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"Jimmy Page needs to have a good rest"


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Robert knew the timing if his comment. He always has to have some dig at Jimmy anytime something big is happening. It just angers me that its right after the sets have been released. I am furious with him and hope Jimmy comments backs. I too am glad Jinsey has kept silent.

Edited by aen27
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Plant is so ambiguous at the best oftimes, ok you don't fancy a get together? give a definitive no man, do it, do it now, twitter, Facebook, whatever you want mate! Just put the matter to bed

Edited by henrybonzo
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Lips like cherries says it nicely. ironically if they tour and plant has trouble at 65-as most 65 year old would- at hitting some notes there will be whole threads saying "why didn't they leave their legacy alone?" Celebration day is a good place to leave it and the Space shifters are awesome...Plant may have held off parts of the tour to finish the album due around end of September.

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Regarding badgeholder's comment:

First off, no one here claims to "know" what Zep members think. Some folks are simply engaging in speculation, theorizing, and plain old guess work. Why? Because to some people it's an enjoyable passtime. They love Led Zep and enjoy talking about all things related.

People come in many different personality types and for hundreds of years humans have been devising systems that attempt to describe and categorize the different types. Astrology is one such system which we know was of interest to Jimmy Page. A more recent one is Myers-Briggs. The latter system recognizes that one major difference between people is that some enjoy ideas and theories and speculation while other are more fact based, interested in what can be known first hand and proven.

It's easy for the fact based people to belittle the speculations of the theory-lovin' people, but really a discussion forum should support both types of people.

A chat room may arguably be a better place than a forum to speculate but it is also arguable that a Web database would be a better way than a forum to organize all the factual, historical data about the band (with keyword searchable data fields--that would be pretty awesome).

So I wish everyone would play nice and respect that any group of people, even Led Zeppelin fans, are going to be very different one from another, just like the band members themselves were and are very different from each other in some ways.

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A chat room may arguably be a better place than a forum to speculate but it is also arguable that a Web database would be a better way than a forum to organize all the factual, historical data about the band (with keyword searchable data fields--that would be pretty awesome).

From my forum profile page...some here may understand it:

"The trouble with a self-maximizing system that must make sense at each moment is that the sequence of arrival of information determines the way it is to be arranged. For this reason the arrangement of information is always less than the best possible arrangement for the best possible arrangement would be quite independent of the sequence of arrival of information"

-- 'Lateral Thinking' by Edward de Bono, Harper & Row Publishers, 1970.

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"First off, no one here claims to "know" what Zep members think. Some folks are simply engaging in speculation, theorizing, and plain old guess work."

I can understand people getting disappointed. But when people become angry with Robert Plant because he won't sign up for a reunion tour, that's not speculation. That's irrational behavior. That has happened several times in this thread alone. So be irrational. I'm only bringing another perspective to the topic. I'm not claiming to have THE perspective, only A perspective. According to Dark Lord and You, there's room for all opinions and points of view here. If you haven't been directly attacked or insulted, and you still feel threatened by a different point of view, I think that's more your problem than mine. I don't think anyone should come here and leave feeling like they got dumped on. But is this a support group or a discussion forum for a rock & roll band? If you don't like what I post, you can either make a counterpoint or ignore me. But i've got some bad news for you, sunshine. Talking to me like you're my third grade teacher isn't "playing nice".

What did Robert Plant mean by that comment? Maybe that Jimmy Page (and the fans who hope for a reunion tour) should have a nice nap, and awake with a fresh sense of reality. To what is and what probably won't ever be. Just my humble opinion.

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I think it's great Jimmy Page has embraced his leadership role in Led Zeppelin without equivication while promoting this Zeppelin project. Page was the undeniable epicenter of that band as far as the music and vision were concerned and it's the very reason Plant will never rejoin. Who's the boss? That's pretty clear.

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Page was the undeniable epicenter of that band as far as the music and vision were concerned and it's the very reason Plant will never rejoin.

I respect your opinion. In my opinion, it was the alchemy of the four that was the epicenter of the band - certainly after 1970 - and it is primarily for that reason Plant has yet to (and will never) agree to a full-fledged reformation.

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The alchemy was there from the start but someone had to compose and arrange the tunes and deal with the technical aspect of production. That's where Page did a lot of the donkey work. It's not really a democratic situation if Jimmy Page has the last word.

If anyone's ever played in a band there are constant power struggles about musical direction. It's the very same thing with Led Zeppelin but on a grander scale.

Edited by Chicago
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All this from the guy bitching about a four hour workday in SIBLY.

I think Robert's poke was tongue in cheek, like my previous sentence. It's all in the delivery. I do hope Jimmy gets cross enough where he feels like he has something to prove. The middle ground limbo has been driving him crazy for years. Whatever leads to new Page material. When Relf was done with the Yardbirds, wonderful things happened for Jimmy--new directions, a flood of creative energy, innovation galore. I hope this leads to the same thing.

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Singers and guitarists, do come across as old women sometimes, Led Zeppelin ended 34 years ago, the people who want anything more are "journalists" the fans have some music with companion discs to work through. I'm sure the guys deeply love each other. :yesnod:

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Maybe some "truth" from Robert will inspire Jimmy to get off his ass and do something that doesn't involve reissuing the same material for the tenth time! If Jimmy wants to retire, that's fine, he doesn't owe anything to any of us. If not, maybe he should clue himself in to what almost everyone else already knows & move on.

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Its not the constant one liners from Plant that burn

its not the game about a possible once last go around

its the lack of respect for the bands legacy

its the lack of respect towards the man who for good or bad

made Roberts career.

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Its not the constant one liners from Plant that burn

its not the game about a possible once last go around

its the lack of respect for the bands legacy

its the lack of respect towards the man who for good or bad

made Roberts career.

Sometimes you have to remember Led Zeppelin and the music they made was about fun,(and losing the woman you love.) I.do think the legacy is secure, now they can do what they want to musically*

*Tastes may vary

Edited by Cecil.
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There is but a simple solution to RP and his detractors, stop playing LZ tunes in your set, simple.

Lets look at the facts, RP cuts PAE, and plays live, with no LZ numbers, then he cuts POM, tours, yet still no LZ numbers. I have the Sounds weekly papers still with his interviews, where he says, 'I'm not playing Zep songs without Zeppelin'. SnS is then released, tour, but no LZ numbers. Then the solo career starts to wane a bit, Live Aid comes along at that time, and RP sees this as an avenue to explore, he's on tour at the time, as is JP with the Firm. Tours end and they regroup and rehearse, yet this then falls apart. RP then goes off and forms another group, and lo and behold, this group start to include LZ numbers on the subsequent tours. This arrangement then starts to fall apart, and RP is interested in doing LZ with JP, but with 'different arrangements' when this then starts to water down into a 4 piece and there is talk of JPJ being involved, it all comes to a halt. This has been the Norm then for all RPs dates since, with what ever line up he has put together , and this is where people have a problem with his understanding of what is the right thing to do.

Personally I think RP is quite right to persue his own musical avenues, yet I do think that LZ could be a 'sideline' for him, with festival appearances and the like, He does also have the knack of making and releasing new music when there is massive LZ interest, this can only be interpreted as being a vehicle to further his own solo career.

Disagree or agree with me if you like, and feel free to fill in any gaps that I may have missed out. The problem I believe is between the band members themselves.

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he prolly means to take a chill pill, relax, and enjoy life, not to spend to so much time up at night fretting about the past and trying to recreate it. On the one hand, i get it, the whole idea of moving along with your life and doing new things, on the other, mr. plant is a walking contradiction on all that.

to say you can't imagine doing the old stuff, but then literally taking those songs and doing them as a bluegrass/north african/soft rock version of what they were is to be pretty ridiculous. I mean he plays rock n roll everynight and takes all the rock n roll out of that song.......my thing is hey, by all means dude, do your whole solo career and strike out a new path, but do it your own way, not having at least half your set be zeppelin songs, with another quarter being other cover songs and then maybe a quarter being truly original material. It doesn't make you look like an artist, to me it makes it look like he lacks confidence to go out there and belt out the zeppelin numbers properly, and is convinced he won't get as good of bookings on the strength of his own music. For someone who talks a lot about not looking into the past and leaning on it, dude is doing it quite a bit.

Not saying he shouldn't, by all means he should do what makes him happy. It's when the guy opens his mouth offstage that it's like come on man, stop with this nonsense.

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What does Robert mean take a nap? It sounds disrespectful but without hearing the audio or seeing the video I can't make sense of it. It seems like an odd thing to say almost disrespectful

How do you expect to take on a Zeppelin reunion when other men your age are taking afternoon naps?

Or the promo schedule for the box sets is affecting Jimmy's sensibilities and he needs to rest himself and think about what he's saying?

Something cutting like that. Frankly, if they have no musical future together, it doesn't matter if they get along. Friends and family fall out all the time, and this is just another example of tenuous relations.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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What does Robert mean take a nap? It sounds disrespectful but without hearing the audio or seeing the video I can't make sense of it. It seems like an odd thing to say almost disrespectful

You're right. It seems to be Robert's way of telling Jimmy off. This is the worst of Robert's cracks against Jimmy. His last one was in his interview in November when he said that he was in the band too long with Jimmy. I really hope that this makes Jimmy really do something as he has been promising. Jimmy doesn't sound like he wants to be retired. I understand that he didn't want anyone else to remaster Zep as it is too important to him, but it angers me that Robert picks the day after the releases to make his crack when he has not lifted a finger to help Jimmy promote them!

I don't want a Zep reunion -- I do want Jimmy to move on.

Edited by aen27
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You're right. It seems to be Robert's way of telling Jimmy off. This is the worst of Robert's cracks against Jimmy. His last one was in his interview in November when he said that he was in the band too long with Jimmy. I really hope that this makes Jimmy really do something as he has been promising. Jimmy doesn't sound like he wants to be retired. I understand that he didn't want anyone else to remaster Zep as it is too important to him, but it angers me that Robert picks the day after the releases to make his crack when he has not lifted a finger to help Jimmy promote them!

I don't want a Zep reunion -- I do want Jimmy to move on.

I have no interest in defending Robert, whatsoever, and I think his comment was rude, but no worse than Jimmy's "fed up" comment. He could have taken a higher road, but at least he did not up the ante. I would be surprised if these two ever resolved their issues fully.

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I would be surprised if these two ever resolved their issues fully.

At this rate, I would also be surprised -- but pleased if they do and I don't they will. At least any time soon.

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At this rate, I would also be surprised -- but pleased if they do and I don't they will. At least any time soon.

And you know what? As unfortunate as it may be, it's okay. People fall out all the time. We would all like to see the story book ending, but sometimes it's not meant to be. There will always be a professional respect, but things haven't really seemed right with those two since Walking into Clarksdale came to an end.

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And you know what? As unfortunate as it may be, it's okay. People fall out all the time. We would all like to see the story book ending, but sometimes it's not meant to be. There will always be a professional respect, but things haven't really seemed right with those two since Walking into Clarksdale came to an end.


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