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Vote for President of the USA

The Rover

Vote for your Choice for President of the USA  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want to be President of the USA in 2009 ?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Barack Obama
    • John McCain
    • Mike Huckabee
    • Michael Bloomberg
    • Ralph Nader
    • Ron Paul

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I would have to say that Ron Paul is the best example of what a president should be out of those who are running. He's the most like a libertarian and really does seem to be the furthest from either a Republican or a Democrat... which is something we really need at this point. The two party system is one of the biggest reasons I think our government is so corrupt.

This is actually the first presidential election I'll be able to vote in (I turned 18 less than a month after the last one), so I'm kind of excited that for once there's a decent guy in the primaries. I highly doubt he'll actually end up as the Republican candidate, though. If he doesn't, I'll write in my dad.

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I would have to say that Ron Paul is the best example of what a president should be out of those who are running. He's the most like a libertarian and really does seem to be the furthest from either a Republican or a Democrat... which is something we really need at this point. The two party system is one of the biggest reasons I think our government is so corrupt.

This is actually the first presidential election I'll be able to vote in (I turned 18 less than a month after the last one), so I'm kind of excited that for once there's a decent guy in the primaries. I highly doubt he'll actually end up as the Republican candidate, though. If he doesn't, I'll write in my dad.

Whoo, I voted the same. :D :D :D

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No one who has a chance to get far really looks that appealing to me; I may just stay out of the presidential voting entirely unless I get some pleasant surprises. It's as bad as voting for the board of education.

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^our state elected a man who hasn't ever been an educator to the state superintendent of public instruction position. Really smart, you stupid hillbillies. They saw the ® next to it and punched the ticket. :lol: Even better--his college degree was from a college that gave credits for "life experience." WTF?!?

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Our locals were just as knee-jerk during the 2006 midterms, when anybody with an R got voted out simply because of disgust with Bush, job performance aside - Maryland is about 2:1 Democrats and a demographic shift is underway in my county anyway, so there you go. My area is largely corrupt anyway, so it's not like it even matters who's in charge, Democrat or Republican - largely, stupidity reigns supreme regardless.

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Did the other thread get deleted? What the hippity-hop is this?

Well, I'll tell you what this is...It's another Presidental Thread with different Voting Options, because I thought the options on the other thread were too limited.

I don't mean to imply there's something wrong about the other thread...

I just like my poll options... Better. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...


He will have to get out of the Republican party and go indipendent. he's not going to get the nomination and may already be too late with ralphie jumping in efing things up.

Folks I have a feeling that things are going to get real bad real fast if barry gets in.

Who knows with john. Don't jump me it's just my opinion and if I'm wrong I'll come back

and take my licks.


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Did the other thread get deleted?

And I don't know much about politics but I think it's going to be Hilary Clinton. But I also think that she will be assassinated because she's a woman. If Obama wins he will be assassinated too because he's African American. Just my opinion though.

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Did the other thread get deleted?

And I don't know much about politics but I think it's going to be Hilary Clinton. But I also think that she will be assassinated because she's a woman. If Obama wins he will be assassinated too because he's African American. Just my opinion though.

The other thread is up and running.... except now we cannot go back and change our posts after a certain time, so it's not possible for that thread to list Ralph N. I added Ralph on a hunch that he would throw his hat into the ring. :)

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Here are a few of the Issues that Ralph Nader would tackle in a Presidency:

Aggressive crackdown on corporate crime and corporate welfare

Open up the Presidential debates

Repeal the Taft-Hartley anti-union law

Adopt a Wall Street securities speculation tax

No to nuclear power, solar energy first

Adopt single payer national health insurance

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I don't know much about politics because no one in my family is really political and I haven't taken government classes in school yet. What's the point of the electorial college? If the voters get to pick the people then why do we need an electorial college.

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