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LMAO @ JP78. "He's in so much pain he should take 'em off??" That's as good an excuse as any for him to get nekkid for us. :D

As for that picture of them in the car above...I've always wondered just why Jimmy looks cranky. Was he dozing off and the photographer person woke him off? The car too hot? No room for him to relax? Did something happen outside the car to piss him off? And what's Bonzo thinking off too? And where's JPJ? And how is Percy able to sleep through all the chaos?

...where was this picture taken by the way?

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Look at sweet Robert,sleeping like a baby

LMAO @ JP78. "He's in so much pain he should take 'em off??" That's as good an excuse as any for him to get nekkid for us. :D

As for that picture of them in the car above...I've always wondered just why Jimmy looks cranky. Was he dozing off and the photographer person woke him off? The car too hot? No room for him to relax? Did something happen outside the car to piss him off? And what's Bonzo thinking off too? And where's JPJ? And how is Percy able to sleep through all the chaos?

...where was this picture taken by the way?

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more jimmy and bonzo but shows him sleeping



aww the poor baby must be sooooo tired..look at him, how innocent^^ these 3 pairs of eyes have seen more than all of us together..

I dreamed of Robert the other night..oh my, that was wonderful!! He was performing on stage with an acoustic guitar (duh??) and he came down to me and whispered "Are you having a good time?". I said that I was loving it and he wandered off back to the stage..

then I was rudely awoken by my bleedin alarm clock..I've never hated that thing so much as that morning^^

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I guess all we can do is dream,look how gorgeous he is sleeping

aww the poor baby must be sooooo tired..look at him, how innocent^^ these 3 pairs of eyes have seen more than all of us together..

I dreamed of Robert the other night..oh my, that was wonderful!! He was performing on stage with an acoustic guitar (duh??) and he came down to me and whispered "Are you having a good time?". I said that I was loving it and he wandered off back to the stage..

then I was rudely awoken by my bleedin alarm clock..I've never hated that thing so much as that morning^^

aww the poor baby must be sooooo tired..look at him, how innocent^^ these 3 pairs of eyes have seen more than all of us together..

I dreamed of Robert the other night..oh my, that was wonderful!! He was performing on stage with an acoustic guitar (duh??) and he came down to me and whispered "Are you having a good time?". I said that I was loving it and he wandered off back to the stage..

then I was rudely awoken by my bleedin alarm clock..I've never hated that thing so much as that morning^^

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I know this is a picture thread, but I'm sure you gals wouldn't mind this lil piece..oh god I'm melting away, he's adorable!!

Thats one of my fav clips, in fact it's in my favourite "file" on my youtube account but don't ask me how many Robert Plant/Led Zep stuff I have on it as I've lost count.

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I know,I am also obsessed

Thats one of my fav clips, in fact it's in my favourite "file" on my youtube account but don't ask me how many Robert Plant/Led Zep stuff I have on it as I've lost count.

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maybe Robert kept leaning his head down on Jimmy's shoulder. when i was a kid and rode the bus a few times sometimes a kid sitting next to me would fall asleep and their head would start leaning down and end up on my shoulder a few times.

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Well, shitfire. Just when I think I might be coming back to sanity and not loving Robert quite so much, he pulls me right back into obsession. That interview was the best thing I have ever seen him do. I love his boots and socks, I want to be the Teddy Bear. Too much to bear, way too much. He's so beautiful and just so sweet. Am I wrong to want to just touch him, one time. That's all, and I'll die happy.

Thanks again Zoso.

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