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'Fool in the snow' :D For that alone I grant you forgiveness.

I tell you what, though, I'm so cold my hands hurt typing.

A thousand thanks my Princess, now off to the warm bed that awaits you, we dont want you to catch you death do we? :dont:

Regards, Danny

PS, I'm off for a cuppa :coffee: with my old faithful (Dog not the Bitch :lol:) and to watch some Deep Space Nine i have recorded on the Set Top Box, Good Night Princess and all. :kiss:

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"Arse over Tit love, Arse over Tit" :lol:

Its failing in London again, i've just took the dog out for his uknow whats and he loves it, barking and growling at the snow the little bugger that he is. I dug a tunnell out to the main road today so we should be able to get resupplied by Army some time soon, and i dont think. :lol:

Regards, Danny

PS, I can see a Rainbow Rising. :D


Bonjour BIG DAN:

Many years ago the former mayor of Toronto, Mel Lastman, called in the army to help with a severe snowfall in his city. He was ridiculed to no end..

I see the Canadian networks including the weather network continue to report on the weather in the U.K. and Europe...Brrr

Keep Warm and take care..I'm having Shepherds Pie for lunch today at work in honour of the UK Zep fans..


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Bonjour BIG DAN:

Many years ago the former mayor of Toronto, Mel Lastman, called in the army to help with a severe snowfall in his city. He was ridiculed to no end..

I see the Canadian networks including the weather network continue to report on the weather in the U.K. and Europe...Brrr

Keep Warm and take care..I'm having Shepherds Pie for lunch today at work in honour of the UK Zep fans..


Hi Juliet,

I think it makes Mel a good Mayor, in my book anyway, we should use the unemployed as well, even some of the more trustworthy prisoners if thats possible, enjoy you pie Juliet.

Regards, Danny

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  • 1 month later...


There's a posting on the CBC website that McQueen's death has been ruled a suicide but the coroner. He left a note before he hung himself. He also left distressful messages on twitter.

What good are these social networking sites if someone in crisis posts but noone knows how to help?



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There's a posting on the CBC website that Alexander's death has been ruled a suicide but the coroner. Alexander left a note before he hung himself. He also left distressful messages on twitter.

What good are these social networking sites if someone in crisis posts but noone knows how to help?



With respect, Juliet, I don't think Twitter is about saving people from suicide, is it? He was deeply disturbed. Oh and his name was actually Lee, apparently his family have been offended by the tributes to "Alexander" when that was his working name. Not meaning to detract from your sentiments, but it was obviously important to them and him.

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With respect, Juliet, I don't think Twitter is about saving people from suicide, is it? He was deeply disturbed. Oh and his name was actually Lee, apparently his family have been offended by the tributes to "Alexander" when that was his working name. Not meaning to detract from your sentiments, but it was obviously important to them and him.


I am aware that his first name is Lee...I will edit my post and add it in..

Re: Twitter...My point is he posted on this site. It's unfortunate he didn't have someone reading his comments then call or go to him and take him to a hospital or whatever crisis service is available in the UK....He should have had a better support system outside of the Twitter world...

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I am aware that his first name is Lee...I will edit my post and add it in..

Re: Twitter...My point is he posted on this site. It's unfortunate he didn't have someone reading his comments then call or go to him and take him to a hospital or whatever crisis service is available in the UK....He should have had a better support system outside of the Twitter world...

Juliet, I have a Twitter account and I can write the best and worst of any particular day, but it doesn't mean anyone will even so much as read/care/act upon it. Firstly, when you use Twitter you usually write the least interesting, trivial or random of comments. There was no reason for how many thousands of followers to believe he would've killed based on a 140-lettered sentence. Secondly, I'm pretty sure if they could, his friends and family would've done all in their power to help him. If they didn't see the signs, I don't see how anyone reading over the internet could've. I can say I had a shit day, but if someone suggested I'd speak to the Samaritans or got to hospital for help, I'd think they were insane.

The bottom line is if someone wants to end their life, they will. It's unfair to blame media outlets, or to even imply his friends and family weren't a good enough 'support system'. I'm sure they have enough to grieve over as it is.

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Hi all,

He posted a few comments relating to his mother's death, and his grief, on Twitter.

Obviously, that was a sure sign that he was to end his life.

How F***in sweet,he took the time to twitter,...he couldn't take the time for his mother? :blink: Or himself? :blink:

KB :(

One more thing,You need help,need to talk?PM me,or write kbvrod@gmail.com


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Juliet, I have a Twitter account and I can write the best and worst of any particular day, but it doesn't mean anyone will even so much as read/care/act upon it. Firstly, when you use Twitter you usually write the least interesting, trivial or random of comments. There was no reason for how many thousands of followers to believe he would've killed based on a 140-lettered sentence. Secondly, I'm pretty sure if they could, his friends and family would've done all in their power to help him. If they didn't see the signs, I don't see how anyone reading over the internet could've. I can say I had a shit day, but if someone suggested I'd speak to the Samaritans or got to hospital for help, I'd think they were insane.

The bottom line is if someone wants to end their life, they will. It's unfair to blame media outlets, or to even imply his friends and family weren't a good enough 'support system'. I'm sure they have enough to grieve over as it is.

Hello LDW:

I was going to comment but I changed my mind..as my comments have been misinterpreted..

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Brit Awards were shown on MUCH MUSIC last eve...

Courtney Love was one of the presenters...she looks fabulous....I think I will buy her CD that is supposed to come out this year...

Lady Gaga used an instrument that reminded me of an episode from the original Star Trek.. :lol:

Juliet :coffee:

PS Liam Gallager swore then threw his mic and award into the audience..Believe it or not?

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  • 2 months later...

Is it time to bang on about us winning the World Cup yet


Too dam right it is, they blew everyone away that they played...well done lads....now for the footblall lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

Am I being insensitive here, or does anyone else think it's outrageous that Corrie's been postponed to a later date just because of the Lake District bloodbath?

"Just because"??????

Is this a piss-take?

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"Just because"??????

Is this a piss-take?

Not really, Knebby. I mean, Corrie didn't feature a cabbie-gone-postal, and there were no sieges in the Lake District.

D'you reckon the yanks pull all the shoot-em-up gangsta shows whenever another Marilyn Manson fan goes on the rampage? I think not. After all, that would leave their scheduling looking rather bare, wouldn't it?

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