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Conspiracy Theories...


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Actually, that's not true. Japan and the United States did hold secret peace talks prior to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The problem was the Japanese wanted their emperor to remain in power, not as a sign of continuing the Japanese war effort but because the Emperor was viewed as a living God among the Japanese people. It would preserve the honor of the people and any military surrender would be better tolerated. The United States refused and demanded all state/military power cease in it's capacity. The Japanese refused. MacArthur wrote about this some years later and he said that had the United States agreed to the initial Japanese agreement, the atomic bombs would likely never have been used.

Of course, the argument can be made we used them to show our muscle against Stalin. The evidence is there to support that theory.

You are correct. The Japanese actually surrendered to the US three times prior to the A-bombs but they would not surrender unconditionally, the one condition being the emperor stay in power. The US refused and saw an opportunity to flex it's muscles after the Potsdam Conference to show the Soviets we had the biggest, um, bomb. So, we nuked two cities and as a result...Japan STILL refused unconditional surrender, so the US accepted the original terms of surrender which were originally offered back in June of 45'.

Not really a conspiracy as a fuck up, that is to say the American government did not see the resilience of the Japanese spirit until that point when even nuclear destruction could not bend their will. The real irony here is America almost forced Operation Downfall to occur because right before we dropped those bombs the Japanese military was ready to stage a coup and depose the emperor because he offered terms of surrender to America.

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Not sure about 9-11 either, seems a bit of a coincidence a fringe political party writes a manifesto in the late 90's outlining exactly how they can take power and erode American liberties and number one on the "things to do" list is stage a major terrorist event on American soil, ala Reichstag fire. Do I think the executive branch was aware if it were an inside job...No, I do not for one minute believe Bush had anything to do with 9-11.

The Kennedy Assassination? Yes, a conspiracy IMO. Was Oswald involved, was he one of the shooters? I believe so, but I also believe there were at least three others and the death shot came from the grassy knoll or thereabouts. I have seen too many gunshot wounds in my time and that head shot as seen in the Zapruder film could most likely only have come from the front-right side. Who did it? Who knows but Kennedy was a marked man. He was going to virtually dissolve the CIA or at the very least neuter it and make it accountable. He was going to end our involvement in Vietnam, and Bobby was going after the mob with a vengeance, plus as an added bonus Kennedy had Ngo Dinh Diem assassinated on November 2nd, 1963 at which point his brothers widow (he was killed too), Madame Nhu publicly stated the American government was responsible and Kennedy would pay.
Than again, maybe Oswald did act alone, all the stars lined up perfectly, and a single man made two shots no other single sniper in history has been able to duplicate. Anything is possible though highly improbable.

Though the biggest real conspiracy to me was the cover up of the USS Liberty incident in 67'. The reason why is this is real, known, and no longer a questionable event. 34 Americans were killed and an additional 171 were wounded and no one was held accountable. Now THAT is what I call a terrorist attack at the least but to me a casus belli.

Edited by Sagittarius Rising
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I figure the universe is too big for us to be the only sentient life anywhere.

I agree, but it's still a big leap from that assumption to: they have been visiting Earth, crash landed in the desert and we recovered their ship and passengers then took them to Area 51.

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I agree, but it's still a big leap from that assumption to: they have been visiting Earth, crash landed in the desert and we recovered their ship and passengers then took them to Area 51.

That's my feeling as well, concerning aliens coming to Earth.
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I don't know about the involvement of the Mob, Fidel Castro, a 2nd gunman at the grassy knoll etc,,,

The lone gunman theory has been proven to my satisfaction..

But one thing I believe pretty strongly is that Lee Harvey Oswald was silenced by Jack Ruby.

edit to add.. Jack Ruby did not act out of revenge or to spare The First Lady the strain of a long trial.

He killed Oswald to keep him quiet.

Years ago when I first watched the Oliver Stone film JFK; which is a film is so well edited and cut that it made it all seem plausible. Factor in the "magic bullet theory" and the implication that Oswald wasn't a good with a rifle and didn't have time to fire all the shots meant my naive brain was plenty convinced. In subsequent years those suggestions have been debunked: Oswald, as it turns out, was an excellent shot (according to his army training report) and he was more than capable of firing the shots that killed Kennedy in the allotted time. The "magic bullet theory" didn't factor in the elevation of the seats in the presidential car. I think that film made believers out of a lot of people at the time.

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Years ago when I first watched the Oliver Stone film JFK; which is a film is so well edited and cut that it made it all seem plausible. Factor in the "magic bullet theory" and the implication that Oswald wasn't a good with a rifle and didn't have time to fire all the shots meant my naive brain was plenty convinced. In subsequent years those suggestions have been debunked: Oswald, as it turns out, was an excellent shot (according to his army training report) and he was more than capable of firing the shots that killed Kennedy in the allotted time. The "magic bullet theory" didn't factor in the elevation of the seats in the presidential car. I think that film made believers out of a lot of people at the time.

Oswald was a former Marine, never served in the Army. Yes, he was an excellent shot however no one has been able to make those shots, no one. The best snipers in the US military on several occasions since the assassination have attempted to re-create the shots and not a single sniper has been able to do it...not a single one.

So, either Oswald was the luckiest shooter in the history of the world or there was another shooter. I am a big fan of Occam's Razor so I would have to go with the latter.

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Just watched this recent do

Oswald was a former Marine, never served in the Army. Yes, he was an excellent shot however no one has been able to make those shots, no one. The best snipers in the US military on several occasions since the assassination have attempted to re-create the shots and not a single sniper has been able to do it...not a single one.

So, either Oswald was the luckiest shooter in the history of the world or there was another shooter. I am a big fan of Occam's Razor so I would have to go with the latter.

I just watched this recent documentary - it might change your mind. It implies the total time from the first shot to the last was 11 seconds. Maybe more.


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Oswald was a former Marine, never served in the Army. Yes, he was an excellent shot however no one has been able to make those shots, no one. The best snipers in the US military on several occasions since the assassination have attempted to re-create the shots and not a single sniper has been able to do it...not a single one.

So, either Oswald was the luckiest shooter in the history of the world or there was another shooter. I am a big fan of Occam's Razor so I would have to go with the latter.


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^ I think Oswald took all three shots, including the one that canoed Kennedy that had been previously suspected as the one from the Grassy Knoll. It's been proven that Oswald was not only qualified enough to make those shots (based on his military scoring) but that modern day snipers have since made the shots themselves. However, Oswald's motives are still questionable and I think there is a legitimate debate about the Mafia and Castro's involvement. I used to believe LBJ's hands had blood on them too but the more I've read as I've gotten older suggest there was nothing more than political differences between Kennedy and Johnson. Oswald was the trigger man and Jack Ruby silenced any confessional chance of learning the truth. The Warren Commission did a brilliant job in fudging it all up, only adding to the conspiracy theories.

Edited by zeppy668
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Now we have yet another JFK theory - this from a new docu to air Nov. 3rd on Reelz. The secret service agent in the car behind JFK "accidentally" shot him in the head


Hmmm, I take it they haven't watched the documentary I posted because it comprehensively refutes that theory. Paste this link and see for yourself.

Edit: go to 9:05 to see this section.

Edit (again) ok "behind" I'm misreading things again. Jesus...are there any theories left to come up with at this point? The evidence seems to point to one man and three bullets....


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The one I've probably heard the most was there were explosives inside the towers that helped the collapse. But as a construction worker familiar with steel insulation, when the planes crashed into the buildings they tore that away in sections and the high heat melted the steel causing the collapse.

What are some things you think don't add up?

the way the buildings fell, the sounds made just before the collapse, the missing black boxes, the missing cctv footage, the missing plane parts ....

my internet connection is very slow today ( gone over my download limit again ), so not sure if this is the right link, but i did see a very good doco, hope this is it. otherwise there are many on you tube ...

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the way the buildings fell, the sounds made just before the collapse, the missing black boxes, the missing cctv footage, the missing plane parts ....

my internet connection is very slow today ( gone over my download limit again ), so not sure if this is the right link, but i did see a very good doco, hope this is it. otherwise there are many on you tube ...

Actually, a couple of months ago, one of the jet engines from one of the planes that crashed into the towers was found imbedded between two buildings in the area. I saw this on our local NYC news and it would be easy to miss as it was narrow between the two buildings, pretty far in and had deteriorated somewhat after nearly twelve years.

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Actually, a couple of months ago, one of the jet engines from one of the planes that crashed into the towers was found imbedded between two buildings in the area. I saw this on our local NYC news and it would be easy to miss as it was narrow between the two buildings, pretty far in and had deteriorated somewhat after nearly twelve years.

i meant the one at the pentagon. there is plenty of footage of the tower planes.

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I once read that President Dwight David Eisenhower met with at least three different "alien" species and agreed to let them continue their abductions of humans and their mutilations of animals in order for the United States to continue to receive the "alien technology" that they could and would provide in assurances that both parties got what they wanted.

I know that this sounds crazy and insane, however, I do not consider it out of the realm of possibility that something like this could and did really happen. Remember that if this really is true and actually happened, this was back in the 1950's, before many of Us were born. It was after the end of WW II that a lot of the American (and Russian) technology really developed. The COLD WAR and the race for SPACE was a reality and a threat that neither side wanted to lose.

Edited by kingzoso
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I once read that President Dwight David Eisenhower met with at least three different "alien" species and agreed to let them continue their abductions of humans and their mutilations of animals in order for the United States to continue to receive the "alien technology" that they could and would provide in assurances that both parties got what they wanted.

I know that this sounds crazy and insane, however, I do not consider it out of the realm of possibility that something like this could and did really happen. Remember that if this really is true and actually happened, this was back in the 1950's, before many of Us were born. It was after the end of WW II that a lot of the American (and Russian) technology really developed. The COLD WAR and the race for SPACE was a reality and a threat that neither side wanted to lose.

i have read that, too.

is it true? who knows. i hope not......

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I believe it's likely alien life forms exist in some capacity but I'm not convinced an intelligent species is visiting us and if one does exist at all, I think it's fairly self-centered of us (surprise!) to assume they would pay so much interest in the human race.

I think 95% of UFO mythology is based on self-gratification.

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I believe it's likely alien life forms exist in some capacity but I'm not convinced an intelligent species is visiting us and if one does exist at all, I think it's fairly self-centered of us (surprise!) to assume they would pay so much interest in the human race.

I think 95% of UFO mythology is based on self-gratification.

So that would make curiosity a purely human trait?

I don't think it's unusual or conceitedly presumptive to imagine that an alien species - were they aware of us - would want to observe us.

Particularly since they would almost certainly have to be more technologically advanced than we are to be aware of us in the first place.

We'd probably be at least as interesting to them as the idea of intelligent alien life is to us.

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