music to breaking a sweat. Philosophically, liberal conversation-addiction descends from Jacques Derrida and deconstructionism. Rejecting the search for objective right and wrong in favor of the supremacy of personal "text" elevates egoistic conversation into sacred scripture. But on the deepest level, Derrida's work is just claptrap cover-up for narcissistic humanists, who pervert every experience into feeling good about themselves. In such a world, it does not matter whether or not the Zimmerman-Martin case was factually about racism. If you feel that it was about racism, then it was. And communicating that feeling as conversational "text" satisfies the liberal sense of justice. If destroying George Zimmerman and his family is a syntonic theme of their personal narrative, any moral qualms about that destruction can be neutralized through more conversation.

With no doubt of their superior subtlety of mind, the most rabidly pro-abortion people are now heating up their keyboards with swellers about the value of precious black life. On July 30, Nancy Pelosi is hosting a "Conversation on Race" in which shame-and-blame phraseologists will get a chance to fascinate each other at taxpayer expense. No one else is listening anymore. The epidemic of black-on-black murder, child-killings, flash mobs, and horrors like the killing of baby Santiago, combined with travesties like the racist dereliction of Holder, are imploding the liberal rhetorical frame.

On July 22, 2013, Bill O'Reilly used his huge platform to initiate what social scientists call "interpretive frame transformation." Frame transformation occurs when an interpretive frame no longer resonates with everyday experience. A skilled conversation preventionist, O'Reilly told the race grievance establishment that it is time to cut the crap. Guilt has been called the only wholly artificial emotion, entirely concocted and serving no survival purpose. Besides, you can't guilt all of the people all of the time.

O'Reilly reframed the problem as being one of black criminality and irresponsibility. The causes are the breakdown of the black family, out-of-wedlock birth, and vile black popular culture. Immoral behavior committed by African-Americans is their own responsibility. The remedy is that black Americans need to stop having babies out of wedlock, whom they don't raise properly.

It is said that only equals can be friends. Similarly, you can't have a productive conversation with somebody who calls you names.

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George Zimmerman was armed when he was pulled over for speeding in North Texas on Sunday, NBC-affiliate KXAS in Dallas reports.

Zimmerman was pulled over in his pickup truck on July 28 at 12:54 p.m. on Highway 80 in Forney.

Zimmerman told the officer he had a gun on him and was instructed to put it in his glove compartment while pulled over.

It was captured on the officer's dashcam. According to CBS 11 News in Dallas, Zimmerman asked the officer if he recognized him from television, and the officer said he did not.

Zimmerman, who told the officer he wasn't sure where he was heading, was given a warning for speeding.

A spokesman for Zimmerman's attorney Mark O'Mara said they could not confirm the report, but they "have no reason to doubt the report."

GZLegalCase tweeted the following Wednesday afternoon: For his safety, we wont make any comments about #Zimmermans whereabouts, and we will work to protect his privacy.

Zimmerman was found not guilty in the death of Trayvon Martin on July 13.

Edited by Walter
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