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Thank you Kiwi! :)

We are so proud of him, he's worked extremely hard on it. It's not like other sports where you are just placed on a team, this was all him earning a place on the team. The breaststroke kick has been his biggest challenge.


Walter, that's great news; congratulations to your son!! I bet he is excited about the upcoming Olympics! :) My youngest 2 swim also; we're winding down our summer league season.

Edited by Virginia
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To Walter, (don't worry this is nothing abusive), many congratulations to your son, and I mean that, swimming was the one thing that I was really good at, but I didn't realise it until I was older, I got my qualifictions to become a lifeguard at the age of 15, but I never used it . Now that I am older I can appreciate the work that people have to do in swimming, to reach their goals. Good luck to him and make sure he continues to achieve better things. I still swim a bit now but when I was younger I loved it, I won 2 years free membership to any swimming pool in 1970 & 1971, and I went as many times as I could. I wasn't the fastest by any means but I was a strong swimmer and it gave me a sense of purpose. I still remember my parents being so proud of me when I was asked to be a lifeguard at a "Help The Aged" marathon in Liverpool. Tell your son to strive for more. My best wishes to him and I hope he is successful.

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The forum is back on!


Indeed! I was worried it was my computer...

Count me in as Happy that the site is back up!

The rare times it is down, it always seems to me like it is longer than it actually is .....

But then again, it may be a simple case of something I heard in a Joni song earlier today.......

"Don't it always seem to go

That you don't know what you've got

Till it's gone"


Oh, and have a great vacation ebk! :) missy

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Arriving home after some time away, my wife was walking our dog in the direction of our driveway. It had been a while since I'd seen her so I decided to stop and wait for them. I stopped, got out of the car and walked behind it. Our dog saw me standing there and starting tugging on her leash, trying to come to me. My wife unhooked the leash and our dog ran faster, toward me, than I'd ever seen her run, so happy to see me and visa-versa! There's really nothing like the loving bond between a dog and her human, that's for sure! As the dog and I were trading affections, my wife caught up and we did the same. I don't care if I sound like Dorothy, there is no place like home!

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Arriving home after some time away, my wife was walking our dog in the direction of our driveway. It had been a while since I'd seen her so I decided to stop and wait for them. I stopped, got out of the car and walked behind it. Our dog saw me standing there and starting tugging on her leash, trying to come to me. My wife unhooked the leash and our dog ran faster, toward me, than I'd ever seen her run, so happy to see me and visa-versa! There's really nothing like the loving bond between a dog and her human, that's for sure! As the dog and I were trading affections, my wife caught up and we did the same. I don't care if I sound like Dorothy, there is no place like home!

oh wow, that is so beautiful. thanks for sharing that.

i don't own a dog, never have and never will, but i can feel what you mean.

my hubby and i kiss and embrace everytime we see eachother after being apart all day at work. i love him so much.

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I saw the most amazing performances tonight in Porgy and Bess. Audra McDonald is a national treasure. And Norm Lewis is spectacular. They brought me to tears... If there's any way you can see this show, do it.

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