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Rules for listening to Stairway


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they are stupid but this is seriously what my friends and i think.


We the teenagers of this group, in order to form a more perfect understanding, establish listening, insure songs limits, provide a common defense, promote classic tunes, and secure the blessings brought by each song to ourselves, do ordain and establish these Articles of the Greats.

Article 1:

Sec. 1 - Stairway to Heaven

To be enacted by the by this group, then wherever a person is, if he hears this song, he must then listen to it; five rules established will be as followed: if he fast-forward’s though “Stairway to Heaven”, it is sin and shall be charged a fine not exceeding $2, for if he stops “Stairway to Heaven” it is sin and shall be charged a fine not exceeding $5, for if by any means, plays another song during “Stairway to Heaven”, it is sin and will be charged a fine not exceeding $10. If he chooses to rewind, may he do so without punishment, if for any means pauses “Stairway to Heaven”, it is sin and shall be charged a fine not exceeding $1.

Sec. 2

To be further enacted, if he decides to curse, put down, swear, etc. about “Stairway to Heaven” in any means, it is sin and shall be charged a fine not exceeding $20. If he so chooses to talk down Led Zeppelin, he shall pay a fine not exceeding $4.

haha. we havent finished it yet. (its a rip off of the Alien and Sedation acts of 1796 enacted by Pres. John Adams.)

Edited by JimmyPageZoSo56
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LOL! That cracked me up. In all seriousness, these rules are far too soft, and i'll follow them. I just don't trust anyone who doesnt like Stairway, means their mind is musically shallow. Zep fans who bash it are doing it sometimes in some sort of attempt to look more musically advanced, just makes them look silly to me. For me, something that powerful never gets old, you dont want to wear it out to much..but for god sakes its Stairway to heaven!

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I just don't trust anyone who doesnt like Stairway, means their mind is musically shallow.

What the fuck does that even mean? :huh:

Yeah, it would be very shallow and closed minded to NOT like Stairway... <_<

Yeah;and if you absolutely loooove it,you must be a perfect human being,in every possible way. :rolleyes:

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they are stupid but this is seriously what my friends and i think.


We the teenagers of this group, in order to form a more perfect understanding, establish listening, insure songs limits, provide a common defense, promote classic tunes, and secure the blessings brought by each song to ourselves, do ordain and establish these Articles of the Greats.

Article 1:

Sec. 1 - Stairway to Heaven

To be enacted by the by this group, then wherever a person is, if he hears this song, he must then listen to it; five rules established will be as followed: if he fast-forward’s though “Stairway to Heaven”, it is sin and shall be charged a fine not exceeding $2, for if he stops “Stairway to Heaven” it is sin and shall be charged a fine not exceeding $5, for if by any means, plays another song during “Stairway to Heaven”, it is sin and will be charged a fine not exceeding $10. If he chooses to rewind, may he do so without punishment, if for any means pauses “Stairway to Heaven”, it is sin and shall be charged a fine not exceeding $1.

Sec. 2

To be further enacted, if he decides to curse, put down, swear, etc. about “Stairway to Heaven” in any means, it is sin and shall be charged a fine not exceeding $20. If he so chooses to talk down Led Zeppelin, he shall pay a fine not exceeding $4.

haha. we havent finished it yet. (its a rip off of the Alien and Sedation acts of 1796 enacted by Pres. John Adams.)

That's funny! I like young people who think like you. ;)

It reminds me of my teenage days when I imposed the 11th Commandment upon friends and family:

--Thou shalt not switch the radio channel whilst a song by Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, or The Moody Blues is playing.

So far I haven't sinned......and have even added a few more musicians to the list.

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Of course teenagers today can do what we did 35 plus years ago (shudder) when Stairway was first released............

.......of course, this being the modern world I can't exactly SAY what we used to do, but think about it for a couple of minutes and it might come to you......... :mellow:


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ok guys lets just chill. this thread is just meant to talk about STH and yes, i do understand that people dont like it. they dont have to like it, its just meant to be a joke.hahaha

if you wanna bash someone, send them a message. just thought i'd mention it.

Edited by JimmyPageZoSo56
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...To be further enacted, if he decides to curse, put down, swear, etc. about "Stairway to Heaven" in any means, it is sin and shall be charged a fine not exceeding $20. If he so chooses to talk down Led Zeppelin, he shall pay a fine not exceeding $4.

haha. we havent finished it yet. (its a rip off of the Alien and Sedation acts of 1796 enacted by Pres. John Adams.)

What if some goof decides to play it backwards to see if the speech reversals are really there? How much shall they be fined? Hmm? Hmm? HMM?! lol

Believe it or not;there is such a thing as a person who doesn't like "Stairway".

Imagine that.......

Oh;the horror. :rolleyes:

Yeah, his name is Robert Plant.

...I just don't trust anyone who doesnt like Stairway, means their mind is musically shallow...

Yeah, it would be very shallow and closed minded to NOT like Stairway... <_<

If you ever see Robert Plant, be sure and mention how you think he's shallow and closed minded and such because he doesn't care for the song anymore, ok? This is really a bad generalization, I think.

...It reminds me of my teenage days when I imposed the 11th Commandment upon friends and family:

--Thou shalt not switch the radio channel whilst a song by Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, or The Moody Blues is playing...

When I worked at Sonic, we had the muzak switched to classic rock from time to time and anytime Led Zeppelin came on, me and this other guy I knew, would loudly announce how Sonic was now closed and no orders could be took until the song was over. But only for Zeppelin, of course! :D

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LOL! That cracked me up. In all seriousness, these rules are far too soft, and i'll follow them. I just don't trust anyone who doesnt like Stairway, means their mind is musically shallow. Zep fans who bash it are doing it sometimes in some sort of attempt to look more musically advanced, just makes them look silly to me. For me, something that powerful never gets old, you dont want to wear it out to much..but for god sakes its Stairway to heaven!

Exactly. I love those guidelines :)

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LOL! That cracked me up. In all seriousness, these rules are far too soft, and i'll follow them. I just don't trust anyone who doesnt like Stairway, means their mind is musically shallow. Zep fans who bash it are doing it sometimes in some sort of attempt to look more musically advanced, just makes them look silly to me. For me, something that powerful never gets old, you dont want to wear it out to much..but for god sakes its Stairway to heaven!

You just might have the most serious case of Fanboyitis I've ever seen.

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