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What's the weather like where you are?


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Appalling really for mid summer. Drizzle, rain and cold. When will forecasters stop saying " unusually cold or unseasonably shit" when this is the norm? It's like the sun or blue sky doesn't exist here. Been like it for weeks. 12 degrees c? Really in July?  Our climate has gone. It is the same all year except it's really miserable in the winter. My mate, who usually decamps to  South Africa in the winter, is almost suicidal because due to Covid he can't go to his home north of Joburg this winter. Mainly because S.A. have banned the sale of Alcohol and he is a serious booze head. I mean serious. At least 8-10 cans of Lager and wine with his dinner every day. He boozes most of the day and the thought of no booze is too much for him. I played Golf with him yesterday and I am worried he will have a melt down this winter.

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Appalling for the 15th of July , grey, murky, sheet drizzle, 'orrible.  Today is the 42nd anniversary of Bob Dylan at Blackbushe , how great the weather was that weekend, absolutely glorious.

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1 hour ago, JTM said:

Appalling for the 15th of July , grey, murky, sheet drizzle, 'orrible.  Today is the 42nd anniversary of Bob Dylan at Blackbushe , how great the weather was that weekend, absolutely glorious.

Yeah that was before the climate got fucked. Is it me, but weren't the summers of the 70's and 80's long and great? Only a year later in 79 that first weekend of Knebworth was glorious also

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2 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

Yeah that was before the climate got fucked. Is it me, but weren't the summers of the 70's and 80's long and great? Only a year later in 79 that first weekend of Knebworth was glorious also

They're seeding the clouds Man......;)


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We've got your share of summer.  Only three days in the 80's, one day in the 100's, the rest in the 90's  and no rain to speak of all month!  Fortunately, the "monsoon" pattern starts next week so hopefully we get some much needed rain!

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In the US, on some of the streaming platforms there is a free channel called "Earth Live!"

It has visible satellite view loops of entire regions, like the Pacific basin, the Atlantic Basin, the Gulf of Mexico/Texas, etc. sourced from NOAA.


You just hover over the map, choose an area, then choose the Band and select loop.


Edited by The Rover
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