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Led Zeppelin = Best Band Ever


Best Band Ever  

361 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Led Zeppelin the greatest band of all time?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Time will tell
    • It's not possible to say because there are too many bands to compare. (ie bands CAN be compared, but the sheer number of bands prevents us from doing so)
    • It's not possible to say because you can't compare bands based on "greatness" in an objective manner.
    • It's not possible to say because different bands came up in different eras with different contexts and followings.
    • It's not possible because there are so many bands that were better that never "made it".
    • Impossible to tell because of some other reason I'll list below.

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I was wondering How Many More Times I was going to come across a "Led Zeppelin is the best band ever" thread. But I figured they wouldn't be worth anything if we couldn't count the opinions easily.

I realize that a lot of people feel that you can't label a band in this way, so I've tried to provide different options for those people.

Seeing as this is the Led Zeppelin official website, I'd expect anyone who has registered for the official forum would already have a high opinion of Led Zeppelin.

And certainly leave your reasons why you voted. It's always important to know why a person made a choice, and I'd like to hear your reasoning.

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Obviously the 5th option....

I don't like "ranking" art. Obviously I have some opinions, but I think there are a lot of great bands, and I don't any are better than each other. Same goes for any other art form.

Well put, I agree with you 100%. :)



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for me, its their muisc that I connect with more than any other music created, its their music that has nestled in my mind, body, heart and soul....so, Yes, they are the best band ever...for me this is a very true statement.

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I don't really rate the bands I listen to, I just think they're all are good.

If I had to look at the band that inspired me into liking the music I like today... it would have to be Led Zeppelin.

I think they created their own genre of music unlike any other band, apart from maybe Pink Floyd. Jimi Hendrix would also probably be up there with Floyd and Zep, basically they are the artists who have inspired me.

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for me, its their muisc that I connect with more than any other music created, its their music that has nestled in my mind, body, heart and soul....so, Yes, they are the best band ever...for me this is a very true statement.

yeah good point. self truth is the most important kind!

it makes me wonder though, if I'd made 2 types of ways to say yes

1) Yes - they are better than other bands no matter what anyone else says

2) Yes - they are the best because they mean a lot to me and they're my favourite

I knew I'd leave something out!

I chose Yes, and I'd probably go with #1 if I'd had the foresight to put it in there.

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I voted: "It's not possible to say because you can't compare bands based on "greatness" in an objective manner."...which is obviously the right answer.

Of course Led Zeppelin are the best band ever to me and many other people here, but that's always gonna be a matter of opinion, not a matter of fact.

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I voted: "It's not possible to say because you can't compare bands based on "greatness" in an objective manner."...which is obviously the right answer.

Of course Led Zeppelin are the best band ever to me and many other people here, but that's always gonna be a matter of opinion, not a matter of fact.

My thoughts exactly. I think it's somewhat juvenile to debate over such a thing.

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No. Part of being the best is being recognized as such by society.

Zeppelin fill the hard rock niche, which not all people subscribe to now, nor in the future.

Therefore, the best band ever will be The Beatles.







oMG loL...Zep r teh best evaH!!!!111!!!

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This has always been an issue I've struggled with. How can you compare art? Most people look at art as the artist expressing him or herself, so how do you evaluate that? How is one expression better than another? Is one better because it's more pleasing, it displays more talent, it is more intricate, it is innovative? I don't know, not sure if anyone does. But even without such an evaluation criteria I can say, without regret, that Led Zeppelin is the greatest band ever. I couldn't tell you my criteria piece-by-piece, and I can't really refute the argument that I make above, but I can tell you that I think each individual member of Led Zeppelin rank in the top-10 list of all-times in their respective categories (whatever those may be- Jonesy would be hard to place in one category), and the sum of the parts certainly wasn't disappointing. Sure The Beatles (The Stones being a moderately close 3rd- take your pick of line-ups, though) give Zep a run for their money, and collectively The Beatles may be the greatest band of all-time (though I would disagree), individually they certainly weren't all the musicians that each of the Zep members were. Lennon, McCartney and Harrison are all absolutely amazing musicians, and one or two of them may outrank a Zep, but I can't say that the four of The Beatles individually are more talented than the four of Zep. Of course, it's all opinion anyway...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think only Pink Floyd comes close as far as both great individual musicians and songs, but the real earlier stuff was more weird (sometimes in a good way) than musical. I wouldn't even consider breaking the Beatles down individually as musicians (Ringo was a joke, Paul did get quite better), although the body of work is extremely impressive. The individual talents of Zep (Page and Bonham being obvious, Jones often overlooked - but so multitalented) and body of work (percentage of great songs, ability to pull off epic masterpeices as well as transition from driving beats to soft acoustic numbers, etc.) put them totally at another level.

Hey, I feel like 16 again!!!

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