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The "Great" Not-So-Great Led Zeppelin Conspiracy


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I shall link you to this site which is infinitely ridiculous in my eyes: http://thegloaming.tripod.com/bonzo.html

Now, sure, it's possible there are multiple Jones, multiple Plants....though absurd. And who knew Bonzo was still alive?

Take this excerpt regarding JPJ:


"As all you who have watched The Song Remains The Same know, Zeppelin's bass guitarist, John Paul Jones, seems to be involved in some sort of weird fashion show---changing his clothes multiple times during various songs. The speculation is that this---in addition to the fact that his hair styles were also constantly changing from one publicity shoot to the next; not to mention the sheer magnitude of the number of musical instruments he was proficient with, and the many "hats" he wore (musician, composer, lyricist, arranger, recording engineer, etc.)---points to a plethora of JPJs---at least 4, to be exact."

Another fake-site trying to mislead the general public of fans. You never know, though....life is a mystery paralleled by Led Zeppelin's inner secrets.

What do YOU think about this? Feel free to share opinions, thoughts, and more.

Edited by anodizingstatic
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That's a couple of wasted minutes of my life I'll never get back!

i feel dumber for reading it. in fact, i am just going to walk into the ocean and hope that a near drowning will be enough to wash away the absolute stain that was left by that "theory."

One of the stupidest things I have ever read.

Yeah, the guy seems focused on some omnidirectional persuasive rubbish - provides absolutely NO sources except his own nonsense. O.o He quotes himself as if he is quoting a LZ associate....really?!

I like to think of it as a joke, like the author can't even take himself seriously. It's so outrageous (I will admit) it ISN'T time wasted -- just reading how the guy thinks is quite amusing. :ohmy:

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I've seen very similar Beatles related "conspiracies." I can't believe they think there were multiple Johns, Pauls, Ringos, Georges... even Pete Best has his share of "doubles." What's even worse is that they try to visually point it out.

Hey man!

Visually point them out, wow. Conspirators can be really funny.

I mean to say there are a "plethora of JPJ's" and then say "at least 4 to be exact" is just blown way out of proportion. Even in the 70s things like that wouldn't just fly by without any notice whatsoever.

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That shit was funny.

Edited to add:

Why would the real John Paul Jones, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page want to leave such a Successful Rock and Roll Band after a couple of years? Only to be "re-placed" by their brothers and/or look a likes.

The amount of Money the "Real" Led Zeppelin was earning back then would dissuade any of Them from leaving. (Not to mention the amount of Women/Groupies/Sex, Drugs and Accolades that They were given).

By the way, I once read that John Bonham actually died from a Cocaine/Heroin Speedball in the back of a car.

This is the Early and Real LED ZEPPELIN:

Edited by kingzoso
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Today's show is brought to you by the word "humour", as in: you guys really need to learn to spot a joke when you see one.

It's not as funny as the author clearly thinks it is, but that's clearly a spoof, like the stuff in The Onion. Made me laugh, though!


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Today's show is brought to you by the word "humour", as in: you guys really need to learn to spot a joke when you see one.

It's not as funny as the author clearly thinks it is, but that's clearly a spoof, like the stuff in The Onion. Made me laugh, though!


Parody, nothing more.

Lighten up folks.

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