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I'm not very good at playing pool, but when I'm out with my friends and there's a pool table nearby.....I'll give it a shot. What do I have to lose? So I suck and my friends see that I suck....not like they're going to stop being my friend anymore after that. And I don't have that fragile a self-esteem that if my friends see me suck at something, I lose my will to live.

But Electro you are in control of whether you improve at pool. You play it yourself. The women out there are in control of whether i am successful at approaching. I can't force them to like me and want to go out with me.

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I don't have that fragile a self-esteem that if my friends see me suck at something, I lose my will to live.

Ooooh...kinky. :D

Fuzzy, I will accept and have accepted some of the advice. But some of it i just am not successful at and some of it offends my principles.

Such as your principle not to accept any advice? :rolleyes:

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But Electro you are in control of whether you improve at pool. You play it yourself. The women out there are in control of whether i am successful at approaching. I can't force them to like me and want to go out with me.

Yeah, and not to mention my friends seeing me get rejected. Ugh. Electro if you had got rejected in front of people like i have i don't know if you would be able to just shrug it off.

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Please don't compare me to that guy. I am not like that guy at all. He was a complete wimp.

Spatner- I'm in love.

- You are a wuss. Part wimp, part pussy.

What do you mean wuss?

This girl is my... exact type.

- Where'd you see her?

- In my biology class.

- Did you get her number?

- No.

- Did you get her name?

- No! No! It's too soon.

It's never too soon, Rat.

A girl decides how far she's gonna

let you go in the first five minutes.

What am I supposed to do? Go up to

this strange girl in my biology class...

and say, "Hello. I'd like you to

take your clothes off and jump on me"?

I would.

I can see it all now. This is

gonna be just like last summer.

You fell in love

with that girl at the Fotomat.

You bought $ worth of fuckin' film,

and you never even talked to her.

You don't even own a camera!

You tell me, Mike.

What should I do?

This is what you do.

Start from the minute

you walk into biology.

I mean, don't just walk in.

Move across the room.

And you don't talk to her.

You use your face.

You use your body.

Use everything.

That's what I do.

I mean, I just send out

this vibe...

and I have personally found

that women do respond.

I mean, something happens.

Naturally something happens.

You put the vibe out to million

chicks, something is gonna happen.

That's the idea, Rat.

That's the attitude.

- The attitude?

- Yeah.

The attitude dictates

that you don't care whether

she comes, stays, lays or prays.

Whatever happens,

your toes are still tappin'.

Now, when you got that...

then you have the attitude.

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Yeah, and not to mention my friends seeing me get rejected. Ugh. Electro if you had got rejected in front of people like i have i don't know if you would be able to just shrug it off.


ffs, spats,.. quit being a whiney little bitch!

erm,.. I mean,..

shrug it off already, dude.


life goes on.

grow up.

show some balls courage.


it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved.

or in your case..

it's better to have tried and failed than to never have tried.

I can guarantee you this:

you will fail.

..at least some of the time.

I can offer you this hope:

you might just fall in love.

so go for it, muh-boy!

get that phone number!

we're all (erm, ok, not "all", but "some") (erm, ok,.. I am anyway).. rooting for you! :cheer:

[and its not just cuz we/I wanna joke about it when you get rejected. ;) ]

go for it, dude!



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Spatner- I'm in love.

- You are a wuss. Part wimp, part pussy.

What do you mean wuss?

This girl is my... exact type.

- Where'd you see her?

- In my biology class.

- Did you get her number?

- No.

- Did you get her name?

- No! No! It's too soon.

It's never too soon, Rat.

A girl decides how far she's gonna

let you go in the first five minutes.

What am I supposed to do? Go up to

this strange girl in my biology class...

and say, "Hello. I'd like you to

take your clothes off and jump on me"?

I would.

I can see it all now. This is

gonna be just like last summer.

You fell in love

with that girl at the Fotomat.

You bought $ worth of fuckin' film,

and you never even talked to her.

You don't even own a camera!

You tell me, Mike.

What should I do?

This is what you do.

Start from the minute

you walk into biology.

I mean, don't just walk in.

Move across the room.

And you don't talk to her.

You use your face.

You use your body.

Use everything.

That's what I do.

I mean, I just send out

this vibe...

and I have personally found

that women do respond.

I mean, something happens.

Naturally something happens.

You put the vibe out to million

chicks, something is gonna happen.

That's the idea, Rat.

That's the attitude.

- The attitude?

- Yeah.

The attitude dictates

that you don't care whether

she comes, stays, lays or prays.

Whatever happens,

your toes are still tappin'.

Now, when you got that...

then you have the attitude.

That's funny. :D

But that damone guy never got the women

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ffs, spats,.. quit being a whiney little bitch!

erm,.. I mean,..

shrug it off already, dude.


life goes on.

grow up.

show some balls courage.


it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved.

or in your case..

it's better to have tried and failed than to never have tried.

I can guarantee you this:

you will fail.

..at least some of the time.

I can offer you this hope:

you might just fall in love.

so go for it, muh-boy!

get that phone number!

we're all (erm, ok, not "all", but "some") (erm, ok,.. I am anyway).. rooting for you! :cheer:

[and its not just cuz we/I wanna joke about it when you get rejected. ;) ]

go for it, dude!



I appreciate the positive encouragment.

It's hard to let go of the negative past of one's life and it can give you a bad attitude. I don't think i can shrug off rejection. It is not lack of courage it's just not wanting to go through it again because you know how it feels. Why return to that. It will feel like the high school dance again or whatever. You say it's better to have tried but i wish i hadn't. I gained nothing positive from it.

The thing about possibly falling in love is that i don't think i could fall in love with a woman who feels it's the man's job to approach and expects it because i hate that attitude.

what does ffs mean?

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Spats, you always say it's not lack of courage, then you go on to describe a lack of courage. It's like saying "I'm not scared of dogs, I just don't go near them because I was attacked by one before". Then yes, you are scared of dogs.

I can just imagine a conversation with Spats about being hungry...

Spats: Man, I need something to eat

Me: Hungry, eh?

Spats: No, it's not that

Me: So why do you need something to eat?

Spats: Cuz I have this gnawing feeling in my stomach

Me: Yeah, that's called "hunger"

Spats: No, really, it's not that. I just have an empty feeling in my stomach and need to fill it

Me: Right, it's called being hungry

Spats: You keep saying I'm hungry, but I'm not, I just need food to relieve this discomfort in my stomach from it being empty

Me: Sigh...

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Spats, you always say it's not lack of courage, then you go on to describe a lack of courage. It's like saying "I'm not scared of dogs, I just don't go near them because I was attacked by one before". Then yes, you are scared of dogs.

I can just imagine a conversation with Spats about being hungry...

Spats: Man, I need something to eat

Me: Hungry, eh?

Spats: No, it's not that

Me: So why do you need something to eat?

Spats: Cuz I have this gnawing feeling in my stomach

Me: Yeah, that's called "hunger"

Spats: No, really, it's not that. I just have an empty feeling in my stomach and need to fill it

Me: Right, it's called being hungry

Spats: You keep saying I'm hungry, but I'm not, I just need food to relieve this discomfort in my stomach from it being empty

Me: Sigh...

It's not wanting to do something that does not work for you. It's not being scared. it's being smart enough to know not to repeat mistakes.

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This is getting comical, Spats.

If something works for you do you drop it and do something that does not work for you at all? That's what i am trying to say. That's not being afraid. It's just using common sense.

If you are a bad swimmer you don't jump in the lake.

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So you're the same person you were when you were a teen? You've learned nothing? You've not gained any confidence since then?

Dude, you don't gain confidence by getting rejected by girls. It just tells you that a lot of girls find you unappealing. That's not a morale booster when you are a teen. There is nothing positive to gain by that. Why would things be different now? I am not getting better looking as i get older.

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