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What Made You Happy today?


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I am going to be VERY happy today... come a handful of hours.

When I got separated and moved out I wasn't allowed to take my digital piano...

It was since sold

My tax return came in yesterday...

Piano coming this morning

I couldn't play much back then because of the atmosphere being too discouraging

I am looking forward to playing every day.

My best friend from my youth send me a message a few weeks ago and said...

Remember when you used to play the Battle of Evermore on the piano all the time..

I did? Oh yeah, lol...

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I am going to be VERY happy today... come a handful of hours.

When I got separated and moved out I wasn't allowed to take my digital piano...

It was since sold

My tax return came in yesterday...

Piano coming this morning

I couldn't play much back then because of the atmosphere being too discouraging

I am looking forward to playing every day.

My best friend from my youth send me a message a few weeks ago and said...

Remember when you used to play the Battle of Evermore on the piano all the time..

I did? Oh yeah, lol...

What's it like there in Nova Scotio Kabbalah? Are the people rude, or friendly? Can you play any other zep tunage?

I bet you get great lobster. Nice area where you live.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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Made it through My first hitch at work since I got sick and completed two Training Courses one on Lean Six Sigma another on Operations.Tomorrow I get to take all my Kids and Grandkids to the Renaissance Festival in Hammond Louisiana it is not often I get them all together at the same time.

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What's it like there in Nova Scotio Kabbalah? Are the people rude, or friendly? Can you play any other zep tunage?

I bet you get great lobster. Nice area where you live.

Most of the folks are absolutely amazing. Friendly beyond belief.

Crime rates gone down in the past couple of years. They announced that fact on the radio this week.

I say hi to almost everyone on the street and most people say hi back.

There a real team effort going down here. It's getting better all the time.

I can't afford lobster, lol.

My piano got here, not only is it black, but it's shiny black... :D

They delivered it at 11:25 which is my birthday so I got a kick out of that.

I used to play a lot with the radio when I was a kid, yeah I played a lot of Zep.

I used to love playing Peter Frampton too.

I started when I was 6, quit at 14 so this is going to be exciting.

I was trained in classical, I think I did 7 years of my training 100% on my ear training exam.

My marks are all missing, so I am going to have to start investigating that soon.

Have a great day,


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You go girlfrient /oops meant 4 Virginia....


:) We had a bit of snow here today too; snow showers, no accumulation though. But it was really pretty! I was driving home and there was still a lot of moisture in the air; with my sunglasses on, and looking through the very top of the windshield where it's blue, some of the clouds looked pink! (not when I took my glasses off though; it was kind of weird!)

Me Toooo! I have a 4 day weekend next week! Gobble gobble gobble.


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My new piano is kick ass. I couldn't get one of the top models but this one alone is better than my last one. Technology keeps improving. I am thrilled with the guitar and strings though. They don't have a tinny sound the way they often do with a digital piano. Mideival and old Yiddish type music is already coming to me via instinct.

I've got a good scale book to pracice from to help me remember how to roam the keyboard comfortably, and I have a few classical books to play out of. I am thrilled to the bone. I think there are even a few arabic tuning settings. I am going to have to read through the manual, but I can hook up my lap top, and record off it when I am ready to. Judy is a happy camper!!!!

I'm just stitting her looking around my lving room. It is tiny, but I've got a piano, guitar, frame drum, riq and tarbuka...no tv. :D This is living.

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1.)getting to see my boyfriend today.

2.)findind out that i get to go to my boyfriend's house tomorrow at 11:00

3.)listening to Black Dog. :] (listening to Black Dog makes me happy for some reason,it get's me kinda horny.)

oh,and i got a new electric guitar last week,and i finally learned how to play Black Dog. :]

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Bay seaboard area and islands north of Maine. That area has magnificent views.

I reccomend deer island and isle au huat in maine...nothing like it on the east coast. Rocly and somewhat scottish looking views. A place where they fish lobster and cut granite.

Edited by middlezep
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Eastern Canada on the Atlantic Ocean


That's the lion in Judah la la la la , lol (me)

Actually I tripped out on my way to class the other week

someone had a HUGE lion poster with a Star of David in their window

on what is considered the roughest part of Halifax, yet....

I saw a couple of friends meet and hug

everyone on that street say hi to me. I'm never scared on it.

The crime rate here is going down, down, down

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