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7 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

All I see is a $1.9M missile being used to pop a balloon which has already served it's intended purpose.



It just shows how knee jerk the biden admin is. If no one had seen it they wouldnt have done a thing.

P.S.  That missile is chump change compared to what we have given to ukraine.

Edited by hummingbird69
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I was just wondering if having a 3rd party rise up one day would help fix the long broken 2-party system?

I think I already know the answer, it's just that whenever I tune into one of the major news networks, all I see is clips or audio of a bunch of petulant dummies always arguing about which side is always right or wrong, and never seemingly getting any damn work done in Congress... :wacko:

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59 minutes ago, paul carruthers said:

I was just wondering if having a 3rd party rise up one day would help fix the long broken 2-party system?

I think I already know the answer, it's just that whenever I tune into one of the major news networks, all I see is clips or audio of a bunch of petulant dummies always arguing about which side is always right or wrong, and never seemingly getting any damn work done in Congress... :wacko:

the only thing keeping a third party from winning is a great candidate.  I would vote this ticket all day long in 28,  Tulsi Gabbard for Pres and Nicky Haley for VP.

Tulsi is an American patriot. She served this country and earned the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. She's intelligent and has good charisma. Nikki Haley would kill as VP with her extensive knowledge of Foreign Policy. Spilt the roles of domestic and foreign policies between them and you've got a winner. Plus! they would be the first female duo in politics to run the greatest country in the world. Something the left would hate so much it would make their heads explode. If trump wins in 24 and puts this country back on track then, it would be between my pick and DeSantis for 28.

DeSantis could make a good pres. He is an American Patriot who served this country and made lieutenant and then became a lawyer. He is intelligent and well spoken. The only reason I wouldn't vote for him over trump is that he has no foreign policy experience. AND TRUMP DOES??????   Not in the traditional sense but his business acumen, world travels and experience having known world leaders for years gives him a good base to work from when handling other countries. I definitely liked what he did for this country in handling of russia, china, north korea, isis and the taliban.

P.S. I don't care if anyone agrees with this or not, thats my story and I'm stickin to it.

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9 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

Which was?  Prolly just to show the world again what a weak, pathetic, dimwit bozo we have in office.

That's precisely what it was: a Communist Chinese psychological operation.

In a bizaare plot twist, a portion of the balloon recovered today has a Houston Astros logo on it. 

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I think I needed all to know about awards shows or "the Academy" when I learned The Three Stooges never won an award for Best comedy. That, and Goodfellas getting snubbed.


As for the Grammys, I have no friggin' clue what music is popular today, I just remember Homer Simpson's reaction when he got a grammy...  😅

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On 2/5/2023 at 1:41 AM, SteveAJones said:

All I see is a $1.9M missile being used to pop a balloon which has already served it's intended purpose.




On 2/5/2023 at 8:48 AM, hummingbird69 said:

It just shows how knee jerk the biden admin is. If no one had seen it they wouldnt have done a thing.

P.S.  That missile is chump change compared to what we have given to ukraine.

This is what you Karens are losing your shit over this week? If Biden does nothing, you lose your shit. If he shoots it down, you lose your shit. All the while ignoring that the Chinese sent several spy balloons during Trump's time in office and they didn't even know about it.

On 2/5/2023 at 10:20 AM, hummingbird69 said:

the only thing keeping a third party from winning is a great candidate.  I would vote this ticket all day long in 28,  Tulsi Gabbard for Pres and Nicky Haley for VP.

Tulsi is an American patriot. She served this country and earned the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. She's intelligent and has good charisma. Nikki Haley would kill as VP with her extensive knowledge of Foreign Policy. Spilt the roles of domestic and foreign policies between them and you've got a winner. Plus! they would be the first female duo in politics to run the greatest country in the world. Something the left would hate so much it would make their heads explode. If trump wins in 24 and puts this country back on track then, it would be between my pick and DeSantis for 28.

DeSantis could make a good pres. He is an American Patriot who served this country and made lieutenant and then became a lawyer. He is intelligent and well spoken. The only reason I wouldn't vote for him over trump is that he has no foreign policy experience. AND TRUMP DOES??????   Not in the traditional sense but his business acumen, world travels and experience having known world leaders for years gives him a good base to work from when handling other countries. I definitely liked what he did for this country in handling of russia, china, north korea, isis and the taliban.

P.S. I don't care if anyone agrees with this or not, thats my story and I'm stickin to it.

Never let facts get in the way of a good story.

21 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

Which was?  Prolly just to show the world again what a weak, pathetic, dimwit bozo we have in office.

The guy before him was also a weak, pathetic, dimwit bozo. 

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10 hours ago, Strider said:

This is what you Karens are losing your shit over this week? If Biden does nothing, you lose your shit. If he shoots it down, you lose your shit. All the while ignoring that the Chinese sent several spy balloons during Trump's time in office and they didn't even know about it.

Never let facts get in the way of a good story.

The guy before him was also a weak, pathetic, dimwit bozo. 

There it is, the Whataboutism. I agree Trump would not have known about it, because if he had he would have responded. Have you figured out yet the only reason they raided Mar-a-largo looking for classified documents is because they KNEW Biden had piles of classified shit squirreled away at multiple locations. The thinking was if we play the Orange Man Bad card concerning classified material, when the public finds out about Biden's egregious transgressions it won't seem so bad. For the record, it should have been shot down BEFORE it ever entered US airspace. Now we learn they knew well enough in advance to do so yet did nothing. 

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3 hours ago, redrum said:

Anyone here zombie'd out? Good Lord. 


I haven't seen this yet, was planning to. I was all zombied out from The Walking Dead. I think I made it to season 6 or 7 and just gave up as it just got too damn depressing with the narrative seemingly stuck/looping.

I do love a good Zombie flick though. Dawn of the Dead is king IMHO. Starts at the start, and doesn't try to "solve" shit.

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21 hours ago, Strider said:

The guy before him was also a weak, pathetic, dimwit bozo. 

Trump weak????  that's laughable, He stood up to the EU and was right about everything. On a broader front, only a strong leader could have taken down isis, in 9 months. (Something obama couldn't do), immediately froze russia in it's tracks, stopped the taliban from conducting operations in afghanistan, kept ill quiet and kept china in check. You call that weak???  I know you still believe all the shit the left has spewed about trump no matter how many of their lies have been exposed but that's your problem. Here's the new lie, 2/3rds of the country say they are doing better now than under trump. If you believe that well...

The biden admin is the weakest most corrupt admin this country has ever seen. Think about it.  If the 2020 election was legit then why was there so much push back any time someone came forward to say they had evidence of wrong doing??  Why fear questions about it and do what you can to make those with questions look bad??  Seems like they are trying to hid something to me. I mean, if everything was legit why fear mere questions??  Because it wasn't!! get it!! If there was nothing to see here they wouldn't have been worried about anyone looking.

They have been lying to you since trump came down the escalator and they're still at it!!  Wake up!!!!!


Edited by hummingbird69
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