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The Worst Band Ever


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Seriously, what the fuck? Are you on crack? Deaf? Tone deaf?

Explain, because I just can't understand how anyone could possibly dislike the Lips even the slightest. :blink:

That's music for you. B)

What else do I hate? Nickelback/Creed, My Chemical Romance, Billy Talent, Jim Morrison, Aerosmith, Guns n Roses, '80s hair metal.... Kurt Cobain...

Edited by songbird
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You know, I actually really like The Mars Volta, but they are HORRIBLE live. They opened for the Chili Peppers when I saw them two years ago and it was bar none the worst live performance I've ever seen. Their lead singer had his ass to the audience the whole time, you couldn't hear him at any point, no one moved at all, there were like 20 people and all this crap on stage. People started throwing their beer at them. I felt sorry for them because I think their studio stuff is far better. I love their guitarist, Omar Rodriguez. I think he does some interesting things. I can totally understand why people wouldn't like them, though.

Maybe it was the venue you were at....I saw them on that tour and I was blown away how good they were live....if the acoustics suck at a venue, it doesn't matter who you are....you are going to sound like shit!!!

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That's music for you. B)

I just find it a little saddening when other people close their minds and ears to what is amazing music and art. The Flaming Lips are one of my favourite bands, listening to their music has been like nothing else I've ever experienced, and they are probably some of the best and most down to earth people in the music scene. They allow boots of shows and unreleased stuff to circulate freely on their webforums, take the time to chat with fans after their shows, invite people up on stage. Not to mention they are one of the most creative bands of all time. Zaireeka was a four cd set that was intended to be played on four different sound systems and is one of the most creative albums of all time, it's like giving people an even more deep musical experience as well as bringing people together. And the music is amazing. The only reason someone could come up with not liking them in my view is that they have a closed mind and aren't open to new or interesting sounds. Even their punk-ish stuff from the 80s has some merit, with 12 albums and hundreds of b-sides it's impossible not to find at least one song of theirs you like.

Worst band ever? That's an insult to them and all of their family, friends, and fans.

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Obviously I didn't mean that literally, but I'm still mystified as to why someone would think they're one of the worst bands ever.

I don't know why some people don't like the Eagles. I think they wrote some great songs, put on a great live show, and sing flawlessly. Others don't like their politics and think they're sell-outs. I can understand why those people feel that way, but I don't let it affect my opinion of the music.

Maybe they listened to it and just don't like it.

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I don't know why some people don't like the Eagles. I think they wrote some great songs, put on a great live show, and sing flawlessly. Others don't like their politics and think they're sell-outs. I can understand why those people feel that way, but I don't let it affect my opinion of the music.

Maybe they listened to it and just don't like it.

Fair enough, It's not as though it'll stop me from enjoying their music. I'm still curious though, sometimes we just have a bad first impression of a band. I used to hate Metallica, but now I've come around and I enjoy the first four albums immensely.

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While they aren't exactly technically brilliant, they had that a great energy and were quite fun live. Provided you stayed out of the mosh pit (i'm short, it was scary :blink: )

Seemed to me like they were pretty tight rythmically, which Green Day picked up on and took to the next level.

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I love to read what people HATE !!! :lol:

just like I love to read what they love.

I can't pick ONE single band or performer I hate.....but plenty come to mind...many I'd get bashed in the head over ..by some of you here.

I hate hair metal, with few exceptions (Van Halen)...I hate Boston, Styx, Journey (Steve Perry era), REO, much of the revered 'classic rock'...even though I have my own collection entitled "Guitar Rock"..by the Time Life series...but it's selective. I burnt the stuff I liked from my friends 10 disc collection. I was into progrock and progjazz during that Nugent/Foreigner/Journey era.....I didn't like FM rock hardly at all in the mid to late 70s...

Heresy you say ? Maybe...I do like some of it as i said...

I hate Donna Summer/Bee Gees type disco...but I love the FUNK style incorporated into disco....

I couldn't give a rats ass about alot of OLD PEOPLE type of songwriter shit either.....sorry Jahfin...but stuff like Jimmy Buffett and parrotheadDUMB !!!!! I HATE IT !!!!! BARF !!!!!!!!

Don't bore me !! I'm NOT OLD !!!! that to me appeals to the Budweiser boring crowd !!!!!

I may think of others...but I'd really rather fucking NOT...

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I couldn't give a rats ass about alot of OLD PEOPLE type of songwriter shit either.....sorry Jahfin...but stuff like Jimmy Buffett and parrotheadDUMB !!!!! I HATE IT !!!!! BARF !!!!!!!!

Don't bore me !! I'm NOT OLD !!!! that to me appeals to the Budweiser boring crowd !!!!!

No need to apologize. Lots of folks automatically write off performers like Buffett even though they may have heard only one or two songs and have a preconcieved notion of what the rest of his catalog is like without ever having heard a note of it. Me, I was a fan long before Margaritaville was a hit or his shows took on such heavy production values. There's nothing the matter with any of that but what first attracted me to his music was the clever turn of a phrase and the unique mixture of musical styles of his early records. As for songwriters in general I've always been a huge fan of lyricists such as Guy Clark, Billy Joe Shaver, Steve Goodman, John Prine, Steve Earle, Ryan Adams, Jerry Jeff Walker, Willie Nelson, etc. If that makes me old, boring or part of the Budweiser crowd, so be it but I certainly don't consider myself any of those things. I do consider myself a fan of a finely crafted song though.

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Any band? How fucked up it must be to live with ones ears buried in the sand, not to mention all the great bands you've automatically written off.

Actually there are other bands that may have a song or two that I like including most of the bands mentioned here ( Kiss included ) would I ever mention them as a great group? NO

Over all I'm a music lover and hear just fine, but have kept my wallet burried :lol:


I'm with you on this one, there is some great new music out there, Dzldoc needs to look harder through all the BS, you're never going to find the good stuff on regular radio or mtv.

You are correct about the BS I personally haven't watched MTV since it went to reality tv

As far as radio goes , it's broke in my ride and at work we could only agree on some oldie station. Old timers and the brothers can't handle Zeppelin :lol:

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I love to read what people HATE !!! :lol:

just like I love to read what they love.

I can't pick ONE single band or performer I hate.....but plenty come to mind...many I'd get bashed in the head over ..by some of you here.

I hate hair metal, with few exceptions (Van Halen)...I hate Boston, Styx, Journey (Steve Perry era), REO, much of the revered 'classic rock'...even though I have my own collection entitled "Guitar Rock"..by the Time Life series...but it's selective. I burnt the stuff I liked from my friends 10 disc collection. I was into progrock and progjazz during that Nugent/Foreigner/Journey era.....I didn't like FM rock hardly at all in the mid to late 70s...

Heresy you say ? Maybe...I do like some of it as i said...

I hate Donna Summer/Bee Gees type disco...but I love the FUNK style incorporated into disco....

I couldn't give a rats ass about alot of OLD PEOPLE type of songwriter shit either.....sorry Jahfin...but stuff like Jimmy Buffett and parrotheadDUMB !!!!! I HATE IT !!!!! BARF !!!!!!!!

Don't bore me !! I'm NOT OLD !!!! that to me appeals to the Budweiser boring crowd !!!!!

I may think of others...but I'd really rather fucking NOT...

I hear ya joel even though i like the bands you said you don't, you seem to have what i have, i think, tell me if you agree, i call it picky ear syndrome, my tastes waiver towards hard rock and metal yet i really dont care for alot of so-called hardrock or heavy metal bands. ITs like it appeals to me and i crank it or its cheesy and kinda stupid and that mind set sorta seems to me is where your at! :o

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Explain, because I just can't understand how anyone could possibly dislike the Lips even the slightest. :blink:

Edit: Sorry for being an ass, I was just shocked that someone would think that of them.

Yes, it was a bit ass-ish, but I forgive you. I get this all the time from my friends anyway. I'm the freak who prefers classic rock to anything else.

My opinion is just that-an opinion. They just grate man, like nails on a chalkboard. I have the same reaction to Bob Dylan-can't stand the man.

But, I am open to changing my opinion. Recommend me a title and I'll be glad to give them yet another listen.


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I dont agree with you often Electrophile but when it comes to the Eagles I cant just sit back and take it. The Eagles are a great band. Not good. GREAT!! And they have the numbers to back them up. How can anybody not like Hotel California? The lead guitar is classic! Henley is my second favorite vocalist of all time. Have only Plant ahead of him. They all can sing great including Timothy B Schmidt. The Eagles are one of the greatest bands of all time. And Joelman, what do you have against Journey and Styx? Perry has a great voice. You dont even like "Dont Stop Believin"?? Great song. Great group.

I'm with you all the way on that one!

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The Eagles are a great band. Not good. GREAT!! And they have the numbers to back them up.

What numbers? Sales figures? Look at the charts (past and present) and see what moves the most units. A lot of it is utter teen pop crap. So, if an artist has great "numbers" that automatically means they're good? I don't think so. I've explained my stance on the Eagles a number of times and a big part of it is their music even though I do like some of their material. The vast majority of it doesn't move me in any way though (other than to switch stations as quickly as possible). The other thing is the "pioneers of country rock" label. Yeah, their backing of Linda Ronstadt is definitely noteworthy and they were certainly among the first to effectively mix country and rock but I also have no problem saying Gram Parsons and the Flying Burrito Brothers (among many other artists) were light years ahead of the Eagles in the "country rock" dept. As for Hotel California, my aversion to it has nothing at all to do with the Eagles themselves but everything to do with "classic rock" radio playing it into the ground along with Stairway, Freebird and tons of other tunes. That's why I'm nearly always singing the praises of satellite radio. While you may hear many of the artists played on classic rock radio they wisely avoid playing the over exposed tracks, especially on channels like XM's Deep Tracks.

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I think the reason so many groups like Foreigner, Journey, Boston, Styx, REO Speedwagon, Kansas, etc. are frowned upon now is that they are percieved as faceless, corporate bands who were all too indicative of album radio in the mid to late 70s and early 80s. There's also the classic rock radio burnout factor where many of these bands songs were played into oblivion, to the point where a lot of us just don't want to hear them anymore. I'm not ashamed to say I have a few records by some of these artists in my collection but I also have no problem saying there are tons of artists I put way ahead of them as far as stuff I still listen to from that era.

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So in the case of a song like Hotel California you are saying that you are more or less sick of hearing it rather than saying its not a good song right??

My exact words: "As for Hotel California, my aversion to it has nothing at all to do with the Eagles themselves but everything to do with "classic rock" radio playing it into the ground along with Stairway, Freebird and tons of other tunes."

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Zeppelin, Stones and Beatles and Floyd get played to death also though. And we dont get sick of them really.

Speak for yourself. I don't care who the artist is, if the folks that program classic rock radio only allow the same exact 7-8 songs to be played over and over again, I'm going to tire of them no matter how much I may like (or dislike) the artist. It's called programming to the masses by playing it safe and only staying with the same tried and true songs. The "classic rock" format sucked the very life out of AOR (Album Oriented Rock). What was once an adventurous format that wasn't afraid to take chances by playing deep album tracks turned into a marketing ploy scared to veer from the norm in fear of losing listeners. Few songs can make me change stations faster than Boston's More Than A Feeling. Again, it has nothing to do with the song itself but the fact that it's been played into the fucking ground.

I agree with most but I think Journey is being unfairly criticized by some. I think they are great and I think perry has a great voice. Songs like Dont Stop Believin and Open Arms and Wheel in the Sky are very good in my opinion.

That's what this entire thread boils down to, opinions. You may think Journey are so great as to be free of criticism and you can't imagine how anyone could possibily dislike them but by the same token there's some of us that can't possibily imagine how a poster such as yourself could write off an entire decade of music. I may think Pearl Jam are one of the absolute best bands to emerge from that decade but no amount of championing them is going to change anyone's mind who has already decided there will never be any better band than the ones they grew up listening to in the 60s, 70s and 80s.

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Yes, it was a bit ass-ish, but I forgive you. I get this all the time from my friends anyway. I'm the freak who prefers classic rock to anything else.

My opinion is just that-an opinion. They just grate man, like nails on a chalkboard. I have the same reaction to Bob Dylan-can't stand the man.

But, I am open to changing my opinion. Recommend me a title and I'll be glad to give them yet another listen.


Well, I can see you like a certain type of sound...so, there are some tracks floating around on the internet of them covering Zeppelin, as well as a load of other "Classic Rock" bands. They're all huge fans of Zeppelin.


There's also an awesome cover of No Quarter on the At War With The Mystics dvd, you might be able to get it off of iTunes or something. And if you're a fan of Queen, a cover of Bohemian Rhapsody.

Another great one is their Transmissions from The Satellite Heart album, I'm not sure what you've heard from them already, but this is a very psychedelic album, so if you're into early Floyd you might enjoy their stuff from around 88' to 95' ish.

Some original Lips songs to check out

Turn It On (This one is off of Transmissions)

Begs and Achin' (off of Telepathic Surgery)

The Spark That Bled (off of The Soft Bulletin)

Well there you go, hopefully you'll have a higher opinion of them after listening to some of this.

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Zeppelin, Stones and Beatles and Floyd get played to death also though. And we dont get sick of them really. I agree with most but I think Journey is being unfairly criticized by some. I think they are great and I think perry has a great voice. Songs like Dont Stop Believin and Open Arms and Wheel in the Sky are very good in my opinion.

I'm with you on this one Journey kicked ass. Open arms is what my wife chose for our wedding dance. Some of Perry's solo stuff is great too. After he did his solo gig, we saw journey again and they performed some of his solo songs. One that is stuck in my memory that shook the auditorium was " Strung Out!" Randy Jackson on base was fantastic! I'm a music lover. Some of these self proclaimed music purist can KMA so FN what if they sell a million records at Whale Mart, it's the way of the world now. The squeeky wheel no longer gets greased it gets tossed aside sad but reality.

Domo arigato!

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Thanks much-I'll give them a listen. Especially the originals you mentioned, they don't sound familiar.

Another great one is their Transmissions from The Satellite Heart album, I'm not sure what you've heard from them already, but this is a very psychedelic album, so if you're into early Floyd you might enjoy their stuff from around 88' to 95' ish.

Some original Lips songs to check out

Turn It On (This one is off of Transmissions)

Begs and Achin' (off of Telepathic Surgery)

The Spark That Bled (off of The Soft Bulletin)

Well there you go, hopefully you'll have a higher opinion of them after listening to some of this.

Edited by mordor_maiden
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