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Jimmy's four directional salute during D+C live


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Fireopel I did some research on your claim of this summoning Satan thing. I did find in the "Satanic Bible" by Anton Levay on page 75 of "The Satanic Ritual- The 13 steps"......Step #7:

Turning counter clockwise, the priest points with the sword to each cardinal point of the compass and calls forth the respective Princes of Hell: Satan from the south,Lucifer from the east, Belial from the north, and Leviathan from the west.

It is kind of weird Jimmy does this in the song but maybe it's just a coincidence.

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This is reminiscent of the Paul McCartney is dead idea, For gods sake can't he just wave his are around without some jerk reading some hidden meaning into it.

why are you calling him a jerk? There is meaning there. Whether or not he is summoning satan is debatable but in the world of magik ceremony is key. Jimmy is a magician and during this part of the bow solo He is casting a circle and calling out the four elements as part of his nightly ceremony. No big deal really, but suggesting that Jimmy is simply waving his arms about because he thought it looked cool is absurd. Maybe if you knew as much about the occult as Jimmy does you wouldn't be so quick to poo poo it.

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Ok Fireopal he is not a Satanist. By the way I just checked his Facebook page and guess what pops up? An ad to buy the latest copy of Lucifer's Rising. I think Jimmy knows what a good business venture this whole Satanist thing is and is milking it for all it's worth.

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I hope you're joking. You don't seriously believe that?

It's theatrics. Concert attendees have confirmed the reverberation of sound changed to match his movements as depicted in the film.

He was summoning the father of the four winds to blow the sound in whatever direction he pointed his bow towards. ;)

Edited by Strider
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why are you calling him a jerk? There is meaning there. Whether or not he is summoning satan is debatable but in the world of magik ceremony is key. Jimmy is a magician and during this part of the bow solo He is casting a circle and calling out the four elements as part of his nightly ceremony. No big deal really, but suggesting that Jimmy is simply waving his arms about because he thought it looked cool is absurd. Maybe if you knew as much about the occult as Jimmy does you wouldn't be so quick to poo poo it.

Why on earth would I want to know about the occult, what next bible lessons?

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Why on earth would I want to know about the occult, what next bible lessons?

Call me what you will as I will call You what I will:

From some of your posts/responses to other people's responses/post that I have read, You seem to come off as a very "Judgmental" and sometimes very "Ignorant" in your posts and choice of words. RELAX!!!... and do not take things that you may not agree with and "spout" what you think is always right.

Back to the topic at hand, I do think that there may be some underlying tone or message that Jimmy is trying to (subtly) convey to the audiences that happened to witness a Led Zeppelin concert from 1973 - 1979.

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Some people are rude and have an inflated opinion of their own importance.

Juxtiphi's post about casting a magical space was interesting and relevant.

WOW!! Yeah man, far out, cosmic, magical space???? What planet are you from?.Also I am not rude and I do not consider myself important, I have my opinion which I stand by. I listen to music a lot and I have thousands of albums by hundreds of artists, so I consider myself reasonably knowledgeable on the subject of music. But I just listen to it and enjoy it for what it is, I don't go theorising about what the artist was thinking at the time, or what lyrics mean. If I did I would be forever in a daze.Where is the relevance in casting a magical space, Who for?

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Where is the relevance in casting a magical space, Who for?

If you bother to open your mind a couple inches, you might find out that Jimmy himself has mentioned in interviews exactly what he was trying to accomplish. The initial question is a fair one....it is a ritual....it is related to magic....and it does have meaning to him. If that doesn't interest you, then you really shouldn't be bothering to respond to the thread.

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I don't think it's some kind of ritual. If it is, then what was his Noise Solo Harmonizer up and down gestures about? You know when he would raise his guitar up the sound effect would rise and fall based on his arm gestures. Does that signify something, too?

Or when he would march and dance in time to the echo repeats during the Theremin solo, is that some sort of ritual?

I doubt it.

Simple stage theatrics, nothing more IMHO. Jimmy thought and rehearsed out a lot of his stage moves to glorious effect.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree with the posts on this thread by juxtiphy and Bong-Man: Page was definitely performing a ceremonial magik ritual of some kind. Of course, Page was also being theatrical--he was fully aware of how great it looked and sounded. I read a quote by Page several years ago where he said something along the lines of, "Back then, (in the 70's) that was my life--the melding of music and magik--I lived it."

Also, Plantpothead mentioned above that he doesn't like to go "theorizing about what the artist was thinking at the time." With all due respect, I'm just the opposite; I'm fascinated by what the members of Zep were thinking, and particularly by the musical/philosophical ideas jointly shared by--and the interplay between--Plant and Page. I'm also fascinated by Page's thought patterns, his artistic vision, and his sources of inspiration and creativity.

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Magic or sorcery is an attempt to understand, experience and influence the world using rituals, symbols, actions, gestures and language.

Aleister Crowley defined Magick as "the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will".

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