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I'm thrilled that A-Fraud hit that home run. It's great fun to watch the Yankees try got get out from a contract that they signed. What a circus.

And hey, kz, we know history. The fact that you keep repeating it, ad nauseam, over and over again, is what's most annoying. You write like an insecure teenager trying to impress your English professor. There's trash talk, which is fine and fun, and then there's tortured prose, which is what you write. In truth, that's the worst part for me about reading your...stuff.

You know what? I like the The Mighty Saint Louis Cardinals. You're doing your damnedest to make me hate them, but I won't. So there.

All that said, my team is playing down to their potential, just as I feared they would. This will not stop me from watching them every night on my TV though. They're my team and I love them.

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I'm thrilled that A-Fraud hit that home run. It's great fun to watch the Yankees try got get out from a contract that they signed. What a circus.

And hey, kz, we know history. The fact that you keep repeating it, ad nauseam, over and over again, is what's most annoying. You write like an insecure teenager trying to impress your English professor. There's trash talk, which is fine and fun, and then there's tortured prose, which is what you write. In truth, that's the worst part for me about reading your...stuff.

You know what? I like the The Mighty Saint Louis Cardinals. You're doing your damnedest to make me hate them, but I won't. So there.

All that said, my team is playing down to their potential, just as I feared they would. This will not stop me from watching them every night on my TV though. They're my team and I love them.

Nice post. Very well said.

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I'm thrilled that A-Fraud hit that home run. It's great fun to watch the Yankees try got get out from a contract that they signed. What a circus.

And hey, kz, we know history. The fact that you keep repeating it, ad nauseam, over and over again, is what's most annoying. You write like an insecure teenager trying to impress your English professor. There's trash talk, which is fine and fun, and then there's tortured prose, which is what you write. In truth, that's the worst part for me about reading your...stuff.

You know what? I like the The Mighty Saint Louis Cardinals. You're doing your damnedest to make me hate them, but I won't. So there.

All that said, my team is playing down to their potential, just as I feared they would. This will not stop me from watching them every night on my TV though. They're my team and I love them.

I second your thoughts on St Louis. I never had anything against them but he is making it hard for me to not hate them. But really, I am more concerned with our Orioles recent struggles. Its not like they are playing that bad. They outhit the yankees like 12-7 and lost by one. Its a looooong season. So I expect a turnaround fast. They are too good and talented for it not to happen. Great that Hardy is back. Wieters is sorely missed. I will never understand why they let Cruz walk. NEVER. But Davis is terrible lately. He needs some type of guidance with the bat. Terry Crowley is a guy that could help. He has to start thinking of contact more than power. If Matt is ok to swing the bat I am for DH ing him at first to get his bat in the lineup and then have him take over for Joseph. Speaking of who, he has been great for us in relief. He will get many starts behind the plate so they can DH Wieters. I sure hope they do not let him get away like they did Cruz. And my Orioles jersey bears his name. Chen needs to stop this crap tonight

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I second your thoughts on St Louis. I never had anything against them but he is making it hard for me to not hate them. But really, I am more concerned with our Orioles recent struggles. Its not like they are playing that bad. They outhit the yankees like 12-7 and lost by one. Its a looooong season. So I expect a turnaround fast. They are too good and talented for it not to happen. Great that Hardy is back. Wieters is sorely missed. I will never understand why they let Cruz walk. NEVER. But Davis is terrible lately. He needs some type of guidance with the bat. Terry Crowley is a guy that could help. He has to start thinking of contact more than power. If Matt is ok to swing the bat I am for DH ing him at first to get his bat in the lineup and then have him take over for Joseph. Speaking of who, he has been great for us in relief. He will get many starts behind the plate so they can DH Wieters. I sure hope they do not let him get away like they did Cruz. And my Orioles jersey bears his name. Chen needs to stop this crap tonight

It's been a tough week. It is a long season, but something needs to start happening soon. You know me, though... I'm sure we end up in last place this year :)

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It's been a tough week. It is a long season, but something needs to start happening soon. You know me, though... I'm sure we end up in last place this year :)

I refuse to think like that with our talent and also Boston has their own problems

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As a Yankees fan, allow me to weigh in on the Alex Rodriguez debacle.

I don't care that he used steroids.

Yes, you read that correctly. There has been cheating in baseball, in one form or another, since there has been baseball. When one thing became passé, something else took its place. Players snorted cocaine openly on the field in the late 1800s. In the last half of the 20th century, a lot of players took "greenies" or speed, in order to give them an extra boost of energy, particularly toward the end of the season when they were in the push for a pennant. Now, it's steroids. Players scuffed and doctored balls, they stole signs, they did all kinds of unsavory, unsportsmanlike, and in some cases, illegal things, all to get an edge on the competition. If you watch any kind of professional sports, you're watching people that are making millions and millions of dollars to play a game, and if you don't think they're going to lie, cheat, and steal in order to keep making those millions, you're nuts. There are exceptions of course, as I believe the vast majority of professional athletes don't do those things, but enough of them do that you can't ever say you're watching a "clean" sport. Hell, even Little Leaguers cheat — just look at Jackie Robinson West.

It's up to the individual whether or not they want to accept his career, or the career of any known steroids user, the same as it's up to the Hall of Fame whether or not they get in, and I sincerely doubt they ever will. The only thing that annoys me are baseball fans who act like it's the end of the world. It's not. I guarantee you there's someone on your team right now who's using some illegal substance, someone you root for and cheer for all the time. If you can do that without batting an eyelash, get off A-Rod's nuts.

/end rant

Edit: I should add that I understand why it's easy to hate him, but making him the public face of MLB's steroids problem is absurd. It's a league problem, not an A-Rod problem, and it would be nice if people wrapped their minds around that, but obviously, it's entirely on them.

Edited by Electrophile
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As a Yankees fan, allow me to weigh in on the Alex Rodriguez debacle.

I don't care that he used steroids.

Yes, you read that correctly. There has been cheating in baseball, in one form or another, since there has been baseball. When one thing became passé, something else took its place. Players snorted cocaine openly on the field in the late 1800s. In the last half of the 20th century, a lot of players took "greenies" or speed, in order to give them an extra boost of energy, particularly toward the end of the season when they were in the push for a pennant. Now, it's steroids. Players scuffed and doctored balls, they stole signs, they did all kinds of unsavory, unsportsmanlike, and in some cases, illegal things, all to get an edge on the competition. If you watch any kind of professional sports, you're watching people that are making millions and millions of dollars to play a game, and if you don't think they're going to lie, cheat, and steal in order to keep making those millions, you're nuts. There are exceptions of course, as I believe the vast majority of professional athletes don't do those things, but enough of them do that you can't ever say you're watching a "clean" sport. Hell, even Little Leaguers cheat — just look at Jackie Robinson West.

It's up to the individual whether or not they want to accept his career, or the career of any known steroids user, the same as it's up to the Hall of Fame whether or not they get in, and I sincerely doubt they ever will. The only thing that annoys me are baseball fans who act like it's the end of the world. It's not. I guarantee you there's someone on your team right now who's using some illegal substance, someone you root for and cheer for all the time. If you can do that without batting an eyelash, get off A-Rod's nuts.

/end rant

Edit: I should add that I understand why it's easy to hate him, but making him the public face of MLB's steroids problem is absurd. It's a league problem, not an A-Rod problem, and it would be nice if people wrapped their minds around that, but obviously, it's entirely on them.

Tell Madonna to get off his nuts. And whoever the latest of his conquests are? I have heard more anger at him from Yankee fans around here than fans of other teams. I live in NY so I have many around me

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Oh, how I knew you'd weigh in.

I don't know who he's having sex with, who he's had sex with in the past, or who he'll have sex with in the future. It'll never be me, so that information is irrelevant to my life (and the discussion). I just find the obsessive hate-on some baseball fans have for him both excessive and humorous, particularly considering he's not the first or the last player to be outed has having used steroids. Like I said, it's easy to hate him, he certainly makes himself a convenient and convincing target, but at some point fans around the league will just have to let it go. They're not going anywhere. As soon as some chemist somewhere develops a drug the current tests don't find, that's what players will be using. Once that substance is detectible, they'll move on to something else.

It's unfortunate, but what can you do?

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I get what you're saying. For me, as a long time Yankees fan, it's more personal than anything. He's never been clutch, always seems to want to draw more attention to himself than anything, I've never really accepted him - much like Roger Clemens.. Just my feelings about it/him.

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Oh, how I knew you'd weigh in.

I don't know who he's having sex with, who he's had sex with in the past, or who he'll have sex with in the future. It'll never be me, so that information is irrelevant to my life (and the discussion). I just find the obsessive hate-on some baseball fans have for him both excessive and humorous, particularly considering he's not the first or the last player to be outed has having used steroids. Like I said, it's easy to hate him, he certainly makes himself a convenient and convincing target, but at some point fans around the league will just have to let it go. They're not going anywhere. As soon as some chemist somewhere develops a drug the current tests don't find, that's what players will be using. Once that substance is detectible, they'll move on to something else.

It's unfortunate, but what can you do?

I just love being predictable

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I get what you're saying. For me, as a long time Yankees fan, it's more personal than anything. He's never been clutch, always seems to want to draw more attention to himself than anything, I've never really accepted him - much like Roger Clemens.. Just my feelings about it/him.

That's fine, I'm certainly not suggesting everyone has to kiss his butt and throw flowers at his feet. If you don't like him, you don't like him. Me, I root for the laundry, and a productive and successful A-Rod is a productive and successful Yankees team, and I want us to win another championship.

My comment was more or less directed at people who take their dislike of him too far, to what I think are ridiculous lengths, relative to what it is they dislike him for. You obviously don't fit into that category.

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That's fine, I'm certainly not suggesting everyone has to kiss his butt and throw flowers at his feet. If you don't like him, you don't like him. Me, I root for the laundry, and a productive and successful A-Rod is a productive and successful Yankees team, and I want us to win another championship.

My comment was more or less directed at people who take their dislike of him too far, to what I think are ridiculous lengths, relative to what it is they dislike him for. You obviously don't fit into that category.

I just have to ask this Liz? It seems like its been like at least 3 years since you have been around? Or at least since I have seen you post? If you chose not to answer I totally understand. But I am a bit shocked to see you here after such a long time. Alot of former members are gone. Without a trace. Some with explanation like Jahfin. As for my "old friends", I have not heard from them at all. And am quite sure why. Anyway, regardless of your feelings toward me, I hope you are doing well. Just not the Yankees.

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Fantastic documentary on Pittsburgh Pirate pitcher Dock Ellis, who threw a no-hitter while tripping on LSD. Saw this on the festival circuit last year but it never got a regular theatrical release. It's on Netflix now. You gotta watch it!


Oh, and welcome back Liz! What a nice surprise to wake up to on a Saturday. Glad you're still among the living.

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The Cardinals lost another game. Only Their 8th so far this early season. 22 - 8. I said it before and I will say it again, I am not going to worry if the Cardinals lose another 2 or 3 or 4 games in succession. That will only make them stronger and come back with more resolve and vengeance.

If anyone wants to "hate" on the Saint Louis Cardinals, hate on them for being a great and consistent Baseball team that beats your team and not because of what I post.

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I do not know what it will take for Buck Showalter to wake up and fucking get rid of Norris. Now he goes to the bullpen after letting them score 4 fucking runs. Why dont you wake up and fucking release this bum and go to your AAA and get Bundy up here? He cannot be any worse than Norris who is jacking our season. I am not watching if this guy continues to get starts. He is killing us

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I do not know what it will take for Buck Showalter to wake up and fucking get rid of Norris. Now he goes to the bullpen after letting them score 4 fucking runs. Why dont you wake up and fucking release this bum and go to your AAA and get Bundy up here? He cannot be any worse than Norris who is jacking our season. I am not watching if this guy continues to get starts. He is killing us

I know that you know - Showalter is how your team came back to competive and definitely respect last season. But shakeups this early with unproven talent can backfire, too?

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The Cardinals have now lost 2 games in a row against the Pirates. I am starting to freak out. Just kidding. I hope that the Saint Louis Cardinals lose a few more games just to bolster their consistent and dominant resolve.

When Your favorite team is (so far) the best team in the Majors with the best record after the first 30+ games you can afford to joke. The Cardinals are the only team in baseball at this moment to still have lost no more then 10 games. Their record is 22 wins and 9 losses.

When your favorite team is a few games under .500 you/them/they might start to worry a little bit (or a lot). With the Cardinals I have no worries at all. Even if They breakdown toward the end of the season (which They haven't in the last 4 years), I will still be a Proud and Loyal Fan of the St. Louis Cardinals. Win or Lose or Lose and Win, My Faith in the Cardinals will NEVER waiver.

I really believe that the Cardinals will make it to the 2015 Post-Season for the 5th year in a row. There are not a lot teams that can make that claim. This is simple fact for any fan of Baseball and not just my opinion.

There is still a lot more baseball to be played. I wish everyone who posts on this topic that their team succeeds to the best of their abilities. This is a sincere post on my part.

Edited by kingzoso
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The Cardinals have now lost 2 games in a row against the Pirates. I am starting to freak out. Just kidding. I hope that the Saint Louis Cardinals lose a few more games just to bolster their consistent and dominant resolve.

When Your favorite team is (so far) the best team in the Majors with the best record after the first 30+ games you can afford to joke. The Cardinals are the only team in baseball at this moment to still have lost no more then 10 games. Their record is 22 wins and 9 losses.

When your favorite team is a few games under .500 you/them/they might start to worry a little bit (or a lot). With the Cardinals I have no worries at all. Even if They breakdown toward the end of the season (which They haven't in the last 4 years), I will still be a Proud and Loyal Fan of the St. Louis Cardinals. Win or Lose or Lose and Win, My Faith in the Cardinals will NEVER waiver.

I really believe that the Cardinals will make it to the 2015 Post-Season for the 5th year in a row. There are not a lot teams that can make that claim. This is simple fact for any fan of Baseball and not just my opinion.

There is still a lot more baseball to be played. I wish everyone who posts on this topic that their team succeeds to the best of their abilities. This is a sincere post on my part.

Yes I worry King that Buck will not wake up and toss Norris who has destroyed us on all of his starts. Norris must go. But we have to get Davis straightened out also. Hardy being back is huge. Now they have to put some wins together. I know they are good enough. As for St Louis, there is no guarantee they will have the best record two months from now. I guess it matters not because that division is theirs as it appears. I know Milwaukee and Pittsburgh have nothing. I thought the Cubs would be better and expect in time they will be. Houston is a shock but i am not convinced they last. But I do know that the Angels and A's are not themselves. When the a's lost their 3rd baseman they pretty much indicated they were not very serious about this season. Detroit and KC should both get in. The Yankees are playing over their heads right now. We have to find a way to rebound and beat Toronto. If the Orioles fail this year and the Clippers, Bills and Sabres win, I will still be pretty happy. I have high hopes for the Bills and Sabres next year and the Clippers right now.

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Yogi Berra's 90th birthday is today, and even if you're not a Yankees fan, you should be a Yogi Berra fan. The man is an American treasure. One of my favorite Yogi-isms is, "Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't go to yours." A runner-up would be, "It gets late early out there."

He's just awesome. Hopefully he'll be at Old-Timer's Day again this year.

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