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New box sets including unreleased material


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Jimmy worked is butt off from the day he picked up the guitar through 1973, moderately from 74-76, and relied on his rep and experience from 77-80. From 81 on he has lived deep in the past with rehased riffs and drugs. I am not interested in more of the same. If he releases something NEW I will give it a listen but i don't expect much if anything at all. Jimmy has been washed up for years and had nothing left in the tank; hasn't for 30 years!

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Jimmy worked is butt off from the day he picked up the guitar through 1973, moderately from 74-76, and relied on his rep and experience from 77-80. From 81 on he has lived deep in the past with rehased riffs and drugs. I am not interested in more of the same. If he releases something NEW I will give it a listen but i don't expect much if anything at all. Jimmy has been washed up for years and had nothing left in the tank; hasn't for 30 years!

Jimmy worked is butt off from the day he picked up the guitar through 1973, moderately from 74-76, and relied on his rep and experience from 77-80. From 81 on he has lived deep in the past with rehased riffs and drugs. I am not interested in more of the same. If he releases something NEW I will give it a listen but i don't expect much if anything at all. Jimmy has been washed up for years and had nothing left in the tank; hasn't for 30 years!

Spoken like a true Led Zeppelin fan NOT

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Wait.."washed up for years"??????even if the 2007 show is the only thing he puts out he didn't sound "washed up" More clear eyed and dextrous than I have seen him in a while....the drugs hurt but that was a few years out of a very long career...so if he played the same stuff and lived the road life til he's 100 like the stones he'd be relevant? And... It Might Get loud was actually quite interesting to me. wow......speechless

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Oh, come on you guys! Give it a rest! Jimmy'll do, what Jimmy'll do! He's 68 or whatever, what would you be doing?? I'm grateful for anything he gives us, coz hey, let's face it, he's not getting any younger, and Robert's sure not gonna be the one who makes sure we get those outtakes (or whatever) released! If you don't like what he does, don't buy it; if you do, good for you (and me)! :) And hey, five years ago he more than proved, that he's still got what it takes :)

The summer of love will rise again :) Peace brother!

Edited by Wandering_Spirit
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Wait.."washed up for years"??????even if the 2007 show is the only thing he puts out he didn't sound "washed up" More clear eyed and dextrous than I have seen him in a while....the drugs hurt but that was a few years out of a very long career...so if he played the same stuff and lived the road life til he's 100 like the stones he'd be relevant? And... It Might Get loud was actually quite interesting to me. wow......speechless


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Wait.."washed up for years"??????even if the 2007 show is the only thing he puts out he didn't sound "washed up" More clear eyed and dextrous than I have seen him in a while....the drugs hurt but that was a few years out of a very long career...so if he played the same stuff and lived the road life til he's 100 like the stones he'd be relevant? And... It Might Get loud was actually quite interesting to me. wow......speechless

Don't compare the Stones to Zeppelin/Jimmy. They are different things. And I can see his point, although I don't completely agree with him. I think what he's trying to say is that Jimmy's solo work is all still based in what Zeppelin did back in the 70's, but I mean, who's to blame?? He DID make Led Zeppelin music for quite some time ahaha ...
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for anyone who may care

this is why I want vinyl- to my ears it sounds so much more alive and natural. Snagged a .flac from the turn table this morning... decent representation



Thank You for sharing. I gave it two listens. Been a long time since I listened to this song. What a masterpiece and the transfer is not bad.

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Don't compare the Stones to Zeppelin/Jimmy. They are different things. And I can see his point, although I don't completely agree with him. I think what he's trying to say is that Jimmy's solo work is all still based in what Zeppelin did back in the 70's, but I mean, who's to blame?? He DID make Led Zeppelin music for quite some time ahaha ...

I would never compare the Stones to Jimmy... except for when people want zep to tour til they are 90. the Stones should do one grand farewell tour but will probably die of old age on stage-to my ears they sound awful now. I think jimmy has good material left in him... Its just a matter of getting it out there. Also he may be looking to put out a Zep remaster set that the label cant top or try to top and milk when he's gone.

Edited by ksgemini
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I shall not be buying any super-deluxe-pompy-pumped-up-mucho-expensive-remastered-with-extra-marzipan box sets *unless* they have the aforementioned postcards, an inflatable blimp, a mini-bar (Jack Daniels being mandatory), a bottle of Ballantine's ale, a spoon, a set of Zeppelin coasters, a roll of US$10,000 in cash (in small bills), a small box with multi-coloured "sweets", 10 grams of Acapulco Gold, some unspecified white powder, a fishing rod, a motor bike, and the current phone numbers of the L.A. queens (or associates thereof). Anything less than that is just taking the piss. Besides, once you get through the above items, you won't be in any state to notice the difference between alternate versions and the originals, nor even if you can find where you left your feet.

This post was partly sponsored by Hunter S. Thompson.

Brilliant, and thank you for channeling Thompson, most appropriate.

Discussions about reissues, re-masters or previously unreleased music or DVDs from a 70s group leave me torn between interest in hearing previously unreleased material from a great band's heyday (in this case the potential for great improvisations that have been vaulted) and the realization that reissues tend to perpetuate the past with very little new material. Although I appreciate the quality of re-mastering, there is something about the old vinyl that captures that time and spirit for me - the original presentation.

Plant and Page (and possibly JPJ too) have moved on to new collaborations and have grown musically to include influences and expand their repertoires since 1980. I'm sure Led Zep enjoyed the energy of reliving the past at O2, and it is natural that people wonder about a reprise or two as it was so successful, but I think it would detract from the significance and energy of that single performance. I'd like to think that Page's current work on the reissues or whatever they are will be artful not relive the past and showcase the band's expansive talent. It is hugely frustrating for an artist to be constantly pinned to the past in any art form: music, visual art, written word, etc. and I have to wonder if business considerations and response to fan appetite inhibit artists, chain them to the work that launched their careers, rather than encouraging new work that allows us to grow with them.

Edited by Shadecatcher
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I'd prefer Johnny walker Blue label but i am in the middle on this... If they are reasonably priced or offered in different versions I am interested If each album is the price of the whole mini lp cd box set then forget it...I am looking forward to what is next for Robert Plant which I still cant figure out and,yes, I have read all the interviews and posts ...there's a SSS cd completed and a Buddy Miller collaboration done...I'd prefer Buddy Miller again but am interested either way...the above post is a good one I have probably posted it 100 times but what better way than to end LZ with a killer show w/ Jason...the Stones and the Who are probably not leaving many people thinking "we need more"...best way to leave is- people wanting more....alternative: see Spinal Tap...I expect to see Steven Tyler spliced into that movie soon...

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I'd prefer Johnny walker Blue label but i am in the middle on this... If they are reasonably priced or offered in different versions I am interested If each album is the price of the whole mini lp cd box set then forget it...I am looking forward to what is next for Robert Plant which I still cant figure out and,yes, I have read all the interviews and posts ...there's a SSS cd completed and a Buddy Miller collaboration done...I'd prefer Buddy Miller again but am interested either way...the above post is a good one I have probably posted it 100 times but what better way than to end LZ with a killer show w/ Jason...the Stones and the Who are probably not leaving many people thinking "we need more"...best way to leave is- people wanting more....alternative: see Spinal Tap...I expect to see Steven Tyler spliced into that movie soon...

Plant yes ... pal of mine who was in the music biz met him when he was touring with Allison Crouse. He's doing some interesting things. I scratched my head on a couple of the collaborations that Page has gone for, but it is what someone like Page or Plant can see in another performer that challenges us to experience their artistry in a new light.

Steve Tyler in Spinal Tap - hilarious. That is one film that stands up well and does not require a remake.

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looks like this is going to be an ongoing thing............we won't be seeing them all come out at once apparently, but it's cool that the's looking not only at audio outtakes, but video footage as well to see what he can bring out. I think given this format of things, there's a bit more freedom with the video footage because you don't have to be concerned with trying to cobble together say 5-10 songs from a single show like what happened with the DVD back in 2003 where they were clearly going for some consistency and trying to show portions of concerts instead of stand-alone songs.

Could this be where we finally see the stuff from 1977 creep on out? I can only begin to imagine what mr. page has in the vaults that he's willing to pull out.

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