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Hot pics of Jimmy


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hello everybody... great pics :rolleyes:

now some from me for tonight...


Beautiful Jimmy Page in a Junk Yard....

I would guess the junkyard dog probably stood in awe of his beautiful intruder FOR A LONG TIME!!!!....if all the intruders were this beautiful...he would soon would be out of job!!!!


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This picture doesnt seem real to me. is it me or am i missing something here? Must be the shading or the tinting, but even the eyes and mouth are different some how. Hummmm

It is a screen capture from the DVD "Rock Milestones- Led Zeppelin´s IV" - thatś why it is so blury (and maybe I had the wrong screen settings and so the picture is little distorted :D :D

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does this count as hot ?? :D:huh::D


That's Jimmy's head on George Harrison's bod, it's been floating around for years like that, don't know why someone bothered, there is plenty of luscious beardies for those inclined. Here's what it's from:




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Okay, I've gone through all these pics (saved many), had many moments on the floor with my feet twitching, and then came up with an insane idea. Why not build a simple little site - and I do mean simple as I'm not a website genius - with a significant twist: a growing photo gallery of Page pics that would make any female sweat? So I did. I put up my personal favorites (right now it's got pics of Page in the '80's but there was serious potential there) - with captions - and I feel like sharing.

So here it is.


I hope this board lets me put that up.

I put in a guest book and the photos are open to comments (although I am moderating them), which is the point. I would loooooove to hear from all you ladies. Those pictures that are on my little site here that any of you contributed (and I have no doubt there will be many), please let me know who you are so I can assign appropriate blame. There is a link on the site to email me privately as well.

Do check in!

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Okay, I've gone through all these pics (saved many), had many moments on the floor with my feet twitching, and then came up with an insane idea. Why not build a simple little site - and I do mean simple as I'm not a website genius - with a significant twist: a growing photo gallery of Page pics that would make any female sweat? So I did. I put up my personal favorites (right now it's got pics of Page in the '80's but there was serious potential there) - with captions - and I feel like sharing.

So here it is.


I hope this board lets me put that up.

I put in a guest book and the photos are open to comments (although I am moderating them), which is the point. I would loooooove to hear from all you ladies. Those pictures that are on my little site here that any of you contributed (and I have no doubt there will be many), please let me know who you are so I can assign appropriate blame. There is a link on the site to email me privately as well.

Do check in!

Great work! I checked it out very short, homework, you know...but I'll come back this evening!

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That's Jimmy's head on George Harrison's bod, it's been floating around for years like that, don't know why someone bothered, there is plenty of luscious beardies for those inclined. Here's what it's from:



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