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Gift for Jimmy


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Bravo Page Angel for your wonderful idea. The book is superb! It makes me happy to know that something like that, made out of positive, loving, grateful intentions has been made for Jimmy. It speaks for all of us who've been touched by his music during our lives.


Manu xxx

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You are very welcome manuforte. It really feels like all his fans are in the book in spirit. Fans of all ages, (one fan was 5 and her mom wrote what she told her) from many different countries, and in all types of situations wrote in, so it really represents everyone who has wanted to thank Jimmy for all the music he shared with us. He made a big difference to a lot of people and I think he'll be amazed when he reads these and sees just how much of a difference he actually made. I read all the celeb tributes to him when he got his Living Legend Award, and I was so glad that all of us ordinary fans have a say somewhere too! We don't get to be at all these ceremonies and say our thanks, so now we have a grand setting where our thoughts are recorded, and I guarantee this record will outlast the others by several hundred years.

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It's beautiful indeed, PageAngel.

I'm sure it will bring more than one smile to Jimmy's face.

I didn't send you any message, I felt awkward about doing it....I couldn't think of anything to write to him, and my story about LZ isn't anything special...so I felt silly writing him some silly words.

Now, to be completely honest, I wish I had sent you a message. I wish my message was part of this beautiful book.

Too late.

Nevermind though, it's a beautiful book. Tell us when you hear from Jimmy, OK?

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Nicole - oh yes, you're in. From Toronto...I remember. I don't know what you wrote either, but your message came in the same day as I was making a count of the countries and I noticed another one from Canada. Canada is well represented in the book. :)

Awesome, thanks! Yay for Canada!! :)

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I know I've already posted here but this really is just about the nicest thing I've ever heard of. I can't wait to hear about Jimmy's reaction when he receives this, how it's presented to him, etc.. I'm really excited about it and wasn't even part of it! In fact, to me, that is the only bad thing about this project ... that I didn't know about it till now and therefore, didn't get to be a part of it. :boohoo:

Really, really nice work PageAngel... such a beautiful way to let fans directly express their feelings about such a brilliant musician. Thanks again for all your efforts.

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Thanks Baroness, Prince of Peace, zengac allthekingshorses...you guys are making me feel so much better about the whole project. I am so very happy people like it. I did get quite a lot of negative comments that hurt, but I carried on because I still believe even celebrities enjoy being thanked. Thanks seems to be a dying thing these days...

Oh brspled, I wish you had sent a message. Nothing that anyone wrote was silly. How can it be when it is from your heart? Even something as simple as what one lady wrote, "I don't know what to say I just love you for all you gave" is very touching.

Henrik...are you the man who sent your message in Norwegian for me? I had 3 or 4 messages from Norway, and that message that was in Norwegian is the most memorable one for me. It looks lovely in the book with the Norwegian above the English translation. I have about 15 or so other languages in the book, and it is anther thing which makes it special.

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Oh it was you then - I couldn't remember the name of the person from Norway I asked to do the Norwegian. Yes, you are definitely in the book! I thought it would be nice to have people write in their own language if they didn't mind, but some people didn't want to. Still, I have Russian, Georgian, Croatian, Hebrew, Portuguese, French, Italian, German...too many to list really. It looks super. Thanks again for sending in the Norwegian! :)

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Having had the privilege of actually seeing and holding this book I can say that the pictures, great as they are, do not do the book justice. This book actually LIVES in your hands the leather and all - the sheer touch. It really is a class work of art. a special book for a special man. He's gonna be speechless as I was.

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I did get quite a lot of negative comments that hurt, but I carried on because I still believe even celebrities enjoy being thanked. Thanks seems to be a dying thing these days...

Anyone giveing that book and your gesture a negative comment are jealous.

The book is amazing. I can't imagine JP being anything but blown away by it.

You will have to keep us posted about any sort of response you get from the man himself. :)

Edited by tyedye
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Thanks harlequin, it is quite something to see for real, isn't it? I am glad a few of the people who contributed got to see it before it gets handed over to the person getting it to Jimmy on my behalf - and on behalf of the over 600 other people that contributed!

tydye, it's nice to hear your encouragement. I said this before but it really does help hearing all these nice things people here are saying. Giving a gift to a person as amazing as Jimmy Page is nerve wracking anyway, and it makes those nerves worse when people make you feel like you've done something wrong. I know not everyone will think this is a good thing to do, and I respect their opinions, but of course it is really great when people appreciate it and say so.

Thanks. :)

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What a totally cool idea, I can't think of a better way to show him what he has meant to all of us as well as yourself and all who contributed their stories to your project.

I'm on my knees bowing in admiration to you PageAngel :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Peace, RjK ()_))______}~~~

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Thanks so much, you're all very kind...but don't be saying Jimmy is lucky to have me as a fan...no no no...There are plenty of amazing fans out there, I'm just one of millions. I'm the lucky one - to have his beautiful playing to listen to and be inspired by is beyond words wonderful! It's been the one constant joy in my life since I was a little girl and has made me hugely, hugely happy.

The book was dropped off in London today with the person who will be giving it to him. As I understand it, he should have it in a few week's time. I will let everyone know as soon as I hear anything. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that he likes it.

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I have a feeling he is going to show up at PageAngels doorstep for such a magnificent gift. Even if I had thought for a long time, I doubt I could have matched such a beautiful, rare, and yet sincerely personal and heartfelt gift as she is giving Jimmy. It truley is a magnificent treasure that Jimmy will remember, peruse, share with close friends, and reflect on for many years.

... wow....

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Thanks so much, you're all very kind...but don't be saying Jimmy is lucky to have me as a fan...no no no...There are plenty of amazing fans out there, I'm just one of millions. I'm the lucky one - to have his beautiful playing to listen to and be inspired by is beyond words wonderful! It's been the one constant joy in my life since I was a little girl and has made me hugely, hugely happy.

The book was dropped off in London today with the person who will be giving it to him. As I understand it, he should have it in a few week's time. I will let everyone know as soon as I hear anything. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that he likes it.

Fantastic!!! Can't wait to hear all the about it. I know he will like it.....no, scratch that, he'll LOVE it! I think he will be deeply touched by the book.

And PageAngel, I know you have said it's not about you but still I want to express thanks to you for your hard work, effort, patience and love in putting this project together. :)

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